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Love, Music, Amali

Page 1

by Mia Mitns

  Love, Music, Amali

  Mia Mitns

  Copyright © Mia Mitns, 2015

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any manner, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  First Edition: February 2015

  Cover design by Mia Mitns

  Cover fonts made by Ankle and Ethan

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  About Mia & Links

  Chapter 1

  It was all over the news. Kantana was coming to town. Everyone seemed to be really excited, except for me. Kantana was the type of band I detested. I liked their concept, an R&B band, but to be honest, they sucked. The lyrics said nothing over and over again. The melodies rhymed back to back to back to back to back, and they were so repetitive that you couldn’t help but to remember it. That made me hate myself every time I caught myself singing their songs.

  I knew Kantana’s members had to hate their songs a little bit too. The musicians appeared to be uninspired. Even the lead singer seemed to be bored out of his mind. It’s a shame because he was a pretty good singer, but he sang with no soul.

  I rolled my eyes for about the 20th time that day while my co-worker and best friend, Talli, was in jubilee. Kantana was one of her favorite groups. So, naturally I knew everything about Kantana too. Ugh! I think I got sick just thinking about them. And if I had to hear that “I Want You Baby” song one more time!

  “Hi, welcome to the Jiva Hotel. How can I help you?” Talli asked.

  Yep, I worked in the lobby at the hotel, and rumor was that Kantana would be staying with us. It was also rumored that they would be staying at 10 other hotels in the city and 10 more out in the suburbs. I kind of wished they were staying with us, for Talli’s sake. In addition, their fans would keep things interesting in the lobby. We would have stories for days. And the days would go by faster. I started to smile and couldn’t stop. Crazy stories, wouldn’t that be something?

  “Amali, I see that you are enjoying that commercial again,” Talli said, laughing.

  I looked at her as if I was about to scold her.

  “Come on, you know you want to go to the concert with me,” Talli said. “I still have a ticket for you. I’ve already primed you for this; you know all of their songs! Come on and go! Their live show is amazing!!”

  “I’m sure it is Talli, but I’d like to remain one of the few people who didn’t go.”

  “Alright, the offer still stands. They will be here for two weeks. Four shows at American Airlines Arena; four secret shows scattered through the city in small, intimate venues! It’s so exciting! I can’t wait!

  “Oh, and in the secret shows, they are going to perform songs they haven’t played live before, do a show just for fan requests, and have an acoustic show! It’s kind of not fair. I want to go to all of them. Hopefully someone will record a tape of all of the shows . . .”

  Talli was so overjoyed. She looked as though she was using everything in her not to jump around the lobby.

  “You’ll still cover for me when they announce the secret show right?” Talli asked. “I’ll have to focus on getting the tickets, so we can be as close as possible.”

  “Of course.”

  “What if they stayed here? I could ask where they are performing. I would know before everyone else! That would be amazing!”

  “It would.”

  “And you would go with me,” Talli said, smiling.


  Talli crossed her arms giving me a look of disapproval.

  I shook my head, “Talli, why are you concerned about me? Don’t you already have your whole fan team going with you?”

  “Yes, of course they are going. I’m just trying to get you to go out. That’s all.” She threw her hands up. “All work no play isn’t too much fun.”

  “I’m good. Thanks.”

  Talli shook her head, smiling. She was determined to make me go. Obviously, I’d rather do anything else.

  Two more hours, six more Kantana commercials passed, and instead of going home, we had the pleasure of attending a meeting. I hated those days. Our meetings were always after our shift when I just wanted to get something to eat. I’m a grouch when I don’t eat.

  The meeting was basically about blah, blah, blah, maybe Kantana, blah blah. Finally when the meeting was over, Talli, a couple of Talli’s Kantana friends, and I went out to eat. After about 15 minutes I think I became numb to any reaction about Kantana, especially the lead singer, Levi. “He is so mysterious and hot.” That was at least 70% of the discussion. I couldn’t be mad at them though. They were having fun.

  The girls captured my attention when they started discussing the gossip though. They talked more about Levi and how he was strange and mysterious. A lot of fans reported that he showed up out of nowhere when they were waiting for a chance to meet Kantana. There were also several stories that came from fans who followed him into clubs and restaurants. They never could find him once they went into the establishments. He always disappeared.

  Chapter 2

  The next morning, I got up early, turned on the TV, and immediately turned it back off again. At least in my home I would have peace. I’m sure the reporters discussed Kantana’s descent on our town and how lucky we were as mere humans to have them. I didn’t need to hear that. I already knew we’d be so lucky due to the discussion last night. Kantana should have arrived earlier in the morning. They should have already checked in somewhere.

  Realizing I was becoming some sort of expert on Kantana, I shook my head to try to clear my mind. I sat down to a nice cereal breakfast and picked up the paper. I put it back down. Ugh! I will be glad when they are gone, I thought.


