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Saved By You (The Spring Rose Bay Series Book 3)

Page 8

by K. L. Jessop

  He lays back on his board with a shit eating grin on his face.

  He’s totally thought about it.

  “No, I haven’t thought that.”

  “Bullshit,” I spit out, flicking water at him.

  “I’m not bullshitting anyone. I’ve not thought about her in that way.”

  “Then there is something clearly wrong with you because I sure as hell have.”

  Jack chuckles. “Well, we don’t all need pussy to get us through the day like you.”

  A week ago, he would have been right. Only now I’ve been consumed by something else. “You got to admit she’s hot, though.”

  “Who, Fliss? Of course she is. She’s gorgeous and smart and fun to be around. I can talk to her about anything and I have a laugh with her, but it starts and ends there.”

  He’s totally in denial. I’ve seen the way they are with each other. Fliss follows him everywhere and in return, he paints her toenails every damn Sunday. The guy is pussy-whipped, and he doesn’t even realise.

  We paddle our way back to shore and jog up the beach, grabbing our towels to dry off. I stop still when a strange sensation comes over me and I immediately turn to look across the beach. My heart skips and my breath hitches when I see her. And it’s the best fucking feeling in the world. The rays of the early morning sun blaze down on her like the sun shines on the righteous as she sits like a little pixie with her legs crossed. Her arms are resting on her thighs and like always, she’s dressed in black. Today she’s lost the jacket and her hair is up in a messy knot on top of her head. She’s as beautiful as I remember. Seeing me looking, she lifts her hand and does a little wave, presuming she’s wanting me to know she’s there but not wanting to draw attention to the fact she has been watching. I nod in response, unzipping the top half of my wetsuit to dry off the salty water. From this distance, I can’t see her eyes, but from the movement in her body I imagine she’s enjoying the view.

  “You wanna grab some breakfast at Rock Waves?” Jack asks, slinging his towel over his shoulder and placing his board under his arm.

  I pull on my shirt. “No, I’m good. I’m gonna head home and try and get my head down before work later.”

  “Alright, man. I’ll catch you later.” Giving me a friendly punch on the arm, he jogs in the opposite direction. Once he’s out of sight, my feet move of their own accord and head towards the woman that has captured my attention since day one.

  “Good morning, Raven Girl. I believe it’s you that’s stalking me now?”

  “Believe what you want; I’ve been here since before sunrise.”

  She most certainly has not.

  “Do you not sleep?”

  “Not much.”

  “How come? You ladies need at least eight hours, and some?”

  Placing my board down beside her, the sand dusts over her neatly painted dark red toenails as she holds out her hand for me to help her up. Her Converse shoes are placed at her side with her mobile phone slotted in one of them. “Eight hours seems like a lifetime when you’re an insomniac.”

  “Tell me about it. I can’t remember the last time I slept for that long.”

  She looks up, her eyebrows raised in amusement. “Oh yeah? What keeps you awake at night and has you roaming the town? Apart from stalking me of course.”

  I hesitate for a second trying to think of what to say, but before I can even say anything she continues.

  “I’m sorry you don’t have to answer that. I get easily irritated when people try and find out stuff about me, so I should learn to keep my mouth shut. I didn’t mean to pry.”

  “I never thought for one moment that you were.”

  She nods, looking at the board. “So, you surf. Why?”

  “Why not? We live on the coast, we have the waves and it gives you a buzz.”

  “Have you been surfing long?”

  “Since I was a kid but took it up more when I lived in LA. Now I surf when I can and teach the local kids on a Sunday morning. How about you? Ever tried it?” I ask, not forgetting the look on her face when I took her to the pier.

  “Only a few times, but I was very young, barely old enough to know what I was doing.”

  “What changed?”

