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Katie's Maverick (Strasburg: The New Generation Book 2)

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by Pippa Greathouse

  She gasped, and he continued. "You have two choices. You can tell me what you're thinking, or you can go back to sleep. Or make that three choices; I can smack your bottom."

  She growled, an uncharacteristic sound for her usually sweet voice. "You're an absolute beast, Nick. You know—Ow!" She reached back, rubbing the spot he'd just swatted with his hard hand.

  "Perhaps I am. But you're going to talk to me, sooner or later, young lady."

  She sighed. "Later. Not now."

  Lizzie was trying to wake up, and he realized Katie was watching her. He leaned down into her ear, speaking quietly, "All right, but you can't hide from me forever. I will have your undivided attention, and soon." He came quite close to popping her adorable little bottom once more, but stopped himself. He'd wait.


  When the coach began to slow, Katie awakened, seeing that it was completely light outside. She glanced upward into Nick's face, only to see that he was frowning out the window at the weather. Pushing herself up, she followed his train of vision. It was a dreary day.

  "We're stopping in Baltimore." Nick was scowling. "I don't like the look of the weather, either." He glanced down at Katie. "But we need to change out the horses, and I need to make some inquiries. If we can make it to Frederick, we'll be two-thirds of the way home."

  Lizzie yawned and stretched, across from them. "Don't know about you, but I, for one, am starving. I hope the hotel is still open."

  The coach began to slow, and Nick rose to his feet. "It's open. I should have been up helping Kimbrow and Isaac with the driving."

  "No, you shouldn't," Lizzie argued. "Isaac said you drove quite a bit on the way over. He said he felt as if he wasn't doing his job. Relax, big brother."

  Nick made a face at her, his eyes crinkling at the outside corners. "You should know better than to think I can do that."

  The coach was completely stopped now, and he opened the door and jumped down. They were in front of the hotel.

  Katie followed Lizzie and jumped to the ground while Nick was in the front discussing plans with the grooms.

  When he turned back to help her down, Katie gave him a wide, cheeky grin, and he shook his head. "Brats. Both of you."

  They were seated quickly at a table by the window. Within a moment, Nick had joined them. "I'm taking the reins for a while. Isaac is getting too old to do all night driving. It isn't fair to him."

  "Then, why do you let him do it?" Katie demanded.

  "Because he loves it," he returned.

  Lizzie grinned. "Katie, you should know better than to argue with him."

  Katie knew she was right. No one, it seemed, ever won an argument with Nick. Not because he was determined to win, but because he was usually right. She glanced down to her menu.

  "Order what you want, just make sure you order enough."

  She raised her eyes to see that Nick was watching her and then lowered them back down to the menu.

  Lizzie, meanwhile, was looking around the room and back toward the doorway. "This was the restaurant where Mother saw Miriam and ended up bringing her to Pembroke."

  "Indeed, it is." Nick nodded.

  The waiter was standing at his side, and they ordered. Nick added a plate of biscuits to take with them and some sandwiches with ham and cheese.

  "And have you heard anything from Frederick yet this morning?"

  "No, sir, but folks came in on the stage last night and said they heard snow was coming in from the west. I hope you're not headed that way."

  Nick only nodded, and the waiter left.

  Katie frowned. "There are a few inns at Cooksville we might lodge in, if it looks bad."

  "Yes." Nick rose from his seat. "Provided they aren't full when we get there. I think I'll see what else I can find out. Isaac and Kimbrow are somewhere around here. If I'm not back when breakfast arrives, go ahead and start without me."

  Katie watched him go. "Lizzie, how in the world did you get such bossy brothers?"

  Lizzie laughed. "It's obvious you've never had brothers. I think Nick and Geoff are just typical. I just agree with what they say and then do what I want."

  "That's what I'm trying to do, but it's not working."

  Lizzie's expression was incredulous. "No, you're not." A scowl creased Katie's brow, and Lizzie continued. "Katie, you disobey Nick at every turn. You refuse his help; you argue with everything he says. You can ignore me, but I'm telling you—as a friend, mind you—that Nick is not one to let you get away with just ignoring him. He walloped me a time or two when I was younger, and I didn't forget it. You'd be wise to remember my advice."

