Lee's Lieutenants
Page 114
his abilities shown there, 300
crosses Rappahannock and is isolated there, 311-12
at Groveton, 322, 323, 324
at Second Manassas, 329, 332
at Sharpsburg, 359, 360, 362-63, 379, 495
ordered back to Potomac, 370
promotion sought for, 378, 379, 381, 382, 428-29
at Fredericksburg, 404, 405, 409, 414, 417, 420, 421
Ewell’s letter to, 429
his promotion, 430
calls on Jackson to tell him of Federal offensive, 463
commands Ewell’s division, 465, 524, 531
on the Rappahannock, 467, 469, 494, 497, 500
Lee instructs him to observe and hold enemy near Fredericksburg, 495-96
Chilton’s communication of orders to, 496, 497
abandons position at Fredericksburg, 496-97
returns to protect Fredericksburg, 497
at Marye’s Heights, 498-99, 500, 503, 511
receives Lee’s instructions, 502
moves to recapture Fredericksburg, 502-3
at Salem Church, 503-5
ordered back to Fredericksburg, 505
appraisal of his actions at Fredericksburg, 511-12, 515
at Winchester, 541, 542
at York, 544-45
at Wrightsville bridge, 545
in advance toward Gettysburg, 564, 567
confers with Ewell before Gettysburg, 547, 570-71
at Gettysburg, 571, 572
confers with Lee and Ewell, 572
in actions at Gettysburg, 584-85, 601-2
at Rappahannock Bridge, 633-35
he advances, 635-36
at Payne’s Farm, 636
at Mine Run, 636-37, 676
he lacks sense of direction, 637
thwarted in attempt to capture Averell, 652-53
criticizes Imboden’s brigade, 653, 654
Rosser and, 653-54
change in his relations with Ewell, 654-55
Ewell’s arrest of, 655
at the Wilderness, 663, 669, 670, 696
considered as successor to Longstreet, 672
at Spotsylvania, 675, 677
assigned Hill’s command, 676
Gordon given command of his division, 676-77
Ewell transfers brigade to his division, 677
at Po River, 677
in Petersburg/Drewry’s Bluff operations, 704
takes command for Ewell, 716
at Bethesda Church, 717-18
promotion of, 720
Ramseur succeeds him, 720-21
sent to drive Hunter from Valley, 726-27
enters Maryland, 740
at the Monocacy, 740-41, 742
he advances on Washington, 741-42, 743, 759
his criticism of Ramseur, 743
in Chambersburg raid, 743, 745
map of his operations in Shenandoah Valley, 744
deceives Sheridan, 745-46
neglects his cavalry, 746
his opinion of Sheridan, 746
in Third Battle of Winchester, 746-49, 750, 755, 759
his losses there, 749
at Fisher’s Hill, 749, 750, 755, 759
he reorganizes his forces, 749
Rosser reinforces him, 750
his achievements in the Valley, 750
criticisms of, 750-51, 759
at Cedar Creek, 755-59
reports to Lee on actions there, 758
his defeat at Waynesboro, 768, 775
relieved of command, 769
his men in surrender, 813
East Cemetery Hill, 568, 584, 585, 601
in map, 583
Echols, Brig. Gen. John, C.S.A., 723, 739, 743
Edwards’ Ferry, 392
Elliott, Brig. Gen. Stephen, Jr., C.S.A., 732, 733, 766, 767
Elliott’s Salient, 731, 732
Eltham, 120-22
Ely’s Ford, 467, 477, 660
Elzey, Maj. Gen. Arnold, C.S.A., 83, 87, 173, 174-75, 181, 206, 220, 233, 236, 252, 261, 282, 292, 381, 432, 448, 516, 523, 700, 727, 813
at Manassas, 83, 86, 173
in incident with conscript, 174-75
he is wounded, 206, 207, 284, 429
promotion of, 429
Emmitsburg, Md., 390, 558, 576, 577, 579, 580, 582
Enon Church, 152
Evans, Brig. Gen. Clement A., C.S.A., 420, 766
Evans, Brig. Gen. Nathan George (“Shanks”), C.S.A., 93, 108, 143, 284, 307, 336, 379, 431, 448
biographical sketch, 29
at First Manassas (Bull Run), 73, 74, 76, 77, 83-84, 86
at Second Manassas, 332
his transfer, 384
Evelington Heights, 271-72, 273
