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Minus (Burning Saints MC, #1)

Page 20

by Jack Davenport

  We’d finished the remodel on our house two years ago (which we’d named Triple H Ranch, with still no idea what it stood for), the “bunkhouse” for at-risk kids had been completed six months later and we now had three young men working the land, learning a trade, and quickly cementing themselves into our hearts.

  The club was thriving and my brothers had finally come to accept Minus as my man... sort of. He seemed to think he’d get more respect if I married him, but I didn’t want to jinx anything, so I was getting creative with ways to say ‘no’ to a proposal without hurting Jase’s feelings.

  “Let’s see what Eldie says, then we’ll figure it out.”

  “I don’t feel up to leaving, honey. I’ll just go back to bed.” Before he could respond, the doorbell pealed, and I frowned up at him. “You asked her to come here?”

  “Yep.” He kissed my forehead, then went to answer the door.

  Dr. Gina “Eldie” Gardner walked inside and set her bag on the island next to me. Clutch complained that she was way too “fuckin’ pretty to be a doctor.” And she was. Eldie was petit, about five-foot-three, with raven black hair and “some seriously luscious tits and ass,” (that was straight out of Clutch’s mouth the first time he’d met her). She was super sweet, but by no means a pushover, evident when dealing with some of our harder bikers. I adored her.

  “You’re not feeling well, huh?” she asked.

  “Yes,” I confirmed. “I’m sure it’s just a stomach bug. You didn’t need to come all the way over here.”

  “I wasn’t far, honey, it’s no problem.”

  After checking my blood pressure, taking my temperature, and doing a quick general health exam, she rummaged in her bag and pulled out a sterile cup. “Go pee.”


  “Yep. I’m also going to take some blood, but let’s start with this,” she said. “You can leave the cup in the bathroom.”

  I nodded and headed to the hall bathroom, did my thing, then walked back to the kitchen.

  “I’ll be right back,” Eldie said, and she walked down the hall, then returned with the cup in a plastic baggie. “I’m gonna drop this at the lab today and we’ll see what we come up with, okay? Let me take some blood and then I’ll get out of your hair.”

  She bled me dry before hugging me and leaving me to die.

  “Back to bed,” Jase said, but I shook my head.

  “I’d rather curl up on the sofa with you and watch a really stupid shoot ’em up movie.”

  He grinned, leaning down to kiss me gently. “I can do that.”

  “Die Hard?” I asked hopefully.

  “Even though it’s not Christmas yet? Wow, you must really feel like shit. Die Hard it is.”

  I clapped my hands and slid off the stool, grabbing for his arm when a wave of nausea hit me.

  “Shit,” he hissed, wrapping an arm around my waist.

  “I’m okay,” I said, taking a couple of deep breaths. “It’s passed.”

  “I’m gonna get you settled, then give Eldie a call.”

  “She just left, honey,” I countered. “She’ll call when she has anything.”

  He frowned but dropped it and got me settled on the sofa, grabbing a fresh pop and another sleeve of saltines.

  Once he parked his butt beside me, I snuggled close to him and he started the movie. The last thing I remember before I passed out was the passenger telling Bruce to take off his shoes and make fists with his toes. Still gross.

  I didn’t wake up again until the next morning... at least, not completely. I remember getting up to pee and discovering Jase had carried me to our bed, but I crashed as soon as I was next to him again.

  I opened my eyes and he wasn’t next to me, so I checked the time and saw it was almost eleven. I almost never slept in this late and it felt amazing. I took a few minutes to stretch, then slid slowly off the mattress, testing to see if my stomach was going to be a bitch.

  So far, so good. I headed to the bathroom just as Jase walked in.

  “You’re awake.”

  I grinned. “Nothing gets by you, huh?”

  He chuckled and started the water. “Take a quick shower, then we’re out of here.”

  “What? Out of here, why?”

  He took the hem of my tank top and lifted it over my head. “We’re starting your birthday trip early.”

  “Honey, I don’t know if I can handle taking a trip right now. I’m still puking.”

  He grabbed a white bottle off the counter. “Got stuff for that.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Doling out a pill, he handed it to me with a bottled water. “Take this. It’ll help.”

