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An Elf’s Magic Santa’s Elves Book 4

Page 8

by Lynn Crain

  “Afraid so. Our world will be in total darkness for the next few months.”

  “Arghh, this is going to be so, so bizarre. How do you ever stay awake?” Lacey did her best to stifle a yawn but it was a poor attempt at best.

  “You actually get used to it. Although some people have to go under artificial sun lights for a variety of reasons.”

  “I’ve heard of that before but never encountered it since Boston is further south. I guess I’ll talk to Ardan about what I can expect.”

  “You know in the office complex we have the artificial sun in the atrium, right?”

  She shook her head. “Nope, didn’t know but it’s something to file away. I wonder if Ardan has any of those in the clinic.”

  “I don’t know much about the clinic. Ardan has complete control there.”

  Lacey chuckled. “I don’t know a doctor who doesn’t.”

  “I remember you said something about the doctor you worked with before.”

  “Doctors are hard people to work for in some respects. I quit my last job because we had a different opinion on what was required for good patient care.”

  “Doesn’t sound good.”

  “It wasn’t and let’s just leave it alone.”

  Cuinn nodded. “Not a problem. And while Ardan can be a pain, he is a damn good doctor.”

  She smiled. “I figured it to be the case. From what I understand, Angie helped him out a lot with his emotional side as well.”

  “That’s an understatement,” he stated, chuckling.

  Suddenly, she shivered. “Sorry, but I just got cold.”

  “Can’t have you cold now, can we?” He snuggled closer and pulled her in to him. His warm breath caressed her face and if they hadn’t been in the sleigh, going to work, Lacey guessed where this would end. She looked at him then kissed him, heat filling her body and soul. This man ignited a fire deep within her and nothing would ever put it out.

  “What does nor’ahkeem feel like?” she whispered.

  “Feel? I’m not sure I can describe how it feels. It’s almost like an ever-burning flame deep inside you. Whenever you see the person you love, you’re warm yet burning just for them.”

  She nodded. It was much like she felt right now and she wasn’t even an elf. “When is your sister going to be here? I definitely have some questions for her.”

  “Aingeal? I think she and Fearghus are due to arrive here either tonight or tomorrow.”

  She frowned. “They’re coming from Scotland, right?”

  “They are.”

  “Ah, how do they get here?”

  He laughed. “There are a variety of ways. One is the private jet. Another is the sleigh. And I suppose teleportation might be something those two try.”

  “Teleportation?” she asked, incredulous.

  “You heard me right. Aingeal has been exploring some different venues in elven travel.”

  “How can she do it?”

  “She’s an earth-intuitive and can do some interesting spells.”

  “Wow, an elemental.” Lacey stared at him amazed, realizing some of her most loved items in fantasy novels were true, but then deep down she had always known they were.

  “I suppose that’s one way to look at it. I’ve never thought about calling her an elemental though. You’d have to talk to her about that.”

  “Okay. Can I ask why she and her family are in Scotland?”

  “Because she needs to study more to hone her skills according to her. I’ve never talked to Fearghus about it.”

  “It makes sense. You would really need to know how to use the power at your beck and call. It must be an incredible feeling to wield such energy.”

  “We don’t think of being elven in those terms. I mean I’m half elf and magic is part of my very being.”

  She smiled. “You’ll have to show me some of your skills some time. Wow, we’re almost there. I didn’t realize the clinic was so far from the rest of the buildings.”

  “It isn’t. We just came at it from a different direction. I guess the reindeer thought we needed to finish our conversation.”

  “That was nice of them.” She cautiously eyed the creatures that brought them to their destination. She had never reflected much on reindeer even though she knew of their existence in the Norse countries. And flying had been the farthest point in her mind when thinking about them. In near total darkness, the clinic looked a little different as did the general landscape overall. She hoped she would get used to it.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Lacey looked at Cuinn, startled. “Nothing,” she slowly stated.

  “I hear a but in there somewhere.”

  She sighed as he helped her out of the sleigh. “I hope the twenty-four hour night thing won’t make me depressed. You know many people who work on the north slope go a little bonkers or so I’m told.”

  His deep, rich laughter enfolded her in its sound. “I’ve heard the same thing. I believe it’s one of the reasons the settlers of any place with a bad winter ended up having lots of children in the spring. You have to do something to pass the time.”

  Smiling, she poked him in the ribs. “Is this a hint or something?”

  “No, just an observation. My thought was they practiced a lot.”

  “You’re just vying for attention, that’s what you’re doing.”

  “Maybe so but I think you need to get inside before you freeze to death. I’ll see you at lunch. If Ardan doesn’t want to bring you, tell him to get in touch with me.”

  She looked at for a moment. “I’m not even going to ask.”

  “Good.” Cuinn took her face in his hands and kissed her gently on the lips. “Have a great day.” He walked to the clinic door, opened it and made sure she was safely inside before he turned to go.

  She stood stunned for a moment though she understood just why he did it, it made her a little sad.

  “Is there a problem?

  Startled, she turned to look at Cuinn’s brother, Ardan. “Uh, no. The problem is me.”

