Lee's Lieutenants
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abilities of, 308
in march to cut off Pope’s line of supply, 314, 318
at Groveton, 320, 321
he is wounded there, 321, 322, 331, 333, 375, 405
at Fredericksburg, 405-6, 417
promotions and, 430
his transfer, 457
Taliaferro’s Mill, 152
Talley’s Farm, 476, 477, 479, 484
in map, 477
Talleysville, 156
Taylor, Brig. Gen. George W., U.S.A., 319
Taylor, Lt. Gen. Richard (“Dick”), C.S.A., 163, 173, 204, 205, 209-10, 211-12, 217, 220, 233, 253, 279, 281, 519, 766
biographical sketch, 32
his background, 173
at New Market, 180
Jackson described by, 180
on the march with Jackson, 182-83, 185, 186, 187, 198
in battle of Winchester, 190-92
and Winder’s clash with Jackson, 213
Taylor, Maj. Walter H., C.S.A., 233, 437, 441, 571, 585, 638
Taylor, Zachary, 173
Taylorsville, 151
Telegraph Road, 423, 424, 499, 500, 503, 686, 687, 689
Tennessee, 99, 108, 548, 549, 618, 619, 620, 646, 647, 649, 656
Tennessee Railroad, 709
Tennessee regiments, 127, 814
Tennessee River, 99
Terrett, Col. G. H., C.S.A., 53, 68, 70
Terry, Brig. Gen. William R., C.S.A., 734, 739, 766, 779
Texas regiments, 331, 381, 659, 665, 815
1st, 121
4th, 121
5th, 121, 146, 381
Thomas, Brig. Gen. Edward L., C.S.A., 274, 282, 337, 527, 610, 814
at Groveton, 323, 324
at Second Manassas, 331
at Sharpsburg, 368
his promotion, 382
at Chancellorsville, 478, 488, 489, 490, 492
Thomas, Maj. Gen. George H., U.S.A., 639, 641, 646
Thomson, Lt. James, C.S.A., 161
Thomson, Maj. James W., C.S.A., 798
Thornton’s Gap, 167, 171
Thoroughfare Gap, 101-2, 316, 320, 322, 324
Todd’s Tavern, 506, 672, 674
Tom’s Brook, 755
Toombs, Brig. Gen. Robert, C.S.A., 109, 262, 267-68, 281, 283, 307, 366, 378, 381, 385, 430
biographical sketch, 39-40
his character and physical appearance, 267
his political career, 267
he neglects road and is arrested, 304-5, 332
at Second Manassas, 332
at Sharpsburg, 366-68, 378
his position there, in map, 361
he is wounded, 376, 381
Moses and, 440
he leaves service, 457, 458, 815
Toon, Brig. Gen. Thomas F., C.S.A., 721
Totopotomoy Creek, 149, 153, 227
Trevilian Station, 724, 725-26
map of, 725
Trimble, Maj. Gen. Isaac Ridgeway, C.S.A., 173, 187, 192, 206, 207, 209, 212, 220, 282, 373, 381, 385, 429, 458, 516, 528
biographical sketch, 41
his background, 173
in Seven Days campaigns, 233, 235, 254, 275
at Hazel River, 312-13
seizes Manassas Junction supplies, 317-18
he is wounded, 324, 333, 375, 428
casualties in his brigade, 376
promotion sought for, 378, 379, 380-81, 382, 428-30
his brigade at Fredericksburg, 409, 420
his division at Chancellorsville, 466, 467, 475, 478, 479, 480, 483, 487
confers with Ewell before Gettysburg, 547
at Gettysburg, 570
in July 3rd action there, 589, 591, 604
his advance there, in map, 595
he is wounded, 607, 610
his capture, 606, 607, 608, 610
his men in surrender, 813
Tucker, David, 518, 519
Tucker, George, 784-85
Tullahoma, Tenn., 548, 549
Tunstall’s Station, 153, 155
Turner, Lt. Thomas T., C.S.A., 655
Turner’s Gap, 342, 344-51, 353, 354
Turnpike, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 475, 477, 478
Tyler, Maj. Gen. Erastus B., U.S.A., 212
Tyler, Maj. Nat, C.S.A., 64, 65
