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Passion After Dark

Page 27

by J. a Melville

  “So why did she go mad Fabian? Was that all from you, the mind control?” I had to know.

  “I don’t know Allegra. I prefer to think that she was not necessarily of sound mind anyway. I’ve mind controlled women before and a few times too and nothing happened to them. I know if it’s abused they can end up with some damage done to the brain. I learned from my time with Carmella though. I’ve mind controlled women and men for that matter, more than once if I was using them to suit my own purposes but sexually, never again did I fuck a woman more than once or for more than one night. I’ve maintained that rule for 500 years now. Only one woman has tempted me to break my own rule.” Those pale eyes of his met mine and I knew from what I saw reflected in them, that he was talking about me. Was that because I reminded him of Carmella with my long hair I wonder?

  I felt Dominick tense alongside of me and one glance over at him and I knew that he had interpreted the meaning behind Fabian’s words too.

  “So how did it go from Carmella dying to Katarina cursing you?” He asked.

  “I don’t have the answers to that son. Katarina was enraged when she discovered that her daughter had come to me numerous times despite her ordering me to stay away. I couldn’t reason with her and I couldn’t for obvious reasons explain to her about her daughter’s physical problem. I don’t have a death wish.” He lips curved up in a small smile.

  “But she had to have found out that you’d been fucking her daughter, surely?” I asked.

  Fabian sighed. “Yes little one, she did. I told you Katarina was a witch and considered a very powerful witch in her village. She had performed a spell on her daughter’s body as Carmella was dying and I guess it worked a bit like DNA testing would today. It seems that mind control and feeding blood to a human can heal any damage we do, but it doesn’t remove our DNA from them and my cum was still inside her. From her spell she was able to discover that and she found out somehow that it was me.”

  “It’s possible that she could have worked out who it was without magic Fabian. She would have known when she first found out that you were after her daughter that you would have wanted to fuck her too.” I pointed out.

  Fabian chuckled. “It was more than that little one. My name was given to her when she cast the spell and from what Katarina told me Carmella’s body displayed for want of a better way of putting it, what I had left behind inside her. My cum, seed, essence, call it whatever you wish was still in her but the damage had been repaired by my blood or so I thought. All the damage done to her body was shown to Katarina when she cast that revelation spell. It was as if the mind control and blood fed to her to fix her injuries was all a waste of time. The spell revealed everything. I told you she was a powerful witch. She certainly had the power to get the answers she wanted. She was highly respected in the village for her ability to cure the ill and curse those who wanted curses put on others. She was more highly thought of than a doctor because of her witchcraft. I guess with her skills it was inevitable that she would curse me eventually. When she realised what I was, she was….” Fabian’s expression looked tortured for a moment before he shuddered and continued. “I barely got out alive. She tried to have me killed and maybe she would have succeeded but I Ieft the country and went into hiding for a while. It was the year 1516 by then so easier back then to disappear. Katarina tried to find me, she used some spell which cast a net out to reveal me to her and contain me but I apparently made it outside the range of her spell.”

  He got up and moved restlessly around the room before leaning against the window sill and turning to me again. “I later heard that Katarina had put some sort of curse on me but I didn’t believe her. I’d had nothing to do with her for years. I was sure I’d escaped her wrath but then people’s attitudes to witches changed. Well their attitude to anything they didn’t understand changed. All witches were rounded up and held captive. In early 1600 the European witch trials began and in 1612 Katarina was executed. I heard that she screamed for everyone who had wronged her to suffer and that she would curse them to one day pay for what they had done to her and her family. I didn’t think anything of it until you Allegra. When you couldn’t be mind controlled, I was confused and certainly surprised but when you displayed the ability to harm me without physically touching me, I knew, I knew immediately that you were Katarina.”

  “So what happens now?” I was curious.

  Fabian shrugged. “Now that’s the question to end all questions is it not Allegra? I have no idea. My future is now in your hands. I can’t harm you but you can obviously harm me and anyone who associates with me. So you tell me? What do you intend doing? Katarina might not have been able to kill me, but she’s done the next best thing, she’s robbed me of my control, my power and she would know that to live with those things gone…..well….death is preferable to me.” He met my eyes with that pale penetrating stare of his. “So, now that you have me, what do you intend doing to me?”

  I stared at him, ignoring the slight smirk on his face and the double meaning behind his words. What did I want from him? Nothing, that was just it, I wanted nothing from him.

  “I don’t know Fabian, but nothing. I don’t want anything. I didn’t know this would happen when I became vampire. How could I? I don’t wish to hold power, to control you.”

  “I need to know though little one. I need to know what you want. You hold the power, you must have something you would like from me. I’ve been my own man for almost 500 years, I’ve ruled over all of you for almost 300 years and I don’t wish to have my future decided by a baby vampire and a young girl at that.”

  “I will need to think about this all Fabian and talk with Dominick but I really have no wish to take over from you, I don’t want to embrace the vampire world at all to be honest. Neither Dominick or I really want the vampire lifestyle Fabian. Give me one week, one week to think about what I wish to do about all this. Can you give me that?”