  “Help what?” I asked with a huff. “What’s going on?”

  “We’re going to Vegas,” he said, kissing me quickly.

  “Vegas? What? No, why?”

  “Wheels up in thirty,” he said, and left the room.

  I took the pill and rushed through a shower, then dressed faster than I ever had. Walking into the kitchen, I noticed two carry-ons sitting beside the front door. “Jase, why are we going to Vegas? I don’t understand why there’s such a big rush.”

  He handed me a couple of saltines and a pop, guiding me to the kitchen island.

  “You and me are gettin’ married, Cricket.”

  “I already told―”

  “Zip it,” he said.

  I wrinkled my nose. “Rude.”

  “You and me are gonna be official, ’cause my kid’s not growin’ up a bastard.”

  “Ohmigod, Jase, we’re not living in the nineteenth century.” I rolled my eyes. “And we haven’t even talked about kids. Do you want them?”

  “Fuck, yeah, I do. Do you?”

  “Yes, of course. I mean, eventually.”

  He grinned, leaning his face close to mine. “Well, eventually’s here, baby. Eldie called last night. You’re pregnant.”

  I gasped. “What?”

  “I picked up pre-natals for you, and Eldie suggested a great anti-nausea pill, which I gave you, so we’ll see how that works.”

  “Wait, honey, you’re going too fast. We can’t run away and elope. My brothers will kill me. And I always promised Poppy she could be a bridesmaid.”

  “Shoulda thought about that before you refused all my other proposals, Cricket. You’re outta time now.”

  “Okay, Dramakazi, calm down.”

  “You feel good?”

  “Yes, actually, I feel a lot better.”

  “Good, got a car comin’ in a few minutes, so we can go ahead and lock up and head downstairs.”

  “Jase, wait―”

  “Not waitin’ anymore, Cricket.” He kissed me. “Lean in, honey. I won’t bend on this one.”

  “You can’t force me to marry you.”

  “You want me to move out?”

  I gasped. “What? No! You wouldn’t.”

  “Those are your choices, Christina. You’ve been gettin’ the bull for free for too long. You either buy the horns or I’m leaving you.”

  “Free bull?” I choked back a laugh. “Really?”

  “Yep. Time you made an honest man outta me.”

  “Honey, I can’t get married without my family.”

  Before he could answer, our doorbell pealed, and my heart dropped. The car was obviously here. God! I hadn’t even had time to process there was a life growing in me...which was probably Jase’s plan all along.

  “Eat,” Jase ordered, and left me to answer the door.

  He pulled open the door and I felt tears starting to burn as Hatch and Maisie walked in, followed by their kids. Maisie rushed to me and pulled me in for a hug. Poppy followed, then my nephews, Flash and Jamie, then finally my brother. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

  “Not missin’ my baby sister’s wedding,” he said.

  “Shotgun wedding, you mean.”

  “What the fuck?” he whispered, meeting my eyes.

  “They don’t know, Cricket,” Jase said. “Figured you’d want to
tell ’em.”

  “Surprise,” I whispered. “I’m pregnant.”

  My brother pulled me in for another hug and I wrapped my arms around his waist.

  “You happy?” he rasped.

  “So happy.”

  He lifted my face and kissed my forehead. “Happy for you, Cricket.”

  Tears slid freely down my face now, and Maisie and Poppy pulled me in for a group hug.

  “Your other brothers are meeting us at the airport, so are a few of the Dogs,” Jase said, wrapping an arm around me.

  “You got everyone?” I asked on a sob. I couldn’t believe he’d made sure my entire family was there.

  He kissed my temple. “Yeah, I got everyone. Kim’s taking care of the dress.”

  “I don’t know if I can afford what she will pick out.”

  “We got it,” Maisie said. “Our gift.”

  “Really? Ohmigod, Maisie, thank you.” I bit my lip. “What about rings? I don’t have a ring for you.”

  He chuckled. “It’s all handled. Let’s go. We’re gonna be late.”

  “Wait, honey. I...”

