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Their Little Girl

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by L. J. Anderson

  Their Little Girl

  L.J. Anderson

  Published by Mayhem Erotica

  Copyright © 2012 by L.J. Anderson

  Edited by Lynda Martin

  Cover Art by L.J. Anderson

  Amazon Kindle Edition

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with others, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and you did not purchase it or it was not purchased for your use only, then please purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Warning : This story contains scenes of an explicit, erotic nature and is intended for adults, 18+ Story includes menage parings M/F/M involving consensual sex between step relations. Characters portrayed are 18 or older.

  The last six months of my life had been difficult to say the least.

  Since it was my senior year of high school, I’d been working my ass off trying to pass all my tests just so I could keep my grade point average up in hopes of landing a scholarship.

  Unlike most teenage girls, I didn’t date or hang out with girlfriends. I hadn’t even been to a high school party or dance, and prom was the furthest thing from my mind.

  Much to my displeasure, I wasn’t one of those brainy kids either, the ones that always seemed to know all the answers. Grades didn’t come easy. I had to work hard for them studying non-stop if I even wanted to be considered for those coveted college scholarships. I wasn’t under any delusions about my chances, either. If I didn’t get one, I’d end up having to spend the next several months working at the local fast food chain or the mall just to save up enough money for a semester’s worth of classes.

  Our family wasn’t destitute or anything, but I knew Mark, my stepdad, just hadn’t planned on paying the tuition of a second child after sending my stepbrother David off to university just three years earlier.

  The flake that she was, my mother hadn’t planned for my education at all.

  To be honest, I would have been highly surprised if she gave a damn whether I graduated high school much less attended college.

  For a while, I’d been thinking that it felt like she no longer cared about me or our family, and she ended up proving my theory true when she abandoned us to run off with some rich old man a mere three months into my senior year.

  I didn’t think I’d ever understand how a mother could just run away from her family like that, but then maybe I shouldn’t have been as surprised as I was when my own mother left. She gave no excuse, no reassurance that she loved me or wanted me to leave with her.

  I’d always known my mother was a selfish person, but the depths of her greed seemed to know no bounds. My desperate attempt to elicit an explanation, to find out what we’d done wrong to make her want to leave was met with irritation and anger. She wanted me out of her way, and out of her life as quickly as possible, but I needed more than that.

  When I asked what I was supposed to do without her, she walked out the door telling me Mark would look after me – at least until I turned eighteen.

  Then what?

  Did she really expect me to fend for myself? How did she know he would continue to look after me? She didn’t, really. She assumed Mark would because he’d watched over his adopted stepson, David, after his first wife died, but those circumstances were completely different.

  When Mark came home that night and wondered why I was sitting on the porch bawling my eyes out, I had to tell him what happened.

  It actually took several minutes before I could even get the words out, but when I did, he was so hurt and angry with Mom I feared he might kick me out just to rid himself of the constant reminder of what he’d lost.

  Thankfully, he didn’t seem to resent my presence, but how long would that last? How long until he got tired of me and forced my mother to take me back? And if he did, what if she refused to take me again? Would I be forced to live in foster care till I was legally declared an adult?

  The thought of living with strangers terrified me beyond words.

  Once the divorce papers were signed, there would be nothing to stop him from sending me away, and when that day came, I would have to find a way to take care of myself.

  Too scared to broach the subject, I kept quiet, avoiding him whenever possible, thanking my lucky stars he never brought it up. I assumed since he was already supporting David, he really had no reason to keep me around. Because I was older when they got married, Mark never adopted me, so legally, unlike my mother, he didn’t have any obligation or responsibility for my well-being.

  My mind raced for days trying to figure out a way to convince him that I wouldn’t be a burden, that I could be useful around the house, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of him.

  Not knowing what else to do, I finally broke down one day and began begging him, telling him I’d do anything if he’d just let me stay...

  “Honestly, Erica? Do you really think so little of me?” my stepfather asked as I sobbed hysterically, sounding completely affronted by my desperate pleas for him not to send me to my mother.

  “I wasn’t... I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just – I couldn’t imagine you wanting me to stay after the way my mother treated you,” I cried, hoping he wouldn’t be upset.

  His eyes raked over me a moment before he held out his arms, ready to wrap me in his strong embrace. Without hesitation, I melted into his touch, basking in the warmth of human contact, feeling loved and cherished – something that I’d been missing for so long.

  “Of course you can stay, sweetie. You didn’t even have to ask,” he whispered, his velvet voice making my skin prickle with awareness as he pulled me closer.

  I could hardly remember the last time someone had touched me much less hugged me.

  “I needed that,” I replied, my rough voice teetering somewhere between a laugh and sob.

  Once I’d managed to step a few feet back, my gaze traveled up to his face, searching for some indication that he realized the gravity of what he’d just given me, the weight that had been lifted from my tiny frame. When my eyes met his, I was taken aback at what I saw – a strange glint in his stormy grey eyes, a darkness I’d never noticed before.