Union Mills, 73, 74, 79, 80
Upperville, 553
Upton, Maj. Gen. Emory, U.S.A., 678-79, 682
Urbana, Md., 340, 390
Valley of Virginia, see Shenandoah Valley
Valley Pike, 162, 167, 168, 169, 176, 183, 187, 188, 190, 197, 198, 199, 200, 207, 218, 397, 750, 755, 758
Vandeventer, Col. A. S., C.S.A., 491, 492
Van Dorn, Maj. Gen. Earl, C.S.A., 96, 97, 143
Venable, Maj. Andrew Reid, C.S.A., 629, 630, 685, 687, 689
Venable, Col. Charles S., C.S.A., 437, 665, 698, 784, 785
at Appomattox, 806, 807
Verdiersville, 303, 304, 310, 440
Vicksburg, 548, 549, 550, 562, 618, 659
Virginia, 51-54, 61, 183, 335, 354, 368, 371, 372, 390, 428, 447, 533, 543-44, 551, 618, 621, 647, 649, 650, 656, 693, 769, 770, 771
Garnett’s operations in, 61-66
governor’s Advisory Council in, 58
maps of, 56, 63, 168
Peninsula of, 103-4, 105-22, 245, 267, 700
Valley of, see Shenandoah Valley
vulnerability of, 53-54
Virginia and North Carolina, Department of, 448
Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, 620, 653, 661, 676, 723
Virginia Central Railroad, 128, 168, 176, 201, 214, 221, 222, 225-26, 227, 278, 281, 285, 290, 291, 301, 465, 686, 687, 708, 709, 723, 724, 732
Virginia-Merrimack, 102, 123, 124, 125
Virginia Military Institute (V.M.I.), 54, 58, 110, 138, 161, 174, 182, 243, 530, 532, 723, 727, 739
Virginia regiments, 68, 233-34, 399, 529
1st, 207, 296, 424, 440, 690, 814
1st cavalry, 150, 470
2nd, 166, 190, 199, 204, 208, 209, 218, 248, 438
2nd cavalry, 193, 215, 286, 314, 316, 317, 476, 477
3rd, 446
3rd cavalry, 468
4th, 150, 208, 209, 539
4th cavalry, 286
5th, 209
5th cavalry, 273, 689
6th, 204
6th cavalry, 193, 215, 286
7th, 204, 427
7th cavalry, 286, 287, 388
8th, 86, 349
9th, 310
9th cavalry, 150, 388
11th, 127, 538
12th cavalry, 286, 629
13th, 87, 174, 381, 421, 529
17th, 380, 381
17th cavalry, 286
20th, 62, 64, 65
22nd, 510
23rd, 65, 166
24th, 112, 116-18
27th, 179, 190, 199, 209, 297, 380, 383
28th, 78
33rd, 77, 166, 692
38th, 116, 117
42nd, 207, 296
44th, 62, 63, 181, 211
49th, 380, 382
56th, 349
58th, 211
60th, 308
volunteers, 54-55, 58
Von Borcke, Maj. Heros, C.S.A., 150, 151, 339, 340, 357, 407, 440, 685
his Memoirs, 440
Walker, Brig. Gen. Henry Harrison, C.S.A., 680
promotion of, 609
at Bristoe Station, 626
he is wounded, 677, 722
Walker, Brig. Gen. James A., C.S.A., 174-75, 381, 382, 529, 542
Jackson’s grievance with, 530
at Fredericksburg, 421
made commander of Stonewall Brigade, 529-30
wounded at Mule Shoe, 683, 722, 766
his men in surrender, 813
Walker, Maj. Gen. John G., C.S.A., 148, 379, 381
his early career, 148
in Maryland, 335-36, 342, 344, 352, 358, 359, 362, 363, 365, 366
Harper’s Ferry and, 355-56, 357
at Sharpsburg, 358, 359, 362, 363, 365, 366, 373
; his division in Longstreet’s corps, 383
his transfer, 384
Walker, L. Pope, 94
Walker, Brig. Gen. R. Lindsay, C.S.A., 421, 444, 490, 531-32, 639, 767, 768, 803
his character and early career, 532
Wallace, Brig. Gen. William H., C.S.A., 767, 779, 781
Walnut Grove Church, 230, 231
Walton, Col. James B., C.S.A., 442, 531, 590, 592
Ward, Col. G.T., C.S.A., 115
Wardensburg, 198
War Department, 58, 80, 89, 91, 94, 98, 99, 102, 159, 161, 263, 377, 379, 382, 384, 627, 645, 646-47, 648, 657, 671, 700, 701, 708, 718, 736
