1 S. Butcher, The Ecclesiastical Calendar: Its Theory and Construction ( Dublin: Hodges, Foster & Figgis: London: Macmillan, 1877).
2 Annon., Nature, 13 ( 1876), 487.
3 J. V. Uspensky and M. A. Heaslet, Elementary Number Theory ( New York and London: McGraw-Hill, 1939), 206-21.
AD sequence, 70, 73-4
absolute time, 4, 128-30, 173
Acca, Bishop, 72
Achilles and the tortoise paradox, 41
Acton, Lord, 184
Adams, C. F., jr., 160
Adams, John Quincey, 120
Adelard of Bath, 77
aevum, 130
African children: temporal awareness, 7
age-set system (Nuer), 10
ages of man, 74-5
Agricola, Georgius, 113
agricultural year, 16
Ahriman, 34-6, 39
Airy, Sir George, 161
Airy transit circle, 165
Albigensian heresy, 60
Alcuin, 72
Alexander of Aphrodisias, 48
Alexander of Macedon, 34, 55
Alfonsine Tables, 102
Alfred the Great, 72, 82, 86, 91
Allen, Thomas, 113
Ambrose, Saint, 190
anachronism, 158
Anatolius, Bishop of Laodicea, 191
Anaximander, 38, 39
anchor escapement, see escapement ancients and moderns, quarrel, 136
Andronicus Kyrrhestes of Macedonia, 50
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 75
Anglo-Saxon year, 16
Anicetus, Pope, 190
animals: memory, 7-8; sense of time, 7-8
Annals of Dunstable Priory, 104
Annunciation, 67, 74
Anson, George, Admiral, 142
Antichrist myth, 136
Antikythera mechanism, 99-100
Antiphon, 50
antiquity, 19-70
apes, mentality, 7-8
archaeology, interest in, 185
Archimedes, 79, 99
Aristophanes, 45
Aristotle, 41, 46, 47, 49, 127: on time, 42, 61, 64
Aristoxenus, 40
Arnold, John, 146, 163
Asser, Bishop, 82
Assyria, 29, 51
astrolabe, 76, 77, 78, 101, 139
astrology, 48: and medicine, 121; horoscopic, 31, 33, 78, 121; judicial, 31, 90
astronomical clocks, 101, 104, 105-7 atomic frequency standard, 168
atomistic time, 79-80, 87, 91-2
Aubrey, John, 112-13
Augustine, Saint, 62-5, 148, 170: on history, 80, 82; on time, 62, 64, 170, 183
Augustus, Roman Emperor, 62, 66
Australian aborigines, 7, 15
Avesta, 60
Avestan calendar, 36
Azande, 9
BC system, 70
Babbage, Charles, 181
Babylonia, 30-3, 51, 53, 89: beginning of day 31; seven-day week, 68
Babylonian calendar, 31-2
Babylonian planetary theory, 33
Bacon, Francis, 134-6, 149
Bacon, Roger, 191
Bagehot, Walter, 149
Baghdad Scientific Institution, 77
Baillie, J., 65
balance spring, 126-7, 142, 145, 146
Balfour, Arthur, 179
Balslev, A., 88
bank holidays, 163
baptism, 69-70
Barrow, Isaac, 128
Bavaria, medieval year, 16
Baxter, Richard, 160
Beard, G., 165
Becker, C., 136
becoming, 172
Becquerel, Henri, 157
Bede, The Venerable, 70, 71-5, 80, 131, 191
Bedini, S., 91
Beeson, C. F. C., 104
Bell, P.M., 7
Benedict Biscop, 71-2
Bennett, Sir John, 163
Bergson, Henri, 172
Berlin, I., 149, 150, 151
Berossus, 31
Berthoud, Ferdinand, 145
Bhatta-Mimamsaka, 88
Bible, see Chronology, Bible-based; New Testament; Old Testament
Big Ben, 161
BIH (Bureau International de l'Heure), 168
al-Biruni, 80, 101
black-letter days, 109
blacksmith's craft, 86, 104
Blake, William, 179
Bloch, M., 82-3
Board of Longitude, 141, 143-5
Bodin, Jean, 136, 137, 150
Boethius, 130
Bolter, D., 181-2
Boniface, Saint, 74
Book of Hours, 108-9
Book of the Dead, 61
Bossuet, Jacques, 138, 147, 184
Boulliau, Ismael, 124
Bowra, C. M., 12
Boyle, Robert, 122, 127, 130
Bradshaw, George, 160
Brahe, Tycho, 118
Brandon, S. G. F., 24, 35
Breguet, Abraham Louis, 163
Broca's area, 12