  Leaning in, I couldn’t help but feel drawn to him, his gaze beckoning me inexplicably closer.

  What is this?

  “I think I needed it too,” he said finally, his expression reverting to normal, breaking the peculiar connection. The speed in which things shifted only managed to make me wonder if my mind had just been playing tricks on me.

  Emotions were high, so he was probably just upset, I reasoned.

  Not wanting him to sense my sudden unease, my lips formed a false smile as I tried to find a way to snap out of the trance I seemed to be under. “Th-thank you,” I stuttered slightly, unsure of what had happened.

  “No need to thank me, Erica. That’s what Daddies are for.” His tone was teasing, but I felt his finger pressing firmly against my chin, urging me to look up at him, giving me no choice but to meet his dark grey eyes.

  In the past, Mark had been more of a friend than a father figure. Growing up without my birth father hadn’t exactly made me an expert on what it meant to have a dad or what one was supposed to act like. But this... the way he was looking at me, the way it felt when he hugged me... it didn’t feel fatherly, and yet the thought of calling him Daddy excited me in ways I didn’t understand.

  And I liked it. A lot.

  “You’re the best Daddy a girl could ask for,” I told him shyly, testing the new name on my tongue. I didn’t even pretend to deny how right it felt, especially when his eyes darkened again in response. The shift between us s
omehow became palpable, like I could reach out and touch the delicious, crackling tension and hold it my hand.


  As time passed, I made sure to do all the housework and cooking. I even made sure to have all of Daddy’s work shirts pressed to perfection. Just knowing I could keep him happy was really important to me, because I never wanted to be a burden to anyone, least of all to a man who had been so generous and caring to me.

  Sometimes I’d catch him watching me, though – whenever I walked in the room, his eyes would change like before, glinting darkly, becoming almost possessive.

  It was as if he wanted something from me – but what?

  There were days when I thought I was beginning to understand the looks that passed between us, the strange draw I couldn’t explain. My body’s reactions to those looks seemed to change – fluttering and excitement morphed into a deep ache, an ember of desire burning in my tummy making my nipples tighten and pucker in response to his unwavering gaze, as he watched me without inhibition, staring at me, his eyes circling me like a hungry predator.

  I’d never felt so exposed in my life. It was like he somehow knew what was happening to me, like he’d intentionally planned to arouse me until my panties became wet and sticky.

  He was playing with me, intentionally eliciting feelings I barely understood, just because he knew he could, and there wasn’t a thing I could do stop him.

  And, if I was truly being honest, I wasn’t sure I would have if I could. He’d awakened something inside me, though, making me feel more alive than ever before.

  Judging from the intensity of my body’s response, I never would have imagined another man could ever make me feel the way Daddy did. I didn’t think it was possible for anyone else to fill me with so much desire, at least not until I found one of David’s dirty movies a few months ago.


  At the time, school was closed because it had been snowing all week. I was about to die of boredom, so I went into my stepbrother’s room to borrow his DVD player.

  Since I knew David wasn’t due to be home from school for a few weeks, I didn’t see the harm in using it, but when I opened the tray to put in my own disk, there was already one inside. It wasn’t labeled or anything, so I had no idea what I’d find.

  Maybe I shouldn’t have been getting into his business, but curiosity got the better of me. It didn’t help that I’d had a bit of a schoolgirl crush on my stepbrother for a long time. It was mostly innocent in the past, and for the most part, my feelings were purely superficial.

  David was gorgeous, of course – tall and lean, his muscles tight and defined – like a swimmer, but not just any swimmer... an extremely sexy and well-built swimmer. His hair was short and dark, and his eyes were as blue as the ocean and just as deep.

  My stepbrother kept to himself mostly, reading, strumming his guitar, and studying, but he also had a thing for fast cars and breaking curfew, which drove Mark crazy sometimes.

  He drove me crazy too.

  I wasn’t sure if his appeal had anything to do with those deep baby blues, or if it was his bad boy, devil-may-care attitude, there was just something about David that drew me in like a magnet.

  Unfortunately, I wasn’t the only one with a thing for my stepbrother.

  During his senior year, I actually became very popular with several sophomore and junior girls who thought it would be a good idea to pretend to be my friends in an effort to get in his pants. They didn’t hang around long because David was smart enough to see through their games when I didn’t.

  Maybe it was silly and naive, but I would have given anything to be with him. There were just too many obstacles standing in the way, and they all seemed so insurmountable.

  If there was ever a chance of getting past the whole stepbrother thing, then I’d have to deal with the fact that, not only was he a few years older, but he was also way more experienced than I’d ever hope to be.

  He probably had girls all over him at college anyway.

  That thought made me sad and more than a little jealous. It also made me very curious about what might be on that unlabeled disk.

  Not wanting to be caught snooping, I made sure Mark was busy before sneaking back into David’s room. It seemed like ages before the blue screen went away and was replaced with an actual picture and sound, but when it did, I couldn’t believe my eyes.

