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Gridiron Follies

Page 5

by M Koleosho

my body that I am not sure of… Besides, with all the random testing going on, I don’t want to risk it”

  Ziggy scoffs at the notion of Rahim’s career being jeopardized by his brand of medicine.

  “The stuff I work with is non-detectable. Its designer made drugs man; you’d be surprised at how many athletes take this stuff. Don’t sweat it; no one’s going to find out”.

  Rahim still looks unsure of his friend’s proposal. “I dunno man. I don’t feel one hundred about this.”

  Ziggy tries to reassure him, “What have you got to lose? This is your last chance to get a big contract…if I were you I’d be kissing my feet right now to get that stuff for you.”

  Rahim tries to laugh, forcing a weak smile. “No feet kissing. Rahim don’t do that….I guess I’ll go along. If you find anything that can heal me and get me ready for the playoffs, I’ll try it. .”

  Ziggy gets up; he reaches out to shake his friend. “I can’t promise I will find what you need, but I’ll try my best…Don’t worry I ain’t going to tell my sources that it’s you that needs it. I got your back.”

  “Thanks Zig, I really appreciate that.”

  Ziggy starts walking towards the door. “No problem fam, stop feeling so sorry for yourself or I’ma have to call your mama.”

  Rahim laughs at the suggestion, Ziggy walks out of the house. Rahim turns his attention to the fish tank yet again, watching the fishes swim around in their little enclosure, his thoughts wandering off.

  Days went by and there was still no call from Ziggy. Rahim seldom went out, staying indoors brooding on his tough luck. He had given up on ever playing the game anymore. Life had thrown an obstacle at him and he had no way of getting past it. Due to the numerous bad decisions he had made in the past, he knew the lifestyle he had become accustomed to would eventually be taken from him.

  Funds were dwindling, bills were piling up. This made no difference to Rahim; he was caught in his own little world of self pity. He tried to watch his team play on TV, but it was too painful. He longed for the field, yearned to help his teammates in their quest for the playoffs, but circumstances wouldn’t let him.

  It was almost like he had dropped off the face of the planet. No one had seen or heard from him in weeks. A few journalists from the local media stations had gone over to interview him, but they were unable to get him to come out. The only evidence of him being alive was a picture the paparazzi had taken of him whilst he was laying by his pool. His appearance was quite raggedy. A scraggly beard wrapped around his face and his hair looked like it hadn’t been combed for days. Rahim was in a funk and there was no one who could get him out of it...that was until he met the man who called himself Morningstar. A meeting that would change his life forever.

  The waters below crashed against the rocks violently. The sky looked menacing with dark clouds, lightning streaking across occasionally. A figure slowly works to the edge of the cliff.  Just as he is about to take that step that will plunge him to his death, a loud buzzing sound is heard all over.

  Rahim wakes up startled, a cold sweat running down his face. He is breathing heavily, the phone on his bedside drawer ringing loudly. He looks at the alarm clock on the table; it reads 3:33 A.M.

  The phone continues to ring; Rahim grabs it and flips it open. “Hullo?”

  “Mr. Jenkins, I hope I am not calling at a bad time”, the cold voice on the phone, speaking with a slight British accent responds.

  “Who is this? a frustrated Rahim yells into the phone.

  “I am sorry Mr. Jenkins, my name’s Morningstar,” the man on the other end says calmly.

  “Morningstar? I don’t know any Morningstar. What do you want?”

  “You sound so agitated. Are you sure I have not caught you at a bad time?”

  “Listen, whoever you are, its 3:30 A.M., you just woke me up and still haven’t told me what the heck you want, of course I am fucking agitated”, yells Rahim into the phone.

  “Very well, I am sorry for the lateness of my call. It’s the most convenient time for me…I happen to be a very busy person. But I’ll cut straight to the chase. Your friend Robert has been asking around for someone who might be able to help you.”

  “Robert? Rahim is stumped as to what Morningstar might be talking about.

  “Robert…ah…maybe I should use his other name then. Ziggy! Does that ring a bell?”

  “Ziggy? Yeah I know him. What do you mean by he’s been asking around for someone to help me?”

  Morningstar ever so calmly continues, “Let me rephrase that, he’s been asking around for anything that can heal a shifted vertebrae in very short time. He never said it was for you, but it doesn’t take a genius to figure out it is for his close friend.”

