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Katie's Maverick (Strasburg: The New Generation Book 2)

Page 5

by Pippa Greathouse

  Her eyes opened wide and rose to meet his. "You're angry with me."

  Nick frowned down into her face, but kissed her forehead before answering, "Right this minute, I'm terrified for you. Give me a few minutes, and I'll be angry as hell. If I were you, I'd be quiet."

  Katie's face became rueful. She took his advice and remained silent as he rubbed her hands in his to warm them and then moved down to her feet and removed her slippers, doing the same.

  Lizzie appeared with the warming pan, and he took it from her, positioning it. Katie's eyes were open, but she said nothing, watching him. She and Lizzie exchanged worried glances.

  A few moments passed before Ocie brought up a tray with hot soup, coffee, and hot tea.

  "Thank you," Nick said, without looking at her. The tone of his voice, however, was harsh, and Ocie turned and ran from the room.

  Nick looked up as the door closed behind her, and Lizzie frowned at him.

  "You were hardly gracious," she said.

  He didn't answer. As he turned back to Katie, however, he saw tears running down her face. A moment later, he pulled the covers back far enough to lift her up in the bed. Putting pillows behind her and leaning her against the headboard, he put the tray across her lap.

  "Leave us, Lizzie. You may go to my room if you want." He reached into his pocket for the key and handed it to her. "In fact, you may sleep in there tonight. I intend to stay here and keep an eye on this recalcitrant little brat in case she comes down with pneumonia."

  Lizzie reached into her trunk, pulled out a book and a change of clothes and nightgown, and disappeared with one last glance toward Katie.

  They were alone.

  Taking Her Punishment

  Katie watched the door close behind Lizzie with widened eyes.

  "And now, young lady. Eat."

  She moved her gaze to his.

  "Or do I need to feed you?"

  She blinked. "I believe I'm quite able to feed myself."

  "Then do it."

  She reached for the spoon and dipped it into the soup. It was delicious.

  "Ocie is quite a good cook."

  "Is she the one who led you outside?"

  She paused. "Yes."

  "And why did you go?"

  "Because I wanted to see the lambs. They were newborn, and their mother was just cleaning them up when we…" Her eyes met his, and she stopped, taking another spoonful.

  "You'll have time to explain later, Kaitlynne. Right now, eat."

  "Bossy," she muttered.

  "I believe we discussed that." Another spoonful came to her lips, and he continued. "And I also believe we discussed the fact that I like the feel of my hand on your bottom. I would remember that right at this moment, if I were you."

  She looked upward and then back down, taking a sip of hot tea. But her hands were trembling. Nick put his hands over hers to steady them and brought the chintz cup full of the steaming liquid to her lips. "Would you like some coffee?"

  She shook her head. "You can have it. I usually like mine with cream and sugar, and I don't see any on the tray. Go ahead," she encouraged.

  He shook his head and then lifted the china cup to her lips once more.

  "Are you warming up now?"

  "Yes, thank you. I feel much better."

  He lifted the bowl and dipped her spoon in it, bringing it to her lips.

  She shook her head. "I don't want any more."

  "Then, are you ready to discuss your disobedience this afternoon?"

  She swallowed as she considered his words and then shook her head. "No."

  Nick brought the cup of tea to her lips once more. She accepted a sip and said, softly, "I'm finished, Nick. Thank you."

  He nodded and picked up the tray, moving it outside the door. When he'd closed it again, he approached the bed.

  She watched him warily as he approached. He was standing over her now, his eyes narrowed. He lowered himself down, sitting on the side of the bed, and took her hand in his. She considered jerking away, out of his grasp, but she remembered what he'd said to her the day before. Now, he was shaking his head at her, as if to remind her.

  Katie wiggled away slightly, trying to move toward the other side, when he spoke. "Are you going to make this easy on yourself? Or hard?"

  "I…don't understand what you mean." It came out in the merest of whispers.

  "I think you do. Kaitlynne, I told you, earlier today, that you were not to leave the room without knocking on the wall."

  "But I did knock. You didn't answer."

