Remember Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 2)

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Remember Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 2) Page 3

by Tracey Champion

  I find Cara still holding pressure to Jordan’s gunshot wound.

  “His (hiccup)…breathing is (hiccup) slow. Ryan?” Cara looks up to me with tears staining her face. She’s fucking naked and covered in Jordan’s blood. I take the sheet off the bed and cover her.

  “I got this Cara.” I take over and place pressure on the wound after taking a quick look at it. His side is completely drenched in blood and he’s turned all pale in color.

  “Ryan (hiccup) is he (hiccup)…dying?” Cara asks as the EMT’s enter the room. I let one of them take over for me and walk to Cara. She’s staring at the blood stained sheet from what was on her body.

  “I’m (hiccup)…covered (hiccup)” She drops to the floor.

  “Ryan?” An EMT calls me. I turn to the woman who said my name. I can see she has something in her hand.

  “I was told you wanted this. You know what to do?” She hands me a syringe. I know what to do. I wouldn’t have asked if I had no fucking clue.

  “Yes, ma’am.” I just say politely and turn to Cara. She eyes me and the syringe.

  “No Ryan.” She backs away from me. I hate that this has to be done, but I have no other choice.

  “Cara, come here.” I’ll only ask her once. I corral her against a wall.

  “No! I (hiccup) don’t (hiccup) want (hiccup) that (hiccup).” I corner her and drop to be eye level with her. I’m trying to comfort her.

  “We need to leave now, we’re losing him.” An EMT announces and I turn to just barely catch Cara. She went to stand and I have pulled her onto my lap. My clothes are ruined from the blood on her body and I don’t fucking care. I have to do what’s in the best interest of everyone. I fucking hate it.

  “I’m sorry Cara,” I tell her as I bite off the cap to the needle.

  “No Ryan!” She screams as I stick the needle into her neck. The syringe was loaded with a sedative and I watch her eyes roll in the back of her head. She’s out quickly.

  Two of the EMT’s are getting Jordan out of the room with the help of Nate and Tyler.

  “Is she injured?” The lady asks me. I take a quick look at her body in my arms.

  “I don’t think so other than the rope burns.” She takes a look at Cara in my arms on the floor. Like I would lie to her.

  “Okay, can you wait for another ambulance to arrive.” I stand easily with Cara. She’s light in my arms.

  “Not happening. I can take her in my truck and Tyler can drive.” She looks at me and seems to want to argue this point. “I’m following behind you.”

  I follow her out of the room and down the hallway to catch up with everyone else. There’s now a bunch of commotion inside the house.

  “Tyler, I need you to drive my truck.” Luckily the bastard has my spare key because I can’t get into my pocket. Tyler just gives me a small nod. “Make sure to follow closely to the ambulance,” I shout at him.

  He grabs a few blankets that were by the front door. I’m thankful for those. I don’t mind the blood on my clothes it’s just going to be a pain in my ass getting it out of my truck.

  We hurry to my truck. Thank fuck I didn’t park too far. Tyler opens the door for me and places a blanket on the seat. Then he helps me climb in with Cara placing another blanket around her. Once he shuts the door he runs to the driver side and takes off. We’re following close to the ambulance when Tyler’s phone goes off again.

  I spend some time now really looking her over. Her lower half under the blanket is just coated in blood. I’m worried because that’s a lot of blood for Jordan to loose. Her wrists and ankles have wicked rope burns. They look to have been cut into by the rope as well.

  We sit in silence after I tell him to adjust to air. I need to keep her out for as long as possible. I’m not shocked when his phone goes off again.

  “What the fuck Nate? Oh… Yeah, I will let him know.” Tyler turns to me and I’m puzzled by his expression. “The ambulance is making a detour to a small air strip to get Jordan off to the hospital. We’re just supposed to head straight to Banner Good Samaritan. They’ll be expecting us.”

  Shit! That can take us up to two fucking hours. “Fine, just step on it. The last thing we need is for her to wake up.”

  Tyler’s good at managing traffic and we are maybe thirty minutes away when Cara starts to stir in my arms. I do my very best in an attempt to keep her out. There’s nothing more I can do and if she wakes up, we might be screwed.

  We manage to pull into the hospital parking lot just as Cara squirms in my arms. “Cara, calm down.” She looks to be attempting to fully wake up with great difficulty. Tyler manages to pull up right in front of the emergency room doors for ambulances. One of the EMT’s from earlier recognizes me. I’m not sure how he’s here before us unless he rode in the chopper.

  “No, Ryan.” Cara pleads with me her voice groggy. “Where’s Jordan?” Shit, she’s fighting me. I’m trying to carefully get her out of the car without losing what’s covering her up.

  “Calm down Cara, please,” I beg her as a bunch of medical staff come out of the hospital.

