Book Read Free

Bar 49

Page 19

by T. A. Hardenbrook

  “We have nothing going on, Greyson,” she calls out so softly I can barely hear on my side.

  “Please,” I beg.

  I give her a few minutes before my hopes begin to crumble. Evidently I pushed her too far today, and talking is going to be out of the question. Nodding silently, I lick my lips and push off the doorframe. Grabbing my clothes from the bathroom, I sulk out the front door, closing it softly behind me. Having sex with Charlie probably wasn’t the smartest of decisions I could have made in that moment, but at least it made things crystal clear for my future.


  Charlie has avoided me like the plague for the last couple of days. Every call is sent to voicemail, every text is left unanswered, every time I stop by work she is too busy to stop and talk with me. During her breaks she disappears, and after work she ducks out the door before I even realize she is gone. Now, it’s Friday, and I’m no closer to finding out where we stand then when I left her house holding my soaking wet clothes.

  “Greyson, are you even listening to me?” Cameron glares while holding up two pairs of heels.

  “Kind of.” Rolling my eyes, I point to the blue pair on the left. Cameron has had me trapped in her bedroom for the last hour while she plays dress up for tonight. Somehow, she convinced one of her little followers to watch Will. The poor sucker is going to call us once he picks up Charlie and ends up somewhere that we plan on crashing. Ever since I got a taste of that woman, there is no way in hell Will is getting any parts of him remotely near her.

  My hands tighten around the edges of the small chaise lounge in Cameron’s room. The thought of letting him even get that close to her tonight makes me want to slam my fist into his face.

  “Please don’t ruin my lounger,” Cameron barks, bending over to slip on the heels I didn’t choose. “How do I look?”

  “Yep,” I ramble off quickly, closing my eyes and forcing the heated anger back down.

  “You didn’t even look, dick.” Cameron chucks something at my head. Dodging it at the last second, I hear it ping off the large mirror behind me. “Is that what you’re wearing?”

  “Is there a problem?” I snap. Forcing myself to stand before I destroy her chair, I shove my hands forcefully into my pockets to keep them still.

  “You look like you are about to kill someone. Trust me; the dark brooding asshole look doesn’t suit you.”

  “Fuck you.” Cameron just laughs while applying a coat of lipstick. Making the stupid duck face in the mirror, she wanders over to her closest and pulls out a dark grey, long sleeve button up.

  “Put this on,” she demands, cocking her hip out the side.

  “So, this is where my shirt went.” Ripping it off the hanger, I pull my dingy white Henley over my head and slip the clean long sleeve over my shoulders.

  “Don’t act like you don’t purposely leave things over here for me to wash.”

  Snorting, I finish buttoning the front and then carefully roll the sleeves up to my elbows. I don’t mind dressing up, but don’t expect me to wear a jacket or tie. Cameron reaches behind me and fixes the collar. Slapping me on the chest, she smiles with an approving look then whips her body around. The smell of her floral perfume stings my nose as I watch her grab a purse from a rack and head out the door.

  “Well, come on, lover boy. We have a date to ruin.” Either tonight is going to go extremely well, or it’s going to further the length of time she isn’t talking to me. As long as she doesn’t go home with the douche bag, I will gladly accept either option for the night.

  “You have to promise me that you’ll stick to the plans. I refuse to bail your ass out of jail tonight if you get all macho-pigheaded stupid and clock the asshole.” Cameron lectures me as we pull up to the small Italian place on Main Street.

  “I can’t promise shit.”

  “Then you might as well take us home. Charlie isn’t stupid, Greyson, and neither is Will. If you want this to work, you have to play by the rules.”

  I fucking hate plans that don’t involve me beating the shit out of the fucker.

  “Alright,” I reply hastily. If I have any chance at getting Charlie to come with me, I can’t make the fool bleed all over the place.

  “You ready?” Cameron checks her makeup in the visor, adding some shiny lip-gloss over the other crap she has smeared on her lips.