  He stared at her. "Did I not tell you that you were not to go outside the inn unless I was with you?"

  She lowered her gaze. "Yes."

  "Then, why did you?"

  His voice was low and threatening, and she slid down into the covers, cold, suddenly. "I-I don't know. Nick, I'm sorry. I just wanted to see the babies."

  "I don't doubt that. But I would have taken you out there to see them, perhaps not as soon as they were born, but you would have stayed safe. What happened when you went out with Ocie?"

  She blinked, tears pricking the backs of her eyes. "I-I got lost in the barn. She left, and I-I couldn't find my way back out. And then I found a door, and when I opened it, I couldn't see anything but white…"

  "And then what happened?"

  Her chest was heaving. She knew she should answer, but she couldn't breathe.

  "Take your time, Katie. I'm waiting."

  She took a deep breath. "The wind dragged me away from the rope and threw me down, and I couldn't tell where I was, and—" It all came rushing back, the fear, the disorientation, and she suddenly began to sob. "I thought I was going to die, Nick. I was so frightened."

  Another sob, and she realized the covers had been tugged away. She was in his lap now, and his arms were around her tightly.

  "Katie," he said softly into her ear. "That's exactly why I told you not to go outside without me. I know what can happen. If Lizzie hadn't come flying downstairs to tell me you'd gone, it might have been too late when I found you. Can you not see that?"

  She nodded into his chest. "Yes, sir. I'm sorry."

  He held her a long time, letting her cry. Katie knew she was leaving tears on his shirt and cravat, and she didn't care. She felt safe, for the first time that morning.

  But Nick's voice spoke into her hair. It was gentle, but it was firm. "And I believe I told you what would happen if you disobeyed, didn't I?"

  She stiffened, and her breath hitched.

  He spoke again. "And the fact that your body has suddenly become rigid tells me that you do. It's time, young lady. Whether you agree to become mine or you don't, the fact is you are in my charge until I get you home to your family. I won't have you endangering your own life for any reason. Do you understand me?"

  "Yes, sir." The fight was gone. Katie knew what was going to happen. And there would be no stopping it.

  A second later, he stood her on her bare feet on the carpeted floor, in front of him.

  He was reaching for his belt. Her eyes became huge, and her chest heaved as she watched him remove it from his trousers.

  She turned to run, but she didn't get far before his arm about her waist lifted her off her feet. The next thing she knew, she was lying over his lap, and he was grasping both her wrists behind her back in one powerful hand.

  "Kaitlynne? Be still. I told you this would happen. You said you understood, and yet you disobeyed my orders, anyway. It almost cost you your life, didn't it?"

  He had positioned her carefully, so her head and her legs were on the bed, but her bottom was raised, over his knee.

  "Comfortable, Katie?" he asked.

  "What!" She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "That's a dumb question, Nick."

  "Is it? Not as dumb as going outside during a blizzard."

  She was feeling her skirts being brought up over her back as her bottom was bared. He raised her wrists high enough to tuck the skirts under them.

  "Nick! Don't, pl
ease. I'm sorry."

  "You will be, Katie. You knew better. And now, I want to know, before I start, what part Lizzie had to play in this."

  "None," she sputtered. "She warned me what would happen. And she said she wouldn't take any of the blame if you came looking for me and found me gone."

  "She could have come for me downstairs to tell me you'd gone. I'd have found you sooner. Is that the truth?"

  "I—don't know." Her voice had dropped an octave, and as he rested a hand on her bottom, she gasped.

  "Katie? Let's tack a 'sir' on the end of that, shall we?"

  "I don't know, sir." It came out as rebellious, and a hard blow followed. "Ow!"

  "A little less obstinacy please?"

  She sighed. "Yes, sir."

  "All right. I want you to understand that this will hurt."

  She struggled. The first time he'd spanked her, she'd been ten, and she'd decided to run away from home. He'd been the one to find her, and she hadn't forgotten the feel of his hand on her bottom since then. The last time, she'd been nineteen, with a few corrective spankings in between. She knew what to expect.