Ewell, Lt. Gen. Richard Stoddert (“Dick”; “Old Bald Head”), C.S.A., 53, 68, 87, 108, 112, 123, 124, 143, 279, 307, 373, 380, 381, 397, 421, 429, 430, 457, 533-34, 536, 541-47, 550, 551, 553, 554, 555, 763, 786, 787, 788, 789, 792, 793
biographical sketch, 31
his character and physical appearance, 172
his early career, 172
at Bull Run (Manassas), 73, 75, 80, 87
in Valley defense, 167, 169-77, 179-83, 185, 187, 189-93, 198, 199, 202, 204, 206-7, 210-12, 215, 217, 218, 220
his letter to his family, 175
Jackson’s conversation with, 213
in return to defend Richmond, 221, 226, 227, 233-36, 238, 245, 254, 257, 258
map of his route, 228
in Seven Days campaigns, 233, 234, 235, 236, 238, 245, 254, 257, 258, 276, 281
his losses in Seven Days battles, 261
organization of his division, 282
court martial at headquarters of, 287
moves toward Barnett’s Ford, 289, 292
at Cedar Mountain, 292, 293, 294, 296, 297, 300
crosses Rappahannock, 311, 312
in march to cut off Pope’s line of supply, 314, 316, 318, 319-20
confusion in Jackson’s orders to, 320
at Groveton, 320, 321-22, 323
he is wounded there, 321-22, 333, 375, 383, 524, 720
his division at Second Manassas, 325, 326, 329, 332, 333
his division in Maryland, 336, 342, 359
his division at Sharpsburg, 359
leaders needed for his division, 378, 382, 383, 385, 428-29
his division in Jackson’s corps, 383
McLaws’s letters to, 420, 427
his letter to Early, 429
his division commanded by Early, 465, 524, 531
considered as Jackson’s successor, 524, 525
promoted to lieutenant general, 525, 526, 530-31
his marriage, 525-26, 531
at Winchester, 541-43
advances to Pennsylvania to obtain supplies and hopefully take Harrisburg, 543-46
Lee’s orders to, 546, 547
seizes supplies, 547
Stuart moves to his right, 556-58
his advance and arrival at Gettysburg, 547, 561, 562, 564, 567-74, 575, 599-600
he is shot in wooden leg, 569-70
his indecision before Gettysburg, 569, 570, 573, 600
confers with Ewell before Gettysburg, 547, 570-71
urged by Lee to take Cemetery Hill, 571, 599
meets with Lee, 572, 575
Lee’s plan for attack, 572, 573
in action at Gettysburg, 577, 578, 582-84, 586
in July 3rd action there, 587, 597, 602
criticism of his actions at Gettysburg, 599-600, 601, 605
accepts blame for defeat there, 605
moves against Meade, 624
at Rappahannock Bridge, 633, 634
his health, 635, 652, 654, 657, 658, 715
change in Early’s relations with, 654-55
suffers accident, 654
his wife’s influence on him, 654-55
he arrests Early, 655
at Morton’s Ford, 655-56
and changes of winter of 1863-1864, 658
at the
Wilderness, 660, 661, 663, 664, 669, 670, 671, 696
appraisal of his performance there, 695
his indecision there, 670, 671, 695
his report on the enemy, 672
at Spotsylvania, 675
appraisal of his actions there, 697
transfers brigade to Early’s division, 677
at Mule Shoe (Bloody Angle), 677-78, 679, 680, 683, 694
appraisal of his actions there, 697-98
falls ill, 716-17, 720, 722
Early takes his command, 716
his transfer, 720
at Sayler’s Creek, 794-97, 798
his indecision there, 794
his position there, in map, 795
his surrender, 797
his men in surrender, 813
Ewell, Mrs. Richard S., 525-26, 541, 654-55, 720
Fairfax, Maj. John W., C.S.A., 439, 807
Fairfax Court House, 329, 426, 556
Fairfax Station, 556
Fairfield, 505, 507
Fair Oaks, 130, 134, 143, 239
Fairview, 492-93
Falling Waters, 598
Falmouth, 399, 495, 508
Farley, Capt. William Downes, C.S.A., 151, 156, 539-40
Farmville, 791, 792, 794, 797, 802
Faulkner, Charles J., 456-57
Fayetteville, Pa., 563
Featherston, Brig. Gen. W. S., C.S.A., 109, 112, 253, 261, 308, 381, 382, 430, 814
his character and physical appearance, 147