  My jaw tightens as I forcefully nod. This is going to work. It has to.

  Cameron grabs my hand before walking into the place, wrapping her long slender fingers around mine. She gives me a light squeeze then starts to laugh at absolutely nothing.

  “Oh, Greyson. You are just hilarious.” A captivating smile spreads across her face as she walks up to the hostess.

  “Two please,” she says loudly enough for the whole place to hear. I have to force my eyes to stay upon her, while my insides are dying to look around and find Charlie.

  Grabbing two menus, the hostess asks us to follower her and leads us to the back of the small place. Pulling out Cameron’s chair, I place a soft kiss to the top of her head, and then gracefully take the seat across from her. Cameron thanks the hostess, and gives me a shit eating grin. She can see them perfectly. Darting my eyes around, I realize my back must be facing them.

  “Behind me?” I mouth silently.

  “Oh, Greyson. You are just too cute tonight. I’m so glad we are getting the time to do this. I miss spending time just you and me.” Cameron nods her head carefully while talking loudly. My insides clench, knowing I’m not going to see any of tonight’s events unfold until the end.

  Cameron reaches out and grabs my forearm, tossing her head back with infectious laughter. Any man would be so fucking lucky to call this woman their partner. If I wasn’t already completely wrapped around Charlie’s unwanted finger, and knew that Cameron and I could actually give it a go without killing each other all over again, I would gladly place myself at the soles of her feet and worship the ground she walks on.

  I watch as Cameron’s eyes dart toward the back, instantly releasing the grip she has on me. “Alright, they know we are here.” Her lips smile in satisfaction as she leans back in her chair.

  Nervously, I take a sip of water and glance around for our waiter. I need a fucking drink.

  “He is looking at us,” Cameron whispers through clenched teeth, playfully tugging on her long blonde curls. He won’t be able to resist her, considering he has always had a sick infatuation with Cameron even after the whole thing went to shit.

  “Can I get you guys something to drink?” a waiter interrupts, instantly sending Cameron off her game.

  “Um…..yeah. Scotch, neat,” Cameron falters. I watch as she struggles to get back on her game, making me squirm in the little chair across from her.

  “Jack and coke, please,” I say quickly, taking the attention off of Cameron.

  “I’ll be right back with your drinks.”

  “You got this. Don’t let him intimidate you, Cameron,” I whisper across the table, sending her a playful wink. Between the two of us, it will be a miracle if we don’t blow it.

  Cameron sighs softly, her eyes instantly switch from ones of worry and doubt to sparkling with a hint of mischief. “She’s back.”

  We talk obnoxiously loud, Cameron laughs at almost everything, and I refuse to turn around in my seat and see if Charlie notice me. We keep the alcohol flowing and continue to call attention to our table even when the wait staff brings out our food. The smile on Cameron’s face is obvious; we are getting to the both of them.

  “Excuse me.” Cameron giggles, pushing herself away from the table.

  I glance over my shoulder and watch her head for the restroom. Smiling, I bring my Jack up to my lips and take another long deserving pull. The plan is working perfectly. They know we are here, it’s crawling under both of their skin, and it’s only a matter of time until the hot headed Will breaks his facade and comes storming over. One can only play prince charming for so long before the real asshole side in him emerges.

/>   Chapter 25


  I have avoided Greyson for the last couple days. So to say I was surprised when I saw him walk into the restaurant tonight would be an understatement. I knew he was bound to pop up somewhere since he is still so adamant about me not going out with Will.

  The thing that did surprise me was the look on Will’s face when he realized that Greyson and Cameron came into the place. It was a mixture of shock, fear, and lust, wrapped up into a package of doubt. Being friends with Will is easy. Our conversations stay light, we like a lot of the same things, and he doesn’t push when I clam up. But, doubt seriously crossed my mind when he laid eyes on Cameron.

  “You know her?” I casually ask, trying to keep my question light and airy. I can already tell the answer to that question by the reaction his body had when he noticed her. His carefree, easygoing posture tightened up when they walked through the door.