  "I wouldn't think it was you, if it didn't." she threw back.

  "Kaitlynne?" His voice was deep and dangerous, and Katie closed her eyes and pressed her face into the bed. And waited.

  The first swat made her gasp. Hurt? It was an understatement. The second made her howl as her head rose off the coverlet. But when she looked up over her shoulder, she could see he was not using the belt, he was using his hand. It felt like iron. Before he'd given her ten, she was wailing, and she didn't care how many people in the inn below could hear.

  "Oh, God! You're killing me, Nick! Stop, please!"

  "I'll stop when I'm finished. You should have known better."

  "I do! I swear I won't ever do it again!"

  "I'm quite sure of that. Because I intend to make an impression on this little bottom."

  "I won't ever speak to you again, if you keep—"

  "That may be, but at least I'll know you'll obey the next time I tell you to do something."

  Katie began to sob, uncontrollably, and he held her for a moment, resting his hand on the lower part of her bottom before moving his hand over it and rubbing it more gently. His voice was steady and lower pitched, as he continued. "Now, there will be ten more, with the belt. I'd advise you to be still." His hand left her bottom, and she felt cool air on her skin just before a searing pain landed across her lower cheeks.

  "No, Nick—oh, God!!"

  He gave her four more strokes in quick succession. While she was trying to regain her breath, he said in a gentler tone, "Five more to go, Kaitlynne. Do you think you can manage to obey me next time?"

  "Yes, sir! I promise—no—I swear it!"

  She gasped, holding her breath as he struck again and again, until the five swats were over. Then she collapsed across his lap. When he released her wrists, she lay there without moving for a long time, before finally bringing her hands upward in front of her face to hide the embarrassment.

  Nick began to rub her back with one hand, while he smoothed the other over the spots where her bottom met her thighs. "I know what I said," he leaned down and murmured softly into her hair. "But I hate hurting you, Katie. However, I will repeat this, if you ever manage to put yourself in a position of danger again. Tell me you understand."

  She was sniffling. "I understand."

  A firm pat on her bottom caused her to raise her head. "Up you go," he said, putting a hand under her waist and bringing her up into his arms to hold her. "Here. I'm going to hold you for a while."

  "I'm sorry, Nick."

  "And you're forgiven. Just don't do it again. You scared me out of my ninth life."

  She opened her eyes and met the silver brown ones an inch away. His face wasn't angry, now, but gentle, and he leaned forward and kissed her nose. Katie sighed and relaxed into his embrace. And closed her eyes in sleep.

  When she awakened, the room was bright. She must have been asleep for only a few seconds. Lying on her belly, she raised her head and scanned the room. She didn't see Nick for a moment until she looked back toward her left. Then, suddenly, turning toward the door, she saw his brown, wavy head on the coverlet. One large hand reached out and rested on her upper thigh, and she tingled inside. She attempted to turn over in bed and face the window, surprised when the hand moved upward and rested on her bottom, the other on her waist. She glanced back over her shoulder. If he was awake, he didn't show it. She wiggled to try to scoot across the bed away from him, and suddenly found herself pushed onto her belly, with his hands holding her down.

  His grasp on her bottom was firm, and she winced, but she was surprised when he spoke. "What do you think you're doing?" His voice held amusement.

  "Trying to get away from you."

  The hand on her bottom squeezed, and she gasped. "I don't suppose you'd consider releasing me."

  "Not a chance. The reason I had my hands on you was so I'd know if you tried to get up."

  When she glanced back over her shoulder, he was grinning.

  "Nick Wellington. Take your hands off me."


  "What if I said please?"

  "Go back to sleep. I'm not taking my hands off you, and I'm not ready to get up."

  "You're hurting me."

  He looked down at the hand resting on her bottom and back at her. He raised his hand, but instead of letting her go, he gave her a sharp swat and lowered it again. He rested his head on his arm, closing his eyes. "I'll let you up the next time I awaken."

  Katie shook her head. "I swear, Nick. Everything everyone says about you is true."

