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California Secrets

Page 13

by Jules Bennett

  “Listen,” he began, flattening his hands on the marble countertop. “I wasn’t trying to hurt you.”

  “Funny how nobody was trying to hurt me, yet you both did,” she retorted, anger bubbling back up to push ahead of the pain.

  Harper reached for her glass of water and curled her hands around the base. The urge to toss the contents in his face seemed cliché, but the desire was there nonetheless.

  “I’m aware I haven’t been a great father,” he went on. “That was something I had never intended on being. I’m too busy traveling and working. I’ve done what I could since I found out you existed. I gave you this job as an olive branch.”

  If what Ethan claimed was true, then Robert was busy traveling and breaking the law, but she remained silent and let him keep going.

  And the olive branch? Did he really think that this was the way to build a relationship—by throwing money at her? As much as she wanted this project, she would’ve taken an invite during the holidays or maybe a few days’ visit here and there. But he always rushed in their phone calls or emailed...anything to keep his distance and not get too involved.

  “But I should warn you,” he went on. “Ethan’s out to get me at all costs. That includes using you, obviously.”

  Harper took a drink and weighed her words. “Whatever is going on with Ethan and me is really none of your concern. Did you come here to deliver a real apology or just to warn me away from your enemy? Because I won’t be used as the ball you two volley back and forth.”

  Robert stared at her a minute before shaking his head. “I see he’s corrupted you.”

  “He’s done nothing of the sort,” she argued. “I don’t trust either one of you right now. But I do wonder why you were so cruel to those boys when their mother died.”

  Robert pursed his lips, and Harper assumed he was working on another lie—or perhaps he was debating whether or not to tell her anything at all.

  “I’ve always been an opportunist,” he stated, easing against the back of the stool. “When I married their mother, I thought I could help her run these resorts. I wasn’t quite in the financial position I am now, and I needed a leg up.”

  Harper snorted. “So you took advantage of a single mother.”

  “Opportunist,” he repeated. “When she passed away, I felt it my duty to take over. The boys weren’t old enough to run anything. Hell, they were still in high school.”

  Harper listened to him justify his actions.

  “Why did you hire me for this renovation project?” she asked. “I mean, you barely know me. You toss a few hours of your time my way each year. Even though I’m always trying to reach out and forge a relationship. And don’t say the olive branch. I don’t believe it.”

  He stared at her another moment and sighed. “My assistant looked over the portfolio you sent, and she said your designs were fresh and new and exactly what Mirage needed. I agreed because you are my daughter.”

  Harper hated to ask, but she had to know. “Did you even look at what I sent? Do you even care, or were you just going to throw the money at me when I got done?”

  “I didn’t look at them,” he confirmed. “But I trust the judgment of my assistant, otherwise she wouldn’t work for me.”

  Harper’s heart sank. She’d already known he hadn’t hired her out of affection or a genuine wish to see her succeed in the business that meant so much to her. But now she realized he hadn’t even hired her because he thought she was talented or because he loved her ideas. He hadn’t even taken the time to look at a few images...images she’d painstakingly poured herself into for each space of this resort. She’d lost sleep, she’d shed tears, all because she wanted everything to be perfect for Robert and his property.

  “Get out.”

  Robert jerked at her command, and she had to admit the steeliness to her tone shocked her, as well.

  “You need tougher skin,” he replied. “If every little thing hurts your feelings—”

  “Little things?” she repeated. “Hurt feelings? You don’t know a damn thing about feelings, so don’t attempt to lecture me on mine.”

  When he remained still, she jerked her finger toward the elevator. “Get. Out. We’re done here.”

  Robert’s lips thinned. “You won’t make it in the business world if you keep those emotions on your sleeve.”

  “Yeah, well, from the sound of things you’re not going to make it much longer, and you’ve had yours closed off for decades. So I’ll take my chances and be human.”

  He stared another second, and she thought he’d toss out another nasty remark, but he ultimately turned on his heel and got on the elevator.

  Once Harper was alone, she took two shaky steps to the nearest bar stool and slid up onto the metal. Crossing her arms on the bar top, he laid her head down and finally wept.

  She couldn’t hold the pain in any longer. She had no clue what move to make next. She had no clue how she would ever recover from this crushing blow.

  All she knew was that her baby would need her to be strong, and Harper vowed to rise up from this setback and be stronger than ever.

  And never let another man near her heart again.

  * * *

  “There you are.”

  Ethan jerked up from the desk in Harper’s tiny office. He hadn’t realized he’d fallen asleep, but he blinked and focused on the person in the doorway.


  His twin glanced around the room and shook his head. “Rough night?”

  Scrubbing his hands over his face, Ethan leaned back in the leather chair and sighed. Rough night didn’t cover it. He’d been tortured with his own thoughts, replaying his actions over and over, wondering at what point he could’ve prevented everything from falling apart, or if that had even been a possibility.

  A woman stepped up from behind Dane and offered a sympathetic smile.

  “You must be Stella,” Ethan stated. “I’d offer you guys a seat, but...”

  The office had no spare furniture—it barely had room for this desk.