  “We got it from here sir.” A nurse tells me. I watch as Cara fights with the medical staff. Another nurse comes outside with a syringe and injects Cara with something. She instantly drops. This new nurse is a heavy set lady and I don’t like the fucking way she looked at me.

  “We need to get her inside and examined. Then she may need to be moved upstairs to my floor.” What the hell is she talking about? They place Cara on a gurney and take her inside.

  I knew deep down I should have done something more. As I go to call Amber to explain what happened I lose track of Cara. I don’t learn anything about Jordan until Amber and her parents arrive. It takes Tyler calling Bridgette and her parents to notify them on Cara being at the hospital.

  I pace the hospital waiting to learn something. My best friend has been shot and I lost his girl. This is bad. I can’t handle shit like this and for a moment, I don’t know what happened.

  We learn about Jordan and all we have now is to wait on him to wake up. Cara’s now my fault. The nurse, whom I will learn is trouble, took Cara after she freaked out and struck her. They have Cara locked down in a psych ward and no one is allowed to see her. Fuck me! I’m definitely a dead man when Jordan wakes up.


  I can hear people talking and one of them is crying. It’s hard to wake up. I can’t get my eyes to open. I think I turn just a little and that’s about it. I can hear someone calling my name, but I can’t seem to wake up.

  “Cara? Cara?” I’m calling out to her in the house. I don’t know why I’m being careless when Travis is somewhere within the house. I search room to room without finding her. I open the last bedroom door and nothing. She’s gone we’re too late. There’s a note on the bed, but as I go to touch it I realize I can’t. There’s just nothing there anymore.

  I’m dreaming, I slowly begin to open my eyes. Again there’s crying. When I’m able to open them I notice I’m in the hospital. I turn my attention to the crying hoping to see Cara and instead I see my sister wrapped up in Ryan’s arm.

  “Where is she?” I ask my voice sounding rough. I feel weak and extremely tired, but I will myself to stay awake.

  “Jordan, you’re awake.” Amber runs over to me.

  “Where is she?’ I ask again and the look my sister gives me is not one I want to see. “I will ask one more time. Where the fucking hell is Cara?” Raising my voice hurts like hell.

  “Dude, chill she’s here, just let us get your nurse and then we will talk about Cara.” What the fuck is Ryan doing avoiding my question?

  “Tell me now!” I bark and then wince. I turned and my side fucking hurts.

  “Careful Jordan you don’t want to pull your stitches,” Amber tells me as Ryan, traitor, leaves the room. “They won’t let anyone see her. Cara’s in a psych room and the nurse won’t allow us to talk with her. Her dad and uncle have been fighting the nurses and doctors and nothing happened.” How the hel
l is she in the psych ward? This is fucked up.

  Ryan walks back into the room with a nurse. If I could slap the pathetic look on his face I would. He notices me and shrugs his shoulders.

  “Hi, my name is Kim. I’m glad to see you’re awake. I just need to check you over.” The nurse slowly sits up the bed and then pulls at the sheet covering me.

  “I want to get up and I need to know about my girlfriend Cara.” The nurse smiles at me and checks on my injury under the bandage. I glare at Ryan who needs to open his fucking mouth. “Talk, now Ryan.”

  I watch as shame covers his face. What the hell happened?

  “I left Cara with nurses and a doctor to call Amber. I thought she would be okay. I don’t really know what happened, she struck a nurse at some point in her panic and they took her.” Okay, that’s something.

  “What do you mean she struck a nurse and they took her.” I’m still confused.

  “I guess a nurse from the psych ward was around when we brought her in. Just another helping hand, I don’t know, all we’ve been told is she hit the nurse and was deemed a safety hazard to herself and others. I’m so fucking sorry.” That’s not like Cara, my Cara. What made her do that? I need to know more information.

  “Tell me about what happened to Travis.” I really don’t want to deal with him on the loose.

  “Simple, I was going to leave him for you to deal with. I know you wanted to get your hands on him, but the fucking moron wouldn’t drop his gun. He said he wasn’t sorry and that in death this wasn’t over with. Whatever that means, but I put two killing rounds in his chest. End of story.” I relax a little.

  “Thank you, Ryan.” I’m grateful he did the job that was needed to be done. I try to wrap my mind around how this cannot be over with even in his death. I’ll get someone to look into that.

  “Okay, you two need to stop talking. You have stitches on your side. You were pretty lucky the bullet tore through your side and missed all major organs in your stomach. As for Cara, I don’t have any more information than your friends. I wish I did. I wanted to see the scars on her fingers. I did the stitches a while back, but the nurses over her right now are very rude to me.” Now, I understand where I recognized this woman.

  “I need my phone.” I look from Amber to Ryan. Ryan reaches into his pocket and hands it over to me. I scroll through my list of number to find Mr. Peter Robbins, the director of the hospital. I listen to the phone just ring and then he answers.

