Remember Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 2)

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Remember Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 2) Page 2

by Tracey Champion

  My mouth feels like I have a massive amount of cotton inside it. I need water and to still go to the bathroom. I decide to yell for Travis, but as I open my mouth he walks into the room.

  “You’re awake?” He says with a cocky attitude.

  “You tried to shoot me,” I say to him calmly trying not to show how scared I am. I’m scared out of my wits.

  “If I was trying to shoot you, sweet Cara, then I would have shot you.” He hesitated on what he just said to me. Is that the plan to shoot me? He walks over to me with a knife in his hands. I’m terrified of his intentions.

  “Please don’t hurt me. I have to go to the bathroom.” I plead as Travis smiles at me and my stomach churns.

  “I figured as much. I have to cut the rope. Cara, I still have my gun and I will shoot you if you try to run or kick me.” I don’t move as he cuts the rope on my ankles first. He gets close to my skin without cutting me, but when he pulls the rope off of me I scream.

  “Next time you won’t fight against the rope. Seems the rope tightened around you.” Travis repeats the same process to my other leg freeing me and then peeling the rope. I try hard to contain my scream and bit hard on my lower lip drawing blood.

  Travis is able to untie me from the headboard, but he doesn’t remove to rope. He pulls it tight and forces me to my feet. I try hard to balance myself as he pulls me to the bathroom.

  “Are you going to untie the rest of the rope?” I ask very politely and with my voice soft. I don’t want to make him angrier at me.

  “I was thinking no, but I may have to. Get in the bathroom.” I walk inside the bathroom and Travis follows in behind me and closes the door. “I don’t trust you.” He tells me and I believe this is a warning. He unties the rope around my wrists. Again I have terrible rope burns and lightly scream when the rope is removed.

  I don’t have any choice to care about modesty, I really need to use the bathroom. Travis watches me as I pee. I’m disgusted that he keeps his eyes on me. It’s very disturbing.

  I decide that I have no other choice than to take off my wet panties they smell and I don’t like it. I finish and stand hoping to wash my hands. When I’m done I cup some water in my palms and take a sip to wet my mouth.

  “Your dress is wet.” Yes, it is, thanks to you for scaring me. I don’t say the words in my head to him because I can see the gun at his side in the mirror.

  “Take it off.” I can see in the reflection his eye’s trail up and down my body. I don’t like it. Now way.

  “What?” I’m not undressing in front of him. Travis steps to me and I attempt to back away with no luck. I watch as he brings out the gun. “I don’t want to.” As the word leave my mouth Travis grabs me and pulls me closer to him.

  “You probably should clean the stench off of yourself.” He says as he places his gun behind his back. We’re eye to eye and I slightly shiver. In my horror, Travis rips my dress down the back. I stand there in just my bra and watch him turn the water on. There’s no shower curtain. “You may want to ditch the bra Cara and hop in unless you want to continue to smell. Or I could help you get in and wash you myself. I would take great pleasure in having my hands on you.”

  “I…I will get…(hiccup) in. Do you...(hiccup) have…have to…(hiccup) watch me.” I ask as I remove my bra and step into the water. The water burns the marks on my ankles and a few tears slip from my eyes.

  “No, but I like the view. I want to stay. Behave or I follow through with my offer to wash you myself.” Travis reaches into the cabinet and pulls out a bar of soap. I take it from him and begin to wash. I hate that he’s watching me, but the thought of him touching me, washing me makes me sick to my stomach. Travis takes a seat on the side of the tub in order to control the water. I try not to let him know that having his eyes scan over me creeps me out.

  “What are your plans with me?” I ask trying to delay whatever time I have.

  “I want revenge.” He says the words cold as ice. His eyes scan my naked body. They linger on my breasts and between my legs. I want more than anything for him not to look at me. I have to do something.

  “Revenge for what Travis, your father’s death.” He growls at me and quickly moves to grab my hair in his fist. Water splashes from the tub and onto the floor.

