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Headmaster Navy SEAL: An OMYM Domestic Discipline BBW Romance

Page 6

by Mia Luxe

  I swirl the bourbon in the glass and put it back down.

  “Would it leave a trace?”

  “Yes. But good luck trying to find it. You’d need to put a USB in the computer the test data is stored on. Hospitals are tough to get into.”

  “What if I was serious about getting the info?”

  I watch the second-hand tick on my wristwatch, knowing Hawk was going to fully consider every angle of the job before he responds.

  The pause this time is a full eight seconds.

  “I’d need three weeks to scout the hospital and devise a plan. I can start tomorrow.”

  “Get on it.”

  I hang up and stand, pulling on a coat and grabbing my car keys. I walk down the empty hallway and get to the staff parking lot where my G Wagon is parked. The SUV reminds me of the ones I drove when we had to get high-profile targets to safe zones.

  I drive to Mike Fuller’s house and wait a full two hours with binoculars, looking for any sign of movement. Finally, a limousine pulls up to the main door. A group steps out of the front door. I peer closer. It’s Mike and two cronies of his. They get into the limo.

  I follow at a safe distance until they’re dropped off at one of the trendiest clubs in the city. I park nearby and leave my coat in the back. I walk to the front of the club. There’s a line that stretches out all the way to the end of the street and wraps around the corner.

  I approach the bouncer, a thick guy who’s used to being the biggest guy on the block. I’m a head taller than him and have thirty more pounds of muscle. He gives me an appraising look as I get near.

  “Line’s back there, buddy.”

  “I’m on the VIP list. Names Strom,” I say, holding out my hand. He shakes it, and there’s a look of surprise in his eyes as he stares down at four crisp hundred-dollar bills that disappeared discreetly into his palm. He checks the list.

  “Ah, that’s right. There you are. Right this way.”

  I enter, scanning the crowd of dancing well-dressed young men and women. The music blares and I extend my wrist to be stamped.

  “Nice watch,” says the girl, stamping my hand as she stares at my Rolex.

  I don’t reply, walking into the crowded room. The crowd parts before me. It doesn’t matter how packed a place is, people move for a big guy.

  I walk to the bar, searching the crowd for any sign of Mike Fuller. I hold out a twenty, and the pretty brunette bartender comes to me like a fly to honey.

  “Club soda, ice. Keep the change,” I say, handing her the bill. She smiles and thanks me, handing me the glass with a straw. I take the straw out and leave it on the bar, walking to the VIP section.

  I sit at the VIP booth, watching Mike Fuller laughing with his two buddies. There are three gorgeous women sitting in front of them.

  A beautiful blonde approaches me. “Hey, is this spot taken?”

  “I’m not a talker,” I say, motioning for her to sit. It looks less strange for a guy to be sitting with a girl than alone, and I don’t want Fuller to get suspicious. I know I stand out as a big, strong guy – but the almost-empty bottle of Grey Goose on his table makes me suspect he’s a little out of it.

  The waitress comes by.

  “What can I get you?”

  “Bottle of vodka.”

  I hand her a wad of bills and she disappears with a smile.

  “So, what do you do for a living?”

  “I’m not here to talk. Enjoy the free drinks and keep quiet.”

  The blondes’ eyes go wide. She isn’t used to being treated this way by guys, and it only makes her more interested. She twirls a finger in her hair and leans forward. She’s almost spilling out of her dress but she might as well be a piece of furniture. She opens her mouth to say something, but the waitress comes back with a bottle of Goose and two glasses. The girl pours herself a drink and keeps quiet.

  I sip my club soda and watch as Mike Fuller boasts and brags loud enough that I can here him from here. He’s leaning towards one of the girls he’s with, and she recoils, obviously smelling the stink of booze from his lips.

  “My dad fucking owns this city. You go into a building, and it’s a good bet it’s a Fuller building. Come here, darling.”

  He reaches over, sliding his hand up the young woman’s dress. She pulls away, and he grabs her wrist, pulling her close to him.

  I can’t stop myself.