  We hold each other’s gaze for what feels like a lifetime. The internal battle I’m having with myself is agonising because all my head is telling me to do is kiss those sweet lips and bite the pure soft skin behind her ear. However, my heart is telling me to wait. She’s strong, yes, but she is certainly not as strong as I first thought, or as she likes to make out. But at the same time, I can’t stand here and say that this shield she continually holds between us is one that I’m willing to back away from. I need that barrier taken down and I’ll happily do it with my bare hands if I have to. Breaking the connection first, she steps aside and studies my board. “Life changed I guess. As you grow up, sometimes you have to find a new buzz in a different hobby.”

  I remember our first conversation outside of Rubies and try to lighten the mood. “And your new buzz is what? Looking to find big cats in the wild?”

  She laughs softly. “No, like drawing.”

  “Wow, like actual pictures and stuff?” I tease.

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  “I see. This list of getting to know you is beginning to get pretty long because I now also want to see these pictures.”

  “Well, keep wishing on that one because it’s not going to happen.”

  I knew that would be the case before she even answered. Stepping on my board, she investigates it carefully. “Why are boards always so big?”

  “The bigger the board, the more waves you’ll catch with it.”

  “How do you not lose balance?”

  I love the fact she’s generally showing an interest, but I can’t help but throw back one question of my own that’s driving me fucking crazy.

  “How come I’m willingly answering your questions and you won’t even answer the one I’m desperate to know?”

  “What can I say? I’m nothing other than a big tease.” She beams, completely aware of how frustrating this is for me.

  “You are unbelievably annoying, you know that?”

  “And yet here you are still craving my attention.” She winks. “Now, balance, how does it work?”

  I don’t know about Jack being pussy-whipped by Felicity, this woman right here is sure as hell rubbing me up in all the right ways. The thought of dying because of blue balls looks imminent right now. “It’s all about skill and confidence.”

  “Wow, I bet it took you a while to learn that,” she teases with a giggle.

  I step behind her, taking her hips without warning and pulling her against my chest. The hitch of her breath doesn’t go unnoticed when I place my fingers against her skin that’s showing between her vest top and jeans. I lower my head, inhaling her shampoo before giving her a lesson on surfing. The same lesson I gave Selena when she was eager to learn, only that never entailed erotic thoughts like the ones I have in my head right now.

  “Now, before you hit the water you need to prepare yourself, do some body stretches, watch the waves, look at where the other surfers are and always check which way the current is going.” I point out towards the water and her eyes follow. Her breathing shallows and I’m unsure if it’s through concentration or the grip of my hands on her hips. “Then once you’re focused and you paddle out, you must remember that no matter how badly you want those waves, you can’t ride the big ones first. You start small and work your way up.”

  “Baby steps,” she whispers.

  “Exactly, you need to pace yourself. But whether you take a small wave or the largest, you bend your knees, keep your back at a 90-degree angle and ride it like it’s your last.”

  All I can focus on is the curve of her neck, the pulse between her collarbones that’s got faster with my touch. One move is all it would take to devour this pretty little body.

  “Doesn’t it worry you?” Her whisper is laced with conc
ern. “About being pushed under?”

  “Your adrenaline is too high to worry about that. A surfer doesn’t go a day without going under, but when you do, you have to remember to relax and get back up.”

  She looks out towards the water with a deep interest in her eyes that has her lost for a moment. I move closer to her ear, my breath making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up as I murmur. “You can try to fight the water as much as you want, but you’ll never win. You have to learn to relax.”

  “What if you can’t?” she says, and I can tell that there is more to her fear than just not liking the water.

  Placing my hand on her chin, I turn her face to look at me. Her mouth is parted, and I brush my thumb over her bottom lip, softly adding. “Then you need to find someone that will show you how to. Someone you can trust.”

  As if what I’ve just said is toxic, she jumps out of my hold, grabbing her shoes and phone. “I need to get going.”

  “I’ll walk you back?”

  “I’d rather you didn’t.” She steps back shaking her head as she slowly moves further away from me.