  “Yes, my father’s death. What the fuck do you know about it?” I feel a burning sensation at my scalp, but refuse to let him see me in pain. He leaned over the tub which places us eye to eye, almost nose to nose and I cringe.

  “Please let go of my hair and I will tell you what I know.” I cautiously plead with him. He reluctantly releases my hair. I want to cover myself, but really I’m at his mercy and do nothing. I continue to wash, again. The only comfort I have is the constant washing of my body. The motion makes me feel somewhat safe. Travis goes back to being seated at the side of the tub.

  “Your father was a criminal. He raped and murdered a woman and her child.” I pause to look up at Travis. He seems to be listening. “Facts are facts. What I know is he wanted to be set free by DNA evidence but was killed by his cellmate. The DNA was still processed and proved that he was guilty of the crimes he was in prison for.” Travis stood and began shaking his head.

  “OUT!” He shouted at me and I stood. I was scared by the tone in his voice. Travis tossed a towel at me and I covered myself. He grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me off to another room. The rope burns stung something fierce with his hands on them. In the other room was a bed and nothing more inside.

  “On the bed.” I was scared at what he might want from me but remembered he still had a gun. I sat on the bed and Travis pulled me into place.

  I watched him grab the rope that was already tired to the bed. This rope looked different than the stuff before.

  “If you fight the rope it will tighten and cut into your skin Cara.” I need to remember that. My heart sank at the idea of what could be happening next.

  Travis tied my wrist loosely to the bed and then proceeded to bind my ankles again. I chose not to try and move. The rope was already digging into my wrists and irritating the injuries I got already. Once I was in place Travis took the towel I had away from me. I was now tied naked to the bed. I’m terrified not knowing what his plans are for me.

  I watched Travis leave the room. Lucky for me the room wasn’t cold. It seemed Travis was only gone for a few seconds. When he came back into the room he was holding a cell phone.

  “Smile at the camera Cara. I think Jordan will love this new picture.” I stare at him petrified, I don’t want Jordan to see me like this, but Travis snaps a picture.

  Travis places the phone in his pocket and takes a seat next to me. I don’t like the sick feeling coursing through my body. I just want to curl up into a ball and hide.

  “What are you going to do with me now Travis?” I figure if I keep questioning him maybe this won’t end badly. I’m frightened that he’s going to harm me in some sick way.

  His eyes scan over my entire body. I watch his movements afraid of what he might do.

  “Don’t you dare touch me!” I don’t want him to touch any part of me. Travis brings a hand close to my body. His eyes are cold and seem void of emotion.

  “I can and will touch you.” He runs his hand over my side and I want to vomit. Is he going to rape me? “I can do with you as I please Cara. How can you stop me?” I struggle which only causes the rope on my wrists to cut into my skin. I close my eyes to hide the pain.

  “Please don’t.” What can I do other than plead with him? I don’t want his hands on me or anything else. He keeps touching me and reality sets in. Oh! My! God! He’s actually planning to rape me. My entire body breaks out in chill bumps.

  “I wonder why you’re so important to Jordan. I mean really…” He pauses to bring his face close to mine. Travis has his fingers now tracing underneath my breast. “You’re not the first of his girls I will have. There must be something special about you Cara. I wonder what that beautiful pussy would feel like? I mean I’ve
had a taste of his girls before. It's you that he seems to covet. I do find that very interesting.”

  I want to puke and I know I can’t. Travis slowly moves his hand down towards my belly button.

  “Please don’t do this to me. Don’t be like your father.” I have to do something to reach the humanity within him. His hand keeps moving down my body.

  “Hanna must have given herself to you willingly. I won’t Travis. I don’t want you. Do you hear me? I! DON’T! WANT! YOU! Are you willing to rape me? To do the same act your father died for.” I’m completely horrified at my behavior. I’m screwed.

  He stops his hand close to my lady parts and looks up at me. “I’m nothing like my father.” He growls at me.

  “Yes, you are if you force yourself upon me. You can be better than this, but it’s your choice.” I hope that did something.