Bryant, A., 72
Buddhism, 87-8
Buffon, George, 152-3, 154
Bureau International de l'Heure (BIH), 168
Burghley, Lord, 109, 119
burial customs, 23
Burke, Edmund, 182
Burke, P., 158
Burrow, J. A., 75
Bury, J. B., 179
Butcher, Samuel, 193
Butler, Samuel, 148
Byzantine year, 67
Caesar, Julius, 58, 65-6, 67, 158
caesium clock, 168
calendar: prehistoric, 24; reform, 3, 36, 115-20, 191-2see also Avestan, Babylonian, Christian, Egyptian, French Revolutionary, Greek, Gregorian, Hebrew, Hopi, Islamic, Julian, lunar, luni-solar, Maya, Roman, solar calendar
Calends, 68
Callipus, 189
Cambridge University: protest against excursion trains, 162
Camden Society, 184
candle clock, 91
canonical hours, 108-9
carbon dating, 157, 185
cattle clock (Nuer), 9
causality, time and, 88-9
celestial sphere, 117
Celtic Church, 73
Cervantes, Miguel de, 119
Chaldeans, 31
change, philosophy of, 172
Chanson de Roland, 83
Charlemagne, 72, 75, 85
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 107
Charles V, King of France, 110
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 78, 111, 113, 158, children: awareness of time, 5-7; language ability, 12-13
China, 89-92, 96
Christian calendar, 32, 108, 110, 190see also Gregorian calendar; Julian calendar
Christianity, 13, 56-70, 80-2: Greek Orthodox, 119-20
Christmas day, 67, 69-70, 120: festivities, 163
chronology, 15, 25-6, 67, 72-4, 137: Bible- based, 131, 137, 153-4, 175see also earth, age of; rocks, chronology
chronometry, see clocks; time measurement
Chronos, 39
Cicero, 58, 99
Cipolla, C., 121
circle, division, 32
Cistercian order, 81
Clausius, Rudolf, 157
Clavius, Christopher, 116, 118, 192
Clements, William, 123
clepsydra, see water-clock
clock-like universe, see universe
clock metaphor, 121
clocks: origin of name, 102see also astronomical clocks; candle clock; cattle clock; incense clock; mechanical clock; mercury clock; quartz crystal clock; radioactive clock; sand clock; shadow clock; sundial; water-clock cock-crow as time indicator, 15, 66, 113
Collingwood, R.G., 150
Cologne clockmakers, 101
computerized society, 181-3
computers, 181-2, 183: programming, 182
computus, 191
Comte, Auguste, 149, 178
Condorcet, Marquis de, 147,
Constantine I, Emperor, 62, 67, 69, 190
contingency, 48
Cook, James, 145
Coordinated Universal Time, see UTC
Copernican theory, 135, 152, 170, 174
Copernicus, Nicholas, 27, 118
Corelli, Marie, 3
Cornford, F.M., 37
cosmic background radiation, 175
cosmic evolution, see universe, evolution
cosmic isotropy, 175
cosmic time, 60, 174-6
cosmogony, 37, 38, 152, 153
cosmology, theoretical, 174-6
Coster, Salomon, 123
counting: association with time, 14, 49-50
Creation, 52, 53, 184: ancient views, 30-1, 35, 37-7; biblical, 65, 80, 131
Ctesibius of Alexandria, 50
Cullmann, O., 52
Cumont, F., 60
Curtius, E.R., 58
cyclical time, 31, 88, 95, 132-3, 185: in classical antiquity, 42-3, 46-7, 49, 52, 65
cyclical universe, see universe, cyclical
cyclical view of history, see history, cyclical concepts
cycloid, 123
Cyril of Alexandria, 70
Daniel, Book of, 52
Dante Alighieri, 107-8
Darius I., 34
Darwin, Charles, 155, 177
Darwin, Sir George, 156
dating: by carbon-14, 157, 185; events, 44-5, 67-8, 183; letters, 65, 84-5
Datini, Francesco di Marco, 110-11
day: beginning, 4, 15, 17, 31, 119-20, 165; division, 17, 28, 108; length, 167-8 see also working day
