Jerusalem, destruction of temple, 51, 54
Jesuits in China, 96
Jesus Christ: crucifixion, 57; date of birth, 57, 70, 74, 131; second coming, 65, 80
jet-lag, 3
Jews, 51-6: beginning of day, 15; idea of history, 52-4; idea of time, 52-6; seven day week, 68-9see also Hebrew calendar; Hebrew historiography; Hebrew language
Joachim of Fiore, 76, 81-2, 178
Jones, Sir William, 13
jubilees, 56
Judaea, 51
Julian calendar, 66, 116, 119-20, 187, 189, 192
Julian days, 137
Julius Caesar, see Caesar
Jupiter satellites, occultation, 140
jurisprudence, see law
Juvenal, 66
Kalavada, 87-8
kalpa, 88
Kant, Immanuel, 148, 151, 153, 154, 156, 186
katun, 95
Kelvin, Lord, see Thomson, William
Kepler, Johannes, 118, 122
Klibansky, R., 135
Koehler, W., 7-8
Kolakowski, L., 172
Kronos, 48
Lagrange, Joseph Louis, 180
Landes, D.S., 112
language: and time, 5, 6, 8-9, 11-14, 22-3, 186; evolution, 158
Laplace, Pierre Simon, 153
Lascaux paintings, 21
Lashley, K.S., 11
Last Judgement, see world, end of
Latin: word order, 14
law, historical attitude to, 178
leap seconds, 169
leap years, 66, 116, 118, 187-8
legal time, 82, 164-5
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 128-30, 146, 173
Lenneberg, E.H., 11
Leonardo da Vinci, 104
Le Roy, Pierre, 145-6
letters, dating, 65, 84-5
light, velocity, 173
Lilius, Aloisius, 118, 192
linear time: ancient concept, 43, 51-3, 57, 63; modern concept, 128, 154, 157, 186
Livy, 58
logarithms, 135
Lombard, Peter, 183
Long Count (Maya), 93
longitude determination, 139-46, 167, 168: prize, 141, 143-5
Lord's Day, 69-70
Lovejoy, A., 146-7, 153
Lovelace, Lady, 181
Lucretius, 58-9
lunar calendar, 27, 31, 54, 80
lunar-distance method, 139-40, 144, 167
lunar eclipse, see Moon
lunar tables, 144
lunar year, 32, 66
lunations, 17, 189, 191, 192
luni-solar calendar, 45, 56, 190
luni-solar cycle, 32, 45
Luther, Martin, 133, 137
Mabillon, Jean, 138
MacDonald, D. B., 79-80, 87
Machiavelli, Niccolo, 137, 184
mail-coach system, 159
Maimonides, Moses, 79
Maine, Sir Henry, 178
Maitland, F.W., 184
al-Ma'mun, 77
Manetho, 26
Manichaeism, 60
Marcus Aurelius, 59
Marduk, 30, 53
marine chronometer, 139-46, 161, 165
maritime charts, 145
maritime disasters, 141, 142
Marx, Karl, 178
Maskelyne, Nevil, 144, 161, 165
mathematical time, 128-9
Maya, 92-6, 183
Maya calendar, 93-5
Mayer, Tobias, 144
meal times, 18, 114
mean solar day, 115, 187
measurement, precision, 127
measurement, time, see time measurement
mechanical clock, 17, 90, 99-107, 112: social influence, 107-14; temperature compensation, 143, 145see also balance spring; escapement; marine chronometer; pendulum clock; watches
medicine and astrology, 121
medieval Europe, 71-7
memory, 64, 171
mercury clock, 102-3
'Merkhet', 28
Mersenne, Marin, 123
Mesoamerica, 92-6
Messiah, 51, 57, 81
metempsychosis, 88
Meton, 32, 45
Metonic cycle, 32, 45, 99-100, 189, 192
Meyerhoff, Hans, 183
Michelangelo, 111, 134
Michelet, J., 150
Middle Ages, 71-86, 101-11, 183-4
Millenarianism, 76, 80-2, 136
Milton, John, 136
Mithraism, 60-1, 69
Mohist school, 91-2
Moltke, Helmuth von, 166
Momigliano, A., 46-7
Mommsen, Theodor, 184
monasteries, 71-2, 75-6, 101-2
Montaigne, Michel de, 170
Montesquieu, Baron, 148, 154
month: unit, 16-17, 31-2
months: names, 66; number of days in, 66-7, 93
moon: as time indicator, 4, 16-17, 54, 70; eclipse, 31, 76; life on, 135; orbit, 144, 156 see also under lunar