  Katie dropped her gaze to the table. He'd walloped her a few times, too. Why hadn't she learned?

  The waiter began to bring their food, and her eyes widened at the amounts he brought.

  Lizzie put a hand on her arm as he left. "Katie. I know you're hurt because of his engagement to Miss Watson. But it's not in effect any longer, and Nick has explained what happened and why he believed you were not available. What more do you want from him?"

  Katie blinked, averting her eyes. Finally, she shook her head. "Oh, Lizzie," she sighed. "I wish I knew."

  Nick returned to the table ten minutes later. "I found Isaac and Kimbrow. They have the team hooked up and are eating in the back. Katie, you're not eating. You'd better hurry. We decided to leave as soon as possible and, hopefully, we'll make it to Frederick by this evening. If we have to, we can put up there for a day or two. If we don't get that far, we'll do as you suggested, Katie, and stop at Cooksville at one of the inns there. But we're taking a chance. If the weather is really that bad, they might be full. Do you both want to take a chance and go on? Or would you rather stay here?"

  "I want to make some progress on getting home," Lizzie announced.

  Nick turned to Katie. "Kaitlynne?"

  "I agree with Lizzie. The closer to home we can get, the better."

  He stared thoughtfully from one to the other. "All right. We'll get as far as we can, then."

  Katie picked up her fork and began to hurry through her breakfast, but it was only a few minutes before Adam Kimbrow stuck his head into the room and nodded toward Nick. He quickly had the waiter wrap up everything, so they could take it with them.

  He hurried the ladies into the coach and climbed on top as a bitter wind chilled the air. Katie raised the window and leaned out, passing up a blanket from the inside.

  Nick grinned before handing it back. "We have plenty up here, keep it. And eat the rest of your breakfast while it's still warm. I'll be upset if I find out you haven't."

  Katie flattened her mouth into a straight line before leaning back inside through the window. She was about to pull it down between them, when Nick 's face appeared, inches away. He was not smiling.

  "I'm not trying to be bossy, Kaitlynne. If we get stranded somewhere, we'll all need our strength. Obey me." He had hold of her wrist now and seemed to have no intention of letting go.

  Katie studied his face. Finally, she nodded her head.

  "Good girl." After a brief squeeze, he released her and disappeared toward the front.

  She lowered the window, leaving the shades up, and leaned back as they pulled away, but she and Lizzie both stared outward, watching with worried eyes as light snow made its constant descent. On occasion, it would get heavier but then lighten again.

  In the quiet, however, Katie forgot about eating and decided to lie down across the seat. She pulled her book from her bag and attempted to read, but it wasn't long before she fell asleep, resting her head on her arm.

  She opened her eyes later, realizing the coach had stopped, and glanced up to see Nick's face inside the door. He reached down to pick up her book off the floor and handed it to her.

  "We're at Cooksville. The snow is accumulating and shows no sign of stopping. We're going into the inn to see if there are any available rooms. You two stay here until I come back."

  Katie sat up, surprised, and glanced across at Lizzie. "M
y apologies. I didn't mean to sleep," she said softly.

  "The snow is hypnotizing. I napped for a few minutes, too."

  Katie covered her yawn with her hand, just as the door opened again.

  It was Adam Kimbrow this time. "We're taking your things in, ladies," he informed them. "Wellington is securing a room for us. He'll be back to get you in just a moment. He said to wait for him."

  Katie searched the landscape behind him. She could see it now, a great white two-story stucco building with two dormer windows on the top. Off to the left, there was another addition.

  But Nick took his time coming, and finally, she frowned across at Lizzie. "Do you think we should—"

  "No. I don't. You've already disregarded his orders by not eating. I would wait."

  "I fell asleep, that's all."

  The door opened.

  "Ready? They're preparing supper in the kitchen. It smells heavenly inside. Come."

  He had Lizzie down in an instant, but Katie stood back.

  "What now?" He raised an eyebrow.

  "Nothing. But I can get down on my own, you know."