  “Don’t worry about it,” she said. “Is there something we can get you?”

  Ethan’s heart ached, but there was nothing anyone could do at this point, so he simply shook his head and focused back on his brother.

  Dane wore his typical flannel and jeans, which looked extremely out of place at a tropical resort.

  “You do know you’re in Southern California, right?” Ethan asked.

  “We hopped on my plane and came straight here,” Dane growled. “I didn’t take time for a wardrobe change because I was worried about my brother.”

  Ethan hadn’t seen Dane in too long, and knowing he’d rushed here to see him during the most difficult time of his life had Ethan feeling so damn thankful. At least there was one relationship he hadn’t destroyed completely.

  “How did you know where I was?”

  “I know my way around here, too,” Dane replied. “But I overheard one of the staff members talking to a cleaning lady, and they said there was a man asleep in the back office. I figured it was you or another guy who was kicked out of his room.”

  Ethan rolled his eyes and pushed away from the desk to come to his feet. “I’m sorry I’m not making a better impression,” he told Stella. “It’s been a rough twenty-four hours.”

  That megawatt smile widened, and he could see how his brother fell so hard.

  “No need to apologize,” she told him.

  Dane crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the door. “So, where do things stand now?”

  Ethan raked a hand through his hair and tried to organize his thoughts. “They stand in a mess.”

  “I’ll put Robert aside for a second,” his brother said. “How’s Harper?”

  Ethan swallowed and refused to be overcome by emotion. He would not break down, damn it. He certainly
wouldn’t lose it in front of Dane and Stella. He needed to get a grip, hold it together and focus on how to fix this disaster instead of wallowing in self-pity.

  “I haven’t spoken to her since last night.”

  Ethan had wanted to stay, he’d wanted to demand she hear him and understand, but he respected her enough to walk away. She was smart, and he could only pray she came to the conclusion that, despite his mistakes, he’d never meant to cause her pain.

  “I told her to stay in the penthouse and I’d leave,” he added. “There were no rooms, so I ended up here.”

  “Is she worth fighting for?” Dane asked.

  “She’s worth everything.”

  Ethan didn’t even have to think of his response. Harper had come into his life like a whirlwind of freshness and had breathed new life into his heart, actually managing to fill that dark void.

  “Then why are you down here sulking?” Dane demanded. “Go do something.”

  “I was giving her some space,” Ethan muttered. “She doesn’t want to see me right now.”

  “Then let’s go deal with Robert.” Dane cursed beneath his breath. “Not that I want to see the old bastard, but he deserves justice.”

  “You know I completely agree,” Ethan replied. “But I haven’t pressed on that just yet.”

  “Because of Harper,” Dane guessed.

  Ethan swallowed, but that lump of guilt hadn’t moved since yesterday. He simply nodded, unable to go into more detail for fear of being too overcome with emotions. He didn’t recall the last time he’d been so consumed by so many feelings.

  “I’m going to let you two talk,” Stella chimed in. “This is such a beautiful resort, and I haven’t been to the beach in ages. I’m going to take a walk.”

  She went up on her toes and kissed Dane’s cheek before slipping away. Dane stepped into the office and closed the door, leaning back against it.

  “You need to pull yourself together and go talk to Harper,” Dane repeated. “She’s had all night to think. I know you screwed things up, but hell, I deceived Stella from the beginning and managed to make things work. You have to be honest and throw in a heavy dose of begging.”

  Ethan had already planned just that. Harper and their baby were worth putting pride aside and fighting matter what he had to do.

  “Where’s Robert?” Dane asked, his voice hardened now.

  “I’m sure he’s still in his suite,” Ethan stated. “You ready for a family reunion?”

  Dane nodded. “The final one.”


  Harper zipped up her makeup case just as the chime on the elevator sounded through the penthouse. She stilled, her heart beating fast. She’d been trying to get out before Ethan came back, but when she’d gotten up earlier, her morning sickness had hit her full force.

  She was getting a late start, but at least her queasiness had subsided somewhat. She didn’t have much to gather since her things had just been sent up yesterday. She hadn’t exactly unpacked.

  Pulling herself together, Harper inhaled and counted to ten to calm her nerves. She’d just stepped from the master suite and into the living area when the elevator door whooshed open.

  But her guest wasn’t Ethan or even Robert.

  “Hello?” she said in greeting to the striking woman who stepped into the penthouse.

  “Hi, I’m Stella.” The woman took a few steps in, clearly unsure if she should keep walking or remain still. “I’m Dane’s fiancée.”

  Dane. The twin.

  Harper clasped her hands together and nodded. They must’ve come after talking to Ethan.

  As much as Harper would’ve appreciated another woman to talk to, she really wasn’t in the mood to confide in a stranger—especially with one who was associated with Ethan...even by default.

  “Did Ethan send you up?” Harper asked.

  “No. He thinks I’m walking on the beach.”

  Harper studied the other woman. Long, silky hair. A simple green maxidress with a denim jacket and little booties. She was definitely not dressed for the beach.