  He looked at her, eyebrow arched. “Something I should be aware of?”

  “Ardan, leave the girl alone. She’s in love, can’t you tell?” Angie walked up behind him and wrapped herself around his arm. “You remember, don’t you?”

  He sighed yet looked down lovingly at his wife. “I’m going to lose this one, aren’t I?”

  She chuckled. “What do you think?”

  “Alright. I’m going to ignore this for now. Let’s get started. Angie can show you what your normal daily duties will be. There’s not a lot that goes on here but we’re coming into the season where everyone starts getting colds, not feeling good, as well as their yearly physicals.”

  “Okay. Where do I put my coat and scrubs?”

  “Let me show you.” Angie turned and walked down the hall.

  Lacey followed her looking at everything. She had only been told what the clinic was like and had seen photos. But now she saw it for herself and needed to become very familiar with her new setting. Soon Angie opened a door and motioned her inside.

  “Here’s the locker room. Everyone who works here has their own locker. Mainly it’s for Ardan, me and now you. The elves come here and occasionally work when we have our busy times. And apparently, we have some doctor friends on the outside who can be called in when there’s an emergency.”

  Lacey nodded. “Good to know. It always helps to have some specialists at your call.”

  “I’d have to agree with you. Ardan is continually consulting with one of his gynecology friends about me and the pregnancy.”

  “Good” She took off her coat and was about to ask which locker was hers when she noticed a nameplate on one of them. “Wow, I have my own locker.” She turned to Angie and smiled broadly. “Thanks. That really makes me feel good.”

  Angie smiled at her. “I figured it was the least I could do. After all, you have had a bad time of it since becoming involved with this family. It happens sometimes.”

; She eyed the woman cautiously. “What do you mean?”

  Angie frowned. “I guess that didn’t come out right. What I meant is the spell didn’t turn out right and you’ve paid the price. That wasn’t supposed to happen at all.”

  “I understand what you’re trying to say. Thank you but I have one question for you in light of what you just said. Does everyone who becomes involved with this family have issues?”

  “Heavens, no! I mean sure, incidents have happened but it’s no more than any other family. There is the fact the family is elves and that brings its own problems.”

  “I can understand.” She took off her jacket and put it in the locker. “Do you ever get used to being here? I mean, it’s so dark part of the year and the rest of the time it’s all white.”

  Angie pursed her lips. “I will admit, it’s hard because it’s so different. But the loinnir has all of the seasons. Santa made sure of that but the part where there’s no sun, he can’t change.”

  “Really? You have a spring?”

  “We do and it’s beautiful here.”

  “What does it look like to the outside world?”

  “Like a piece of the great white north. It looks like every other piece of real estate up here. No one would know flowers bloomed or anything which happens in the loinnir.”

  “Ah, interesting.”

  “There are so many things Santa and the elves can do. You’ll see.”

  Lacey nodded and shut the locker. This was going to be a great day. “I think I’ve asked enough questions about being here. How are you feeling?”

  Angie smiled and rubbed her stomach. “Big. But other than getting tired quicker, I feel great.”

  “Well, carrying triplets can be a risk for anyone, as you well know.”

  “I do but the family is so protective, sometimes it’s almost smothering. Have you met everyone yet?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t think so. I’ve met you and Ardan, I’ve met Jedrick and Tessa briefly but not their children. I’ve met Janice and Bevan as well as Santa but not Mrs. Kringle. And that’s all. I assume the rest of them will be at dinner tonight including Aingeal and her family.” They continued to talk as they walked out of the locker room.

  “I almost forgot about the dinner. I’ll have to make sure I get a nap today because that’s something I don’t want to miss at all.”

  “Do you know something I don’t?” Ardan came to stand beside them.

  Angie looked up at him. “No but you will note our family dinners are always…exciting.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Depends upon what you define as exciting.”

  Lacey threw up her hand as if in class. “I get it. So what’s first on the agenda?”

  “I thought I could show you the different areas of the clinic and if Angie is up to it, she can show you how to stock our supplies. She’ll make sure you know how I like it. I hate to be one of those doctor’s who yell at their staff because it isn’t perfect.”

  She snickered. “I understand what you’re saying. The doctor I used to work for got upset if you weren’t wearing the perfect uniform. He got upset when I told him I couldn’t control when the children vomited on me.”

  Ardan smiled. “His loss and our gain.”

  “Thanks. I do think I’m going to like it here.”

  “I sure hope so because if we have you, then Angie and I could take the occasional day off.”

  Lacey beamed. It made her happy she could help others doing what she loved to do best. The rest of the morning passed very quickly with her learning all the nuances of the clinic. It amazed her when Cuinn picked her up for lunch because she couldn’t believe the time had gone by so fast.

  The afternoon was the same with her going through all the past charts and trying to learn the patients. They had a few people come in for their annual check-ups and various other minor ailments. These were more of what she understood Santa’s elves to be, small and cute but fiercely independent. They all welcomed her warmly and told her tales of Cuinn and his siblings’ youth. She only hoped the family dinner went as well.