  I made it in to work a little too early, so I sat in my car in the parking garage wasting the little bit of time I had left. I glanced into my rear view mirror. A strangely dressed man, well strange for our hotel guests, got out of a car and walked over to the elevators. The man was tall, skinny and dressed in black from head to toe. He had on a leather jacket, skinny jeans, and some converse.

  Hmm, I thought. I guess some of their fans are staying at our hotel. This was going to be a very interesting day, or possibly next couple of weeks.

  Something told me to check the time. My eyes lit up! I grabbed my stuff and just about ran to the elevator. Lucky for me the guy had already pressed the button and was waiting on the elevator. He held the elevator door open for me.

  “Thanks!” I said, smiling as I got on.

  “No problem,” he said as he pushed the button for the first floor.

  “So are you here to see Kantana?” I asked, looking over to him.

  “I work for them.”

  “Oh, so part of the crew is staying with us?”

  “Something like that,” he said then looked over to me. This guy was very fine. I think my heart held up a warning sign. It wanted to increase the tempo to cause my brain to become distracted and eventually malfunction. But I was trained when it came to seeing guys like this. Every week we got a few who came
through our doors.

  “Well, welcome to Dallas!”

  “Thank you!” the man said, smiling.

  OK, all that training didn’t mean anything. The smile . . . his aqua colored eyes so were enticing. In fact they made me stare at him a little too long. I think I was smiling a silly smile. I could have been drooling.

  I shook my head and blinked. “Sorry.” I diverted my attention to the opening elevator doors. I felt like he was staring at me.

  “It’s alright. I’m used to it,” he said as he held the door open for me to get off. I wondered why he didn’t just press the button to hold the door open. Why did he have to hold it back with his hands?

  I turned back to him as I walked off. Oh! He WAS staring. I mouthed, “Thanks,” because I couldn’t vocally say it and hurried to the lobby. I went through the back entrance to reach my station at the front desk in the lobby. I think he turned down the halls to catch the elevators to go up the rooms.

  When I made it out to the front desk, Talli was already there.

  “Just in time, huh?” she said, laughing.

  “Yeah . . .” I was catching my breath as I smiled.

  “What?” Talli asked, returning a smile as she nudged me.

  I looked at Talli. “Good news! I know you’ll be happy. I just came off the elevator with one of Kantana’s crew members! He was fine!”

  Talli was in shock.

  “Talli!” I shook her arm.

  “I can’t believe it!” she said. “It might be true. They might be here! What if they could give out the tickets to every secret show?!”

  “I wouldn’t get too happy yet. With all of the production they have, I’m sure the performers and crew are staying in several hotels across the metroplex.”

  “Yeah, you’re right,” Talli said, turning away from me. “So was it one of the guys, or what? A guitar tech?”

  “I don’t know . . .” I looked off into the lobby. “He wore all black, a tall, skinny guy, pretty blue eyes.”

  I heard Talli take a quick deep breath. I looked over to see if she was still breathing. Talli looked at me, slowly.

  “Talli, can you breathe or something? You’re scaring me.”

  “Amali, do you know who that was, who you were talking to?”

  I just looked at her.

  “It was Kantana’s guitarist! Jes Wek!!”

  “You know I’m not good at remembering faces.”

  “I know! You’ve walked right past a few celebs in your time. But anyway, if he is here . . . then you know –”

  “Good morning and welcome to the Jiva Hotel, how can I help you?” I said, turning to face the customer who just walked up.


  A few hours later check-out ended. Talli and I were tired and ready to go home, but check-in just began. In the meeting the night before, we were warned that check-in would be pretty heavy. Just about everyone from the medical conference was leaving, and fans of Kantana were arriving.

  We were constantly busy until about 4:45. Most of the people were dressed casually, so we didn’t think they had anything to do with the band. Talli asked me about a few people she checked in. She thought they could be guitar techs. Just as I was about to answer, we heard the screams. Talli and I looked directly at each other. They were staying with us.

  Talli almost could not contain her excitement as Kantana walked through the door. The screaming girls followed them in. One of our co-workers asked the girls if they could stop screaming. They did but still followed Kantana with excitement.

  Jes was at the front of the pack. He looked over at Talli and I and chuckled to himself. Then he leaned back to whisper into another guy’s ear. The other guy looked at us and smiled as they kept walking. I couldn’t help but give a little smile back. His smile seemed so caring and kind. Oh no, he was whipping me into becoming one of their fans. There would be none of that.

  I tilted my head down to acknowledge them then looked over to Talli, whose sprits seemed to be lifted 1,000 times. The Kantana guys stopped to address their fans before they left the lobby. They said they would come back downstairs in a few minutes to meet with them. The girls and a good amount of guys who followed them in were elated.

  “Now we just need a plan to get those tickets,” Talli whispered to me.

  I laughed and enjoyed watching the thrilled fans.


