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Page 21

by Jennifer Ann Reed

  “I.” His breath caught when I raised my face. All he had to do was bend his head and his lips would touch mine. I licked my lips and his gaze heated. “I have to show you something.” He let me go and I felt his absence in my soul.

  “Okay.” I sat back on the window seat and he knelt in front of me. My heart beat out a frenzied rhythm.

  “Austin and I have being talking a lot. I know this soulmate stuff has your head spinning, but Austin said if I didn’t show you I may lose you and I can’t survive that.” He fingered his leather wristband. He took a deep breath and unclasped it. “I didn’t show you this earlier because I didn’t want a mark to dictate who you should love. I want you to know that no matter what, you have a choice. It will always be yours to make.”

  He moved his hand and my heart stopped. Underneath his purple Guardian paw print, three clawed slashes glowed. My fingers shook as I skimmed his skin.

  “How?” My wolf danced her excitement of seeing Caden was truly hers to claim.

  “Everything about you has been unconventional.” He grinned and winked. “So why not my true mate mark being a choice for me.” He chose me? “Aelfric told me to pick between you and Layla and I chose you. My soul wanted to die when I thought Aelfric would sacrifice you.”

  “I.” I was speechless. My blue-eyed wolf chose me even when he wasn’t sure about my fairy side.

  “Don’t think this means I’m demanding an answer from you or saying you have to choose me because of a mark.” He kept glancing at my lips. “You have a bond with Ryn and no matter how much I hate it, I want you to decide what’s best for you. If you choose me, I want it to be because you can’t live without me, not because of this.” He pointed to his wrist.

  I pressed my forehead to his. I didn’t know what to say. My heart and soul was elated because he was thinking of me and my choice. My feelings for him were strong and now I didn’t have to worry about not being able to choose him, but was I ready to make a decision?

  “Kitra?” His breath fanned across my face. I pulled back and his hands went into my hair. His gaze dropped to my lips before he pressed a ghost of a kiss against them.

  Home. My soul screamed its completion and I sighed against his pillowy soft lips. He deepened our kiss with a growled satisfied groan and my toes curled as he slid me into his lap. My heart raced as my arms wrapped around him, pulling his hard body closer. One of his hands slid down my side and shivers trailed in its wake. The taste of his wintergreen mint was addictive, better than chocolate and I knew I was lost.

  Electricity wove around us and I felt like I was flying. Every synapse failed to fire and I was putty in his hands. Caden’s mouth was gentle, almost worshipping, as he explored the connection between us. This was what my first kiss should have been, but fate interfered every time we’d almost kissed and now I knew why. Caden wasn’t someone you came back from with your heart intact. Right now, as long as I could stay in this moment, I didn’t care what happened in the world. This connection had been building between us ever since he swaggered into our homeroom.

  Caden nipped at my swollen lower lip and dove back in as if he couldn’t get enough. My fingers dug into his silky raven strands.

  “Whoa.” Allie squeaked and Caden gave me one more peck before he sat me on my feet. “Sorry!” My fiery-haired friend fled the room. Caden and I laughed as we walked out of my room hand-in-hand.

  Caden didn’t put his leather wristband back on and my soul was thrilled to see him showing it off. Now, we had some explaining to do.

  Chapter 21

  U NCLE KALEN REACTED to the news of Caden’s true mate mark in the manner I thought he would. Overprotective. Again. At least he didn’t have a complete meltdown with more blood being shed, but Caden did get kicked out of the Manor and sent to live with Ryn. Oh, to be a fly on the cottage wall tonight. Ryn chose that moment to walk in and everyone’s silence put him on high alert.

  “What?” He stood in the open doorway of the kitchen allowing the icy breeze to blow through. Linc cackled and Zander followed suit. “What is going on?”

  “Ryn?” Austin clapped his cousin on his shoulder. “Remember when we told you Kitra had a second mate?”

  “Yes.” Ryn waved his hand in the air. “And I told you all it was nonsensical. I’m her mate.”

  “Well.” Austin’s grip hardened. “We found him.”

  “And who do you think it is?” Ryn rounded on Austin.

  “Now, he does share her other mate mark.” Austin was stalling. What did he think was going to happen?