  This predator is a little too comfortable.

  I stand to my full height and approach the table.

  “Let go of her wrist.”

  Mike looks up like he can’t believe what he’s seeing. He swallows hard and lets go of the girls hand, then stands up.

  “And who the hell are you? I could have security throw you out.”

  I laugh, booming over the bass.

  “I’d throw you right over the banister before they got to me,” I growl, flexing and he sits back down. I walk closer, and his friends shrink away.

  “I know what you did, Mike Fuller. Judgement’s coming for you.”

  I leave, not sparing him a glance. I’m sure a bastard like that did more than just date-rape girls. He’s going to be sweating that I know about all sorts of different things. I drive home, my knuckles white on the steering wheel.

  I get back to my office and tidy up, then open the door to the cot I have set up for when I’m working late and fall asleep.


  Emily Jones

  The far-off morning bell rings and I sit up in the bed. It’s strange having my own bed again after being in a dorm room with other girls. I feel better rested, but a little guilty that I left Claudia alone in a cabin with a bully.

  I have the horrible feeling that before I came to the academy, Sarah was barely paying attention to Claudia. She probably thought of her as insignificant – not worth bullying.

  But I painted a target on her back. Now that I’m away from Claudia, Sarah is going to come back after her with a vengeance.

  I change into my workout clothes and jog to the dorms. I see the girls lining up for the run and I find Claudia.

  “Emily! I was so worried about you when you didn’t come back last night!”

  Sarah is nearby, and she walks towards us. She listens intently.

  “I’m sorry, I wish I could have told you. I got stuck in disciplinary dorms.”

  “Oh, my God, I’m so sorry.”

  I frown. “Yeah. Luckily I’m allowed to come with you guys. I wasn’t going to leave you by yourself.”

  We start running together. On the second lap Claudia is getting really tired. She pants and I try to help her along. Out of nowhere, Sarah rushes by and pushes her. Claudia falls into the mud.

  “What the fuck!”

  “Fuck you, bitch!”

  I can’t believe that Sarah would really do that! Claudia tries to get up and falls again.

  I could help her up.

  Instead, I chase after Sarah and tackle her to the ground. She scratches me, screaming, and I claw at her. She grabs my hair and pulls hard and I slap her until girls that were running behind us grab us and try to separate the two of us.

  I fight them off and Sarah looks up in horror.

  “I give up,” she wails, as I slap her face one last time before I’m pulled away.

  “You will report to the Headmaster’s office at once! The both of you!”

  Sarah leaves Headmaster Strom’s office, and suddenly I’m alone with the military man who spanked me last night.

  “Are… Are you mad at me for fighting with her? I was just trying to protect my friend.”

  He shakes his head wearily.

  “I’m not mad that you stood up for your friend. That was the right thing to do. And if Sarah doesn’t shape up, we’ll move Claudia to a new dorm.”

  I look down. He sounds disappointed.

  “I’m disappointed that you kept trying to hit her when she gave in. I put you in disciplinary dorms to isolate you from drama. It seems like you already have a lot going on, but that
wasn’t enough? Come with me.”

  He stands up to his full height, looming over me like a big tree.

  “Where are we going?”

  He frowns. “The best place for you is in my home.”

  I’m going to live with Tanner Strom?

  He pulls on his jacket.

  “What about my studies?”

  He nods. “You’ll get your credits. Now come with me, we’re going out the back way.”

  I follow him down a small set of stairs. We walk to the parking lot, and Tanner looks left and right to make sure no one is watching before we get into his black SUV. The windows are tinted and the security guards at the front gate don’t question us as we leave the academy. I turn my head back, watching the castle that changed my life drifting into the background. I’m nervous, wondering where exactly I’m going to be living. Tanner obviously works very hard. I’m worried that his house will feel like an isolated island.

  He drives me to a large house. He lives in a quiet, affluent neighborhood. It reminds me of the one I lived in just weeks ago, before my life was turned on its head.

  “Wow, it’s so big for one person,” I say.

  He shrugs. “Plenty of room for two.”

