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Passion After Dark

Page 15

by J. a Melville

  “She is not under my control Allegra.” Fabian interrupted them, not slowing down as he thrust into Cassie. “She wanted this and she is in a heightened state of pleasure which has made her less aware of her surroundings. It has nothing to do with me controlling her. Now unless you’re thinking about joining us, perhaps you could give us some privacy?” He swung those pale eyes of his over to them and Dominick knew he had to get Allegra out of there before her behaviour angered his sire.

  He grabbed her around the waist and backed her out closing the door behind them and they both paused when they heard Cassie scream out Fabian’s name before gradually dying down to a few moans and gasps.

  “Come cara, we need to get out of here now. I do not wish to anger my sire.” He led her back up the stairs to the main level of the house and although Allegra came with him, he could feel the tension in her body.

  As they headed back towards the living room Dominick tried to read the expression of the woman alongside of him but she seemed so closed off, her lips tight and there was none of her usual expressive self, visible to him. He had the awful feeling that he was about to lose the only woman he had ever loved.

  Chapter Thirteen.


  God but my head was spinning with what I’d just seen and Dominick’s attitude to it all. Fuck but he’d been aroused from seeing Fabian doing what he was doing to Cassie and bloody hell Cassie? Well, I was never going to be able to look her in the eyes again.

  What was it with these fucking vampires? They were all bloody exhibitionists or something? How could Dominick talk to Fabian and Fabian answer him, for them to keep a normal conversation going while he was fucking Cassie the way he was? I hadn’t known where to look and damn but the man would just come and then carry on with the conversation like nothing was going on?

  He had her suspended by ropes for crying out loud and what was the deal with Dominick’s room? I hadn’t been so focused on Fabian and Cassie that I’d missed what was in the room.

  There were chains everywhere, benches with cuffs attached to them, a huge bed with chains hanging from the ceiling and mirrors over the bed too, there was some strange looking wooden cross thing on the wall and I know Dominick wasn’t religious even though it wasn’t THAT kind of cross, it was like a cross from a naughts and crosses game and the cross had cuffs and straps attached to it, so I could only guess what he did with that thing.

  It was a revelation to see it all and it changed the way I looked at this man who had captivated me so far but in a short time had now left me with the realisation that he came from a lifestyle that I could never be a part of.

  “Liar.” That little voice said. “You want to know what it would be like to be in the position Cassie is in.” I shook my head trying to shut up the voice inside me.

  “Cara? Please talk to me.” Dominick said softly and when I turned to him, his stunning eyes were watching me intently.

  I looked at him and inside my heart was breaking. When it was just him, I could pretend he wasn’t a part of this scene but I was fooling myself, he was and his reaction to seeing Cassie and Fabian convinced me of that. He might say it’s a basic reflex, something he couldn’t help but if he got hard every time he saw a couple having sex, was he wishing he was in the scene too?

  “Cara, please, say something.” Dominick said and I closed my eyes, not wanting to look at him, not wanting to see those stunning, mesmerizing eyes and that gorgeous face of his.

  To look at him would rob me of the strength to do what I knew I had to do. I had to let him go. Much as it was going to break me to say good bye, I was kidding myself into thinking I could ever come to accept this kind of lifestyle.

  “Dominick, I need to leave but I can’t go without Cassie. Is she going to be ‘busy’ all night or will Fabian finish with her soon?”

  “I don’t know cara but please don’t go. We can talk about this. Why do I feel like you are leaving me?”

  Because I am, I thought to myself. “I can’t be a part of this Dominick. I need time to think, I can’t get the image out of my head of Cassie and Fabian. Oh god, it…it…it’s too much. Would you do that? Would you make love to me with them all standing around watching?”

  “God no cara. I don’t want anyone to see you as I see you. You are mine. Ti amo cara.”