  “Who is it?” Ryn’s growl rivaled that of the Dire Wolves in the room. His corded, lean muscles flexed beneath the green Henley he had changed into.

  “Me.” Caden thrust his arm out with his wrist overturned. The three slash marks shone against his tan skin.

  Ryn moved faster than lightning and the sound of bony knuckles meeting flesh reverberated in the kitchen. Caden’s head snapped to the right, but he remained standing. His azure gaze blazed as his head swiveled slowly in Ryn’s direction.

  “One hit is all I’m going to allow only because I did keep my mark secret from everyone until now, but you won’t get another.” Caden’s tone dropped to deadly levels and he swiped at the crimson stain stretching from his bruised lips to his chin. So much for not having any bloodshed.

  Ryn roared and launched himself at Caden again, but Caden blocked each attempt the crazed fairy made. Ryn’s eyes watered and he swung blindly almost taking Allie’s head off, but Curtis pulled my friend from the chaos.

  “Boys!” Uncle Kalen moved to stop Ryn’s onslaught, but Lucian held him in place.”

  “ENOUGH!” Caden’s grip wrapped around Ryn’s throat and he held him with the fairy’s steel-toed shoes scraping the floor. “Stop this, Ryn. Now.”

  “Its. Not. Fair.” Spittle flew with each word Ryn managed as his face started to turn blue.

  “It’s not up to you.” Caden dropped a gasping Ryn in a heap on the floor. “Or me. It’s her choice. It’s always been her’s.”

  “Why would fate do this to me?” Ryn’s body crumpled in on itself. “Why be so cruel?” My heart broke for him and I wanted to go to him, but I stayed rooted to my spot. He wasn’t the strong Commander of the Royal Guard any more, but a tortured soul begging for redemption.

  “You’re not giving up that easily are you?” Caden knelt next to Ryn reaching his hand out to help him up. “Because I’m not. A little competition never killed anyone.”

  “Hello?” I waved to get their attention. “Standing right here.” Both laughed and Ryn grabbed Caden’s hand and stood.

  “You’re on, wolf.” Ryn’s lips spread into a dazzling smile. “This will be like taking candy from a baby.”

  “Don’t count yourself the victor yet, Twinkle Toes.” Caden punched Ryn’s shoulder. “Come on and help me get moved into the cottage. Looks like we’re going to be roommates. You can divulge your plan to win Kitra’s heart.”

  “Right.” Ryn punched Caden back. “Like I’d be that dumb.” They left the kitchen joking how to outdo the other. Seriously? Who did they think they were? Now they were best friends? How’d they go from trying to kill each other to buddies?

  “No one is going to say anything about what just happened?” I pointed in the direction both boys left. “Or how they talked about me like I wasn’t even standing here?”

  “It’s how men work.” Allie tugged on my elbow. “Cavemen remember. Let’s watch a movie.” Several harrumphs sounded from the other males in the kitchen, but no one denied her remark.

  “My pick!” Gwen sped off to claim the DVD player. That was it? Was this the Twilight Zone or something?

  I sputtered and was led to the living room. Nothing about my life was normal. The wheels in my head spun without finding purchase. I’d found both my mates. Now what was I supposed to do? Let them fight it out? Make a choice soon? I wasn’t ready and chose to ignore it as long as I could.

  Gwen put in a romantic comedy and we
girls were left to our own devices as the boys helped Caden get situated in the cottage. I couldn’t help but compare my love life to the heroine onscreen. She seemed just as confused as I felt. The similarities were uncanny and she stumbled over her choice between two loves. In the end, she made her choice. Could it be as simple as she made it seem?

  One movie bled into two and soon soft snores filled the room. I covered Allie in an afghan as she rolled over on the loveseat. Gwen was cocooned under a blanket she’d gotten between movies and was stretched out on the couch. I heard the floor near the door creak before Ryn’s shadow cast across the TV I’d just turned off.

  “Can I speak with you?” I made a shushing motion and his forest green eyes fell to his feet. The last time we’d spoken, it wasn’t pretty but I’d hear him out.

  “In the foyer.” I led the way without looking back to see if he was coming with me. “What did you need?” I spun and he took a step back.”