  The guys kept their promise. About 15 minutes later, they were back downstairs signing autographs and taking pictures in the lobby. Jes finished meeting the fans first. He looked at me and then headed over to us at the front desk. I could have sworn Talli was shaking with excitement. I pretended that . . . well I tried to pretend that he was anything but gorgeous as I greeted him.

  “Yes, there is something you can help me with,” Jes said. “But first of all, it was nice meeting you on the elevator this morning.” He smiled. “It was so nice that I forgot to get your name.” He kept his hands on the counter. I don’t think he wanted to shake hands. Maybe it would have looked suspicious to others— like he was trying to hook up.

  “Well, I’m Amali,” I said, avoiding direct contact with his eyes.

  “OK Amali. I would like for you and a friend to come to one of our concerts. Here are some tickets, second row,” he said, as he reached for his back pocket. He pulled out a black envelope, placed it on the counter, and slid it over to me.

  “Wow! Thank you, but I—”

  “She can. She can go! We were already planning to, but this will be great!” Talli said, interrupting me.

  “Great, because my friend over there, Levi, he’ll be looking for you,” Jes said as he returned his eyes onto me.

  “So you’re the messenger?” I asked.

  “Well as you can see he is preoccupied at the time,” Jes said. “And besides, do you really want a lot of fans to hate you for no reason? Word will get out. Your days will be marked.” He laughed.

  “Well what about you? Aren’t we in trouble now?” I asked.

  Jes had a slight smile on his face. “No, I’m just asking you some questions, and besides, they know I’m a hoe. In fact, I would have given you my room number already. But you don’t seem like the type. And I don’t want to get you in trouble.”

  His eyes felt like they were bathing me in seduction.

  “You’re right. I’m not,” I blurted out.

  “That’s too bad.” He looked at Talli who was pretty much frozen. “Keep her in line. See y’all around!”

  He smiled and took off, heading for the elevators, and leaving the other band members behind.

  “What was that?” I asked.

  “Jes, he’s the . . . the, you know,” Talli said.

  “Crazy one?”


  We watched the rest of the band finish up with autographs and sprint back to the elevators as soon as they were done. Levi didn’t even look in our general direction. I found his behavior a little strange. After all, he was requesting us to come to his concert.

  Chapter 3

  When we were finished for the day, Talli and I said goodbye and headed our own ways. I headed straight to the library. I had a list of books I needed to find before someone else checked them out.

  After I found them, I started browsing . . . Then I browsed some more. I looked at my watch. Oh shoot! I need to go home. I need to get something to eat, I thought.

  I rushed to the counter and checked out the books, and then I rushed outside. As I turned the corner, heading to the parking lot, I ran straight into someone.

  “Oh my, I’m so sorry!” I said, rubbing my nose. I think their chin hit me there.

  “It’s fine,” the guy said. “I’m really sorry for running into you.”

  “No, it was my . . .” I took a look up to see him, to stare into his dark, ebony eyes. They had sprinkles of jade, strange. “Aren’t you—?”


  He was wearing a hoodie and some loose jeans— trying to be incognito so his fans wouldn’t find him. />
  “Levi, I’m Amali,” I said, extending my hand. “I didn’t get the chance to meet you today.”

  He shook my hand. His grip was firm. He twisted my hand as he raised it up to his lips, which gently pressed down against my skin. I didn’t want him to let go of my hand.

  He looked up at me. “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Levi.”

  I smiled. I finally saw what the girls were talking about— Levi and his mysterious ways. And he wasn’t just hot, he was fine.

  “I just have to pick up a book, really quick,” he said. “Then we can get something to eat.”

  “So you’re not asking me, you’re telling me I’m hungry? I don’t think so.” Man those words were hard to say with him standing there looking all beautiful, but there was no way he was going to command me. I had to stop that right there.

  His eyebrows shot up quickly. He slid his thumb across my fingers slowly and let my hand down. My heart started trying to break my ribcage to jump out of my chest. The ends of his lips curled subtly. I wondered if he knew I was losing it. Maybe he felt the pulsations through my wrist.

  His eyes were calm as they became fixated on my eyes. “Well, could you at least check out some books for me? I usually go to the bookstore, but my fans know that, and so they are camping out.”

  “Alright,” I said and sighed.

  I had to blink several times before I could look away from him. I know he wanted to burst out in laughter. His smile became too big. So maybe my training wasn’t as good as I thought. I was good at hiding emotions sometimes I guess.

  I turned and started walking. He followed me back inside then took his time looking for books. I had to ask him to hurry up, I was hungry.

  “So you are hungry,” he said.

  Yes I was, but that was not the point. He wasn’t going to tell me what to do. I checked out the books for him, and he followed me as we drove to get something to eat. I suggested a little, quiet, and cozy restaurant. I was kind of mad at myself for giving into him.


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