Warren, Maj. Gen. Gouverneur K., U.S.A., 637, 778, 781
Warrenton, 171, 309, 320, 555, 624
Warrenton Junction, 629, 630
Warrenton Springs, 311, 312, 463
Warrenton Turnpike, 72, 73, 321, 322, 325
Washington, D.C., 51, 60, 67, 69, 106, 194, 278, 291, 335, 550, 556, 558, 561, 562, 575, 624, 726, 741, 742
Early’s advance on, 741-42, 743, 759
Magruder in, 57, 58
Washington, N. C., 450, 451, 454
Washington Artillery, 87, 364, 412, 442, 443, 495, 499, 500, 531, 590, 701
Waterloo Bridge, 311, 314, 624
Wauhatchie, 639-40
Waynesboro, 214, 750, 762, 768, 775
Weisiger, Brig. Gen. David A., C.S.A., 814
Weldon, N.C., 699, 700, 705
Weldon Railroad, 447, 702, 703-5, 707, 709, 731, 751, 752, 754
Weldon-Wilmington Railroad, 431
Wellford, Charles C., 473, 474, 475
Western Run, 254
West house, 255
Westminster, 558
Westover, 274
West Point, 125, 126, 661
West Point Military Academy, 61, 83, 84, 85, 96, 108, 109, 110, 113, 146, 148, 166, 172, 173, 195, 264, 286, 307, 376, 400
Weyer’s Cave, 212
Wharton, Brig. Gen. Gabriel C., C.S.A., 723, 763
at Cedar Creek, 755, 757, 758
Wheat, Maj. Roberdeau Chatham, C.S.A., 84, 86, 173, 185, 188, 192, 233
biographical sketch, 33
White, Capt. B. S., C.S.A., 392
White, Maj. Gen. Julius, U.S.A., 356-57
White House on the Pamunkey River, 149, 156, 199, 224, 270, 718, 775
White Oak Road, 779, 780
White Oak Swamp, 130, 131, 237-38, 240, 243, 246, 248-50, 252, 263, 271, 276, 277, 362
in map, 244
White Oak Swamp Bridge, 238, 246, 248, 249
White Plains, 316
White’s Ford, 392, 393
Whiting, Maj. Jasper, C.S.A., 134
Whiting, Maj. Gen. William Henry Chase, C.S.A., 79-80, 87, 96, 97, 101, 108, 128, 221, 222, 233, 234, 235, 236, 238, 254, 257, 275, 277, 284, 378, 448, 449, 451, 454, 699, 700, 705, 815
biographical sketch, 32
at West Point, 96
at Eltham, 120, 121, 122
at Seven Pines, 130, 131, 136, 137
as divisional commander, 147
his pessimism, 147-48
in Valley defense, 213, 214, 226
criticisms of, 266, 281
organization of his division, 283
on sick leave, 307, 308, 379
transfer of, 379
his reluctance to cooperate in New Bern expedition, 450
he is to proceed to Petersburg, 708, 710, 711, 712
Hill takes his command, 712-13
his arrival in Petersburg, 712
at Fort Fisher, 769
his death, 769
Wickham, Brig. Gen. William C., C.S.A., 309, 310, 395, 614, 616, 628, 685
in raid to Chambersburg, 389
promotion of, 614
with Stuart in pursuit of Sheridan, 686, 687, 689
Wigfall, Brig. Gen. Louis T., C.S.A., 121
Wilbourn, Capt. R. E., C.S.A., 481, 482
Wilcox, Maj. Gen. Cadmus Marcellus, C.S.A., 109, 111, 142, 308, 354, 500, 528, 530, 652, 658, 676, 715, 719, 733, 762, 766, 784, 785, 786, 788, 789, 792
biographical sketch, 46
his character, 610
his early career, 109
in retreat to Williamsburg, 114, 119
in Seven Days campaigns, 275
his losses in Seven Days battles, 261
at Second Manassas, 324-25, 332, 500
at Chancellorsville, 469, 516
in action near Fredericksburg, 500-502, 511, 512
Lee’s praise for, 512
at Gettysburg, 580-82
in July 3rd action there, 589, 590, 594, 596, 603, 604, 607
his advance there, in map, 595
his promotion, 610
at Mine Run, 637
at the Wilderness, 660, 663-64, 666, 695