  “I…I wanted to apologize for earlier.” He reached out to touch me, but dropped his hand. “You’ve seen me at my worst and I’m ashamed.” His voice was scratchy. I wondered if it was due to being choked by Caden. “I.” Ryn cleared his throat. “I’m sorry.” His Adam’s apple dipped. “You were right. I’ve been prejudiced towards you and the wolves. I’ve been thinking about this ever since you stormed off. I don’t want to be that person, Kitra. Nothing makes me superior to you or the others and if I’m being honest here, you’re better than all of us.”

  “No one is better than anyone else.” I grabbed his hand and our fingers entwined. “But thank you for saying it.”

  “Keeping with honesty.” Ryn’s head bent closer to mine. “You scare me.”

  “Scare you? How?” A lethal Commander was scared of me? Yeah, right.

  “You’re selfless. Beautiful. Independent.” He pulled me flush against his hard body, releasing my hand and my heartrate quickened. “Your wolf is powerful. A creature of great strength and more than a match to any fae magic. I’m sorry I didn’t see it before now.”

  “Ryn.” Sincerity shone in his hooded gaze as his face descended.

  “Shush.” His lips molded to mine, leaving me breathless. He drew away before the kiss became a passionate plea. “Don’t forget I’m not going away. I want you to be mine, Kitra. Just think about it.”

  I watched him walk back to the kitchen and heard Lilly speaking to him as I made my way to my room. I knew I should be bothered because I had kissed two different guys in the same day, but I wasn’t. Both of them were bound to me. My wolf told me Caden was our home, and my fae magic said Ryn belonged to me. I shook my head to clear my muddled thoughts. Tonight wasn’t the night to decide on my future. I had time. At least I hoped so I thought as my head rested against my pillows.

  The next morning, the Manor was abuzz with activity as Lucian’s Wardens checked in with their findings. This was the first time I had seen Chad since we left Julia’s house, but here was the massive man perched on a stool at the kitchen island reading the paper and drinking coffee. I poured myself a cup and rummaged in the fridge for some fruit for breakfast. Still, he hadn’t made a peep and was engrossed in whatever article caught his eye.

  “Good morning!” I plopped next to him and forked a piece of melon into my mouth. I wiggled as the sweet nectar exploded across my taste buds.

  “You okay?” He raised one black eyebrow and his mocha skin wrinkled over his forehead. He threw his head back at my confusion, bellowing so loud I knew he woke Ryn and Caden at the cottage. What was so funny? Oh wait. My wiggling.

  “You’d wiggle too if you’d tasted this melon.” I pointed my fork at him. When he tried to steal a piece, I growled, dragging my bowl closer. “Nope. Get your own.” He laughed again, but got up to get some of the melon.

  “So.” I refrained from my happy dance over my food. “Any news on Chelsea?”

  “Not yet.” He chewed on a chunk of the tasty melon. “Humph. Not bad.” He nodded and jabbed at another piece. See. I told him so. “We’re still combing through a ton of information from the time when she was with Ciro. She didn’t leave a forwarding address, but don’t worry. She won’t stay hidden for long.”

  “I hate waiting.” My bowl was empty so I tipped it against my lips. There was no way I was letting the fruit juices go to waste.

  “Me too.” Chad followed suit and I took his empty bowl to the sink. As I was rinsing them, a knock vibrated on the glass of the patio door. A Warden I wasn’t familiar with stood on the other side and Chad beckoned him inside. “Your report, soldier.”

  “Sir.” The young man had short curly blonde hair and dark brown eyes. A jagged scar extended from his left temple to his chin. Shifters don’t scar easily so whatever had happened to him must have been horrendous if it left a mark on his face. “I think it would be best if Lucian heard this as well.”

  I heard movement from downstairs and Chad closed his eyes. “The Alpha is on his way.”

  I had a difficult time keeping my eyes off Lucian’s scarred Warden. He was attractive like most of our kind, but his old injury added an air of danger in combination with his broad frame, setting him apart from his fellow Wardens. His head began to turn in my direction and my hot face dropped. I‘d been caught staring. I focused on putting the bowls in the dishwasher as Uncle Kalen, Elder Dylan, and Lucian joined us.

  “Sir.” The young Warden saluted Lucian like he was a General or something.

