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Page 25

by Jennifer Ann Reed

  “Do we need to leave anyone behind to further guard the gate?” Brannon came back over and stood next to me. Gwen stared daggers at her father, while Lilly sobbed.

  “No.” Lira was retying her braid. “The wards I added won’t be broken without her.” She lifted her nose in my direction. It appeared someone was mad over her husband’s leer. I wanted to tell her not to worry because I was planning to stay as far away from him as possible, but I kept my mouth shut. If I wanted to get through this unscathed, silence was key.

  “What about the dead one?” Brannon regarded Jessie’s corpse as his arm brushed mine. I jerked away, giving him the stink eye. I wasn’t ready to jump on the forgiveness bandwagon just yet. “And them?” He nodded his head at my group.

  “We’ll take the body with us and burn her remains.” Josiah motioned for some of Brannon’s pack to carry Jessie back with them. “I’m going to release the others.” He turned to my family and friends. “I’ll put up an earthen barrier to hold you. It’ll fall when we get to our car. Brannon will keep you updated on Kitra’s trial date. Only then will you be allowed to step foot on Council grounds. Stand over there.” At least they knew where I was being taken to.

  I’m okay I mouthed to my group. We’d figure this out. They were still pulling against their jailors. I knew they were going to fight.

  Austin, tell them to follow the orders. I can’t afford for all of you to be arrested. Tears welled behind my lashes. If that happens, who will get me out of this alive? If you fight now, I’m doomed.

  They won’t fight, Kitra. His gaze zeroed in on mine. But we won’t be far behind. Know that.

  I’m counting on it. They walked to the area Josiah mentioned. Their guards stepped out of the way and my group didn’t move. Josiah brought his arms up and the earth around us trembled as a circular ring rose twenty feet high, engulfing them inside.

  “Let’s go.” Josiah held his arm out for Lira after giving me one more alarming glance. Brannon took my elbow and silently led me down the hill and into the woods in the opposite direction of where I’d first entered this trenched landscape. The trees were thinly grouped and the path was wide enough for us to walk side-by-side. The trip to their car, which turned out to be a stretch white limo, took less than half an hour. Lira entered the vehicle first and Josiah followed. Brannon pulled me behind him so he could get in before me. It seemed someone else noticed the creepiness of the earth elemental and Brannon earned a couple of brownie points in his favor.

  I slid on the buttery soft tan leather seat and Brannon reached across me to pull the door closed. Lira was fiddling around in a mini refrigerator and glimpsed back over her shoulder, glaring before she pulled out four bottles of water. She passed two to Brannon without acknowledging my presence. I didn’t care because all I was worried about right now was the bottle whose lid Brannon just opened. He handed it to me and I held it with both of my bound hands and drank greedily. I hadn’t realized how thirsty I was until I saw the fluid slosh in its container. The refreshing liquid hit my tongue, dousing the fire which was scorching my throat and turning my tongue to sandpaper. Josiah chuckled and watched me swallow the contents of my bottle. I wiped the excess which dribbled down my chin with the neck of my shirt.

  The limo rumbled to life and we were moving. I wanted to shut down and scream for Austin and the others to rescue me, but I needed to stay calm. I knew they needed a plan before they charged the Council Estate. I gave my empty bottle back to Brannon and sat back with my head leaning against the cool glass window. I tried to watch the passing view, but with the dark tint on the windows I was only able to see the shapes of trees as we rode down the winding road. My hands shook as my fatigue settled in my bones. My seat soon felt like a cloud and my eyelids fluttered closed. The last thing I remembered was Brannon asking where I would be kept on the Estate before I drifted to sleep to the hum of the limo’s smooth engine.


  A large hand with long fingers shook me awake and I jerked in my seat. Where was I? I squinted and noticed I was still in the limo and was still handcuffed. I hadn’t been dreaming even though this was still a nightmare. Josiah leaned forward and snapped his fingers in my face. His smooth laugh was at war with the eerie look in his eyes.

  “Time to go inside.” Brannon reached to open the door and I shrank back not letting his arm touch me.