  To my horror, Travis stops and climbs on top of me. We’re now nose to nose and my body is trembling. I fear I pissed him off and now he will take from me what he wants. What will Jordan do knowing I was violated? I’ll be dirty. I keep my eyes focused on his even though mine fill with tears.

  Travis grips my chin and kisses me. He forces his tongue into my mouth and I think about biting him. His lips crush mine and I refuse to kiss him back. Travis bites my lip hard as he pulls away from me. I’m crying now.

  “Let’s try this again Cara. When I kiss you, you will kiss me back. I’m not my father and I will not force myself upon you, but give me a real taste of something Jordan had or I might have to take what you’re so unwilling to give me.”

  My heart feels like it wants to shatter. He wants me to kiss him. I can’t do that, but what choice do I have. It’s only a kiss.

  “One kiss?” Travis nods his head. “Okay.”

  I cry this time when his lips touch mine. I know I don’t have a choice he will kill me or worse rape me. His hand roams all over my body.

  I don’t want to live with that memory so I close my eyes and pretend that I am not in this room. I try to pretend that the man I’m kissing is Jordan and not Travis. That works for a little while. Travis now has his hand in my hair forcing our tongues to dance. I cry more because I’m disgusted at what I’m doing.

  “I can feel why Jordan covets you. Funny how what’s his ends up being mine.” He licks his lips and I have to swallow the bile that rises in my throat. Travis then pulls away slowly and gets off me.

  As he proceeds to leave the room he tosses a sheet on me. No words are exchanged between us and then he’s gone. I lay there with my thoughts and tears. I feel dirty even though I am completely clean.


  It’s going to take us about two and half hours to get to where Cara is. He’s out in the middle of freaking nowhere. I sit in the truck as Ryan drives. We have Tyler and Nate behind us along with Matt and an ambulance on the way. I’m nervous as hell wondering what we’re to expect when we arrive when my phone chimes.

  I look down at my phone and see another incoming picture from an unknown number. I watch as it downloads. “FUCK!” I feel sick.

  “Jordan, what is it?” Ryan asks not taking his eyes off the road.

  “Another picture of Cara. She’s in a different room, tied to a bed fucking naked. Ryan drive faster I needed to be there collecting her hours ago.” I yell at him and stare at the picture. Her eyes are on the camera and she looks terrified.

  A few minutes pass and my phone chimes again. I don’t want to see another picture of her, but I look a text.

  You seem to pick the prettiest of flowers. A calla lily, a daisy and a rose. I wonder what would happen if the rose turned black. A false sense of reality really. There is no such thing as a black rose its fairytale myth, a man made beautiful thing.

  “Motherfucker! What the hell is that all supposed to mean?” I’m twisting my phone in my hand.

  “Dude.” Ryan shakes me from my moment.

  “Just drive, please.” I fucking hate this. All of it.

  Ryan picks up speed and over the next hour or so all I do is stare at the picture of Cara and read his words. I’m at a cross between extremely pissed off and sick. If he’s hurt her, well that doesn’t matter now does it. I’ll kill him either way. I run my hand through my hair as Ryan brings the truck to a stop.

  “Where are we?” I ask looking around at some old worn down homes.

  “The tracker Seth put on my cell says she should be in one of those houses up the way. I figure if we stop here, we can walk the rest of the way without drawing attention to us.” Fuck! We’re here. I jump out of the truck.

  “Okay. Let’s go.” I shoot off a text to Nate and Tyler telling them to watch the outside of the house, but to stay back because Ryan and I are heading inside. The house Ryan assumes where Cara is being held looks really run down. We creep around the house looking for any signs of Travis. The only thing we see is his truck behind an old fence.

  “I’m going to go around back; you go in the front.” Ryan directs me and I don’t argue. He leaves me and I carefully walk to the front door. I notice at first that the door is somewhat open. I have to be careful going inside.

  I decide to slowly open the door more with my gun in hand. I check around the room first and see nothing. It’s almost scary how quiet the house is. As I go throughout the house I’m careful checking each room. I find the one from the first picture, but the room is completely empty. There’s a noise and I quickly tuck myself into the bathroom. I look around and see a dress Cara owns torn on the floor.