at Mule Shoe, 678, 683
at Reams’s Station, 752
his men in surrender, 814
Wilcox John A., 766
Wilderness, 398, 406, 467, 468, 469, 471-72, 475, 487, 508, 509, 534, 674, 676, 684, 685, 686, 721
actions of May 4-21, 1864 at, 661-71
appraisal of officers’ performances in, 694-96
map of terrain of, 662
Wilderness Church, 636
Wilderness Tavern, 484
Williams, Maj. Gen. Seth, U.S.A., 683
Williamsburg, 113-19, 137, 292, 351
battle at, 117-19, 127, 138, 139, 149
map of Fort Magruder and adjacent redoubts, woods, and abatis, 115
retreat to, 112, 113-16
Williamsburg Road, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 136, 140, 141, 238, 240
Williamsport, Md., 193, 194, 195, 389, 543, 598
Willis Church Road (Quaker Road), 253, 254, 258, 262
Willis’s Hill, 411, 412, 420
Willoughby Run, 563, 564
Wilmington, 448, 450, 451, 454, 713, 763, 766, 769, 770, 771
Wilson, Brig. Gen. James H., U.S.A., 691, 731
Winchester, 69, 70, 96-97, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 168, 171, 184, 217, 299, 318, 379, 395, 396-97, 541-43, 562, 676
battle at, 190-94, 195, 196, 217, 218
Jackson’s march to, 187-90
Jackson’s retreat from, 196-98
map of battle at, 191
map of Third Battle of, 748
Third Battle of, 746-49, 750, 752, 755, 759, 761
Winchester and Potomac Railway, 542
Winchester Road, 185, 186
Winder, Brig. Gen. Charles Sidney, C.S.A., 166, 176, 188, 189, 190, 196-99, 205, 207-11, 218, 220, 282, 383
biographical sketch, 35-36
his physical appearance, 166
resignation tendered by, 213, 216
at Gaines’ Mill, 234-35, 236, 275
stragglers and, 286
illness of, 288, 292, 294
in move against Pope, 288-89, 292, 293, 294, 297, 298
he is mortally wounded, 294, 297, 298, 299-300, 322, 373, 375, 383
Wise, Brig. Gen. Henry A., C.S.A., 283, 619, 620, 700, 704, 707, 712, 713, 728, 733, 766, 799, 800, 802
at Sayler’s Creek, 796
his men in surrender, 814
Wofford, Brig. Gen. W. T., C.S.A., 430, 764, 767
at Chancellorsville, 469, 504, 505
at Gettysburg, 580
at the Wilderness, 666, 667
at Spotsylvania, 674
Wolf Run Shoals, 556
Woodstock, 199
Woolfolk, Capt. Pichigru, C.S.A., 595
Worsham, Adj. John H., C.S.A., 319, 341, 740
Wright, Maj. Gen. A. R., C.S.A., 146, 283
made brigadier, 146
in Richmond defenses, 254, 255, 256, 257-58, 263, 275
Wright, Maj. Gen. Horatio G., U.S.A., 742, 745
Wright, Brig. Gen. “Rans,” C.S.A., 249, 376, 733, 734, 764, 767, 814
at Chancellorsville, 466, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 504, 505, 516
at Gettysburg, 580, 582, 596, 603
his advance there, in map, 595
at Cedar Creek, 7
Wrightsville, Pa., 544, 545
Wynn, Sgt. B. L., C.S.A., 660
Wynn, W. T., 481, 482
Yellow Tavern, 687, 690, 691, 693
Yerby, William, 436, 462, 463, 465
York, Pa., 544-45, 571, 572, 573, 585
York, Brig. Gen. Zebulon, C.S.A., 721, 739, 766
York River, 54, 57, 58, 103, 105, 120, 123, 125
York River Railroad, 125, 130, 135, 153, 240, 270
Yorktown, 58, 59, 60, 103, 105, 106, 107, 112, 113, 147, 148
army and officers involved in withdrawal from, 107-13, 267
Young, Maj. Gen. Pierce Manning Butler, C.S.A., 538, 614, 616, 628, 685, 686
at Trevilian Station, 724, 725
Zacharias, Daniel, 340
Ziegler’s Grove, 601
Zouaves, 84