  "I'll fix the step when I get back," he frowned, reaching in and pulling her toward him. "But right now, it gives me a reason to touch you." Swiftly taking her by the waist, he set her on the ground.

  Katie had trouble preventing a smile. "You're impossible."

  "I know. And you're incorrigible." He was grinning. "Tell me. Did you eat? Or did you disregard my orders again?"

  "I fell asleep."

  He rolled his eyes. "So, you didn't eat."


  He led her to the door and added a hard swat to her bottom.

  Katie whirled around to face him, her eyes blazing. "Nick, that's the third time you've done that since you came to pick us up. Stop it."

  "Actually, I'm quite enjoying it. So, behave yourself unless you want more. Understood?"

  "You're being unfair."

  "It would only be unfair if I hadn't warned you ahead of time. But I did, and you disobeyed anyway. So be warned." Another swat followed.

  "Nicholas George!" she sputtered. "Sometimes, I just despise you."

  Katie found herself pulled back against his chest. He leaned down into her ear, growling, "You can despise me all you want. But I'm warning you again. You'll eat supper and then you and I will talk. Am I understood?"

  She tried to pull away from him and received another pop on the backside for her efforts.

  "Oh! Stop it, Nick."

  "And if you're still this recalcitrant when I take you upstairs to talk, we'll do our talking with you face down over my knee." He took hold of her arm and led her inside and up the stairs toward the room she and Lizzie would share for the night. Lizzie was ahead of them now, and he turned to her. "Up the steps and first door to the right."

  With a curious glance toward Katie, Lizzie hurried ahead and went inside, closing the door.

  Nick took Katie toward her room and reached for the handle, before changing his mind. He studied her face a moment and grasped her waist with his left hand. With his right, he reached up and brought his hand to the nape of her neck, raising her chin with his thumb and forcing her to look up. "Kaitlynne Adams," he growled, his voice deep and husky. "I've had enough of your refusal to obey me. Unless you prefer to sit on pillows the rest of the way home, I suggest you learn to listen to me. Do you hear me?" When her eyes widened, his left hand lowered from her waist to cup her bottom and squeezed lightly. Glinting brown eyes held hers, and his mouth lowered to hers.

  Katie totally surprised herself. At first, she stiffened and tried to pull slightly away. But between his hands and his eyes, she was trapped. Taking a deep breath, she reached upward, around his neck.

  "Oh, Nick," she whispered, as she moved up on her tiptoes and tugged him closer to coax his tongue inside her mouth. A moment later, she whispered softly, into his mouth, "I hear."

  He held her like that a long moment before releasing her.

  "Oh, God." She lowered her head. "You must think me terribly wanton."

  His mouth quirked up on one side. "Actually? I think you're terribly delightful."

  She reached backward to move his hand from her bottom, upward. But he gave her cheek a determined squeeze before releasing her. "A word of warning, however," he said in a deep tone, raising her chin. "You and Lizzie are not to step outside this room without letting me know. And, certainly, not outside the inn."

  She scowled at him. "How am I supposed to let you know, if I can't go outside the door? Be reasonable."

  "I'm in the next room. Knock on the wall. Three times. And I'll do the same if I'm about to come over to get you." He raised a brow.

  She nodded. "Where are Mr. Kimbrow and Mr. Isaac?"

  "In the room on my other side. Go." He opened her door and sent her inside, grinning as she looked over her shoulder to meet his gaze. "Later."

  Katie stared after him. "I'm not entirely sure what just happened."

  Lizzie, unpacking her suitcase, glanced up at her. "What did happen?"

  Sitting down on the bed, Katie shook her head, staring out into space.

  "Katie? You seem in a daze. What's wrong?"

  Katie's bewildered stare met Lizzie's. "I kissed him," she said, stunned.


  "I kissed your brother…"

  Lizzie's laugh echoed through the room, and she turned away to finish unpacking. "About time," she said.


  Supper was incredibly delicious. The innkeeper's wife came to the table with plates filled with roast, carrots, and potatoes, and Nick picked up Katie's plate and filled it, giving her instructions to eat.