  “Yeah, we have history together,” he replies, quickly taking a sip of his red wine.

  I nervously fiddle with the condensation on my glass of water, unsure of what next to say. Trying to keep my focus on the water glass, I keep sneaking glances at Will as he watches Greyson and Cameron get seated.

  “Sorry, about that.” He smiles, swiftly switching his defensive demeanor back to a carefree attitude.

  “No problem,” I shrug. I had been dreading this date all week, and especially since I basically threw myself at Greyson in the shower the other day. Nothing like having sex with someone, avoiding them for several days, then going out with another man the first one didn’t want you going near.

  “Do you work tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, I’m a bar back tomorrow night.” My insides seized at the thought of him asking me out again. Once is casual enough to be friends, two means there could be something more, and well, three just leads to panties being lost.

  Cameron’s loud voice carries through the small place, and each time she laughs Will’s body jerks in her direction. Licking my lips, I stare at the deep red color of the wine in Will’s glass. My body is desperate for a taste. But, I know even the slightest of sips will send my already disastrous self spiraling back down the rabbit hole.

  “Do you want a drink?” Will must have noticed my googling eyes on his drink.

  “I don’t drink,” I respond quickly, my mouth instantly going dry.

  “I figured when you ordered the water.” Will’s smile goes from flashy to a cold expression when Cameron’s laughter once again tears through the restaurant.

  “They’re really loud, huh.” Scrunching my nose to pretend I am disgusted, I can’t help but let my eyes dart over to their table. Greyson is facing away from me, and it’s probably a good thing we can’t lock eyes on each other. Cameron flicks her hair over her shoulder, and then abruptly gets up.

  My body panics at the thought of getting caught staring, so I force my eyes back down at the empty space in front of me.

  “Excuse me for a second,” Will says quickly, placing his napkin on the table. Looking up, I force a tight smile and nod my head. A massive knot forms at the bottom of my stomach as I watch Will follow Cameron through a door to what I’m figuring is the bathroom. I want to give Will the benefit of the doubt, since he has been nothing but genuine and kind around me, but something isn’t sitting right.

  My legs begin to bounce nervously under the table. Glancing over at Greyson, his posture seems to be on defense. I watch as he glances over his shoulder in the direction Cameron disappeared to.

  Suddenly, a piercing scream comes from behind the closed door. My body jerks into the table, grabbing at the table cloth to try and steady reaction only does more disaster as the glasses and fake candles come crashing down around me.

  “Crap,” I mutter, jumping up before the red wine ends up spilling in my lap. Fumbling with the tablecloth, I stand up just as Greyson goes flying over to the back door.

  “Shit, shit, shit.” Sprinting to the door, I jump backward as two grown men come flying out of the doorway.

  “Both of you fucking stop!” Cameron shrieks. Her black mascara is running down her tanned cheeks in hysterics, as she tries to come between Greyson and Will.

  Realizing this situation is not going to get any better, and Cameron will probably be at the end of one of the flying punches, I step around the scuffle and wrap my arms around her. Yanking the taller than me blonde away from the guys, I lock my hands together and prepare for a struggle.

  “What the hell? Let go of me!” she screams while pushing against my hands.

  “Cameron, you are going to get hit,” I stammer, still keeping my grasp firm.

  As if my hold no longer matters, Cameron flails her arms about, trying to grab either of the bodies smashing into one another. Everyone in the restaurant seems to sit back and watch the event unfold, offering zero help to diffuse the situation.

  “I’ve called the cops,” a waiter shouts from the hostess station. Neither of the guys seem to care about the pending arrival of the police, as the profanities, grunts, and body parts continue to move on the floor.

  “Greyson,” Cameron wails again, her body starting to go limp between my arms.

  “Greyson, stop!” My voice is louder than I expected. Peering around Cameron, my breath seizes as Greyson looks over at us. Pushing away from Will, panic raids his eyes while he scrambles to his feet.