  “We hopped on Dane’s jet as soon as Ethan texted him about the mess here,” Stella stated, as if reading Harper’s mind. “And there’s no rooms available, so the desk graciously held our luggage. I haven’t changed yet.”

  Harper softened and sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m being rude. Come in, please. Have a seat.”

  “No need to apologize,” Stella replied as she moved into the living area. “From what I heard, you’ve had an explosive couple of days.”

  Harper followed and took a seat on the sofa. She smoothed her sundress over her thighs and crossed her legs.

  Stella sank onto the edge of the opposite sofa and rested her hands on her knees as she tilted her head, her face covered with concern. Clearly she had been filled in on the series of events that had taken place.

  “I’m sorry for just coming up here,” she started. “But I wanted to give the guys time to talk, and I thought you might need a female sounding board. Of course now that I’m here, I feel a little silly, since we’re strangers.”

  Harper couldn’t help but smile at Stella’s obvious nerves.

  “I’d like to think I know a little of what you’re going through, though,” she added. “I’m not sure how much you know about how Dane and I met.”

  Intrigued, Harper rested her arm on the edge of the couch. “I don’t know anything other than the fact you two are engaged.”

  Stella beamed. “We are, but our road to happiness was not easy. The short version is Dane was an ass, but the longer version is, he had his reasons.”

  “Sounds familiar,” Harper muttered.

  Stella went on to explain that her father had won Mirage in Montana from Robert a few years ago. When Dane had come to Montana to get it back, he’d known full well who Stella was. He’d deceived her from the start. But then he fell in love, and Harper could see why.

  Not only was Stella stunning with her dark skin, inky black hair and adorable accent, she seemed genuinely concerned, which really said something about her character. To come to the aid of a total stranger was something Carmen would’ve done. Harper felt an instant connection.

  “Listen,” Stella added. “I’m just saying that the Michaels boys might be a little hardheaded and have tunnel vision when it comes to their goals. Rightfully so, since their mother left this legacy for them.”

  Harper listened to all the reasons why she shouldn’t be so infuriated with Ethan, but that didn’t stop the pain from wrapping its talons around her heart and digging in.

  “I just can’t believe that he had no clue who I was at the start,” Harper stated. “The timing...”

  “I understand.” Stella eased back on the sofa and crossed her leg. “And today is the first time I met Ethan, but I know Dane. First of all, they look so much alike, it’s crazy. But second, I know those two boys have fought hard to get where they are. I truly believe Ethan had no ruthless intentions where you’re concerned.”

  Common sense pushed through the pain, and Harper finally admitted to herself that she believed he hadn’t approached her because of her father—but that didn’t negate the fact he hadn’t come to her when he did find out.

  “Listen.” Stella came to her feet and held out her hands. “What do you say I find somewhere to change my clothes and we take a walk on the beach or go grab something to eat?”

  Harper’s stomach rolled a little at the thought. “I’m still not up to the point of eating,” she said, patting her stomach.

  “Oh, I forgot! This is so exciting.” Stella beamed. “I mean, I think it’s exciting. Are you happy?”

  Harper nodded. “I am. Despite everything, I’m really happy.”

  Stella smoothed her hair behind her ears and pulled in a breath. “Then let’s take that walk, you can show me around and we�
�ll talk babies.”

  “Are you...”

  “Oh, no,” Stella replied with a laugh. “But I can’t wait until Dane and I start our own family.”

  “I’ll call down and have your luggage brought up,” Harper suggested. “There are plenty of bedrooms here, and I’m sure Ethan would insist anyway. I’m still in limbo, but you can change here and we can go out for a while.”

  “Sounds perfect.” Stella pursed her lips. “You’re redesigning the resort, aren’t you?”

  Harper nodded. “The design work is pretty much done, and I’m supposed to start the physical renovations next week. I’m not in a work mind-set right now, though.”

  “Would you be in the mood enough to give me a hint on what your plans are as we walk?” Stella urged.

  Harper felt a spark of delight. “I think I could manage that.”

  “I’ll tell Dane the plans.”

  Which meant he would tell Ethan, but that didn’t matter. Harper wasn’t asking his permission, and she wasn’t going to be involved in the whole family thing now that his brother had arrived.

  Harper might just have to go home and wait until her crew arrived. What once was the most important project of her life had been tainted by a dark cloud and had taken a back seat to the turmoil that had become her life.

  * * *

  Dane had waited so long for this moment. To finally come face-to-face with the bastard who had altered his future and stolen what belonged to him and Ethan.

  His brother stood at his side at the closed door to Robert’s suite. Dane knew the pain Ethan was feeling; he knew the confusion and angst. But Ethan would have to figure out the next steps with Harper on his own. There was only so much advice Dane could give. He would support Ethan no matter what, but that was one battle he’d have to fight alone.

  Ethan rang the bell and took a step back.

  “He’s still just as much of an ass as ever,” he muttered.

  “Good to know some things never change.”

  The door swung open, and if Robert was surprised to see them, he didn’t show it. The man had gotten pudgier, harsher. Good. Dane took joy in believing life hadn’t been perfect and easy for his stepfather.


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