days: names, 68-9, 93; number in months, 66-7, 93; number in year, 26, 66, 116, 187, 189; of rest, see holidays; Sabbath; Sunday
decan: defined, 28
de' Dondi, Giovanni, 105-7, 121
de' Dondi, Jacopo, 107
Dee, John, 118-19
Delambre, Jean-Baptiste, 193
Democritus, 47
De Quincey, Thomas, 159
Derham, William, 123
Descartes, René, 138, 147, 149, 151, 171, 181
Destiny, concept of, 47-8
determinism, 47, 48
de Tocqueville, Alexis, 177
Diderot, Denis, 154, 171
dies saturnis, 69
dies solis, 69
Diodorus Siculus, 46
Dionysian period, 191
Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria, 191
Dionysius Exiguus, 70, 74, 191
Dodds, E.R., 46
Dowd, Charles, 165
Dresden Codex, 93-4
Drews, R., 43
Duns Scotus, Johannes, 183
duration, 5, 23, 88, 171-2
dygn, 15
Eanfleda, Queen, 73
Earnshaw, Thomas, 146
earth: age, 153-7, 176: history, 178; rotation, 4, 115, 140, 156, 167-8
earth-moon system, 156
Easter, 32, 70, 72-3, 116, 118: computation, 190-3
ecclesiastical calendar, see Christian calendar
Edelstein, L., 43
Egypt, Ancient, 24-9: beginning of day, 17; chronology, 25-6; concept of year, 17; division of day, 17, 28; language, 13
Egyptian calendar, 26-8, 36, 69
eighteenth century, 139-51, 152, 171
Einstein, Albert, 166, 172-4: general theory of relativity, 174; special theory of relativity, 130, 173-4, 180
Ember Days and Weeks, 109
end of the world, see Millenarianism; world, end of
Epact, 192
ephemeris time, 168
Epicureanism, 48, 58-9
Epicurus, 47, 79
Epiphany, 69
equation of time, 115
equinoxes, 54, 66, 70see also precession of the equinoxes
Eratosthenes, 67
escapement, 89, 103, 142, 145, 163: anchor type, 123, 126, 164; verge-and-foliot type, 99-105, 121, 123, 163-4
eschatology, 34, 52, 53, 80-2
Essen, L., 168
Essenes, 55
eternal return, 59
eternity, time and, 61-2, 130
Euler, Leonhard, 144, 153
Euripides, 46
Europe, medieval, 71-7
Eusebius, 62, 72, 131, 191
Evans-Pritchard, E.E., 9-10
events, dating, 44-5, 67-8, 183
evil days, 32, 38, 55, 57, 92see also black-letter days
evolution, 148, 152-7, 185-6: biological, 154-5, 177, 179; social 178see also universe, evolution
Fabre d'Eglantine, 120
Far East, 87-92, 96
Father Time, 101
fifty year cycle, 56
Finley, M., 44
Flamsteed, John, 140
Fleischman, S., 13
Flood legend, 30
Fontenelle, Bernard de, 136
forms, theory of, 46, 48
fossils, 148, 153, 154
four: significant number, 74-5
four ages, theory, 75
Frank, E., 65
free will, 47
French Encyclopaedists, 151
French Revolution, 147, 151
French Revolutionary calendar, 120
Frisius, Gemma, 139-40
Froissart, Jean, 121
function: mathematical concept, 92
Fusoris, Jean, 83
future, see past, present, and future
galaxies: recession, 174-6; red shift, 174
Gairdner, J., 84
Galileo Galilei, 92, 122-4, 14
Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 192-3
gearing mechanisms, 99-102
Geikie, Sir Archibald, 155
Geminus, Thomas, 45, 191
Gennep, A. van, 74
geographical mile, 141
geological history, 178
George III, 145
Gilbert, William, 122
Gilgamesh, Epic of, 30
Glasser, R., 83
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), 161, 164-5
gnomon, see sundial gnosticism, 59-60, 69
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 179
Golden Age, 37-8, 48-9, 52, 133, 137
Golden Number, 192
Goodman, Bishop, 135
Gould, R.T., 143
Graham, George, 142, 143
gravitation, 128, 174
great chain of being, 146-7