  “Are you two okay?” Instantly I drop my hold around Cameron’s waist as she flings herself in his arm. My heart twinges with pain, but my mind quickly scolds it. There is no time for stupid jealously right now.

  “Go,” I shout at the two of them, pointing to the door. Greyson hesitates for a second before rushing Cameron and him to the front of the place.

  “Where in the fuck are you going?” Will shouts as he climbs to his feet, wiping the blood trickling from the side of his mouth.

  “Just let them go, Will.” Placing my hand on his arm, Will shrugs it off harshly. My body promptly recoils from the hostility, and I take a small step back.

  “I’m sorry,” Will whirls around, his rage quickly replaced with apologetic looks and half smiles.

  Nodding my head, I keep myself a few steps back from him. “I think I should just go home.”

  “Let me take you.” He reaches out for my hand, and I shy away. I can’t shake the images of him and Greyson fighting. Sadly, I expect something like that to come from Greyson, but I didn’t think there was a side of Will that would react like that.

  “The police are here,” someone shouts.

  “Let me talk to them,” Will instructs, giving me the keep your mouth shut look. Nothing about this situation is sitting right with me. Greyson and Cameron purposely showing up at our dinner, Cameron screaming from the back room, Greyson running in there and a fight erupting over something that I’m still clueless about. Now, Will telling me he will handle this and I’m just to stand by his side?

  Not going to happen.

  I try to slide around the officers and Will talking outside, but another one catches my movement and gives me the stern look of staying put. This is taking me completely out of my comfort zone, and listening to Will describe what happened in there is far from the truth.

  “I want to press charges. He attacked me,” Will demands. He doesn’t even look at me as he interacts with the cops, telling him the whole thing was Greyson’s fault.

  “We need to talk with the owners and see what they want to do about the destruction of property and disruption of tonight’s crowd.”

  “I’ll pay for the damages. But, I want Greyson Chambers arrested.”

  “You’re the reason why he ran in there. Cameron was screaming,” I blurt out. Instantly, I regret opening my mouth, but I couldn’t let this jerk keep running his mouth when he obviously wasn’t just the innocent party he is trying to portray.

  “Charlie,” Will says softly, as if to try and soothe the anger that is building in me.

  “No, you are just as much at fault as Greyson. Officer, the w
oman Greyson was with tonight went to the restroom and Will excused himself from our table and followed her in there. Then we heard her scream, and Greyson ran in there. Next thing you know they are both knocking into one another and come crashing out the back door. There is no proof that Greyson assaulted you first, and I’ll be dammed if you try and pass it off that way,” Glaring at Will, I cross my shaking arms in front of me and firmly stand my ground. I might be scared shitless right this moment, but I refuse to let Greyson take the brunt of it.

  “Charlotte,” Greyson’s voice calls out. My head snaps around at the sound of his voice. I see him sprinting up the sidewalk in my direction. Without giving it much thought, I break into a sprint. Our bodies crash into one another, his arms wrapping tightly around my body.

  “I thought you left,” I whimper into his chest.

  “I wouldn’t leave you here with him,” he whispers into my hair, his lips resting on the top of my head.

  “He needs to be arrested,” Will growls, pointing directly at Greyson.

  In one swoop, Greyson moves me behind his large body, shielding me from the angry Will.

  “Sir, we need to get your statement,” I hear an officer say.

  My fingers latch on to the back of his shirt as I hide behind him. My entire body is trembling, and not from the fear of what Will is spouting off. I am terrified that the cops are actually going to believe the story he has told them.

  “Not a problem,” Greyson’s calm voice emerges.

  Still standing a few yards back from the rest of the group, I wait for him to break away from my grasp, but he doesn’t move. “Should we talk about the time you beat the shit out of Cameron because she wanted to break up? Did you think it had just gone away because she didn’t press charges then, William?”

  “I don’t know what the hell he is talking about,” Will stammers. I slip my head around Greyson’s body and notice several officers standing between the two men.


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