  “Can we meet up again? Maybe—”

  “I’ll see you around.”

  And once again she fucking runs while my frustration levels hit an all-new high. Any other woman I would have given up by now and got pissed off with her games. But even though she has me wanting to rip my fucking hair out, I can’t walk away from this. Whatever the hell this is. But what I do know is this: the next time I see her, there’s no way on this earth I’m letting her escape me again. Damaged goods or not, I’m going to hunt her down and hold on like my life depends on it.

  Chapter Nine


  “Well, it's not often I see you alone in a bar without a woman hanging off your hip,” my sister teases as she comes up behind me. She props herself on the stool next to me before ordering a drink from Jack. I’m here after finishing an early shift and to try and get a certain unknown woman out of my head. Only I’m failing to do so. I’ve not seen her since the other morning on the beach. It’s like she’s gone into hiding as nearly three days have past and I can’t lie and say her whereabouts doesn’t trouble me. I have waited each night in the same spot outside the club to walk her home—retraced every step that we’ve ever taken together and even gone down to the pier knowing she won’t be there. But each night that I’ve waited, I’ve got nothing. I’ve even tried to fuck her out of my mind but failed because the woman I could have had wasn’t my raven and did little to settle the anxiety I was battling like I knew she would. I don’t know what her game is, but she’s turning me into a fucking pussy.

  “Why are you here on a weeknight?” I ask.

  “I’m meeting Andrew for a drink, and stop trying to avoid my question. Why are you alone? Fucked your way through Spring Rose already?”

  Jesus, my sister is crude as they come. I guess it’s a result of spending her childhood with the boys and me. There’d been a time when her statement would have amused me, but not tonight. I smile, taking a swig of my beer. “No.”

  “Then why? Got an STD you can't clear up?”

  “Jesus, Megan. Really?”

  “Well something has rattled your dick and by the look on your face, it’s not in a good way. Do I need to knock them out? Show them you don’t mess with a bodyguard’s sister?”

  That causes me to laugh. “No, you don’t. And there’s no STD. She’s more of an itch I'm waiting to scratch. Only it seems she's not interested and hasn’t stayed around.”

  Megan’s eyes widen and a shit-eating grin spreads across her face. If it weren’t the fact Megan is my sister or a woman for that matter, I’d happily knock her out because I know what’s coming.

  “Holy shit, the local hot rod gets turned down by a woman. Jesus, this has to be a first. Are you feeling alright? Do I need to book you a therapy session?”

  “Shut up,” I snort.

  “You sure you don't wanna lie down or something?”

  “Megan, I love you but seriously, shut the hell up.”

  “Sorry, but no can do.” She shakes her head, sucking on her straw and reducing the amount of liquid in her glass. “I mean this is serious stuff, Lucas. A woman saying no to sex with you it's enough to cause major panic attacks… for everyone.”

  Jack laughs, providing us both with another drink we never even asked for. “He’s been sulking for days.”

  I ignore him and turn back to Megan. “She didn’t say no to sex with me.”

  “No, she's just running out on him before he even got chance to whip his dick out,” Jack adds. “Why don’t you go check out Scarlett’s? That should sort you out.”

  “Why don’t you go tell Felicity you secretly sniff her knickers?” I shoot back. He throws me a glare before turning to serve a guy.

  “God, Marcus and Amelia are going to love this,” Megan states finishing her drink and hopping down from the stool. Placing her hand on my shoulder, she leans in close and for once, her tone is serious. “Whatever happens in this life, you know that I love you, right?”

  “I know, and I love you too.”

  “Good. Now just remember, people won't think any less of you if your dick falls off from being neglected.”

  I roll my eyes knowing her sensitive side wouldn’t last. “Goodbye, Megan.”