  “Aww what’s wrong Nicky boy? Is your little human finding it all too much to take is she? I told you it’s a mistake to get involved with a human. You need to stick with your own kind big brother. It’s just so much better, the sex is much better and you don’t have to worry about hurting a vampire when you fuck her. I should know. You’ve fucked me many times and you just do it so well too.” Fran’s voice interrupted Dominick and I.

  I spun around to face Fran and the way I was feeling as I watched my relationship with the most beautiful man I was ever likely to meet, fall apart around me, his sister’s crap was not something I was ready to deal with.

  “Do you have somewhere we can go that is private Dominick so we can talk? I don’t wish to have this conversation around your sister and for the record Francesca it really isn’t necessary to constantly remind me of the sex you and Dominick have had when it’s obvious it isn’t you he wants to have sex with now.” I snapped back at her while my eyes remained on him.

  I watched his lips curve up in a smile at my words despite his best efforts to hide it and when he reached out to take my hand I gave it to him and allowed him to lead me from the room.

  “What am I going to do Nicky?” Fran’s voice followed us and Dominick turned to her.

  “Go home Fran. There’s no reason for you to be here.” He said and continued towards the staircase to the upper level of his home.

  Once we were upstairs, he led me into a massive bedroom with a huge, imposing bed that dominated the room. It was heavy, very ornate timber with massive posts that rose up to support a timber frame above the bed, which attached to the ceiling.

  I stared at it, mouth open and wondered why anyone needed such a big bed. I was relieved to see that there were no chains or shackles in this room at least.

  “Is this your room?” I asked him and he nodded.

  “Come and sit on the bed cara. Relax.” He said when I tensed up. “I won’t bite.”

  I looked at his face when he said that but there was no humour there. He looked tense and something in his eyes made my heart hurt to look at him. Was it pain, acceptance? I wasn’t sure. I think he knew this talk was not going to go well for either of us.

  My eyes moved over every one of his beautiful features and I tried to imagine never seeing them again, never having those large hands with the long slim fingers touching me again, to never feel him on me, in me again and tears welled in my eyes. One more time I thought, I have to have him just one more time before I say good bye. The talk could wait, I wanted him now, just once more.

  “Fuck me Dominick, make me forget what I saw in your dungeon or whatever it is, make me feel something other than the disgust.” I whispered, raising my hand to cup his cheek, my thumb rubbing over his unshaven face. I loved the hair. It wasn’t a beard but it was more than simply a need to shave too. God but he was so handsome, so beautiful.

  “Are you sure that is what you want cara? I want you bellezza, I will always want you. I just…I just…” He broke off and I stared at him seeing that look in his eyes again. “Non spezzare il mio cuore cara.”

  I wondered what he’d just said to me but at this point I didn’t want to know. I leaned towards him and touched my lips to his, feeling the coolness of them and his arms came out pulling me against him as his lips closed over mine.

  “Ti amo cara, ti amo. Non mi lasciare.” The words tumbled from his lips in between kisses and I could hear the note of urgency in them. What was he saying to me?

  Suddenly he stood up and began to strip out of his clothes and I could do nothing more than watch him, my heart pounding as more and more of this incredible sexy creature was revealed to me.

When he was naked he walked towards me, that snake tattoo on full display as he was erect, fuck but was he erect. That huge cock of his standing before me.

  “Stand up cara.” He said huskily and I stood on suddenly shaky legs while he took the hem of my dress and pulled it up my body and over my head, tossing it to a chair near the bed.

  I stepped out of my shoes and stood before him in matching cream coloured lacy bra and thong.

  “Sei cosi bella.” Dominick said softly and I wondered why tonight he seemed to be speaking to me mostly in Italian. Was it because he knew too?

  He released the clasp on my bra and helped me out of my thong and once I was naked he stood simply staring at me for a few moments. I wasn’t used to him like this. When he fucked me it was amazing but Dominick fucked hard so this man standing before me, touching me almost reverently was not what I was accustomed to.

  He moved to the bed and lay down, his head on the pillows and he beckoned to me. “Come ride me cara, you set the pace for this coming together of our bodies.”

