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An Elf’s Magic Santa’s Elves Book 4

Page 11

by Lynn Crain

  “Same here. Go on, while I talk to my sister. I’ll come and help you get ready. Someone will go with you through the loinnir. I shouldn’t be too long.” He watched her receding back before turning to his sister. “Why can’t I go with her?”

  “I’m sorry, Cuinn. But with the attack on Giselle we really need to bring you up to speed on a group we think are trying to hunt us. This attack on Giselle may have something to do with them.”

  “Why haven’t I heard of this before?”

  Aingeal glanced at Fearghus who nodded slightly. “Because up until this point, they seemed to only be observers and didn’t intend us any harm. But something has changed.”

  Cuinn ran a hand through his hair. “Look, I need to get Lacey packed and on her way. Should I tell her anything about this?”

  “I don’t think so. We don’t want her to be more afraid than she probably is already,” Aingeal stated quietly.

  Sighing heavily, he nodded. “Okay. Let’s hope the attack has nothing to do with this group. Heaven knows what they want from us.”

  Chapter 12

  Lacey waited patiently while Giselle put the last of her clothes in the suitcase. It had been two long weeks of tests and recovery for her friend. She missed Cuinn and everything about him. She missed the way he cuddled with her in the night, the way he looked across the dinner table at her and the way he made love to her. She slumped then sighed. She even missed her new job. She only hoped she would be going home soon.

  “I’m sorry I’ve kept you away from the North Pole. I didn’t mean for you to have to stay with me for so long.”

  “I understand, Giselle. It was a horrible thing you endured. I’m just glad you’re safe. Cuinn will be getting here tomorrow and I’ll be better company.”

  Tears welled up in Giselle’s eyes. “You should have been with Cuinn.”

  “Don’t let it bother you. Family needs to be together in times like these.”

  “So, you two are going to get married?”

  Giselle’s eyes were red and threatened to spill over once again. It didn’t take much for her to be overcome with emotions. Lacey knew it was expected after something like this happened to a woman. The good thing was Giselle hadn’t been sexually assaulted. Matter of fact the police couldn’t find a reason for the assault as nothing had been taken from her. It also hadn’t helped that Giselle had been rather vague when questioned by the authorities. Maybe once they were home, she would get the real story.

  “I guess we are. I mean we haven’t talked about it. But we have talked about the whole process of nor’ahkeem quite extensively, and what it can do to an elf if the object of their affection isn’t with the program.”

  “Yeah,” Giselle replied quietly. “I hear it’s bad.”

  Lacey walked over to her and placed an arm around her shoulders. “What’s really the matter, Giselle? I know there’s something else you’ve been hiding. Won’t you tell me?”

  Giselle’s eyes frantically scanned the room. “Not here. We’ll talk when we get to my apartment. Did you ask my father’s security team like I told you to?”

  “About the—” She never finished her sentence as Giselle silenced her by placing a finger over her lips. “Yes, I did. Is that part of the problem?” Lacey didn’t know if she was relieved or not when Giselle gave a slight nod. “Okay, so we’re good to go?”

  “Yes, I want to go home.”

  “Alright, let me go make sure all is ready at the front desk. Are your parents coming in today?”

  Giselle shook her head. “No. You know they were in Europe when it happened. I convinced them they didn’t need to come home. They’ll be here next week as planned.”

  “I think they should have come home. You could tell them how terrified you were, it might help.”

  “Please don’t be mad at me too,” she whispered on the verge of another onslaught of tears.

  “Okay. Give me a couple of minutes, please. I’ll be right back.” Lacey left and went down the hall to the elevators. Movement back up the hall caught her attention and she could have sworn she saw a black-haired man enter Giselle’s room. She shook her head. That was impossible. No one else had visited the woman the whole time she was in the hospital. Still, she knew there was more to this whole attack thing than had been expected. And frankly, she couldn’t wait to find out what. Even Cuinn had been keeping something from her since she had left Scotland. She could tell by his voice when they talked on the phone.