  “Very well little one. One week for you to decide what our futures entail. This is your chance to remove me from your life forever. Kill me and I can’t bother you any more and you won’t have to fight the sexual attraction that you know is between us. Deny it all you like, but it’s there, I can feel it and smell it.” His eyes glowed with that strange pale light as he looked at me.

  I felt Dominick’s eyes on me and I knew he hated that there was that undercurrent of attraction between Fabian and I although I had no intention of ever giving in to it. I loved Dominick, I could never hurt him even for one night with Fabian.

  “Very well.” I said. “We will leave you now and return in one week with my answer. I trust that you will not make any attempt to hurt either of us in that time? I wouldn’t push it Fabian. I want no part of your lifestyle, your control, your power and I’m more than likely prepared to walk away from it and let you keep your power. I know I can hurt you without even touching you, but I have no idea just how much power I have or how much I can hurt you. Don’t push me into finding out.” I warned him. I turned to Dominick. “Come baby, lets get out of here. I’m hungry.”

  I stood and Dominick followed me, climbing to his feet and with a bow to Fabian, Lucian and Damien, we left.


  Once we were driving away from Fabian’s home, I turned to Dominick. “I’m starving but I need to go and see Cassie. Do you think we can feed from her if we’re careful?”

  “Of course cara.” He grinned. “You might want to make sure she’s home first. What is it you wish to speak with her about?”

  “Good thinking.” I laughed and pulled my phone out of my bag to call her. Cassie answered fairly quickly and was obviously pleased to hear from me and delighted that we were coming over.

  “You’re coming home Allie? It’s so quiet here by myself and to be honest Beau and Salem make great listeners but they aren’t much for conversation.” She giggled down the line.

  “Wait until we get there Cass and we’ll talk about what I’m doing then, ok?”

  We talked
for a couple more minutes before hanging up.

  “Your house mate is missing you cara? Will you be returning to your home? Do you think you’re ready to be around her without draining her of her blood?”

  Suddenly feeling a little nervous, I reached out and put my hand on his thigh, feeling the muscles tense under my fingers. “Well…actually…I…I…well..I was hoping I could move in with you permanently.” I finished in a rush.

  With a huge squeal of tyres, Dominick slammed on the car’s brakes and we both pitched forward as far as our seat belts would allow. He turned to me and I cringed wondering what the hell was wrong with him.

  He unbuckled our seat belts and reached for me, pulling me over the centre console of the car and into his lap. “God cara? Are you serious? It would give me the greatest pleasure to have you come and live in my home with me, to share my life with me, for me to share our time together. I can think of nothing that would bring me more pleasure.”

  I quirked an eyebrow at him grinning. “Nothing?” I asked.

  Dominick grinned back as his eyes darkened to a shade of blue so deep they appeared purple, maybe even indigo. “Well to have you come and live with me in my home would be the second most pleasurable thing to me cara.” He said softly before his lips closed over mine.

  His kiss was gentle and sweet with no passion intended but of course when had we ever been able to touch, to kiss and not end up hungry for one another?

  It was Dominick that finally pulled back, breaking the kiss and I growled impatiently which made him laugh quietly. “I’m sorry cara but this is not the time. We are parked in the middle of the road and only getting away with something so irresponsible due to the hour of the night. We need to control our urges until we are in a better position to give into them. Have no doubt though that I want you.” He said, pressing my hand against the hard ridge of his cock I could feel through his jeans.

  I looked around and got a surprise that as he’d said we were parked literally in the middle of the road. Lucky it was the dead of night, otherwise we’d possibly have caused an accident by now.

  “I guess we’d better get going again and go see Cassie. It seems I’m going to have to wait a while before I can have my way with you.” I told him huskily.

  “Not too long cara. We could make use of being in your home while Cassandra is under mind control as we did last time.”

  I frowned at his suggestion. “Will it be ok to mind control her again?”

  “You’re thinking of what Fabian told you but seriously, you don’t have to worry. I will not take risks with your friend. You can be sure my sire more than abused the ability with that young girl but I don’t intend to do harm to Cassandra.”

  “You know we’re going to have to discuss what to do about Fabian soon Dominick. I have some ideas but I need to speak with you first. I have no desire for power or whatever he seems to think I’m going to do. If anything I just want to be away from them all and have nothing to do with them but you are sort of related to them, even if it’s only because you’ve all been sired by Fabian so you might not be interested in walking away.”

  Dominick seemed to almost breathe a sigh of relief. “You have no idea how much it pleases me to hear you say that cara. Yes we must talk. I have ideas too and it seems that we are in agreement over Fabian. We just need to work out the details and inform my sire plus plan our futures, but not now. We need to see your friend and feed.”

  He started the car and continued to drive towards my home which in my mind was no longer my home. My home was with Dominick and it would always be with him, for eternity. Wherever he chose to call home was where I wanted to be and if that meant not having to have any further dealings with Fabian, Francesca, Damien or Lucien then I couldn’t be happier. Still these discussions would have to wait for now.

  As we drove I turned to stare at Dominick’s profile. God but he was so beautiful, he was the most perfect looking man I’d ever seen and he was mine. It was still hard to believe sometimes.