  “At ease.” Lucian sat next to Chad and Uncle Kalen and Elder Dylan stood next to me. “What did you find?”

  “Sir.” The Warden glanced around the room. Lucian’s low rumble caused him to continue speaking. “We found her, but.” He scratched the edge of his scar. Did he do that out of habit? “She’s not alive.”

  “Not alive.” Lucian’s palms scrubbed his face. “How?”

  “We don’t know, Sir.” The Warden’s hands clasped behind his back. “No next of kin was listed. She covered her tracks.”

  “So we’re back to square one.” At my comment, Lucian met my gaze. I was ready to hit something. How were we going to find the other hybrid without more information?

  “That’s not all, Sir.” The Warden shuffled as he took a deep breath. “More townspeople are missing.”

  “Thank you.” Lucian’s weary eyes looked at the young man. “You’re dismissed.” The Warden left the same way he had entered.

  “Do you think they’re ready to move?” Chad folded up the newspaper he had spread out.

  “I’m not sure.” Lucian massaged his temples. “We’re going to be too late.”

  “The sunrise this morning was red.” Elder Dylan brought a coffee mug to his lips and blew on the steaming liquid. “You know what it means.”

  “Blood on the horizon.” Uncle Kalen paled and his hands shook as he held onto the countertop.

  “Blood on the horizon?” What in the world were they talking about?

  “Yes.” Chad’s hands formed a steeple in front of his nose. “It’s like the old wives’ tale for sailors. Red skies at night, sailor’s delight. Red skies in the morning, sailor’s warning.”

  “But with our kind, a red morning means death is coming.” Lucian finished for his colossal friend. “We need to prepare for war.”

  “You think the gate will open?” No, I couldn’t let it happen. The Creator said I was his Champion. We had to find a way to stop Aelfric’s plans.

  “Where are the boys?” My palms touched the cold marble surface of the countertop and gave my heated skin much needed relief from the worry rushing through my veins. My stomach turned and I fought its upheaval. It couldn’t end like this.

  “Running perimeter checks with Ryn and Austin.” Uncle Kalen wrapped a heavy arm around my shoulders. “Allie and Gwen are working out downstairs with Lilly.”

  “The gate may open, Kitra.” Lucian stood. “We have to be ready when and if it does.”

  “Can I go for a run?” I looked up at Uncle Kalen not masking the tears forming along my thic
k lashes.

  “I’ll go with you.” He walked silently with me outside.

  I morphed into my white wolf with ease not noticing any of the pain that came with my bones shifting into different places. I bounded into the browning foliage lining the entrance of the woods and my senses were bombarded with the smells of autumn fading into the crispness of an early winter. The dirt path was hard and cold beneath my paws as I ran at full speed missing low hanging, bare branches. Everyone believed the gate was going to open, but we couldn’t allow it to happen. How were we going to foil Aelfric’s plans?

  Uncle Kalen’s russet brown wolf galloped close to my heels as I ran full speed for the waterfall and meadow I’d found when we first moved to Serenade Falls. The scurrying of small animals and the thunder of water crashing against gigantic boulders caught my attention as I broke through the trees. My once vibrant meadow was withered to nothing more than darkening, crunchy grass and I was reminded how even the Creator’s masterpiece was reborn every year with the passing of the seasons. All things had a reason for being.

  I prowled back and forth with my head down. I was the Creator’s Champion. He wouldn’t leave me to fail. I knew it deep in my being, so what did he intend for me to do? What was I missing?

  Kitra? Caden’s panicked voice filled my head. What’s wrong?

  Chelsea’s dead. Your dad believes the gate will open and is preparing for war. I howled my worry and sorrow to the heavens. What was I supposed to do?

  War? We need to get back. Curtis’s thoughts joined Caden’s. Zander and Linc agreed and the boys returned to the Manor.

  I’ll see you there. We’d used all our energy and resources to keep me safe and now Aelfric’s concentration was on another.

  I circled the edge of the foaming water as an idea hit me while Uncle Kalen panted and lapped the cool refreshment into his muzzle. It couldn’t be that simple? Could it? I turned and raced back to the Manor, shifting once my paws touched the bricks of the patio.


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