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Jake couldn’t take the numbing boredom any longer. He had been down in the hole, wandering by himself for at least two or three hours, trying to find something worth capturing on film, but the only things he found worthy were all related to falling icicles. One icicle had crashed into the river, making a huge splash. Another had hit the wall in such a way that it took out a large chunk of ice and knocked it to the ground. The last one he had managed to photograph was cool only because he envisioned running the picture through an imaging program before adding fire to the scene. Of course, he valued himself as more of a purist than that. But all in all, he didn’t think there was any reason to be tormented with this nonsense any longer. Fed up with the lack of necessity to be down here, and fed up with his forced silence in regard to Kate’s photography methods, he returned to the rendezvous point and climbed the rope back to the top. Upon reaching the surface, he climbed into the helicopter and went to sleep. Remaining deep in slumber was how he had wanted to spend his day anyway. He figured he could deal with Kate’s wrath for abandoning the icehole later.