My Highland Spy

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My Highland Spy Page 11

by Victoria Roberts

  He walked another silent circle around her and then took her hand. Her heart jolted and her pulse pounded. He regarded her with possessive amusement, as if he could sense her unease. He took his other hand and loosened his belt, his kilt falling to the floor.

  “Rua…” She cleared her throat. “Ruairi…”


  Ravenna snapped her mouth shut. There was an air of command about him that fascinated her. The sight of this…Highlander with his hard body and erection that pushed hungrily toward her would forever be engraved in her memory. The man was so big, so hard, and so very tempting.

  She suddenly found herself unable to perform the simplest of tasks—like breathing, talking, and even blinking. She didn’t want to blink and miss a single heated moment. His gaze raked boldly over her, inch by inch, as if he was contemplating which part of her to taste first. It was too easy to get lost in the way he looked at her.

  His ravenous gaze made her knees quiver. The prolonged anticipation was almost unbearable. He turned her around and loosened her gown. When the material pooled at her feet, he stripped her of all remaining clothing—slowly. There was a hint of arrogance about him that she liked.

  He gently eased her down on the bed and growled, “Ravenna,” as he stretched his body over the full length of hers. He felt heavy and warm. God, how she tingled when he said her name. She buried her hands in his thick hair. The magnificent man in her arms made her tremble.

  His kiss was slow, thoughtful. His lips demanded a response, and she was more than happy to oblige. When he lowered his head, he left her mouth burning with fire. His tongue explored the rosy peaks of her breasts.

  He rubbed himself back and forth between her legs and then spoke in a language she didn’t understand. He slid a hand down her body to the vee at her thighs. She instinctively cried out at the warmth of his touch. Muscles deep inside her begged to be filled and sated.

  When his lips grazed the hollow of her neck, she whimpered. When he sucked her earlobe, she cried out. She was most definitely aroused. Hot, achy, swollen. He raised his hand to her cheek, and she turned her head and sucked his finger. She wanted any part of him she could get.

  He was nudging his thick manhood against her soft folds, and she was pushing wildly back against him.

  “Please, Ruairi.” She couldn’t stand it any longer. How much longer would she be made to suffer?

  “Is this what ye want, lass?” His voice was deep next to her ear.

  She cried out and he pushed himself in gradually, easing inside while torturing her with a teasing touch. He withdrew slowly and filled her again as she nearly sobbed with frustrated desire. With thrust after blessed thrust she arched against him, trying to take more of him to gain her release. But his big hands were on her hips and prevented her from controlling the pace or gaining what she sought.

  “Do ye want me, Ravenna?” he whispered in a sultry voice.

  “Yes,” she cried out.

  “Then ye will have me.”

  His lips came crashing down on hers at the same moment he thrust deep and held. She deepened the kiss, and his tongue mirrored the motion of her lower body. The tension that gripped her body exploded, flooding her to her very core.

  She called out his name, and he continued thrusting until she went limp beneath him. He wrapped his arms around her so tightly that she could barely breathe. Then he said her name through gritted teeth and spilled his seed within her, sighing with pleased exhaustion.


  Ruairi stirred, remembering the smoldering passion that he had shared with Ravenna only hours earlier. He rolled onto his side and draped his arm across her slender waist. The scent of lavender filled his senses. Until last eve, he hadn’t realized how much he’d missed savoring a lass’s touch. And not just any lass…Ravenna. He knew she would always hold a tender place in his heart.

  Red tendrils of hair hung loosely down her back in total disarray. Soft ivory shoulders beckoned to him, begging to be kissed. He lowered his gaze to her bare bottom nestled into his groin, which immediately tightened at the thought of taking her again. The melting softness of her luscious body would surely be his undoing.

  She wiped unruly strands of hair away from her eyes. “Are you awake?” she asked in a sleepy daze.


  She opened her eyes to find him staring at her, then shut her lids again and groaned. “What are you doing?”

  “Watching ye.” He kissed her on the shoulder.

  “While I sleep?” She rolled over, pulling the blanket up around her shoulders. “That’s a little unnerving, my laird.”

  “Why? Ye’re a bonny lass. Ye look so peaceful when ye slumber.”

  She smirked. “I don’t know about that. My pillow is more than likely wet with slobber, but I wouldn’t know because I slept like the dead.”

  “I’m glad I satisfied ye.”

  She turned and faced him, giving him a knowing smile. “Thoroughly.” She giggled, and then her expression turned serious. She lifted her fingers and brushed his cheek in a gentle gesture. “I enjoyed being with you, Ruairi.”

  He kissed the palm of her hand. “Oh, I’m nae quite done with ye yet, lass. We still have a few more days, and I intend to sate your needs—every last one of them—many times.”

  Her face reddened. “And what of you? Did you enjoy last eve?”

  He chuckled in response. “Ye couldnae tell?” He lowered his head and gave her a tender kiss. He rubbed his thumb over her chin. “Nay matter how much I’d like to keep ye chained in my bed all day, I must meet Fagan this morn.”

  “And Torquil will be expecting me to break my fast with him.”

  Ruairi rose from the bed and donned his kilt. “Before I forget, I have something for ye.” He picked up a flower from the table and then sat on the bed. Lightly, he traced the soft petals over her cheek, her jaw, and her lips. He lowered his head and brushed a soft kiss to her forehead. “A rose…for the bonniest lass who ever graced the Highlands.”


  Ravenna never felt so much the fool as she did right now. No matter how much she believed that sharing Ruairi’s bed had brought them closer, there would always be a wall between them. He could never know her true purpose. If he did, he would never look at her the same way again. She had to deceive him at every turn. Granted, that was part of being a spy, but this was the first time since she could remember that her masquerade had actually angered her. Ruairi was a good man. She didn’t like lying to him.

  “Thank you. The flower is beautiful.”

  “My pleasure, lass. Your trunk has been brought up, and ye can find it through the adjoining door.” He bent and kissed her on the top of her head and then walked out the door.

  Ravenna rose from the bed, her body protesting. Last eve’s bed sport had been exhausting. She’d used muscles that she hadn’t used in a long time. Still, she couldn’t seem to stay the smile that crossed her face at the memory of Ruairi’s touch. She gathered the dress that was still pooled on the floor and walked over to open the adjoining door. Her trunk was placed on the floor at the foot of the bed. She stood beside it, holding her bunched-up gown to her chest.

  She gazed around the room, which she had presumed was Anna’s old bedchamber. Feminine touches were evident throughout the chamber. A blue coverlet was draped over the bed, which had tall, wooden corner posts. To the far left, a large sitting area had fresh flowers on the table. The room was made up as if someone had expected Ravenna to stay here. For a brief moment, she yearned for a life that she knew she could never have. She wondered what her world would be like if Ruairi was in it and this was her home, and then reality crept back in.

  “Stop it, Ravenna. You’re a fool for even thinking that way,” she said aloud.

  She opened her trunk and pulled out another day dress. While she donned her clothing, all she could think of was her time with Ruairi. Once she’d made herself presentable, she walked to the great hall where Torquil was already seated at the tab

  “Good morning, Torquil.”

  He nodded. “Good morning, Ravenna.” He continued to pick at his food.

  “Aren’t you hungry this morning?”

  “I nae hungry. I take walk. Ye come?” he asked hopefully.

  She ruffled his hair. “All right. I’ll come along, but you’ll have to do your studies after our walk.”

  He rolled his eyes.


  “Aye, Ravenna,” he said in an appeasing tone.

  Ravenna laughed at the way he said the words. He was already learning to be a good husband. She thought she’d groomed him well and hoped he’d remember her lessons long after she had departed. When they finished their meal, they walked out into the bailey. She held up her hand to shield her eyes from the blazing sun.

  “It’s a beautiful day. Where do you want to walk?”

  “Ye nay want Angus to come?”

  She raised her brow. “I think it would be better if Angus stays wherever he is at the moment. Is that all right with you?”

  He nodded in response.

  They walked out into the field, and it didn’t take long for Torquil to leave her side. As always, he ran ahead of her, throwing tiny rocks. She turned and looked back at the castle. She’d thought at first that she’d find Ruairi’s vast home a bit staggering since she was used to her much-smaller manor house, but the warmth of the castle was more than she’d expected it to be.

  Ravenna continued to follow the boy as his attention shifted from rocks to whipping sticks. When she noticed a slight movement out of the corner of her eye, she discreetly glanced toward the tree line.

  The hooded figure stood perfectly still in the shadows among the trees. Ravenna couldn’t see his face, but she could make out the shape of the man who watched her. When Torquil started to wander closer to the forest, she knew she had to get him away from there.

  “Torquil, wait.” When she caught up to him, she leaned over and placed one hand on the boy’s shoulder while the other fumbled under her skirts and reached for her dagger. “Listen to me. I want you to run as fast as you can and seek your father. When you find him, you bring him here. Do not follow me. Do you understand?”

  “Aye, but what wrong? Angus?”

  She smiled and rubbed her hand over his head. “No, it’s not Angus. You must listen to me and run. Find your father and bring him here.”

  He nodded.

  “Go. Run now!”

  Ravenna spun on her heel and darted toward the hooded figure with her dagger in hand. She heard Torquil calling for his father in the distance and knew he’d be safe. When the man turned and ran, Ravenna increased her speed into the forest in pursuit. If this was the Gordon’s man, at least Ruairi would know for sure which enemy was close at hand.

  Sticks snapped under her feet. Branches slapped her in the face. She looked ahead and saw the cloak whip to the right. She was only a few yards behind. Her uncle’s men had trained her well. Not only was she proficient at throwing her dagger, but she could easily defend herself and generally run as fast as any man. But her skirts had started to slow her down. With one hand, Ravenna lifted her dress as the material started to become tangled in the brush again. She couldn’t lose this man. She refused.

  She heard something coming toward her from the side. She turned her head to see Angus running straight for her, trampling branches underneath his paws.

  Oh, God.

  “Angus, no!”

  The wolf’s heavy paws leaped from the ground and pounded Ravenna’s hip, knocking her down with a heavy thump. The dagger flew from her hand and landed somewhere in the brush. She found herself pinned in the dirt beneath the eyes of a killer.


  Ruairi met Fagan as he returned from the glade. His captain looked tired and worn, as if he’d been up all night. Once they caught this miscreant, he’d make certain Fagan had some days of much-needed rest. Until then, he needed to keep all his men alert.

  “I assume ye didnae see anyone.”

  Fagan shook his head wearily. “Nay. I watched all eve. Angus didnae even stir. Naught moved except the damn midges.” He reached down and scratched his leg.

  “Seek your bed. The men are still watching the border, and we will try the glade again this eve.” Ruairi slapped him on the shoulder. “I should’ve known the bastard wouldnae make another appearance so soon. Of course that would be far too easy for us.”

  “But we’ll be ready when he decides to come again.” Fagan paused, studying Ruairi intently. “I have to say that ye donna look at all well rested, my laird. Mayhap ye were up past your bedtime last eve?”

  Ruairi chuckled. “I didnae get much sleep last night.”

  “I assume Ravenna looks much the same.”

  He shrugged. “Let’s just say that I donna think she’ll be doing much sleeping for the next few days. She can sleep on her way home.”

  “Da! Da! Thig an seo! Thig an seo!” Come here! Come here!

  Ruairi was halted by the tone of Torquil’s voice. He turned and his eyes widened at the sight of his son running toward him. By the time Torquil reached his side, the boy could barely speak. He hunched over, placing his hands to his knees and gasping for breath.

  “Calm yourself, lad.” He patted Torquil’s back.


  When Torquil hesitated and seemed to be thinking of the English word, Ruairi shook his head. “Sput a-mach e! Gàidhlig againn.” Spit it out! Speak Gaelic.

  Once the words flew from his son’s mouth, it took Ruairi a moment to grasp that the daft lass had actually given chase to the man. A chill ran down his spine. “Ye stay here,” he ordered.