D. H. Hill’s grievance against, 146, 147
at Second Manassas, 332
Field, Maj. Gen. Charles William, C.S.A., 231, 324, 333, 375, 409, 457, 458, 529, 563, 604, 647-48, 659, 671, 722, 751, 754, 765, 783, 787, 789, 792, 799
biographical sketch, 48-49
his promotion, 647, 658
at the Wilderness, 665, 666, 696
takes command there, 668
at Spotsylvania, 673, 674
at Fort Harrison, 753
at Appomattox, 806, 807
his men in surrender, 815
First Manassas, see Manassas, First Battle of
Fisher, Fort, 763, 769
Fisher’s Ford, 247
Fisher’s Gap, 167-68, 169
Fisher’s Hill, 749, 750, 752, 755, 759
in map, 748
FitzHugh, Maj. Norman, C.S.A., 440, 685
Five Forks, 776-82, 783, 788
map of approaches to Southside Railroad from Dinwiddie Court House, 777
Flag Fort, 541, 542
Flat Creek, 791
Fleetwood Hill, 535, 536, 537, 539, 628
Flodden Field, 798
Florida, 700
Florida regiments, 382, 400, 402, 731
Flournoy, Lt. Col. Thomas S., C.S.A., 181, 184, 186, 199, 286
Fontaine, Dr. J. B., 690
Ford’s Depot, 778
Forge Bridge, 153, 156, 157, 271
Forney, Brig. Gen. William H., C.S.A., 767, 814
Forno, Col. Henry, C.S.A., 324
Fort Adams, 57
Fort Columbus, 769
Fort Donelson, 99
Fort Fisher, 763, 769
Fort Gilmer, 752-53
Fort Gregg, 786
Fort Harrison, 752-53, 754, 762
Fort Henry, 99
Fort Huger, 452-53
Fort Jackson, 543
Fort Leavenworth, 57
Fort Macon, 112
Fort Magruder, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 351
in map, 115
Fort Monroe, 54, 57, 103, 284, 290
Fort Sanders, 640-41, 642, 643, 644
Fort Stedman, 772-75, 781
Fort Stevens, 742
Fort Sumter, 51
Foster, Maj. Gen. John G., U.S.A., 431, 449, 450, 454
Fox’s Gap, 346, 347, 349
Franklin, 763
Franklin, Gen. William B, U.S.A., 237, 365, 418
Frederick, Md., 339-41, 342, 352, 546, 551, 556, 558, 740, 742
Fredericksburg, 124, 127, 129, 171, 175, 194, 222, 290, 291, 300, 301, 309, 398-99, 401-15, 417-22, 424, 426, 428, 430, 435, 461, 465-69, 495-97, 499, 500, 502-3, 505, 508, 549, 550, 660, 667, 672, 679
battle at, 401-15
casualties from, 419
destruction of, 406
Early at, 495-97, 502-3, 505, 511-12
Federal retreat after battle at, 418-19
maps of, 403, 468
performance of officers at, 419-21
press reports of battle at, 418-19
truce at, 417-18
Fredericks Hall, 222, 224
Fremantle, Col. Arthur Lyon, 591-92, 596, 597
Frémont, Maj. Gen. John C., U.S.A., 169-71, 179, 181, 194, 196, 197, 198, 200, 201, 203, 204, 206-9, 212, 214, 218, 291
Jackson’s plan to prevent Shields’ junction with, 200-202, 203-4, 218
map of Jackson’s choice of positions in retreat before Shields and, 201
French, Maj. Gen. Samuel G., C.S.A., 431, 432, 448, 449, 452-53, 454, 527
Front Royal, 167, 168, 171, 183-86, 187, 188, 189, 194, 195, 196, 198, 216, 218, 284, 290
effectiveness of artillery at, 214-15
map of, 184
Fry, Brig. Gen. B. D., C.S.A., 591, 594
Frying Pan, 426
Fulkerson, Col. Samuel V., C.S.A., 162, 163, 166, 189
Funk, Col. John, C.S.A., 493
Funsten, Col. O. R., C.S.A., 628
Furlough and Bounty Act, 98-99, 112
Furnace Road, 471, 474, 475, 476
Gaines, Sam M., 65
Gaines’ Crossroads, 624
Gaines’ Mill, 230-37, 239, 252, 261, 265, 266, 268, 273, 274, 275, 276, 279, 280, 282, 308, 331
map of, 232
Gainesville, 316
Garland, Brig. Gen. Samuel, C.S.A., 53, 87, 127, 363, 379, 383, 386
biographical sketch, 39
his family background and early career, 138
at Seven Pines, 135, 136, 138
in Seven Days campaigns, 236, 258, 275, 347
in Maryland, 345, 347-48
map showing his position at South Mountain, 350
he is mortally wounded, 348, 376, 382, 383
his men in surrender, 813
Garlick’s Landing, 155, 156