  She only glared up at him, but she remembered what he had said in her ear on the front steps of the inn. As soon as he had prayed over the food, she picked up her fork and knife and began to eat.

  He nodded, taking a bite himself. "Good girl," he said softly.

  She cocked her head to the side and then gave him a wide grin, waiting until he had swallowed. "Good boy."

  Lizzie let out a howl of laughter as they stared at each other.

  "Cheeky brat." Nick raised an eyebrow. "And Lizzie, control yourself. It's not funny."

  "Oh, I think it's hilarious." She was still chuckling. "Where are Adam and Isaac? I thought they'd eat with us."

  "I asked them to, but they ate early."

  "Where are they?"

  "In the barn, feeding and brushing down the horses. By the by, I thought you'd like to know one of the sheep out there is expecting twins anytime. And no. You aren't to go out there unless I or one of the grooms is with you. And unless you ask me first."

  "I want to see them as soon as they're born."

  "I knew you would. And I'll take you out, but you're to ask first. It's still snowing, and I don't know what the weather will do."

  Katie glanced over toward the window. He was right. It was still coming down fast and furious, much more so than it had been when they arrived.

  "Do you think we'll be able to leave tomorrow?" Lizzie queried.

  "Hard to tell." He leaned down toward Katie, his voice soft in her ear, "Eat, Katie. I don't plan on telling you again."

  She sighed, once again picking up her fork. "Yes, sir. Sure, sir—" But as soon as she saw Nick's face, she quickly forked in a bite and averted her gaze.

  He was still watching her as she took her third bite, and she kept her eyes away from his. Once, she did look toward Lizzie, who seemed amused.

  Dinner was quiet. After a few moments, the innkeeper's wife asked if they'd like some cake. Katie shook her head.

  "If you don't mind wrapping up a piece for each of the ladies, to take to their rooms…"

  She smiled and left to do his bidding.

  "Neither of you ate much today. If you take something to the room, you can eat when you get hungry. Katie, I believe it's time we talked."

  It came out as a sputter. "But—I don't think—"

  "And I do. Lizzie, you
can take the cake to your room, when she brings it. I'll take Katie to mine. And I'll return her when we're finished. Don't look at me like that. I know it's against etiquette, and believe it or not, I don't care."

  He waited until the woman brought back the dessert, and Lizzie scowled at her brother before taking the food and going upstairs. Behind her, Katie found she was ushered up the stairs and into Nick's room almost before she realized what was happening. The door was closed behind her, and Nick's hands grasped her shoulders.

  His closeness made her heart pound, and he stood there, scrutinizing her with narrowed eyes for a few seconds before steering her over toward the desk in the room. Dragging out a chair and sitting down in it, he spanned her waist with his hands and pulled her to stand in front of him. Even with him seated, his gaze was level with hers. The feel of his hands on her waist sent shivers up her spine.

  They stood like that, for almost a full minute, with gazes locked, before he finally spoke. "Katie. I want to know exactly what you were thinking, before you got the invitation from Polly Andrews.

  She licked her full lower lip, and his eyes narrowed further. His voice was a growl when he spoke. "You're teasing me, young lady."

  Katie felt her eyes widen. "I didn't mean to."

  "I'm sure that's the truth. You've no idea the effect you have on me."

  She blinked. "You've never told me that before."

  "It has always been that way." He watched her in silence for a bit. "Katie, I have an apology to make."

  Her focus on his cravat rose to his face as he continued. "When I heard, a year ago, that you were being pursued and almost certainly would be marrying, it sounded as if it was a sure thing. I should have cornered you, then, and insisted on hearing it from your own lips." He reached out and gently put a strand of hair behind her ear, and she trembled.

  He continued. "No, that's not entirely the case. I should have asked for your hand long before then. I always thought…" He paused and took a breath. "When you and Lizzie went away to college, I thought I would wait until you came home the first time. It was my undoing, the waiting. Whenever I thought of marrying, it was your face I saw before me. You. Always you." He brought his knuckles ever so gently down the side of her face, and she shuddered. "So, back to my question. What were you thinking before you received Polly's invitation and news?"


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