  “We’ll meet you outside,” Maisie said, and ushered her family out of the house, picking up that I needed to talk to Jase alone.

  Jase faced me and took my hands. “You love me?”

  “With every fiber of my being,” I said.

  “Why are you freakin’ out, then?”

  I shrugged. “Maybe because I’m hormonal and I’m suddenly scared of you dying or something stupid like that.”

  “Honey, I’m here. I’m in. I’m not goin’ anywhere.” He released my hands and wiped the tears from my cheeks. “I love you. I lost you once, and I will never let you go again. And now you’re givin’ me the greatest gift I’ve ever been given. I will fuckin’ die before I let you out of my sight. You’re my world, Cricket. Let me be yours.”

  I sobbed as I nodded, standing to kiss him, slobber and all. “You’re already my world, Jase. I love you.”

  He smiled. “Let’s go get hitched, then.”

  “Okay. Yes, I’ll marry you.”


  “You called my brothers.”

  “I did.” He grinned. “They didn’t even give me shit.”


  “Long time coming... they were cool about it.”

  “Even Hatch?”

  “Yeah, baby, he and I are good.”

  “I love you, Jase Robert Minus Vincent.”

  He chuckled. “Love you too, Christina Catherine Cricket Wallace... soon to be Vincent.”

  “God, you’re such a girl.”

  Jase dropped his head back and laughed. “I’ll show you how much of a girl when I fuck you later.”

  I shivered. I couldn’t wait.

  He kissed me once more, then we locked up the house, confident our ‘boys’ would take care of everything while we were gone. In the middle of the chaos of throwing luggage into cars and piling into Hatch’s Scout, I had a minute to freak out. But only a minute, which I’m sure is why Jase sprung all of this on me. I couldn’t believe I was pregnant. I mean, I really shouldn’t be overly surprised, my mother had been fertile myrtle, but I was on the pill and had been for years. I laid my hands over my belly and closed my eyes, just as Jase wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me as close as our seatbelts would allow. “You good?”

  I leaned into him with a nod. “So good.”

  His hand covered mine and he kissed me gently as Hatch drove us to our destination. Arriving at the airport with my family, we headed through security, then to the gate, where I found the rest of my brothers, my nephew Devon, and half a dozen Dogs and their women. Jase’s bestie, Clutch was there, as well as a few of the Saints. I’m sure we looked pretty intimidating as we piled onto the plane, but I didn’t care. I was too busy trying to keep my hands off my perfect in every way fiancé.

  Twenty-four hours later, I said “I do,” and was officially Cricket Vincent, wife of Jase Vincent. Power couple extraordinaire.

  It had been a tough road, but I don’t think I would have changed anything, because it led me into the arms of my one true love.

  Copyright © 2016 Trixie Publishing, Inc.

  Widowed young, Maisie Mann was left to raise her daughter alone. Now, nine years later, she thinks she might have life as a single mom mastered... until her car breaks down on the wrong side of town. All she requires is a little roadside assistance and she’ll be on her way. But when her help comes in the form of a gruff but alluring biker, it sparks emotions she hasn’t experienced since her husband died.

  Connor ‘Hatch’ Wallace is nobody’s hero. The Sergeant-at-Arms for the Dogs of Fire MC has a bitter past and has sworn off anyone threatening his independence. But fate has other ideas.

  Maisie has no intention of getting involved with a man like Hatch and, despite her overwhelming attraction to him, pushes him away... until her life, and that of her child, are threatened.

  Is Maisie’s only chance of survival in the hands of a badass biker?

  Will Hatch be able to put aside his past and protect a woman and her daughter at the risk of losing everything?



  I WALKED OUT of Lonnie’s salon and into the blaring heat of an unusually hot Pacific Northwest April. Squinting against the brightness, I slid my sunglasses on and headed to the Chinese restaurant next door for some takeout. Ten minutes later, order in hand, I was ready to go home and soak in the tub. It had been a long day and I needed a little down time. Only, when I climbed into my car, slid the key in the ignition, and turned... nothing happened.

  “What the—?” I tried again, but still nothing, so I climbed out and looked around. Lonnie’s lights were off, the closed sign hung on the door, and the parking lot was all but empty. “Just great,” I said, and groaned.