  As I inhale the rich aroma of whiskey, dissatisfaction and irritation wash over me. The woman in front of me with bleached blonde hair, perfect round tits and wearing nothing more than a cherry red thong is doing fuck all to amuse my attention. Her long legs wrap around the solid chrome pole, letting her upper body drape upside down as she rolls her nipples between her forefinger and thumb. Her heated eyes are heavy on me, her pierced tongue slowly tracing around her lower lip before she trails her hand towards her cherry lace, desperate for me to stick a tenner inside the elastic.

  Not tonight sweetheart. You look as cheap as they come.

  I left Rubies over an hour ago, wanting to get away from the ridicule that my sister took pleasure on delivering, much to her own amusement, regarding my sex life. But still didn’t want to go home. I decided to take Jack’s advice and come to Scarlett’s to try and sort out my shit. Standing from my seat, I throw back my drink before leaving the main lounge and heading for the stairs, taking them two at a time to reach the top floor that provides the private rooms. Two security guys stand at either end of the low light hall, one looking like he could do with a release himself to shift the stone look on his face.

  “Room number?”

  “Three. The new girl.” I booked a private session as soon as I walked through the door earlier and I’m hoping she lives up to what every man is talking about.

  “You listen to what you are told. You follow her rules and stick by them,” Stoneface growls. His threatening tone doesn’t do shit. “Any nonsense and you’re out and barred, understood?”


  As soon as the door is closed behind me, I stand in place, unmoving. The low beat of music plays into an empty room that’s a mixture of grey and purple walls. Soft lighting gives an intimate effect as hardback Victorian-style sofas are in various places around the room. The main seat, which no doubt will be where I sit, is a single chair in the centre of the room. The black vertical blinds on the window that overlooks the main floor are closed—an indication that this girl likes her privacy and clearly doesn’t feel threatened. But that’s not what halts me to the ground. It’s the hot rush that’s currently racing through my veins as the strong fragrance of fresh linen and lilac lingers in the air. Immediately my mind becomes at war with itself. I’m willing the owner of such a sweet smell to be my unknown girl—my raven bird—yet at the same time, I don’t want it to be her because of what this club entails. It’s dark, it’s dangerous and the thought of another man’s hands on her…

  The battle in my head is cut dead when her soft voice comes from behind a white curtain. “I won’t be a minute. Make yourself comfortable and get ready for the
ride of your life.”

  I close my eyes briefly.

  What the fuck is she doing here?

  I’m in two minds whether to do what she’s asked or to storm over there, rip that fucking curtain down and shake the living shit out of her for even putting so much as a pair of damn heels on tonight. I’ve been to Scarlett’s many a time and acquainted myself with many women. This surrounding or their situation has never bothered me before, but tonight, I have to stop myself from acting like an overprotective prick with the risk she is putting on herself. But I don’t. I just stand like an idiot that’s waiting to have his cherry popped. When she steps into the room, I clench my fists, trying to control the thick desire that’s just shot straight to my dick. She’s dressed in a tight black lace corset, a thin black thong and a pair of black stockings. How the hell I’m going to keep my hands to myself is beyond me.

  She’s fucking hypnotic.

  When her eyes find mine, she’s like a deer in the headlights. Every bit of shock, regret and desire cloud her smoky greys. All the nights I’ve seen her out so late make sense now.

  “Lucas,” she whispers.

  “You’re her?” I growl, a little more harsh than intended. “You’re the one that every guy in this damn bay is talking about?”

  She swallows, never taking her eyes away. “Surprise.”

  I think back to the few times we have spent together, the flirting, little conversations we’ve shared, but somehow made it seem like we’d known each other longer, the feel of having her against me and the imprint she’s left on my skin since. I can’t help but laugh. I know shit about this woman, yet she has me longing for so much more.

  “What’s so amusing?”

  “You. This. All this time, I’ve been ‘stalking’ a stripper and I had no idea.”

  “I’m a lap dancer, Lucas, there’s a difference,” she says abruptly. The shock of this encounter clearly gone as her body language returns with that strength and attitude she likes to hide behind.


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