  Suddenly he turned and caught me watching him and that slow sexy smile of his lit up his face, showing off those perfect teeth of his. “What is it cara?” He asked and I reached out to brush his hair back, running my fingers through the black silky strands.

  “Oh nothing baby. I was just thinking what a lucky woman I was. You are so gorgeous, so sexy and I still can’t believe that I can call you mine.”

  His smile widened at my words. “I am the lucky one cara. Ti amo il mio tesoro. I am yours for eternity.”

  I felt tears prick my eyes at his huskily spoken words. I had a man that looked like him, spoke like him, who was passionate and caring and he loved me, deeply, intensely and had promised to do so for all eternity. What more could a girl ask for?

  Chapter Twenty Four.


  I was nervous when we pulled into the driveway of my home or soon to be ex home I guess since I was going to move in with Dominick. I knew I wasn’t ready to go back to my old lifestyle without potentially doing something seriously wrong like draining poor Cassie or something like that.

  Of course I wasn’t sure how she would react to the news given she’d sounded so excited on the phone to have us coming over. Obviously she thought I was coming home.

  It was probably going to be hard for her to accept that I wasn’t and eventually she would find out where my head was at. I had ideas formulating in my mind and I needed to discuss them with Dominick but if he was in agreement with them, then our lives and Cassie’s life were going to change quite dramatically very soon.

  “Come cara.” Dominick took my hand and we walked up to my front door but it was ripped open before we even got up to it and I suddenly found myself tangled up with the warm soft body of my house mate and I had to struggle to keep my fangs hidden when I caught the scent of her sweet blood.

  “Allie, oh god am I glad to see you.” She cried into my hair and I felt bad for her even while I was dying to bury my fangs in her and drink until she was dry.

  “Cassandra, how are you?” Dominick asked her and I looked at him with relief. It was obvious he was trying to distract her and get her to release me before my ‘barely there’ control was tested to its limit.

  She pulled herself out of my arms and fell into his to hug him and I knew she must have been really lonely to be so happy to see Dominick as well. He watched me over her head as she hugged him and I could see the amusement in his eyes before he began to speak to her in a low, gentle voice which made her pull back and meet his eyes. That was all he needed and within seconds I saw her freeze and take on that vague, trance like state which indicated he had her under his control. A part of me felt a bit guilty for doing this to her. She’d come to greet us and our response was to mind control her and feed from her? I was so glad she had no idea what we were doing.

  “Ladies first cara. Remember to not take too much from her.” Dominick warned.

  “I know, I know.” I approached Cassie, taking her wrist between my fingers and thumb so I could feel for her pulse and once I was on it, my fangs descended and I bit into her, welcoming the flow of her warm sweet blood and hungrily I began to feed from her.

  When I felt her pulse skip slightly, I fought as hard as I could to lift my head although my body was screaming at me to keep feeding. Somehow I managed to stop and grinned at Dominick, waiting for his approval.

  Strangely I found myself wanting his approval. We were going to be together a very long time and I didn’t want to bring trouble for us in any way by accidently killing someone. I understood exactly why we had to keep what we were hidden and we could do that just so long as I wasn’t foolish enough to lose control and drain someone. Disposing of a body would be too hard and changing someone an even bigger pain because then we would have others dependent on us for survival and I was selfish enough to not want anyone else interfering in our lives. I only wanted Dominick, something which surprised me slightly. I realised I was quite prepared to walk away from Cassie, Frank and anyone e
lse I’d known in my human life and live with him for eternity, just the two of us.

  “You are doing so well cara. You are a strong vampire but that doesn’t surprise me. You don’t have a natural instinct to destroy or harm like some of us do and with the discovery of just how much power you hold, you could easily use it for all the wrong reasons but you don’t.”

  “I feel very much like you Dominick. I didn’t choose this lifestyle as you know and no, I’m not regretting the way things turned out.” I tried to reassure him when I saw the flash of pain on his face at my words. I didn’t blame him for turning me, just as I no longer held him responsible for draining me to the point where turning me was the only way to save me. I’d brought it on myself by walking away from him and not fully grasping just how important I was to him. By the time I’d realised I couldn’t let him go my poor hurting vampire had tried to destroy himself and the pain of what might have been still had the ability to make me ache. No, I didn’t regret being vampire. It was necessary for us, I could see that now but that didn’t mean I wanted to associate with ones like Fabian and even Francesca. I couldn’t formulate an opinion on Damien or Lucian as I’d had little to do with them.

  “I love you Dominick and since we’re spending eternity together the last thing I want to do is put us in danger by taking too much from someone. Keeping under the radar is important, I get that.”

  “Under the radar cara? You have some strange ways of explaining things but I do understand what you are saying and I agree with you. An ideal existence for us would be to live like we are human, draw no attention to ourselves and only take what we need from humans to survive.” He turned to Cassie. “Right now, I need to feed too and then we shall continue on with what we started in the car. Do you have any specific location where you wish to fuck this time?” He grinned.

  At his words and Dominick always had such a blunt, sexy, direct way of speaking, I felt a rush of moisture pool in my panties and I swear if my heart had still been beating, it would have skipped a beat.


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