  Going down the elevator, she sighed again. This was a trying time for her and she wanted it over as soon as possible. The doors opened and she went to the discharge area to make sure all was in order for Giselle. Once she had all the papers in hand, she headed back to the room planning to stop by the nurses’ station for the doctor’s final orders.

  Going back up to Giselle’s room, she couldn’t shake the feeling someone watched her while she was downstairs. Trying to shake the sensation off, Lacey put on her best smile going down the hall. No reason to have Giselle worry even more.

  Soon she was at Giselle’s door and was surprised someone besides her friend was in the room. Whatever he whispered to her soon-to-be cousin, stressed her out. “Hey, can I help you?” She gasped when the man turned as he was absolutely gorgeous and an elf. Without a word, he moved quickly past her and out the door.

  Lacey looked from Giselle to the door. “Just a minute, I need to talk to that man.” Practically running from the room, she spied him going down the hall toward the stairs instead of the elevators. “Hey, you! Wait up!”

  The man turned and seeing she pursued him, walked even faster. She followed him into the stairwell, out of breath as she had to run to catch up. She could see him a flight down. “I know what you are,” she yelled. “You need to quite harassing my friend. She’s had enough trauma.”

  In less than a blink of an eye, the man was next to her. “There are enemies everywhere. I would appreciate it if you kept your voice down.”

  She looked at him puzzled. “Enemies?”

  “You don’t think your friend was attacked without reason, do you?”

  “The police couldn’t find any, if that’s what you mean.”

  “Believe me, there are plenty. You best remember that fact. Anyone who knows about us in the human world can now be considered a target. Be thankful I arrived to help your friend in time. And be very cautious.” And then he was gone.

  She shook her head. If she didn’t know better, she would have sworn he just vanished into thin air. Swallowing hard, she looked up and then down, not seeing him at all. He was gone so quickly, it made her wonder if elves had the power of teleportation. Sighing, she couldn’t wait until Cuinn arrived. Maybe he knew who this elf was and what he was doing here. Slowly she walked back to the room to see Giselle sitting dejectedly on her bed.

  “Ready?” she asked casually as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Giselle nodded and gathered a bag. “I’ll ring your call bell and let the duty nurse know everything is in order.”

  The nurse came very quickly and had a wheelchair with her. “Are we all set? Let’s just get in the wheelchair and get your bags. Do you have a car waiting for you?”

  “We do. It will be at the discharge door by the time we get down there. Isn’t that right, Giselle?”

  “You sure do look a sight better than when you came in the other night.”

  “Thank you. You all have been very kind to me while I was here. I won’t forget it.”

  “You’re very welcome, sweetie.”

  Lacey was happy she could carry everything Giselle had talked her into bringing to the hospital. It was a lot of stuff which didn’t necessarily belong in a hospital sick room, but for some reason, Giselle had tried to surround herself with things of comfort from her apartment.

  She didn’t know what was bugging Giselle but she knew it had something to do with the elf she had seen. Once outside the hospital door, she saw the limo waiting and the driver standing by the open door.

s. Sinclair, it’s kind of you to help Miss Giselle. Her parents wanted me to convey their thanks to you. Is this everything?”

  “I do believe so, Marcus. Giselle, did we miss anything?”

  Both turned to look at her. As if not trusting her voice, Giselle shook her head. Smiling wryly at the driver, Lacey merely shrugged and helped the man pack the bags in the trunk while the nurse helped Giselle into the car. Soon all the items were stowed away and Lacey came around to stand next to the side of the limo.

  “Thank you for everything, Margaret. I sure appreciate your help the past few days.”

  “You’re welcome, Lacey. Just keep an eye on her. I don’t think she’s quiet right just yet,” Margaret, the nurse who had cared for Giselle, whispered.

  Glancing at her friend inside the car, she nodded. “I would have to agree with you. I will try and find out what’s wrong. If we have to get another kind of help then so be it.”