  I scooted to the edge of my seat and swiveled to plant both feet on the ground. Because of my relationship with gravity and without the use of my hands, I’d probably end up face planting as I tried to get out of the vehicle. By a miracle, I stood without falling. I glanced up at the imposing gray stone building which resembled a castle with turrets guarded by gargoyles. I gasped and tripped on the weird seashells they used as gravel in their roundabout driveway. I spoke too soon as I stumbled and the hand from earlier caught my fall.

  “We’ll get those off of you soon.” Brannon gave me a polite smile. I turned and rolled my eyes. If he had done his job, I wouldn’t be in this situation. I was angry with him because he hadn’t convinced them I was their ally instead of the enemy. “This way.”

  I followed his broad shoulders which were clothed in a green button-up dress shirt. We went up the white stone steps to the massive oak double doors carved with lions and eagles. Lira and Josiah were on our heels and caught up to us as Brannon pushed the doors apart. They opened to an enormous foyer with white marble floors shiny enough for our reflections to be seen. A grand faceted, crystal chandelier cast multiple colors over the room and double wooden staircases led to the second floor. All of the rooms I was able to see had Greek arches instead of actual doors, giving entrance into them. Tapestries of ancient battles decorated the walls and glass displays of weapons and armor took up the space in between. This place was a museum instead of a home where people actually lived.

  Brannon strode to the staircase on the right and ascended the steps two at a time. I had to jog to keep up with his long legs. Halls branched off on either side of the staircase, but we remained in the center one. I counted five doors on each side of the hall until we stopped at the next door on the left. Brannon opened it and stepped aside for me to enter.

  Gauzy rose colored curtains were on the windows and on a round pedestal in the center of the room sat a matching cherry wood canopy bed. Twin bedside tables held gold Tiffany lamps with shades the same rose color as the rest of the accents in the room. An armoire stood next to the only other door in the room which I assumed led to the bathroom. A vanity was situated under the massive window and overlooked an actual maze created by tall hedges. I was able to see the statue of a man who was dipping a woman in a kiss as it stood in the center surrounded by four stone benches. A clearing throat pulled my attention back to the people who had arrested me.

  “I hope your accommodations are to your liking.” Josiah moved past Brannon and Lira made to follow. “Lira, darling.” Josiah stared at me. “Why don’t you tell the others we are here? They’ll want to begin shortly.”

  “Alright.” She stiffly strode from the room and I heard her boots clicking against the marble floor.

  “Kitra.” Josiah closed in on me and I smelled the pungent odor of his curdled breath. “When you meet with the Council for your trial you’ll want to wear something more appropriate.” He opened the armoire and flipped through the garments. “Ah, this will do. They’ll want to see your marks so wear your hair up.”

  The dress he held was made from sheer white fabric covered in gold leaves over a silk sheaf with bell sleeves. The neckline plummeted deeply meeting a golden corset. Josiah produced Roman sandals. If he hadn’t picked the dress out, I would’ve loved it. It was feminine and gorgeous.

  “The bathroom is through that door.” He laid the dress out on the bed. “I know you’ll want to get cleaned up before dressing. Do you need any help?” He slinked nearer and I took a step back much to his delight.

  “Your wife is calling.” Brannon’s hand engulfed the
elemental’s shoulder. “Better see what she wants. I know you wouldn’t want to upset her.”

  “No. No. You’re right.” Josiah shook his head and left the room. Brannon waited until we heard Josiah descending the stairs to close the bedroom door.

  “I know you don’t trust me, Kitra.” He clasped his hands behind his back stretching his chest. “But I promise I’ll protect you. Josiah won’t be a problem anymore. I’ll get word to Lucian and see what his plan is. I’ll let you know when I can. Okay?” I wanted to believe him, but I couldn’t. Not yet. My nod seemed to please him. “Alright, I’ll come get you when they’re ready.” He left and I heard the lock click. Did he really just lock me in?

  I ran to the door and twisted the handle, but it didn’t move. He did lock me in. Their hospitality was nothing more than a gilded cage. My situation crushed my soul and I slid to the floor as the first tear spilled down cheek.