  I climbed onto the bed and straddled his hips, grabbing his cock and rubbing it against my pussy and clit, coating it in the moisture between my legs. Despite everything, he made me wet like no other man could and he didn’t even need to touch me either to have me wet and wanting him.

  “Cara my god cara, ti amo now fuck me, please.” I could hear the strain in his voice and with my eyes locked to his, I slowly lowered myself over his huge cock.

  His eyes left mine as he watched my body taking him inside, inch by inch and as if unable to control himself, he thrust up that last little way until he was buried deep and I felt full, so full of him, so filled up by his massive cock.

  Slowly I started to move, rising up and lowering myself, my eyes on him, watching his expression as we fucked. God but it was intense and he was so deep with me on top like this.

  My muscles tightened around him and he groaned, reaching for me. “Cara, bend down to me please. I wish to kiss you.”

  I bent over until my breasts were pressed against his chest and our lips touched, his parting mine until he could invade my mouth with his tongue and we kissed slowly, our tongues tangling and curling around one another.

  We pulled back and I stayed bent over watching his expression, watching as his fangs descended and as his hand came up to sweep my braid to the other side, exposing my neck to him, I felt him bite down, puncturing my skin, his teeth piercing my vein and then he was feeding from me and the pain with the pleasure was too much and I climaxed, my muscles clenching around his vast length.

  Dominick groaned and bit harder, sucking at me like a starving man and I climaxed again, shuddering and panting as he fed from me.

  We no longer moved, our bodies still except for his fangs buried in my neck and suddenly he groaned, pulling his head back from me and he roared, his eyes closed, the veins bulging in his neck with the force of his release and I felt him start to pump into me, over and over, his cock jerking with each spurt and my body answered by closing around him, milking him until we were both spent.

  I collapsed over him, panting, smelling that gorgeous, intoxicating scent that was just Dominick and the smell of sex filled the air too, mixing with his amazing scent.

  I climbed off him and he rose, turning me until I was on my back on the edge of the bed. He stood by it, taking my legs in his hands, pulling me forward until he could bury his still steel hard cock back inside me.

  His gentle more relaxed love making was gone. This was going to be hard and it was going to be fast and as he fucked me, thrusting into me, our bodies crashing against one another, I think we both knew that this was the last time we would ever be together like this again.

  When we both came, when our cries were silent and we both had dressed again, we left the room and headed back downstairs. Fabian was sitting on the lounge apparently deep in thought and Cassie was on a single chair, her expression serene.

  “Nick you are finished with Allegra for now I see. I must say I thank you for your hospitality. Cassandra has been most welcoming and hugely gratifying but I must now take my leave. Good evening to you all.” He looked between the two of us, his eyes not moving to Cassie at all and when I turned to look at her, I knew immediately that Fabian had done something to her. She wasn’t with us mentally at all, I could see it on her face, the serene, but blank expression.

  God, why was I still here? Fabian’s strange eyes were watching me closely and they moved over me, his nostrils flaring. I felt sick. I knew he could smell that Dominick and I had been having sex and something in his expression frightened me. I knew if he could, he might fuck me too and leave me the way he’d left my poor house mate, fucked and wiped clean of the memory as if she was nothing and to him she was nothing.

  Fabian took that last little piece of doubt away from me. Much as I cared for Dominick and again I was fooling myself, I loved him, it wasn’t just about him, it was about all of them and Fabian, Francesca and the brothers, maybe others were part of Dominick’s lifestyle. I couldn’t accept that kind of life, not now, not ever.

  Fabian gave a small bow to us and I watched him leave before rushing to Cassie. She was in some kind of trance like state. “God what has he done to her Dominick? Is she going to be ok? Can I take her home now, will she be alright? Is she going to snap out of this?”