Morin, J.B., 140
morphology, 179
Moschion, 49
motion, 131: laws of, 128, 153, 173
Mount Wilson Observatory, 174
Mudge, Thomas, 163
Mumford, L., 110, 127, 164
musical notation, 79
musical scale, 40
Mycenae, 37
Napier, Baron, 135
Napoleon I, 120
natural selection, 155, 177
Nautical Almanac, 165
Neanderthal man: burial customs, 23
nebular hypothesis, Laplace's, 153
Needham, J., 89, 91, 92
Nef, J., 83
Nemesius, Bishop of Emesa, 43
neoplatonism, 61
Neugebauer, O., 26, 29
Neumann, J. von, 181
New Testament, 55, 57, 65, 80-1, 190
New Year celebrations, 30, 32, 60, 163
Newcomb, Simon, 187
newspapers, 162
Newton, Isaac, 82, 128-31, 141, 144, 173: laws of motion, 128, 153, 173; theory of gravitation, 128
Nicaea, Council of, 62, 116, 190
Nicholas of Cusa, 149
Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 179
Nilsson, M.P., 15
Nisbet, R., 146
Noble, J.V., 50-1
Nones, 68, 108
noon: origin of word, 108, 114
Norman conquest, 75-6
North, J.D., 104
Northumbria, 71-3
Nostradamus, 136
novelty: concept, 57
nuclear transformations, 156-7, 176
Nuer, 9-10
number, time and, 14, 39
numeration: Maya system, 92-3
numerology, triadic, 178
Nyaya-Vaiseka, 88
octaeteris, 45, 191
Ohrmazd, 34-6, 39
Old English: tenses, 13
Old Norse year, 16
Old Testament, 52-4, 56, 81, 131, 137 see also Daniel, Book of
Oldenburg, Henry, 126, 131
Olmec, 94
Olympiads, dating by, 67
Omar Khayyam, 188
opposites, theory of, 38, 39
optimism, 135, 146
Oresme, Nicole, 121-2, 128
orphism, 39, 40
Osiris cult, 24-5, 29, 61
Oswy, King, 73
Ovid, 170
painting, time factor in, 111-12
palaeolithic paintings, 21
palaeolithic rituals, 23
palaeontology, stratigraphical, 154
Palmer, Arnold, 114
Palmer, John, 159
Pareto, V.F.D., 179
Paris Observatory, 140
parish registers, 83
Parmenides, 40-1
pars pro toto method in chronology, 15
Pascal, Blaise, 158
Paschal controversy, 190
Passover, 54, 70, 73, 190-1
past, present, and future, 7, 23, 40, 65, 183: in Jewish thought, 52; in Maya thoug
ht, 95; in primitive societies, 8-9, 21
Paston Letters, 84
Paul, Saint, 65
pax Romana, 59
Pedersen, O., 65
pendulum clock, 122-6, 140, 142
Penfield, Wilder, 171
Penzias, A.A., 175
Pepys, Samuel, 112
Perry, John, 156
Persia, see Iran
pessimism, 133
Petrarch, 85
Petronius, 66
Pharisees, 56
Philip II, King of Spain, 133, 140
Philo of Alexandria, 56
phonograms, 22-3
Pitt-Rivers, Augustus, General, 185
Planck, Max, 180
planetary theory, see Babylonian planetary theory; Copernican theory; Ptolemy of Alexandria; Newton, Isaac: theory of gravitation
planetary week, 68-9
planets: origin, 152-3
Plato, 41-2, 46, 49, 61, 63, 181
Pleiades, 16
Plotinus, 61-2, 64
Plumb, J.H., 91
Plutarch, 39, 48
Polybius, 43, 47, 58, 67
Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna, 190
Polycrates, Bishop of Ephesus, 190
Pond, John, 161
Poole, R.L., 74, 84
posthorn, 159
precession of the equinoxes, 36, 116, 117, 131
prehistory, 21-4
present, see past, present, and future
Price, D.J. de Solla, 50-1, 99-100
Priestley, Joseph, 147, 180
prime meridian, 139, 168-9
primeval fireball, 175
primitive thought, 22-4
progress, 177-86: concept, 31, 46, 95, 146-8; scientific and technological, 85-6, 92, 134, 180-1
Prometheus, 49
psychological time, 62, 64, 170
Ptolemy of Alexandria, 15, 75, 77, 78, 189
punctuality, 160, 166
Pythagoras, 39, 88
Pythagorean triangle, 56, 74