  "I know. Too bad, isn't it?" He chuckled, but the next time she looked back at him, his eyes were still closed. When she tried to move, his hand clenched down harder on her backside.

  She gave up and went back to sleep.

  The next time she awakened, she looked over her shoulder to see if he was there. He was, but both arms were curled up under him and his head rested on them.

  She smiled and moved slowly across the bed and crept off, moving toward the window.

  "Katie Adams, you recalcitrant little brat," his voice said, behind her.

  Katie jumped. "I just wanted to see what the weather was doing, that's all."

  "It's still snowing. You could have seen it from the bed."

  "What time is it?" she asked, ignoring him. "I can't tell from looking outside."

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out his watch, tucking it back in. "It's eight o'clock." His voice was grim. "In the morning. You slept through the night."

  She glanced over her shoulder, her expression astonished. "All day and all night? Why in Heaven's name didn't you go to your own room and go to bed?"

  "Because Lizzie is in my room. And I was afraid you'd become ill during the night. I felt it necessary to keep an eye on you." He glanced over at her bare feet. "You need to have some slippers on. Running around in bare feet isn't good for you."

  Katie rolled her eyes. "It wasn't good for you to sit up all night, either." She turned back toward the window, grumbling under her breath. "I'm surprised you didn't climb into bed with me."

  Just as she turned around, a mischievous grin crossed his mouth. "You've no idea just how hard it was not to. Get dressed. You need something to eat. They should be serving breakfast downstairs. I'll take you down."

  Katie lowered her gaze and gasped. Her long frilly nightgown reached her ankles. "When—did I change into this?"

  "You didn't. Lizzie helped me get it on you. Don't worry; I was a gentleman and closed my eyes. Hurry up."

  "Not while you're in the room." She stared up at him.

  He was standing and watching her with narrowed, glinting eyes. "Agreed. I'll see if Lizzie's awake." He leaned forward and gave three knocks on the wall.

  Five seconds later, three answered back, and he laughed. "She'll be here in a moment." He strode toward the door but stopped to look back. "Are you
sure you're feeling all right?"

  Her mouth tightened, and he raised an eyebrow.

  Katie blinked. "I'm fine, Nick."

  He nodded, opening the door. "See? You'll learn. Eventually."

  Katie watched him as he closed the door.

  "Damn you, Nicholas Wellington."

  But as quickly as it closed, it opened again. His censoring gaze was on her, and her breath hitched as her eyes widened. He'd heard.

  "On the other hand," he said, his voice deep and threatening. "It doesn't appear you learn very quickly."

  Their eyes locked. Katie was unable to move her gaze from his.

  "I'm sorry, sir."

  For a moment, she thought he was going to come back inside. It seemed an eternity, before he nodded once more and closed the door with a distinct 'click.'

  "Oh, Katie," she muttered to herself, putting her hand to her chest and turning back toward the window. "How can you manage to be so imbecilic?"

  "Who's imbecilic?" It was Lizzie's voice, this time, coming in the door.

  "I am. I don't quite seem to figure out what's good for me."

  "That's what Nick was just saying as he passed me in the hall."

  Katie groaned.

  "And the next thing he said was to tell you to get some stockings and boots on. He didn't want you to catch cold."

  It looked as if they weren't going anywhere today. Katie listened with dismay to the rest of the people who had also been trapped inside during the storm. The inn was bustling this morning. She was getting more than a few odd looks as she descended the steps with Lizzie and Nick.

  "Nick? Why are people staring at me?" she said under her breath.

  He leaned down into her ear. "Perhaps they are concerned that you're all right. And perhaps they heard you wailing, yesterday afternoon. Don't look at them. And don't make a face when you sit down."

  Oh, dear God. Had she really been that loud yesterday when he'd spanked her? She kept her eyes averted. Nick looked around the room until he found a booth, surrounded by tall-backed benches, and led her toward it.

  But she couldn't quite manage to keep from wincing when she sat. Her bottom was definitely sore this morning.

  "Told you not to do that," he voiced in her ear, chuckling when her face turned a delicate shade of scarlet.


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