  The bath looks to have been recently used and I fear that he raped her. Why else would he need to use the bath other than to wash away evidence? Fucking moron, she’s mine and had no reason to lay his filth on her.

  I patiently wait, extremely pissed off, until the noise is gone and head out the room. I don’t need to panic Travis and have bullets flying without finding Cara first. Then I will kill him for what he has done to her.

  I notice another room with the door closed. There’s noise coming from another part of the house and I cannot make out what I’m hearing. I very carefully open the closed door, again with my gun first. I see her tied to the bed. This is the last picture he sent me.

  “Cara?” I quickly rush over to her. She’s tied to the bed spread eagle.

  “Jordan, you found me, how?” I tug on the rope to free her and she screams. That was bad that she screamed. “The rope, you have to cut it or it will dig into me.” She’s trying to be calm, but I can see panic all over her. I can feel it.

  “Shh pretty girl, I got this.” I take out my buck knife and free her feet and one arm just as the door flies wide open. I don’t have a chance to react before I hear a gunshot go off. Cara lets out a high pitched scream as I try to stand to my feet. I don’t even get a chance to turn around before it’s lights out.



  “Travis you shot him.” I can’t get free. I screamed at Travis. He shot Jordan and then hit him over the head hard with his gun.

  “It was an accident.” Is all he says before he runs from the room. Luckily I am able to get my hands on Jordan’s knife and free my other wrist. I drop to the floor. There’s blood everywhere from his head and his stomach.

  I don’t know what to do and I begin to panic. “Jordan, wake up, please. You promised... (hiccup) me.” I put my hand to his nose and feel him breathing. I’m crying and don’t see that someone else has entered the room.



  “He (hiccup)…was (hiccup)…” She’s in a full panic and Jordan’s unconscious on the floor. There’s a lot of blood on the ground from his stomach. Fucking Travis is mine!

  “Cara, I need you to listen to me,” I tell her as I take off my shirt and place it on the gunshot to Jordan’s stomach. I take her hands and force her to apply the same pressure as I did.

  “I need you to hold that pressure Cara, I will call for help. Do not leave him and everything should be okay.” She just nods her head and does as I
ask. Tears are flowing down her cheeks. I leave the room calling Matt.

  I tell him that I need the ambulance and that I need the EMT to have on hand the extra item I requested. Nate and Tyler have not entered the house yet and I’m surprised. I take off towards the kitchen that’s the only way outside for Travis to get to his truck that luckily I happened to disable earlier.

  As I round the corner into the kitchen I come face to face with Travis. He looks to be in complete shock. His body is shaking.

  “Holy shit,” Travis says as his eyes go wide on me.

  “You fucking moron, you shot Jordan. You know the man that at one point was your friend, fuck stick.” I watch Travis. His entire body is shaking. The gun is still in his hands. “Drop your gun Travis or I will shoot you. I don’t care how you want to play this, but that’s your only warning from me.” I actually would prefer to just shoot him, but he actually should be killed by Jordan.

  “Look Ryan, man. I never actually meant to shoot him.” He looks around and doesn’t drop the gun. I’m not sure what’s going on with him.

  “Travis drop the weapon!” He should know how this works. I’m asking him only because he was a friend. He’s still shaking and raises his hand holding the gun. I’ve had my weapon aimed at him from the minute I spotted him.

  “Drop it, Travis,” I repeat my words hoping maybe that was his intent. I watch as he’s about to raise his shaking hand up to me.

  “I’m not sorry. This won’t end if I die.” What the fuck does that sick shit mean? He looks up at me. I watch his hand and I personally know that he understands how to turn over a gun. This is not it. I glare at him, but when I see his finger reach for the trigger all bets are off. Fucker! I fire off two rounds into his chest as both Nate and Tyler enter the room.

  “Jordan’s been shot. Tyler, please take my weapon. Make sure he’s dead and then get the ambulance in here quick. Cara and Jordan are in the last room in the back on the left.” I leave them and head back into the room.


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