  “She’s alright cara. She will come out of this with no memory of this evening. Fabian will have given her a memory but we won’t know what that is unless she says something to you. We will take her home now and put her to bed. She will wake with no memory of what Fabian did to her and see, she has blood at the corner of her mouth?” I nodded. “He’s made her take his blood so her body will bear no memory from this evening. She will have no pain, bruising, nothing to make her question what she did this evening. Come cara, we will take her home now.”


  The drive back to my home was a tense one. I didn’t speak to Dominick, I had nothing to say to him. Any doubts I’d had that walking away was a mistake were gone after seeing what Fabian had done to Cassie. He had used and abused her then robbed her of any memory of what he’d done to her. Maybe that was a good thing for her. She was spared any pain, or embarrassment, even humiliation but it made me sick that Fabian could treat her the way I’d seen him treat her then discard her as if she was nothing.

  When we pulled up in my driveway, we both helped get Cassie out of the car and inside. Dominick carried her upstairs and I got him to hold her while I changed her into her shorts and t-shirt that I knew she wore to bed.

  I thought she would smell of sex at least as Fabian wouldn’t be able to make that go away but when I asked Dominick he said that his sire would have cleaned her down well to cover all evidence of his having been in her.

  His words just made me feel even more repulsed by the whole vampire scene. Their lifestyle was so alien to me and as I stared at the stunning man helping me get my house mate ready for bed, I had to wonder how he could appear almost normal, so sexy, so beautiful but have that side to him, live that lifestyle that was so foreign to me.

  When we finally had Cassie in her bed and she thankfully had fallen asleep, Dominick and I made our way back downstairs. He didn’t bother trying to stay, he didn’t even say anything, he simply walked straight to the front door before turning to me.

  “Ti amo cara.” He whispered and I stared up into those intense, amazing eyes of his and unable to help myself, I stepped towards him, his arms came around me and our lips met, our tongues tangled and dueled with one another as the sudden burst of passion exploded between us.

  I felt my dress being pushed up to my waist, my panties ripped when he tugged them free and my heart began to pound hard in my chest when I heard the sound of his zip.

  I was lifted into his arms and my back slammed against the wall, my arms circled his neck and my legs locked around his hips, just before he lunged and I felt his cock plunge inside me, slipping in freely with the assistance of our combined
juices from our earlier love making.

  We both groaned and Dominick stilled inside me for a moment while he gave my body time to adjust to his size and finally he began to move, thrusting into me, his lips against my neck, kissing me, licking me until I felt his fangs descend and he bit down on me, sucking my blood as he drove into me.

  I cried out, my first orgasm coursing through me and a few moments later I felt Dominick explode and pump his release into me. He didn’t stop though, he kept thrusting as he pulled back from my neck and suddenly bit into his wrist and held his bleeding arm to me where I closed my lips over the wound and sucked on him, savouring the sweetness of his blood while we fucked.

  Finally he pulled his wrist from my mouth and his hips started to move faster and faster until I screamed, my scream immediately muffled when Dominick closed his lips over mine to silence me and as I rode out the rest of my climax, he bucked up hard and I heard his guttural growl and felt him reach his own release again.

  He pulled out of me and I slid down the wall without his arms to support me and watched as he pulled his jeans up and zipped his fly, his eyes never leaving mine.

  He stared at me for what felt like a life time, a look of sorrow and what also looked like despair on his face until finally he whispered. “Ti amo cara. Ti amero per sempre.” And then he turned and walked out the door, closing it quietly behind him.

  When I heard the door open on his car and heard the engine roar as he started it then backed out of my driveway, only when I heard the sound of the engine fading as he drove away did I finally give in to the tears that hung from my lashes waiting to fall.

  Chapter Fourteen.


  As Dominick drove, every minute, every second took him further and further away from the woman he loved. He felt pain ravage his body, pain unlike anything he’d ever experienced since becoming vampire.

  Tears burned his eyes and he wiped them away angrily. Vampires didn’t cry and he could hear Francesca’s voice telling him to stop being such a wuss.


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