  Chapter 9

  The clothes in her hands seemed like the hundredth outfit she had tried on since her shower. If she didn’t hurry up and decide soon, she and Cuinn would be late. Lacey sat on the edge of the bed and frowned, not surprised when a hand came to circle her waist.

  “You know, you’re worrying too much. This is just a family get together. It really doesn’t matter what you wear.”

  “I want to make a good impression,” she ended in a pout. “Surely you understand.”

  “I do but most of them have met you and like you as you are. And no one cares about your clothes so you have no further need to impress them.”

  “I haven’t met your grandparents yet, nor Aingeal or your younger siblings.”

  Cuinn sighed and kissed the small of her back. “What’s really got you upset, Lacey?”

  She turned her head and looked at him over her shoulder. “I’m not sure. It might have something to do with me being all alone. I don’t think I’ve felt like this before. It just-just makes me sad, you know?”

  His arms came around her immediately. “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you were feeling this way. What do you want me to do?”

  She gave him a wry smile. “I’m not sure there is anything you can do. I think it will take a little while. I mean it hasn’t been very long since my grandparents died. I know the thought of seeing yours makes me sad.”

  He sat up beside her and pulled her in his lap, giving her a huge hug. “I am so sorry they’re gone. I know they would’ve loved to see you happy. You are happy, aren’t you?”

  She smiled to herself, surprised there were moments when Cuinn wondered about her happiness. “Yes, I’m happy, and thank you. It makes me feel better knowing you want to make me feel better.”

  His lopsided grin made her insides do flip-flops. “I can make you feel better.”

  Laughing, she caressed his face. “You can have your way with me later. Right now, I think I’ve found the thing to wear.”

  Jumping off the bed, she reached in the closet and pulled out a wool gabardine navy pant and found a light sweater with sequins and jewels to combine with them. Putting them on, she stood in the mirror and looked at herself. She didn’t need the low whistle to know she looked good.

  “Thank you. Obviously, you think this outfit will do.”

  “It will. Now you make me feel as if I have to dress up.”

  With a quick glance at him, she realized he had casual clothes on. Maybe she tried to be too fancy. “Hmm, maybe if I tone down the sweater.” From the closet she pulled out another sweater and replaced the sequin one with a dark blue number, one more plain. If anyone asked about the wool, she’d tell them she was cold. “How’s this one?”

  He nodded. “This one seems a little more appropriate for a dinner with my family. Not so fancy.”

  “You didn’t like the other one?”

  “I didn’t say that. I just think this is a more casual dinner than you think it is. You need to relax a little.”

  “Okay, okay. I get you. Let’s go before I change my mind again.” She put on her shoes while Cuinn held out her coat to bundle her up tight.

  “You warm?” At her rapid nod, he continued. “Good. We need to get in the sleigh fast as it’s very cold outside tonight. I definitely think winter has arrived.”

  They didn’t have to wait at all as the sleigh arrived the moment they got to the door. The ride seemed quicker than the others she took but then she couldn’t be sure of the speed. After all, she did think the first time they had been on the ground. Once they settled to the ground in front of a large house, they were out of the vehicle and into the foyer of Cuinn’s parents’ home almost immediately.

  Their house was larger than hers. They passed by a formal living room, moving toward what she thought would be a dining room. But when she entered into the room, she realized her mistake as she was in a large family
room full of Cuinn’s family. At first, she felt a little overwhelmed and unsure, then she felt his hand on her back and it made all the difference. Turning she smiled at him, thanking him silently for his support.

  “I’d like to introduce you to the rest of my family.”

  “I think I’d like that.” He turned to an older couple who walked in behind them. “Lacey, I’d like to introduce you to my grandparents, Alys and Bowen Locklin.”

  She saw before her two people who weren’t what she expected. Alys was very beautiful and Bowen handsome but what she noticed most was the fact they looked young. Not as young as Cuinn’s parents, but young nonetheless. She could see everyone got their good looks from both sides of the family.

  “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Thank you, my dear,” said Alys, clasping her hand tightly. “I am very pleased to meet you. I’m also glad to see Cuinn has found someone.” She spoke with a slight accent which made Lacey wonder where they were from.

  “I agree with Alys. You are exactly what he needed.” Bowen smiled.

  She liked them immediately. “Thank you. I appreciate the vote of confidence.”

  “Cuinn! When did you get back?”

  She turned to see who called Cuinn and a younger version of the man she loved appeared behind him. If she didn’t know better, she would have thought they were twins. “Geez, you two really look alike, don’t you?”

  He nodded. “That’s what I hear. This is Maddox. But he’s got a twin and that’s Merna.”

  She looked to see a dark-haired young woman with the most incredible blue eyes she had ever seen. They were something to get lost in as they were so soothing. “Hi. I guess you’re Merna.” She smiled at the younger woman who appeared to be shy.

  “I am. And you must be Lacey.”

  “I guess everyone knows who I am. Must be hard to keep a secret in this family.”

  “It can be.”

  She laughed. “You’ll have to tell me all about it since I’m new to being surrounded by such a large group of related people. First, I have to tell you just how beautiful the color of your eyes are. It’s so soothing.”

  “Thank you,” Merna whispered with a slight smile.


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