  He opens the front door and I go inside. The house is spartan, without decorations or even a hint of color.

  “It’s so… Grey.”

  He doesn’t laugh. “I’m a simple man. Come with me.”

  I follow him to the bedroom where a huge bed stretches out in front of me.

  “But this is your bedroom!”

  “I’m a gentleman. I’ll take the guest bedroom.

  I shake my head. “I’m not going to barge into your house and steal your bed from you. You’re already doing me so many favours by believing me about Mike and letting me out of your academy this weekend to volunteer. You’re the reason I’ll be able to see the sick kids and they won’t miss me.”

  He laughs. “You think I’m soft? I’ve slept on rocks and been grateful for it. The guest bed might be a little small, but it’s a luxury. Don’t start with me, Emily. This is where you’ll stay. I’ll have your belongings sent over.”

  “So, someone will know I’m staying here?”

  He frowns. “I trust my staff with my life. I need to get back to academy and finish up my work for the day. Make yourself at home. Help yourself to anything in the fridge, watch some TV, whatever you want. I’ll be back much later tonight. At 2100 hours.”

  I look at my phone. It’s still early in the morning. 10am.

  “You mean 9pm? I’ll never get used to military time.”

  “Old habits die hard. Ring me if you need anything.”

  He leaves and I explore the house. Everything is masculine. The color scheme is grey with the occasional brown. I open the huge fridge to see a massive mountain of food. Tanner Strom is an enormous guy and he obviously has to eat a huge amount in order to keep his bulk up. I grab a couple peperoni sticks and munch on them as I walk down to the basement.

  The basement is a bachelor’s paradise. There is a poker table and a full bar, mostly stoked with bourbon. I think back to the only time I’ve been really drunk and shudder. Mike used it as an excuse to take advantage of me.

  It would feel different with Tanner though.

  Even before I knew Mike’s true nature, when he touched me it didn’t feel right.

  When Tanner Strom touches me all I want is more.More, more, more...

  I shiver and think that tonight I might get more. I saw how hard it made him when he touched and disciplined my body. I felt so safe under his strong hand.

  I spend the day watching TV, turning my mind off. After being in so many unfamiliar places, it’s so reassuring to be in Tanner Strom’s house. Even though I’ve never been here before, it feels safe and secure. For dinner I make myself a roast beef sandwich and a hearty salad with fresh tomatoes.

  Five minutes past nine I hear the key turning in the lock and my heart pounds with excitement.

  “Tanner? Is that you?”

  “Just me! I’m home. I hope you weren’t too bored.”

  He walks down the hallway still in his suit and pants. He looks funny with his grey socks on when he’s wearing his work clothes.

  “I wasn’t bored. I watched TV and explored the place. You have such a cool basement.”

  “Do you play poker at all?”

  I shake my head. “No. Well, okay, one time – and I lost a quarter to my dad and never played again.”

  Tanner laughs. “That man is a shark. He’s played at my game a couple of times and usually comes out ahead.”

  “How did work go? Everything alright at the academy?”

  I blush when I realize it’s like we’re a husband and wife – like I’m asking the former Navy SEAL how his day was, and I half-feel like I should have a big roast and potatoes set up for him.

  His wife. Oh God, can you imagine having him come home to me every night for the rest of my life?

  He plunks down on the couch beside me, his weight making me jump up a little.

  “Oof. It was fine.”

  He sighs. I tell him: “You sound exhausted. Don’t worry, Tanner, I won’t think any less of you if you complain. You could break down crying and you’d still be manly.”

  He chuckles. “I haven’t cried in a long time. Look, I’ve got some serious news. I paid Mike Fuller a visit last night.”

  I sit up shocked, feeling queasy.

  “Tell me you didn’t hurt him. I can’t feel safe with you if you did.”

  He shakes his head. “He deserved it, but I didn’t hurt him. I just scared him a little. Told him that I knew what he did. I want him to sweat.”

  I nod. “Okay. As long as you didn’t hurt him.”

  He clenches his jaw.