  “Peter it’s Jordan Carter. Yes, I remember you from the event at the hospital. Listen I need your help. I’m a patient here right now. No, I don’t need my bills covered that’s not the issue. Some of your staff is holding my girlfriend hostage in the psych ward and I want her out, now. She’s not a danger to herself or others. She was kidnapped and probably panicked because I was injured. Yes sir, thank you.” I take a slow breath in because my side hurts.

  “You two probably should leave, I need to check him over and you both have been here the last few days.” I listen to Nurse Kim talk to both Amber and Ryan.

  “You want us to leave Jordan.” Amber looks terrible and it’s probably for the best.

  “I have the director coming to the hospital to help. Go get some sleep. I’m awake and fine.” Amber looks tired and I hate asking her to leave.

  “Look I grabbed a bag of your shit and it’s in my truck I’ll go get it and then we can leave,” Ryan announces. I don’t say anything as Ryan leaves and Amber brings a chair close to me.

  “I’m happy you’re awake Jordan. You had us all worried on top of Cara. I think her dad has just about lost it. I’m sorry we couldn’t do more.” Amber closes her eyes and when she opens them I see that she’s trying to be strong and not cry.

  My baby sister. The woman who I rarely ever see crying has tears falling from her eyes. I hate to see her broken like this.

  “Amber, I’ll be okay and so will Cara. I’m thankful that you’ve done everything you can.” I know this, she’s my sister. She would have done basically everything I would have.

  “I love you, Jordan. You’re my big brother. I don’t know what I would have done if we lost you.” She said it, the truth that’s what has been bothering her. We just sit there talking before Ryan returns with a bag from my house.

  “I tossed in some clothes I thought you could get away with here. I don’t think your girl would like your ass hanging out.” Ryan pauses to laugh. Asshole, but he is right. “However that would be a funny sight watching her yell at you.”

  “Ryan, knock it off,” Amber yells at him. I might need to ask her later what’s going on between them. Right now that’s not my top priority. “We should probably go. I’ll stop by in the morning Jordan.” Amber gives me a soft hug. Before she leaves with Ryan she tells me to let Cara know that she loves her.

  Nurse Kim enters the room right after they leave. “I hope you don’t mind I asked them to leave because…well…I need to remove your catheter.” Great. Fuck it if I want out of this damn bed I need to let her do her job. I don’t pay attention to how long it takes before I am able to attempt climbing out of the bed.

  Kim told me I had a concussion and they had to almost put me in a coma to help the swelling. A doctor came in by the name of David Llewellyn. He had the nurse go and get me some painkillers and explained to me that I needed to be careful, but could walk around if I wanted to. They had done a scan on me late yesterday and there was nothing for them to worry about. I was lucky to not need stitches to my head, but still had a big ass knot.

  “Let me help you up.” Dr. Dave helped me to my feet. It took a few moments to get them to cooperate with my brain. I was then able to walk to the bathroom to relieve myself. I noticed that my piercing at the head of my dick was still there. I’m somewhat shocked that it wasn’t removed. I was able to put on the stupid pajamas Ryan grabbed for me. Cara had purchased these for my twenty-eighth birthday on September first. They are soft cotton, dark gray pants with a button-up matching top. It was a trick to get into them with how tender my side is, but well worth it. I left the bathroom after washing my hands and splashing some water on my face.

  When I exited the bathroom Nurse Kim entered with a pitcher and a little cup. “Take the pills for the pain. I brought you some ice water. Dr. Dave said I can take you upstairs to Cara, I just need to go get a wheelchair.”

  “Thank you.” She left and I took the pills. She was only gone a moment and entered with a wheelchair. “Take a seat and let’s go get your girl.” I sat and we headed straight to an elevator and up towards Cara. My girl.



  When the elevator door opens I notice the floor we’re on is semi quiet and eerie. This reminds me of the creepy hospitals in horror movies. I’m instantly pissed off that Cara’s here. She must be terrified. I’m wheeled to a desk with a couple of nurses. The larger woman stands to address Kim.

  “Did you bring us a new patient, my dear?” She asks without looking at me. It’s cold and callous the way she talks and I’m ready to spit fire.

  “I need the key to the patient in that room.” She points to the room right across from the main desks. I can see in the window. There’s a curtain that blocks us from seeing Cara. A chill radiates up my spine.

  “My girlfriend’s in there and I want to see her,” I state to this nurse. She finally looks at me, only she’s looking down at me like I’m scum.

  “Sorry, she’s a threat to herself and definitely others. I cannot allow anyone into that room, doctor’s orders.” I don’t know what she’s doing, but she goes back to something on the desk. I want to scream.

  “Margret, I want that door open and access to the patient, