My Highland Spy

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My Highland Spy Page 12

by Victoria Roberts

  “Angus, go!” ordered Ruairi. “Shhh… Sèimhich, lass.” Calm. “Angus hears your cry. He only makes certain ye are all right. He has taken his leave now.” With her in his arms, Ruairi gently ran his hand over her hair in a soothing gesture. “Can ye stand?”

  She nodded as he assisted her to her feet. He kept his arm firmly wrapped around her.

  “What happened?” asked Fagan.

  Ravenna wiped the tears from her eyes. “I was walking with Torquil when I spotted the man from last eve standing in the shadows watching us.” She noticed the frown that crossed Ruairi’s face.

  “So ye gave chase to him?” asked Ruairi.

  She looked away swiftly at the sight of his scowl. “I made certain Torquil was safe, and then yes, I ran after him.” She lowered her voice, hoping Ruairi would follow suit. She didn’t appreciate being scolded in front of Fagan.

  “God’s teeth, lass, what were ye thinking?” Ruairi asked in a raised voice. “Ne’er mind because clearly ye werenae. What made ye believe ye could chase down this man? Hell, Ravenna, what would ye had done had ye caught up with him? He could’ve killed ye.”

  “I didn’t want him to get away. By the time I would’ve sought you or Fagan, he would’ve been long gone. I had an opportunity. I took it. I also had my dagger, and you know I am perfectly capable of protecting myself.”

  He smirked and lifted a brow. “And where is your dagger?”

  She glanced around. “I don’t know. I dropped it somewhere when Angus attacked me.”

  Ruairi picked up the blade from a nearby bush and shook his head when he handed it to her. “Angus didnae attack ye. He thought ye were playing with him. If he jumped on ye, his actions were only because he believed ye were running from him. ’Tis a game to him. And he licked your cheek when he heard ye cry.” When she was about to protest, he added, “Angus is the only one who had sense. Had he nae knocked ye on your arse, ye’d be dead. Ye donna know what kind of man this was. Ye were foolish.”

  She placed her hands on her hips in a defiant gesture. “I will not apologize for trying to keep your family safe. Had your pet not knocked me on my arse,” she repeated with her best imitation, “I would’ve caught the man and you’d be thanking me right now instead of lecturing me.”

  Fagan started to walk away. At least one man in the Sutherland clan had some sense. Ruairi made her so angry. She hated when men thought of her as faint. If they only knew… She only had one weakness and that wolf was it. The animal had made her lose the man.

  Ravenna knew Ruairi was seething with mounting rage. That’s why she didn’t say one word on the way back to the castle. He needed to cool his temper. When they were almost at the gates, she reached out a hand to stay him.

  “I know you are somewhat angry with me.”

  He turned and his nostrils flared with fury. “‘Somewhat angry’ doesnae begin to describe what I feel.”

  “Would you put that aside for one moment? Please?”

  He took a deep breath and she knew he was trying to be patient with her.

  “Even though I couldn’t see the man’s face, his form was similar to my own and he was about my height. From what I could see, the cloak he wore was of fine quality, not one a servant would wear. He might have been a growing boy or a small man. That’s all I saw.”

  He paused for a moment.

  “Ye are a governess. Yet, ye know how to wield a dagger, donna hesitate to give chase, and now even give me a wee description of the man.” His eyes narrowed.

  “Don’t look too much into things, my laird. I told you. My father taught me how to wield a dagger, and my mother insisted that I read a lot of books. You’d be surprised what you can learn from a good book.”

  Ravenna slapped him playfully in the chest and walked away. She closed her eyes and prayed he believed her words.


  Ruairi sat back in the chair in his study and took another drink from his tankard. His blood boiled. He’d lost count of how many times he had cursed Ravenna and her foolishness. What lass in her right mind would have attempted such a feat?

  “I’m surprised ye didnae ask me to throw her in the dungeon,” said Fagan with a wry grin.

  “Aye, well, donna give me any ideas. The day isnae over yet. The lass was completely daft to chase after the man.” When he saw the look on Fagan’s face, he sighed. “Donna even say it.”

  “I didnae say anything, but I think ye’ll agree that Ravenna has some bollocks. Mayhap the English lass has some Scottish blood in her after all.”

  “Be that as it may, she wasnae thinking. She’s only a woman.” He threw up his hands in exasperation. “She sent Torquil to find me and then ran down the bastard on her own. And the lass says she’s afraid of Angus,” he said with a smirk. “She was the one who hunted the man like she was a damn wolf on the prowl.”

  Fagan rubbed his brow and spoke dryly. “So ye have said several times, my laird.”

  Ruairi’s eyes widened in surprise. “I didnae realize I said the words that many times.”

  “And then some.”


  Fagan grinned mischievously. “Aye.”

  Ruairi pulled the dagger he’d found in the tunnels from the desk drawer. “I thought this was a woman’s dagger, but now that Ravenna has told us what she saw, ’tis possible the blade belongs to a lad. Mayhap the Gordon paid someone to keep watch on us.” He tapped his finger on the weapon. “But as I said before, I cannae figure out why. Why would he risk discovery before my answer was given? And how would a lad know about the tunnels?

  “That entrance hasnae been used for some time. I need answers to my questions. I donna like the fact that this spy has kept to the shadows, watching my son and Ravenna so closely. And yet he is somehow slipping through our guard. Make certain the men stay alert. Ravenna and Torquil will nay longer be permitted outside the gates without an escort.”

  “I will keep watch on the tunnels myself. Donna worry. Our men will catch this bastard the same as the last two. I will leave it to ye to speak with Ravenna and Torquil.”

  “Try to keep Angus with ye while ye stand watch.”

  “Aye.” Fagan slapped his hands on his thighs and then stood. “I’ve been up all eve and I’m weary. I’m seeking my bed now for a few hours of rest.” He started to walk away and then turned back, a flash of humor crossing his face. “I already heard ye’ve moved Ravenna’s chamber to a more…convenient location. Let me, being the only voice of reason here, be the first to remind ye that ’tis still too early to seek your bed.” There was a trace of laughter in his voice and Ruairi promptly waved him off.

  “Tha farmad agad. Mach à seo.” You are jealous. Get out of here.

  A chuckle answered him. “As ye wish, my laird.”

  When Fagan closed the door, Ruairi wanted nothing more than to wipe that grin from his captain’s face. The man thought he knew everything. Who knew? Maybe he did. Ruairi wasn’t going to admit to his friend that the thought had crossed his mind to summon Ravenna back to his bed right after their conversation.


  Since Ruairi had disappeared for about an hour with Fagan, Ravenna walked into the great hall. She spotted Torquil sitting on a bench at the table, drawing. He looked up when she approached him.

  “Are you all right? I didn’t mean to frighten you.” She sat down beside him. “I also wanted to thank you for listening like you did.” She brushed her hand over Torquil’s locks, and he looked at her with concern.

  “What ye saw?”

  “What did I see?”

  He nodded. “Aye.”

  She wasn’t sure if Ruairi wanted Torquil to know about the hooded man in the woods, and she didn’t think it was her place to tell him. She also didn’t want to frighten the boy because he should feel safe in his own home.

  “Umm…” Ravenna turned when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

  “I’d like to speak with the two of ye in my study,” said Ruairi.

  She and Torqui
l stood and followed Ruairi to the study. When the door closed, she realized her first instinct was correct. Why did she suddenly get the feeling she was being scolded by her father? She stood tall and wrung her hands in front of her, awaiting punishment for her actions.

  “Please sit.” Ruairi gestured to the chair next to Torquil while he took his seat behind the desk.

  Ravenna glanced nervously around the room and felt like a young girl again. All that was missing was her sisters cowering behind her, like in the days when their actions landed them in a heap of trouble.

  “From now on, I donna want either of ye to wander beyond the gates without an escort.”

  Torquil’s voice went up a notch. “Why? Chan eil mi ‘tuigsinn.” I do not understand.

  Ruairi spoke in Gaelic, and his son nodded with every word. Torquil suddenly turned to Ravenna with a wide-eyed stare, and his mouth dropped open.

  “A’ bhana-ghaisgeach.” Female warrior.

  “Donna encourage her,” said Ruairi. “She was naught more than a foolish sealgair without a weapon.” Hunter.


  The boy stood and bent to kiss Ravenna on the cheek. He placed his small hand on her shoulder and smiled. “Neart carraig làidir.” The might of a strong rock to you.

  She watched Torquil walk out of the study, and when she looked back at Ruairi, he shook his head.

  “What did he say?”

  “He doesnae know of what he speaks. He thinks ye’re some kind of warrior.”

  She smiled and lifted her brow. “At least your son doesn’t scold me and is able to admit the truth.”

  He paid her no heed. “I told him about the man in the forest. For the remainder of your stay, ye and Torquil will nae leave the castle alone. Do ye understand?”

  “Just because I chased that man, you don’t have to punish me by—”

  “I am keeping ye safe. I am nae punishing ye.”

  “I’m surprised you don’t chain me in the dungeon,” she said, her expression holding a note of mockery.

  Ravenna jumped when he stood abruptly and rounded the table. He pulled her to her feet and his lips met hers. What were they talking about? She couldn’t remember. When he pulled back, he gave her a roguish grin.

  “Chaining ye in the dungeon wasnae exactly what I had in mind, but if I have to chain ye to my bed to keep ye safe…now there’s a thought.”

  She knew her face had reddened under his heated gaze and she looked away.

  He brushed a curl behind her ear. “Ye’re staying in my home and are under my protection. I donna want ye meddling with things that are dangerous. Surely ye can do this for me for the few days ye have left. ’Tisnae much to ask of ye.”

  She raised her eyes to find him watching her. “Of course.”

  He looked up at the ceiling as if he briefly thanked God that she was in agreement, and then he lowered his eyes to hers. “My men are watching the border. Torquil is now within the castle walls, and Angus is with Fagan.” He raised his brow. “Everything is once again under control. Whatever shall we do to pass the time, Mistress Denny?”

  “What do you propose, my laird?”


  Ruairi gave her body a raking gaze, the meaning of his look made perfectly clear. God how he wanted her. He craved sliding his hand along her soft flesh. At that moment, nothing else mattered. There was no vagrant trespassing on Sutherland lands, no impending war with the Gordon, and Ravenna wasn’t leaving today.

  Desire stretched between them, and every muscle in his body tensed with restraint. He refused to make her feel uncomfortable. The choice was hers.

  He stood perfectly still as he waited for her decision. One nod, one move was all it would take before his mouth captured hers. When she stepped forward and brushed a soft kiss to his lips, that little response was all the approval he needed. With a primal growl, he returned her kiss with fervor.

  “I cannae get enough of ye.”

  “Then take all you need.” She pulled back slightly and smiled with passion-glazed eyes. “But first, please bolt the door.”

  Without hesitation, he walked over to the door and slid the latch closed. “Nay one will disturb us. I will nae let them.”

  Every inch of his body felt as though it was aflame as he approached her. She matched his kiss and the thrust and parry of his tongue stroke for stroke. The harder and deeper he kissed her, the more he wanted.

  Ravenna felt so good in his arms, too damn good. He never thought he’d crave a woman’s touch the way he craved hers. He had a burning desire, an aching need to hold her, kiss her, make her his.

  She slid her hands up and explored his wide shoulders. When she clenched him harder, he intensified the kiss.

  He lifted his head, breathing hard, and she stared with longing at him. The depth of emotion in her eyes took his breath away. Of course there was desire, but he noticed something deeper. Something that he wanted to believe with every fiber of his being.

  He watched her expression as he loosened her bodice and tugged the fabric down below her stays. Her breath was heavy between her slightly parted lips. Never had he seen her so beautiful.

  His lips trailed a path down her neck, and his fingers dipped below the edges of her stays. He outlined the swell of her breast with his finger and she was so soft. He moved to cup her.

  “Ye are so verra beautiful.”

  He lifted her closer to his mouth and his tongue flicked her nipple.

  “And ye taste so verra sweet.”

  She moaned as he continued to tease her taut nipples, rubbing the rough pads of his fingers over the sensitive buds. He sucked her, hard, and she pressed against him. He lowered his hand to her bottom as he nipped and sucked, driving her wild.