  I considered going back into the Chinese restaurant for help, but I’d had to repeat my order three times, so I had little faith they’d be able to understand my request for a jump. I grabbed my cell and called Triple A.

  “Roadside Assistance, how may I help you?”

  “Well, I’m in Orchards and I have a dead battery,” I said.

  “No problem, we can send someone out. What’s the address?”

  I rattled off my location, gave her my card number and other pertinent information.

  “We can have someone out to you in about an hour.”

  “Really? Nothing sooner?”

  “No, sorry. We’re really busy today.”

  “Okay,” I said. “Thanks.”

  I sighed and hung up, turning to find Lonnie walking out of her shop. “Hey, Maisie. You’re still here?”

  “I have a dead battery. I called Triple A, but if you have a minute, would you mind giving me a jump, please?”

  “No, sorry, I actually have to be somewhere.”

  I stared at her, so shocked by her unwillingness to help me I couldn’t even form a response. It would take maybe five minutes to jump my battery. I’d been loyal to her for more than ten years, even following her to this crappy part of town, and she couldn’t take five minutes to help me? I think my mouth was still slightly agape as I watched her climb into her car and drive off, smiling (and waving) at me as she passed.

  God! I’d just given her a thirty-percent tip. Not to mention, I always sent her a Christmas card (even though she never reciprocated) and even sent her a gift on her birthday. Not cool!

  I sighed and leaned against my car, scanning the area. I lived and worked in downtown Portland and only ever came up here for my hair needs. But there had to be someone around who could help me so I wouldn’t be stuck here for another hour.

  I walked a few feet away from my car and looked around. Bingo. A little hole-in-the wall mechanic’s garage was across the busy street and three doors down. Concerned they wouldn’t be open, or would be manned by grease monkeys who liked to take advantage of women in need of automotive services, I shuddered, but tr
udged toward the shop anyway. If they were open, I figured they’d probably be able to help me, but if they weren’t willing, then I’d give them a nasty Yelp review. I should probably do that to Lonnie, but wasn’t entirely sure I was quite that brave. It took me years to find her.

  * * *


  Connor ‘Hatch’ Wallace dumped an armload of parts onto the front counter of Bruce’s Specialty Auto Services, and pulled out his clipboard to check them off. His buddy’s shop was one of several he’d made deliveries to today, but luckily it was the last and the least amount... it meant he’d been able to carry everything in his saddlebags of his Harley Fat Boy. The day was too nice to be locked in a cage. He’d needed to ride. And now he wanted beer and pussy, not necessarily in that order, but he had to wait ’til he got back to the compound to enjoy either.


  “Yeah?” he called back, still scribbling on the order sheet.

  “Hot one comin’.”

  Hatch glanced up to see a woman navigating the intersection and heading toward them. She wore a fitted light-blue blouse, tight, white jeans that hugged her shapely legs, and heels that looked like they cost more than his bike. Her long, blonde hair hung in straight sheets, but as a gust of wind caught her locks, she had to fight to keep the strands out of her face. She slid her sunglasses on top of her head, pulling her hair away from her face and Hatch’s breath left his body. She was like the first ray of sunshine after the rain. Damn, she was a knockout.

  She walked into the tiny customer area and gave him a tentative smile. “Hi,” she breathed out. “My battery’s dead and Triple A’s going to be a while. Is there someone here who’d be willing to give me a jump?”

  Hatch’s dick took notice of her sweet, British accent.

  “Yeah, sweetheart, I’ll jump you. Anytime, anyplace,” Bruce said, and Hatch watched her step back slightly, her face a little paler than before. For whatever reason, Bruce’s dirty innuendo made Hatch want to beat the shit out of his old friend.

  “Piss off, Bruce,” Hatch ordered quietly, then turned to face her. He was shocked by a sudden need to protect her, but he planned to help her and get her the hell out of his space. He needed a woman to protect as much as he needed a hole in the head, but he did have a sister and he’d never leave a woman stranded. “I’ll get you goin’ again. Where are you parked?”


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