  Ruairi and Fagan made a lightning dash out the gates and into the field. As they thundered toward the tree line, Ruairi’s battle-hardened senses came into full awareness.

  “Ravenna!” he shouted, his eyes searching frantically through the trees.

  When no one responded, he gestured to Fagan to widen the search. They continued to call for her and made their way deeper into the forest. God’s teeth! He was mad with worry. What woman in her right mind would decide to give chase to someone who could potentially cause her harm? He knew one thing for certain. The lass had better be all right because he sure as hell was going to kill her when he found her.

  He gazed over at Fagan, who shook his head, a grim expression crossing his face. If anything happened to her…Ruairi didn’t want to finish the thought.

  Leaves rustled beneath his feet, and he knew with every inch he took that he was one step closer to finding Ravenna. He was not a religious man, but he suddenly had a strong desire to say a silent prayer for her safety. He looked in front of him, behind him, to the side. He wouldn’t forgive himself if something happened to her. She was a guest in his home. He was supposed to be her sworn protector.

  “Do ye want me to go back and gather some horses?” asked Fagan as he walked toward Ruairi through the brush.

  A desperate cry pierced the air.

  He thought at first he’d imagined the sound, but when Fagan’s eyes widened, Ruairi’s heart leaped in his throat.


  Sheer black fright swept through Ravenna as she tried to keep her fragile control. It no longer mattered that she’d lost the man. She didn’t care if he’d long since fled Ruairi’s lands. She tried to slow her heart. She dared not move. The wicked beast had her pinned facedown to the ground with massive paws. She felt his breath on the back of her neck.

  Her poor sisters would never know what happened to her. Her body would never be found—or parts of her body would—but she didn’t want to think about that. Her mind strayed to Elizabeth and Kat. Now that Ravenna was about to meet her untimely demise, her sisters would be raised by Grace. God help them all. This was not how she wanted to die. This was not how she wanted to be remembered.

  She changed the position of her neck with the slightest of movements and felt the wolf’s muzzle brush her skin. Her face was wet with tears. She tried not
to make a sound. The tension increased with frightening intensity, and for a moment, Ravenna tried to lay there like she was dead. As if the wily creature sensed her cunning act, he refused to budge.


  Praise the saints. Ruairi had come for her. At the time, she wasn’t sure Torquil had understood her command, but Ruairi would be here any moment now and that’s all that mattered. Her savior. Her hero.

  The moments passed as she lay pinned to the cool ground. To her surprise and mounting dismay, no one came for her. Where was the dastardly man?


  She heard Fagan and Ruairi’s voices moving farther away from her. If she didn’t call to them now, they’d be too far gone and would never be able to find her.

  “I’m here,” she said quietly.

  Angus pawed at her back, and she closed her eyes and shuddered. The scar on her leg started to ache. Whether the pain was real or from the memories that she’d tried to bury long ago, she couldn’t say. When she realized Ruairi or Fagan were no longer close, she knew what she had to do. Either way, Angus was going to bite her. But there was a slim chance that if Ruairi reached her quickly, he’d be able to stay Angus’ sharp jaws from tearing further into her soft flesh.

  Ravenna willed her lips to open and finally screamed for help. The men shouted in the distance, but she heard them coming closer. She remained perfectly still as tears streamed down her face. She yelled again to make certain they knew where she was.

  Ruairi and Fagan ran to her side, swords drawn. Ruairi’s eyes were sharp and assessing.

  “Angus, move!” Ruairi commanded.

  She felt the animal leave her back as Ruairi knelt beside her. He pushed back the hair from her face. “Are ye all right? Are ye injured?”

  She rolled onto her side and sat up abruptly, her wide eyes staring at Angus.

  “Ravenna, ye must answer me. Are ye injur—”

  Turning her head, she threw herself into Ruairi’s arms. She gulped hard, hot tears slipping down her cheeks. Suddenly yielding to the compulsive sobs that shook her, she couldn’t believe she was alive. Strong arms encircled her as a wet nose touched her cheek. Ravenna whimpered, burying her face deeper into Ruairi’s chest.


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