quadrivium, 40
quantum hypothesis, 180
Quartodecimans, 190-1
quartz crystal clock, 167
Rabelais, François, 114
Radin, P., 22
radioactive clock, 157, 168
radioactivity, 156-7, 176, 180
railway time, 161
railways, 159-62
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 133, 138
Ranke, Leopold von, 184
Ray, John, 153-4
red shift, 174
Reformation, 137, 170, 184
Regiomontanus, 192
relational time, 130
relativistic time, 172-4
relativity: general theory, 174; special theory, 130, 173-4, 180
Renaissance: 12th century, 75; 14th to 16th century, 111, 115-19, 133
rest day, see holidays
Richard of Wallingford, 86, 104
Rigveda, 87
'rites de passage', 74
ritual perpetuation of the past, 25
rituals, 10, 23-4: Egyptian, 24-5; Hindu, 87 see also burial customs
Rivayat, 34-5
Robertus Anglicus, 102
rocks, chronology, 154
Roman calendar, 66-70: seven day week, 68-9 see also Julian calendar
Roman empire, 56-70, 71
Rome, 47, 67-8: beginning of day, 15; concept of year, 17; seasonal hours, 27 see also Roman empire
Romilly, J. de, 45-6
Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 63, 148
Royal Obervatory, Greenwich, 140, 161, 167, 169
Royal Society of London, 140, 143
Ruskin, John, 178
Russell, Bertrand, 172
Russell, John, 74-5
Rutherford (Ernest), Lord, 157, 180
Sabbath, 69, 70, 81, 110: origin of word, 54-5
Sacrobosco, 102, 191
Sadducees, 56
St Albans clock, 104, 107
Saint, see under name of Saint
Salisbury, Lord, 155
Salisbury Cathedral dock, 105
Sallust, 58
sand clock, 101, 164
Sanskrit, 14
Sautrankitas, 87
Savigny, Friedrich von, 178
Saxl, F., 135
Scaliger, Joseph Justus, 137-8
Schlieffen plan, 166
science: progress, 180-1
Scientific Revolution, 122-31
Scipio Nasica, 65
scriptures, see New Testament; Old Testament
Scrope, G.J.P., 171-2
seasonal hours, see hours
seasonal rituals, 23-4
seeing: temporal aspects, 11
Seneca, 31, 66
sense of time, see time awareness
seven ages of man, 75
seven day week, see week as calendrical unit
seventeenth century, 112, 122-31, 135-8
sexagesimal system, 29, 93
sextant, 139, 144
shadow dock, 15, 27
Shakespeare, William, 74, 75, 85, 119, 132
Sheenan, Kevin, 164
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 179
Shortt, W.H., 167
Shortt free-pendulum clock, 167
Shovel, Sir Clowdisley, 141
sidereal time, 36, 115-16, 140
Simmons, J., 160
simultaneity, 129, 166-7, 172-3
Sirius, 26, 28
Siva, 88
Six ages of history, 80
sixteenth century, 83, 113-14, 132-4, 137
Sixtus IV, Pope, 191
Slavonic year, 16
Smalley, B., 80
Smith, A., 170
Smith, John, 123
Smith, William, 154
social attitudes to time and history, 17-18, 107-14, 132-8, 157-70, 181-3
social history, study of, 149, 178
Soddy, Frederick, 157
solar clock, see shadow clock; sundial
solar calendar, 32, 77
solar system, origin, 152-3
solar time, 115, 187
Solon, 39
Sorel, Georges, 179
Sosigenes, 66
Sothic calendar, see Egyptian calendar
Soulavie, Jean-Louis Giraud, 154
Southern, R.W., 75-7
speech: temporal aspect, 9-14
Spencer, Herbert, 177
Spengler, Oswald, 151, 179-80
Spenser, Edmund, 85, 132-3
Spinoza, Baruch, 137
star clocks, 28
stars: heliacal risings and settings, 16, 26, 28;
transits, 28, 36, 115-16, 140
Steiner, G., 14
Stent, G., 180
Steno, Nicolaus, 153
Stoicism, 43, 48, 59
Stonehenge, 24
Strasbourg Cathedral clock, 105, 122, 127
stratigraphical palaeontology, 154
Su Sung, 89-90, 96
Suetonius, 58