  It was David!

  Even more shocking was the fact that he was on screen with a pretty, petite brunette and another guy, who was also tall and handsome like David, and they were all naked.

  I squinted at the slightly shaky image, hoping to get a better look at David’s body, but the camera was quickly handed over to him and he began narrating, his rich, masculine voice coming crystal clear through the speakers.

  “You think you’re going to be able to handle both of us, Kara?” David spoke, aiming the camera directly at the girl in front of him. He laughed when she gave him a naughty smile.

  Just the thought of what the three of them might be about to do set my body on fire, making my nipples hard and sensitive. It was like my senses were awakened for the very first time, as if for the first time in my life, I was finally alive.

  With my eyes glued to the TV screen, I watched, enraptured, as David filmed this girl, Kara, as she dropped to her knees in front of him and began to put her mouth on him, sucking him hard and bobbing her head as if he was the most delicious lollipop she’d ever tasted.

  “Fuck... I need some of that,” David’s friend growled from out of frame. I probably should have wondered what he was up to, but I couldn’t focus on anything but my stepbrother and the fact that I was actually seeing his insanely perfect, naked body right now.

  David’s penis looked so thick and long as it jutted out towards the girl’s open mouth, glistening with her saliva. I wanted to be her so badly.

  “Don’t be stingy now, Kara. Benny wants you to suck his cock too,” David told her sternly, running his fingers through her hair, urging her to release him from her mouth. “Show him what a good girl you are.”

  “Don’t fucking call me Benny, Davey.” The two men shared a laugh, but Benny’s changed to a groan when Kara slid her tongue up the underside of his erection. “Fuck yeah, babe.”

  “Girl knows how to suck a cock, that’s for sure.” David’s voice was rough with desire as he zoomed in closer to show what Kara was doing.

  I watched in awe as her lips opened wide, taking in David’s friend so deep that she gagged a few times. I understood why David and Benny enjoyed her attention, but her enthusiasm surprised me. Was she really enjoying it?

  It sure looked that way, but what did I know? As far as guys were concerned, I wasn’t exactly experienced, and up until that day, I had no idea how to please one sexually. Though I had to admit, after watching Kara slurp and suck, and squeeze and massage, it didn’t seem that difficult.

  Maybe if I had someone to practice with...I pondered briefly. Someone with a nice big cock, like David’s...Oh god.

  My thoughts were hazy as I continued to watch the trio, and when it looked like Benny had had enough, he nudged Kara away from his glistening cock, and sat on the edge of a bed I hadn’t noticed till then.

  “Come here, baby girl,” Benny beckoned, curling his finger seductively, urging Kara to join him. I could hardly take my eyes off of him and the thick erection that jutted proudly from between his legs.

  “You mind taking over from here?” David asked from behind the lens, but there was no response, only a brief shuffling in which the camera was handed off to a fourth person, someone who had yet to reveal themselves.

  Who else was there?

  Maybe it was a sign of my naivete, but I could hardly believe my stepbrother knew so many people who would want to take part in group sex. Of course I’d heard of orgies before, having briefly touched on the subject of the Roman Emperor Caligula in my European history class, but I never would have guessed that David would be the type to join in on one.

  Once this other person had the camera, my stepbrother was free to join his friends on the bed. Judging by the way Benny’s hips were thrusting toward Kara’s, he appeared eager to begin and probably would have done so whether David was ready or not.

  “You didn’t tell me how cute Kara’s pussy was, Dave,” Benny groaned as his fingers disappeared between the girl’s legs and she began to whimper in response to whatever he was doing. “Get a close up of it.”

  The person behind the camera did as they were told and moved in closer, zooming in on a pair of bare, glistening lips just as a masculine hand moved in frame and began rubbing the little pink nub with his thumb.

  “That feels good,” Kara moaned quietly, speaking for the first time since their threesome started.

  Aroused and curious, I slipped my hand into my panties and was shocked to find them completely soaked, the fabric sticking to my body like a second skin. My pussy was hot and so sensitive that it almost seemed swollen, but it didn’t hurt. Not at all.

  It felt good. Really good.

  “Playtime is over,” David said sternly, giving Kara a little swat on the ass. She squealed, sounding slightly childish, but began moving toward Benny, who was wearing a look of desperation on his handsome face. Quickly, Kara moved into position, straddling Benny, while David knelt beside them on the bed.

  I watched, mesmerized, as Kara sunk down, her pussy wetly accepting the thick, sculpted head. Her petite body seemed to welcome the intrusion as she arched her back and slid down Benny’s cock till it was fully concealed within her. A little moan escaped my lips as I watched her ride Benny, her body rocking on top of his in a slow, steady pace as if she was savoring the feeling of having him inside her.

  The urge to know what she must be feeling quickly slid to the forefront of my thoughts, making me desperate for it. Without hesitation, I moved my fingers toward the soaked entrance, circling them around, testing myself before I allowed a single digit to slip inside.


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