  When she grabbed his shoulders for support, he knew she was coming apart. It was time. He pressed his lips to hers, kissing her relentlessly. His hand slid under the edge of her skirts as he leaned her back on the desk. His fingers worked their way up along her calf, then higher still.

  “Ruairi, please. I…need…you.”

  She didn’t need to tell him twice. Ravenna’s passion was like everything else about her, refreshingly honest and open. She was just as hot and desperate as he was.

  He lifted his kilt and entered her with a single thrust. He nibbled her lip with his teeth as she gasped with desire. He wanted to devour her, to explore every inch of her body slowly and carefully. She drove him wild.

  Her breathing was coming hard and fast.


  “Come for me, my sweet Ravenna.”

  His need for this woman was too strong. She was so wet, so ready. Blood pounded in his loins, his desire close to spilling over. He thrust up high and hard inside her, filling her with the hot burst of his seed.

  No woman had ever done this to him, and he knew the need to be inside her wasn’t only from lust. He wasn’t sure what the feeling was, but it was definitely far more than senseless tupping on his desk in the study in the middle of the day.

  All he knew was that she was his.


  Ravenna brushed down her skirts and pulled up her bodice. She smoothed back her hair and smiled at Ruairi. Her mind was muddled, and she couldn’t believe the way she had given herself to him. On. His. Desk. She wondered when the two of them had lost all sense of reason, but she was also astonished by the sense of fulfillment she felt.

  “Your men are watching the border, Torquil is now within the castle walls, and Angus is with Fagan.” She raised her brow. “Everything is once again under control. I think we passed the time quite nicely. Wouldn’t you say, Laird Sutherland?”

  Ruairi chuckled as he fastened his kilt. “I would think so. I have to admit, I’ve ne’er had so much fun in my study before.”

  “I would certainly hope not.” She ran her hand over the top of his desk. “I daresay, I don’t think you’ll ever be able to think of your desk the same way again.”

  He approached her and cupped her chin with his hand.
“I would have to agree.”

  She reached up and took his hand. When she looked into the depths of his green eyes, her heart called to her, demanding she speak the truth. “I’ll truly miss you, Ruairi.” Her lips lightly brushed his hand.

  “Da! Da!” Torquil called from behind the door, followed by a loud pounding.

  Ruairi smiled at her as though he was apologizing for the interruption. He swung open the door and Torquil walked in. When the boy spotted Ravenna, he visibly relaxed.

  “What’s the matter?” asked Ruairi with concern.

  “I go Ravenna’s chamber and she nae there. ’Tis empty. Naught is there. I thought she leave.”

  Her heart sank.

  She approached Torquil and knelt beside him. “I would never leave you without saying good-bye.” She pulled him close and wrapped her arms around him. Ruairi stood and watched as her eyes welled with tears. She quickly closed them to hide her emotions. “Are you all right?”

  Torquil pulled back. “Aye. But where are your trunk?”

  “Where is my trunk?” She looked for help from a certain Highland laird.

  Ruairi stepped forward and spoke in Gaelic, placing his hand on Torquil’s shoulder as he escorted his son out the door. She was too embarrassed to stick around and find out what Ruairi had said. She didn’t want Torquil to think poorly of her and didn’t want his last memories of her to be unfavorable ones. He was still young and innocent. Even though Torquil knew of the man in the forest, she hoped that Ruairi would continue to shelter the boy from the harsh realities of the world. He was too young to be plagued by adult situations. And he certainly didn’t need to know about the time she’d spent with his father.

  Ravenna walked back to her new chamber and sighed when she closed the door. This was becoming much more complicated than she cared to admit. There was something about this Highland warrior, this man that she found—well, she wasn’t exactly sure what.

  She sat on the bed and pressed both hands over her eyes as if they burned with weariness. Every time her mind drifted to Ruairi, her sisters’ names kept slipping through her thoughts. She felt guilty for the pleasure she had found with him, a Highland laird of all things. At least the missive she’d sent would reach Uncle Walter soon. She could only imagine the look on her sister’s face when they met in Edinburgh and Grace saw Ravenna was not with child. How did her sister ever come up with such things?


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