Garnett, Muscoe, 398-99
Garnett, Brig. Gen. Richard B. (“Dick”), C.S.A., 97, 162, 163, 164, 165, 367, 399-400, 606, 608, 815
Jackson’s arrest of, 164, 166, 216, 399
court martial of, 287-88, 336, 399
his brigade at Cedar Mountain, 295-96, 297, 298
released from arrest, 336
in July 3rd action at Gettysburg, 589, 590, 593, 594
his advance there, in map, 595
his death there, 606, 608
Garnett, Brig. Gen. Robert Selden, C.S.A., 143, 284
biographical sketch, 28
his early career, 61
in western Virginia operations, 61-66, 69
he is mortally wounded, 65, 66
Garnett, Col. Thomas S., C.S.A., 490, 491, 529
Gary, Brig. Gen. Martin W. (“Mart”), C.S.A., 734-35, 776
Georgia, 105, 618, 620, 700, 761, 770
Georgia regiments, 148, 213, 359, 360, 366, 399, 411, 501, 504, 582
1st, 65
4th, 382, 386, 492
8th, 753
12th, 196, 813
13th, 311
16th, 262
18th, 121, 430
21st, 318
26th, 420
31st, 420
35th, 382
44th, 261, 492
49th, 323
50th, 399
51st, 399
Germanna Ford, 467, 660, 661, 672
Gettysburg, Pa., 390, 544, 546-47, 558, 559, 561-86, 741
Gettysburg, Pa., July 3rd action at, 587-611, 618, 624
casualties of, 605-8
criticism of, 598-605, 613
desertion and, 616
mistakes made at, 588, 590, 591, 59
7, 598-605
newspaper reports after, 598
promotions following, 608-10
and reorganization after Jackson’s death, 598
retreat following, 596-97
Gettysburg, Pa., maps of:
attack of Confederate left on Culp’s Hill, East Cemetery Hill, and Cemetery Hill, 583
attack of Confederate right, 581
attack of Rodes’s division, 566
Gettysburg and vicinity, 568
lines of advance in July 3rd action, 595
Stuart’s raid from Salem to Gettysburg, 557
Gibbon, Maj. Gen. John, U.S.A., 321
Gibson, Dr. Charles Bell, 440
Giles, Col. John R. R., C.S.A., 137
Gillies Creek, 131, 133, 135, 140, 141-42
Gilmer, Fort, 752-53
Girardey, Brig. Gen. Victor J. B., C.S.A., 734, 754
Glendale, 246, 252, 253, 254, 261, 263, 275, 279, 280, 330
Globe Tavern, 751-52, 754
Gloucester Point, 105
Godwin, Brig. Gen. Archibald C, C.S.A., 735
at Rappahannock Bridge, 634, 635
his promotion, 749
his death, 749, 754
his men in surrender, 813
Goldsborough, N.C., 428, 431, 449, 775
Gooney Manor Road, 184, 185
Gordon, Brig. Gen. James B., C.S.A., 616, 628, 629, 721, 722
Gordon, Maj. Gen. John Brown, C.S.A., 136, 139, 253, 258, 269, 275, 350, 380, 382, 458, 495, 500, 502-4, 511, 512, 515, 528-29, 652, 685, 692, 698, 739-40, 749, 762, 765, 766, 769, 772, 786, 787, 792-93, 801, 802
biographical sketch, 41
at Sharpsburg, 363
he is wounded there, 363-64
at Gettysburg, 567, 569, 571-72, 584
at the Wilderness, 663, 669-71, 696
given command of Early’s division, 676-77
at Mule Shoe (Bloody Angle), 678, 681-83, 694
map of his position there, 682
with Stuart in pursuit of Sheridan, 686, 687, 689
promotion of, 692, 696, 727
at the Monocacy, 740, 742
in Third Battle of Winchester, 746, 747
his position there, in map, 748
at Cedar Creek, 755, 756, 757-58
his relations with Lee, 765
his plan against Sherman, 772
at Fort Stedman, 772-75
child born to, 786
at Sayler’s Creek, 794, 798
his position there, in map, 795
he writes to Lee, 798
in march to Farmville, 799-800
and question of surrender, 802
at Appomattox, 803, 804-6, 807, 808-9
confers with others on surrender, 803-4
truce and, 808
Custer and Sheridan meet him to ask for surrender, 808-9
in surrender, 811, 812-14
Gordonsville, 127, 128, 168, 174, 176, 221, 222, 278, 279, 281, 282, 285-86, 288, 290, 291, 301-2, 305, 330, 398, 399, 465, 656, 659, 660, 723
Gosport Navy Yard, 123
Gracie, Brig. Gen. Archibald, Jr., C.S.A., 706, 707, 732, 733, 766, 768