  Lacey got comfortable in the vehicle as Marcus closed the door. “Can you tell me anything yet?”

  “No. I’d rather wait until we get to my apartment.”

  “Okay.” She turned to look out the window and took in the winter scene. It would soon be Thanksgiving and Christmas wasn’t far behind. Boston could be very treacherous in the winter like any of the big eastern cities. But Lacey couldn’t shake the feeling they were being watched and followed. She shook her head. What was wrong with her?

  After about fifteen minutes of negotiating traffic, the construction zones and the weather, they managed to arrive at Giselle’s apartment. For once in her life, she was happy there was a doorman who only let certain people in as it gave Giselle another layer of protection against whatever pursued her.

  They stopped and Marcus quickly opened the far door next to Giselle. “Miss Giselle, we’ve arrived. Henry will help us get you in.”

  “I want you two to get the bags in the trunk. Lacey will help me in.”

  “Of course,” she murmured and scooted out the same door to stand at Giselle’s elbow. “You want me to hold your elbow? Just let me know what you want.”

  “How about holding my hand and arm? I’m not having a problem walking with the memories.”

  She swallowed hard. “That’s right you managed to get to this door, didn’t you?”


  She didn’t push her for more details as she knew the woman would talk when she was good and ready. She only hoped she’d get some explanation as to why an unfamiliar elf was in her room at the hospital. They slowly walked through the lobby and she thought she glimpsed something out of the corner of her eye but when she turned to fully look at it, there was nothing. What was going on?

  The total silence of the elevator ride to Giselle’s penthouse had Lacey’s nerves on edge as well by the time the door opened. “Would you like me to check the place, Miss?”

  Giselle looked at Henry who had a bag in his hand. “Yes, please. Lacey and I will wait here. I hope you don’t mind?”

  “No, it’s not a problem. If that’s what you need to make you comfortable, then by all means.”

  They stood there in silence as the man walked through the spacious penthouse. “The place is clear, Ms. Giselle. Is there anything I can get for you?”

  Giselle shook her head. “Just make sure Marcus gets up here quickly. I don’t want any disturbances until the morning.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Lacey waited until the elevator doors closed. Once she heard it move, she turned to Giselle with concern. “What is going on? I’ve been creeped out since the hospital, but I can’t put my finger on why.”

  Giselle walked quickly to the couch and sat, putting her head in her hands. She gave a short sigh, then her shoulders started to shake with silent sobs. Lacey, feeling bad she had sounded cross, went to sit beside her.

  “I’m sorry, Giselle, but something is wrong. I knew it the minute I saw the elf in your room.”

  She looked up startled. “You saw him too?”

  “Of course I saw him. I can see through the glamours because of nor’ahkeem. Aingeal and the rest of the council didn’t understand why, but it was something they told me before I left Scotland.” She frowned slightly. “And to be careful. At the time I thought the comment strange, but now I’m not so sure.”

  Giselle swallowed hard. “I wasn’t attacked randomly. I’ve been watched for quite a while and the group appears to want to possess all things elven, including magic.”

  “All things elven? What are you talking about?”

  “Apparently, someone overheard something I’ve said over the years about my family. I’ve tried to be discreet, but obviously I wasn’t as good as I thought.”

  “Okay. Who is this group?”

  The woman sat there for a long moment, staring toward the big window looking out over the city. “Ronan says it’s a group who wants to exploit the elves for their own purposes.”

  “Ronan? Is he the elf I saw in your hospital room?”

  “Yes. He’s a bodyguard of sorts sent here by the council. They are considering this whole thing a huge threat to not only the humans who interface with the elves but to the elven community as well. They know this group is going to target people like us to get the elves to cooperate.”

  Lacey sat back. She remembered having a conversation about this before. Exhaling loudly, she squeezed her friend’s hand. “Are there any precautions we should be taking?”