  Austin? I waited a five minutes for a response, but none came. Was I too far away for him to hear me? I wished we knew more about how our telepathy worked.

  With nothing left to do but prepare to meet the Council, I searched the armoire for something more suitable to wear, but everything else looked like something from an eighties nightmare and was even more revealing. Warrior princess dress it was then. I opened the door to the bathroom and paused. If I hadn’t been arrested and was staying in this room with this bathroom, I’d be squealing. Steps led to a sunken oval spa tub which filled from a rain faucet. A glass walk-in shower was nestled in the right corner and double sinks with white marble matching the floor made up the rest of the room.

  I grabbed one of the large terry cloth towels and a washcloth while I let the tub fill. I found lilac scented shampoo and soap under the sink along with other spare toiletries and an ink pen. I sank into the water and shut my eyes. I could live in this tub. Maybe when all this was said and done I could talk Uncle Kalen into letting me redo my bathroom.

  I scrubbed the dirt and blood away and eventually moved to the shower so I wasn’t floating in filthy water. After I was finished I brushed my teeth and dried my hair. I wanted to be defiant and leave my hair down in its soft waves, but I questioned whether the Council really wanted to see my markings or not. Was it Josiah? What if my compliance helped my case? I used an unopened package of bobby pins and piled my hair on top of my head in a cute updo. It wasn’t what Aunt Mauve could manage, but I was proud of my work. Next, I got the dress on and thanked the Creator because the corset was a zip up one. As I was putting on the shoes, a knock beat against the door.

  “Kitra?” Brannon’s voice echoed through the door. “You decent?”

  “Yes, Brannon.” He unlocked my cell and waltzed in, freezing when he saw me. “You have to wear something else. Your uncle and your mates will kill me if they know I let you walk around in that dress.”

  “Believe me. I looked.” I glared at the armoire. “Everything else in there is hideous and even worse than this one. I wouldn’t be caught dead in any of them.”

  “Josiah won’t be your only problem.” I heard Brannon mumble under his breath.

  “What?” My brow arched at his comment.

  “Nothing.” He shook his head in emphasis. “You ready?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.” My nerves made me wring my hands in front of me. They were starting to get cold and clammy.

  “Don’t worry.” Brannon reached for my elbow. “I’ve spoken to some already and they’re on our side. We’ll get you out of here. Just go with the flow in the Council chambers. Okay?”

  “Go with the flow? Really?” Murder covered my face. “Let Josiah give me one more creeper stare. I’ll go with the flow and jam a pointy object right into his eye.”

  “Give it to me.” Brannon held out a hand. “They’ll search you and if they think you have any intention to harm any of them, you’ll undo all my work.”

  “Fine.” I pulled the pen I’d found under the sink from my plunging neckline and grinned at Brannon’s appalled face as I handed my weapon over.

  “Girls.” His growl almost made me laugh as he ushered me down the double staircase and pulled me through the foyer to the only thick oak door at the very end of the hall.

  The opening was lit by flaming torches lining the wall every couple of feet. A stone staircase led down to an area cooler than the rest of the estate. I shivered and noticed the stone walls were the same as the stairs and glistened with water droplets. Brannon’s pace quickened and I rushed to catch up. Our destination was guarded by two beastly men in black military fatigues whose swords were strapped to their backs. The men stopped us and I was patted down like Brannon had said I would be.

  After I passed their inspection, another wooden door was opened and we entered a sandstone and marble rotunda. It had Grecian columns spaced evenly around the room. In the center, a sectioned, round white marble table sat circled by nine occupied chairs and three which were empty. One seat in particular sat higher than the others and a lady with hair similar to Lira’s sat in it. She and the others wore robes of crimson, but hers was adorned with gold leaves just like my dress. When she saw what I wore, she smiled a sweet smile and I relaxed a little bit.

  Brannon marched me to the table through the gap between the sections to a dais. Once I was standing where he wanted me, he left me and pulled on a robe to sit in one of the empty seats. The dais began to raise and to keep my balance my arms flew out to my sides. Once I was standing about three feet above the table, it finally stopped.