Great Year, 42
Greece, classical, 37-51see also Greek calendar; Greek tragedy
Greek calendar, 44-5, 116
Greek tragedy, 45-6, 135
Greenwich Mean time, see GMT
Greenwich meridian, 165
Gregorian calendar, 94, 116, 118-20, 187-8, 192
Gregory VII, Pope, 85, 109
Gregory XIII, Pope, 116, 118
Guiccardini, Francesco, 137, 184
Guizot, F.P.G., 177
Gunnell, J. G., 52, 53
Gurevich, A.J., 81
Guthrie, W. K. C., 37, 49
Hainault chronicle, 82-3
Hakewill, George, 135-6
Hall, A.R., 127
Hammurabi, 30
harmonic analysis, 31
Harriot, Thomas, 192
Harrison, James, 142-3
Harrison, John, 142-5, 165
Harrison, William John, 143, 144
Hartner, W., 36
Haskins, C.H., 75, 76
Hazlitt, William, 160
Heaslet, M.A., 193
heavenly bodies, motion: commensurability, 121-2
Hebrew calendar, 32, 54, 190
Hebrew historiography, 52
Hebrew language: tenses, 13
Hebrews, see Jews
Hegel, George Wilhelm Friedrich, 178
Heggie, D.C., 24
heliacal risings and settings, 16, 26, 28
Hellenistic civilization, 37-51, 59
Helmholtz, H.L.F. von, 155, 156
Henry IV, King of France, 133
Heraclitus, 38, 39, 42
Herder, Johann Gottfried, 151
r /> Hermeticism, 60
Herodotus, 44, 46, 58, 158
Herschel, William, 153
Hesiod, 37, 38, 48-9
Hevelius, Johannes, 131
Hindu philosophy, 87-8
Hipparchus, 36, 78, 116
historical perspective, 146-51, 184
historical records, 26, 29-30, 75-6, 138, 184
historiography, 43, 137-8, 184: ancient 43, 46-7, 52, 58; medieval 72, 75-6
history: ancient concepts 52-4, 58, 91, 158; cyclical concepts, 48-9, 134, 137, 150, 179; linear concepts, 51-3, 91, 134, 137; periodization, 80-2; philosophy of, 52, 63, 81-2, 148-9, 179see also geological history; historical perspective; historical records; historiography; law, historical attitude to; social attitudes; social history
Hobbes, Thomas, 185
Hogarth, William, 141
Holbein, Hans, 170
holidays, 69, 162-3
Homer, 15, 37, 39, 44, 151
Hooke, Robert, 126-7, 140, 153, 154
Hooker, Richard, 137
Hope-Jones, F., 167
Hopi, 8-9, 11
Hopi calendar, 9
Horace, 158.
horoscopes, see astrology, horoscopic
horology, see clocks
horse as motive power, 86
Houllevigue, L., 166
hour: concept, 83
hours: canonical, 108-9; seasonal, 17, 27-9, 50, 108; uniform, 29, 107-8
Hubble, E.P., 174-6
Hubble's law, 174-6
Hugo, Gustav von, 178
Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester, 74-5
Hutton, James, 154
Huxley, Thomas Henry, 155-6, 179
Huygens, Christian, 122, 123, 125, 128, 140
ideograph, 22
Ides, 68
Imhotep, 26
immortality, 33, 53
Incarnation, see Jesus Christ, date of birth
incense clock, 90-1
India, 87-9
indiction cycles, 67
Industrial Revolution, see industrial society industrial society, 157-69
Inge, W.R., Dean, 179
initiation rituals, 10
Innocent III, Pope, 60
Innocents' Day, 109
instant, 88, 130, 170-1
International Atomic Time, see TAI
International Date Line, 3-4
International Meridian Conference, 165
Iran, 33-6; calendar, see Avestan calendar; influence in India, 87
Ireland, 71
Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons, 190
irreversible time, see linear time Isaac ben Sid, 102
Isidore of Seville, 191
Islam, 34, 71, 77-80, 87; beginning of day, 15
see also Islamic calendar Islamic calendar, 80
Israel, 51-6
Ixion, wheel of, 48
Jacobi, H., 87
Jaeger, W., 39
James, W., 63
Jang Bahadur, 164
Time in History: Views of Time From Prehistory to the Present Day Page 28