  “I don’t think so. It’s my understanding Ronan is in charge of my protection. He’s some sort of elven special forces. Maybe that’s why you’re feeling the way you do.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t think so. This feeling is nature. That’s the best way to describe it. I can’t explain it at all. It’s very strange and bizarre.” A shiver trailed up her spine. This had to be the same group mentioned right before she left Scotland.

  “That’s one of the reasons I needed my father’s security staff to check out my apartment. I wanted to make sure there weren’t any bugs or anything used to give away secrets.”

  “It makes sense. I wonder why Cuinn hasn’t said anything to me.”

  “Because he wanted to tell you in person. Your life will be a little more difficult while you’re outside a loinnir. You’ll never be allowed to go out alone again.”

  “That’s absurd!” she stated fiercely. “Why would anyone want to harm me?”

  Giselle just gazed at her for a moment. “Lacey, think about it. You’re going to marry an elf. I’m related to a family of elves. Why wouldn’t they want to go after you?”

  Lacey closed her eyes, realizing her life would never be the same or anything as easy. “What does the council plan?”

  “Other than having us all guarded, I don’t know. I got the feeling this made them very, very sad as it has been years since there was a human and elven war.”

  “Surely, this isn’t a full out war. I mean it seems to me to be a few bad apples and if I don’t miss my mark what Ronan told me must be true.”

  “You talked to him?” Giselle seemed surprised.

  “I followed him into the stairwell and he told me to be cautious as well. Don’t you think he would have said something if this group were a full army?”

  “I don’t know. He told me this is the first time in his life he’s ever been asked to protect a human.”

  “I understand your concern and I will be careful. But let’s be reasonable here. I need to go get us some supplies. There isn’t any milk, eggs or even coffee in this house. And I want to get this done before it gets too late. It’s starting to get dark already.”

  “No, please, promise you won’t leave.”

  “Giselle, we need things. Why can’t I take one of your security people with me? Isn’t Henry downstairs and Marcus here right now?”

  “Yes,” she answered very cautiously.

  “Alright. The grocer is just around the corner, and we’ll be back in no time.”

  “I’m not sure if that would
be alright. You should wait for Ronan.”

  “What will he be able to do that Henry can’t?”

  “He’s an elf, Lacey. They have special powers.”

  “I know, but this is two hundred feet from the front door. I should be fine.” She didn’t know which irked her more, the fact Giselle tried to make it difficult for her to do what she needed to do or someone might attack her. “You know, I don’t feel the same way as I did when I first came in. That bad feeling has gone away.” While that wasn’t completely true, it wasn’t complete false either. Now that she knew what the possibilities were, she could handle them. She knew self-defense and could handle herself. Besides, this might be the last time she was allowed to do anything alone in the human realm.

  “Alright, let me call Henry.”

  Lacey nodded. “Tell him I’ll meet him downstairs.”

  Chapter 13

  Ronan was furious. He should never have left them alone once he realized the Sinclair woman could see through his glamour. It was times like these he wished he had the gift of teleportation. He might be fast, but he didn’t possess that particular gift. The council had given him so little and as it was he had barely made it in time to save Giselle Paine.

  Rushing out to the street, he looked toward the grocer and didn’t like what he saw. Someone forced Lacey away from the bustle of to what looked like an alley way. He would have to follow them and find an opening. His gift was one of invisibility. He had chosen to show himself to Giselle, but how Lacey had seen him had been a mystery. Creeping along behind Lacey and her kidnapper, Ronan overheard their conversation.

  “What you’re saying is ridiculous,” she said quietly.

  “You can’t fool us, Ms. Sinclair. We know you are with the elf named Cuinn Locklin. We know you just came back from Scotland and that you are caring for his cousin, Giselle.”

  “Well, if you know all that, why can’t you answer your own questions?”

  “We need someone like you to act as leverage.”

  He was close enough to see there were two average sized men. Neither one looked particularly strong, but he knew looks could deceive.


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