  “Kitra Frost.” The kind woman at the head of the table addressed me. “I am Aerolynn Gable, the leader of the Council. As you can see, two seats are vacant due to their personal relationship with you and we want an unbiased judgement. You are charged with treason because the Prison Gate of Aramath was opened. How do you plead?” Aramath? No one ever told me its actual name.

  “Not guilty.” I began to clasp my hands in front of me, but I held my head high with my shoulders back. I would not look weak in front of these people.

  “Do you have any witnesses?” A man with a graying beard and beady black eyes raked his fingers through his beard.

  I glanced at Brannon who barely shook his head. “No.” Where was my uncle? Or Caden? Ryn? The others? What was going on? Josiah said he’d tell them when the trial would occur.

  “No witnesses and you plead not guilty.” The beady eyed man’s annoyance grew. “We’re wasting our time.”

  “No, you’re not.” I held my ground and fisted my hands at my side. “I killed the hybrid who created the crack in the gate. Her name was Jessie Danvers.”

  “The body which Brannon’s pack dropped off?” Aerolynn’s brows rose. “We were told she was only a Dark One.”

  “She was Aelfric’s mate.” I fought to keep my voice calm and steady, staring Aerolynn in the eyes. “Her mark faded when she died, but she opened the gate for him. He promised they’d rule the world together.”

  “How do you know she was a hybrid?” A young woman with a swollen belly shifted in her chair and I was reminded of Layla. I’d keep that information to myself unless they mentioned it.

  “Ciro Weathers was her father. Her mother was Chelsea Lewis.” Josiah and Lira glared at me from their seats. “Amara.” I now noticed her sitting among the group of members. “Can corroborate my story.”

  “Kitra is speaking the truth. Ciro left a detailed journal of the affair without naming Chelsea.” Amara’s eyes hardened on the others at the table, daring them to disagree. “We only learned who his mistress was through questioning of the surrounding communities.”

  “Chelsea died.” The pregnant woman was growing restless. I explained all we had found about their relationship and that Jessie had confessed to killing her mother.

  “You said the girl’s mate mark disappeared when she died. Let me see yours.” The beady eyed man rose from his chair. I turned in a circle for each of the Council to get their fill of my markings.

  “If we kill you, will yours disappear?” Lira
smirked in my direction and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

  “Did she help to close the gate and secure Abaddon back inside?” Aerolynn spoke to Brannon and Amara, ignoring Lira’s question.

  “Yes.” Amara displayed boredom much like a teenager.

  “If it wasn’t for her, The Destroyer would be wreaking havoc right now.” Brannon almost rose from his chair when he glanced at a snickering Lira.

  “All in favor of not guilty?” Aerolynn, Brannon, Amara, and a two others raised their hands, but they weren’t the majority. “Guilty?” The rest voted to condemn me and my lips trembled. How unfair was this system? “Kitra Frost, I’m sorry but you’ve been found guilty by the Council.”

  “Aerolynn?” Josiah interrupted their leader. “I have a suggestion for her sentencing.”

  “Proceed.” Aerolynn’s head tilted as she studied the elemental with keen eyes.

  “Treason is a death sentence, but maybe this time the sentence can be overruled and another type of punishment be put into place?” The Council voted in favor of Josiah.

  “What do you suggest, Josiah?” Brannon leaned forward to see him.

  “Let me take her under my care.” I pictured him rubbing his hands together like he’d already won. Lira blanched at his side and turned green.

  “Absolutely not!” Brannon’s chair clattered to the floor as he jumped up. “I’ve seen the way you look at her. It’s disgusting. She’s a child.” He turned to their leader. “It’s my suggestion to imprison Kitra for the remainder of her life, here on the estate.” What? I thought he was supposed to be helping me! This definitely wasn’t helping.

  “Sentencing is declared as a life sentence. Take her away.” Aerolynn watched for my reaction as the dais lowered. Bile rose in the back of my throat and singed the lining of my esophagus. Lira bolted for the door as Josiah pouted in his seat when Brannon led me away.


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