  “I got more information from my Head of Intelligence, Hawk. He told me that tests can be faked as long as the system is hacked. He think’s that the Fuller family was in on it, and that they used their cousin – who’s a registered nurse – to facilitate.”

  My eyes go wide. “So, he drugged me with something that shows up on tests, and then they changed the results?”

  Tanner nods. “Yes. The problem is, Hawk says they have video cameras all over the place. Once you get in, it’s smooth sailing, but it’s hard to penetrate the outer wall. He’s looking into hiring someone on the inside who might need an extra buck or two – or taking the higher-risk option of sneaking in and putting a USB on the main computer to get the original data.”

  “Tanner, that’s not necessary. I have a pass for my volunteer work. I can go this Sunday, in two days.”

  He shakes his head. “I can’t let you do that. If you got caught in the secure areas, you could get into a lot of trouble. I’m willing to let you be off campus to volunteer, but I’m not going to let you get into any legal trouble.”

  “Tanner, you have to believe in me. I can do this.”

  He stands up sternly. “I can’t put you at risk.”

  “Then I don’t want your damn help!”

  His eyes narrow. “You will not use that tone with me, miss.”

  I bite my lip, feeling small in front of him. “Sorry. I just… I promise I can do this.”

  He considers. “You are a capable young woman. If anyone could get in and out of there without raising suspicion, it would be you. Let me think about it.”

  So, he’s not the type to be set in his decision if he gets new information. That’s a good quality.

  “The only problem is that my pass is in my room.”

  He furrows his brows. “I can get it. I’ll arrange a dinner with your father. I’ll tell him how well you’re adjusting to life at my academy and excuse myself to go to the bathroom. I’ll sneak into your room. Where is it, exactly?”

  “The top drawer of my bedside table. You won’t miss it.”

  “Good. Have you eaten?”

  “I had a sandwich, but I’m still hungry.”

  “I’ll fry up some steaks.” />
  He fries up steaks on his gas-top stove. I take a bite and it’s so delicious – the buttery flavor melting in my mouth. It’s so hard to be near this masculine, powerful man who makes me feel so safe and vulnerable at the same time. I want to seduce him somehow, but I feel so puny compared to him.

  I can remember how hard his cock was when he spanked me… But maybe that was a fluke. How could a man like him be into me? He could have a skinny supermodel if he wanted to.

  After dinner he puts the dishes away. Tanner stands in front of me, looking like he’s making a difficult decision.

  “Emily… I want you. But I know you’ve been through a traumatic experience. I don’t want you to feel pressured with me.”

  I nod, feeling even more vulnerable, craving his touch.

  “I want you too, Tanner. You make me feel so safe.”

  He puts his fingers under my chin, angling my head up to look at him. His eyes stare into mine like he can read my mind – like every thought I’ve ever had is exposed to him. He kisses me, his lips hungry for mine, and a shudder goes through my body. His other hand moves to my hips. He pulls me to his massive body and I gasp as I feel his huge, rock-hard cock pressing against me.

  He trails his fingers against my cheeks, staring into my eyes, and I nod almost imperceptibly. My legs tremble, and heat spreads between my legs – a desperate, aching warmth.

  Oh, my God, I’m going to lose my virginity to Headmaster Strom.

  The instant I nod he kisses me deeper, more insistently, his tongue a welcome invader in my mouth as his huge palm moves to my ass. He squeezes tight, and my nipples peak as I remember his hand coming down against my ass. The crack of flesh-on-flesh as he disciplines me.

  His right hand moves down from my cheek, cupping my ass, and he lifts me like I’m a feather. I wrap my legs around him as he walks me into the bedroom. He drops me on the bed, and I gasp as I see the expression on his face.

  The pure, raw hunger in his eyes as he stares at me turns me on in a way I don’t understand. But there’s something more than just lust in his eyes.

  His hands gently but firmly pull my shirt from my head, and he fumbles only for a moment with my bra. Then I’m bared to him. I blush, embarrassment mixing with my need. I feel ashamed, covering my bare breasts with my hands.


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