Suger of St Denis, 76
Sumeria, 29-30, 49, 68
summer time, 3, 6
sun: age, 155-7, 176
sun clock, see shadow clock; sundial
Sunday activities, restrictions, 33, 69, 70
sundial, 82, 112, 123: ancient, 27, 28, 40, 50, 65, 101
Swedenborg, Emanuel, 152-3
Swift, Jonathan, 141
Syme, R., 57
systems analysis, 182
TAI (International Atomic Time), 168
taboo day, 70
Tabula exemplorum, 183
Tacitus, 58
Tait, P.G., 156
Taqizadah, S.H., 36
technology: progress, 85-6, 92, 134, 180-1
telegraphy, 162, 166
teleology, 47, 51 see also time, teleological interpretation
Temmer, M.J., 148
Tennyson, Alfred, 179
tenses, 8-9, 13-14, 186
Tertullian, 69
textile industry: working day, 108
Thales of Miletus, 38r />
theatrical costume, 158
Theodosius, 70
thermodynamics, second law of, 157
thermonuclear processes, 157, 176
Thomas, K., 110
Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 130
Thompson, J. E.S., 95
Thomson, Williarn, Lord Kelvin, 155-7, 180
Thucydides, 44, 58
tidal friction, 156, 168
tides, 73
Tiles, M., 134-5
Timaeus of Sicily, 67
time: and causality, 88-9; and eternity, 61-2, 130; and language, see language and time; and logic, 40-1; and motion, 42, 64, 92,128; and number, 14, 39; and the universe, 41-3, 63, 87; as a destroyer, 132-3; as a god, 34-5, 37, 61; as a judge, 38-9, 185; nature of, 50, 58-9, 63, 87, 91-2, 186; social attitudes to, 17-18, 107-14, 132-8, 157-70, 181-3; uniformity and continuity, 41, 99, 109-10, 127; teleological interpretation, 33 see also absolute time; atomistic time; becoming; cosmic time; counting; cyclical time; duration; equation of time; instant; legal time; linear time; mathematical time; past, present and future; psychological time; railway time; relational time; relativistic time; seeing, temporal aspects; sidereal time; simultaneity; solar time; speech; summer time
time awareness, 3-10, 88, 186
Time Ball service, 161
time dilatation, 174
time distortion, 5
time measurement, 14-17, 56, 76-7, 82-6 see also astrolabes; clocks
time's arrow, 157
time saving, 84, 102, 110, 159
time selling, 183
time signal, 163, 167, 168, 169
time wasting, 160
time-zone system, 3, 165-6
timekeeping, 78, 159, 164-5, 166-9: standardization, 161, 164-5, 168 see also marine chronometer; punctuality
timetables, 113, 160
Tompion, Thomas, 140
Torriano, Gionallo, 107
Torricelli, Evangelista, 128
'Tower of the Winds', 50-1
Toynbee, Arnold, 179
tragedy, Greek, see Greek tragedy
transport development, 158-62
travel, 59, 158-62
Trinity, 81
Trompf, G.W., 52
tropical year, 36, 116, 187, 189, 192
Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques, 147
Turing, Alan, 181
Tuthmosis III, 27
Tycho Brahe, 118
Tylor, E.B., 178
universe: age, 154, 176; clock-like, 120-2, 127-31, 185; cyclical, 42-3, 92, 132-3, 157, 185; evolution, 152-7; expansion, 174-6; rotation (Plato), 49 see also cosmogony; time and the universe; for models of the universe, see astronomical clocks
Uspensky, J.V., 193
Ussher, James, 131
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), 168-9
Van Seters, J., 54
Varro, 67, 68
Vasari, Giorgio, 134
Vedas, 60, 88
Venus in Maya calendar, 94
verge-and-foliot escapement, see escapement
Veritas filia temporis, 135
Vermaseren, M.J., 61
Verne, Jules, 4
Vic, Henri de, 110, 121
Vico, Giambattista, 148-51, 152, 178
Time in History: Views of Time From Prehistory to the Present Day Page 29