  “How did you get this number? Did Zig give it to you?” Rahim sits up in bed, perplexed by the caller on the other end.

  “No, but I have my ways. Mr. Jenkins, I can solve your problem.”

  “You…you can. How?” Rahim stutters on the phone.

  “I’d rather not discuss this on the phone. In person would be much better.” says Morningstar.

  “B...but how do I know I can trust you?”

  “You don’t…but I am not one to fool around. In a show of good faith, why not meet me at my house tomorrow?”

  “O…Okay. I guess I can do that.”

  “Very well, Mr. Jenkins I’ll text the address to your phone. Meet me there at 12 a.m. Be there exactly at that time…I do not play with my time”.

  Before Rahim can object to Morningstar’s last statement, the phone goes dead. Rahim stares at it in disbelief.

  Brrrt! brrrt! The text message had come through, Rahim glances at the message, still unsure of whether to take Morningstar on his offer or not.

  Next day: 11:58 p.m.

  Morningstar lived in a posh villa by the seaside. His was the last house on the street made up of very expensive homes. Rahim’s Bentley slowly came to a stop in the massive courtyard.

  He gets out of the car and acknowledges his surroundings. Looking at his watch, he briskly walks to the front door. He hits the buzzer, just as a large clock chimes from inside the house, indicating its 12 a.m.

  The door slowly creaks open, the interior of the house shrouded in darkness. Rahim cautiously walks in.

  A staircase leads upwards; a few candles illuminate the dimly lit foyer below.

  “Ah Mr. Jenkins you are finally here”, a voice echoes from above.

  Rahim looks up, to see a man with startling white hair but dressed in an all black attire. The closer he gets, the more of him Rahim can make out. The man walks up to Rahim, slightly taller, smiling at him. His bright green eyes have a certain oldness to it, yet his face looks so young, a babyish innocence to it.

  He extends his hands to Rahim. “Mr. Jenkins, I am Morningstar. Glad you could make it.”

  Rahim shakes his hands, studying the man in front of him. Unsure of what to say.

  Morning star motions him to come further into the house. They both walk into the living room. Its decor is in all white. Expensively furnished, art work from all over the world adorns its walls.

  Rahim takes it in silently, impressed by what he sees. Morningstar walks over the counter in the corner; numerous alcoholic beverages are stacked in shelves behind it.

  “What would you like to drink? Some Louis XII? Absinthe? Perhaps some Patron?”

  “No thanks, not in the mood for a drink,” replies Rahim.

  “Very well, you are missing out. Nothing like a good drink in your system to help calm down the tension”, smiles Morningstar.

  He fills his glass with some wine and walks over to the seat opposite Rahim. He sits down cross legged, smiling at Rahim. Rahim’s uncomfortable with Morningstar’s gaze; he looks elsewhere as he addresses him.

  “You said you can help Mr. Morningstar. How?”

  “Quick to the point I see. I like that…I really like that. Not to waste your time any further. I have a deal for you, and if you are willing to acce
pt, it will change your life significantly.” said Morningstar.

  He takes a sip from his glass of wine, the cold green eyes staring at Rahim, the smile not ceasing even once. Out of nowhere, a dark green vial appears in his palms.

  Rahim blinks twice, sitting upright, wondering what just happened. “How did you do that? You a magician?”

  Morningstar laughs, but it feels like his laughter is coming from all around the house, causing Rahim to look around nervously.

  “Magician? Not at all. I do not waste time with parlor tricks…But yes you could say what I offer is magic related.”

  Rahim stands up. “Man I knew this was bullshit…Magic? Come on man, thought you said you could fix my back. I ain’t got time for no stupid games.”

  “Sit DOWN!” commands Morningstar. His green eyes flashing, the smile gone.

  Rahim can’t help but succumb to the man’s orders. He takes his seat once again.

  “That’s much better Mr. Jenkins. This vial you see in my hands, will not only heal your current ailments, it will restore you to your best years.”

  “How? Wait is this even legal?” Rahim asks skeptically.

  Morningstar smirks, “You and I know you aren’t looking for anything legal. But you can keep your mind at ease; no drug testing equipment of this world can ever detect this. In fact, this is not of this world.”

  Rahim leans back, baffled by what Morningstar is talking about. “Not of this world? I am so confused. What are you talking about man?”

  “I would think by now you would have gotten a clue as to who I really am. The name Morningstar doesn’t ring a bell?”

  Rahim shakes

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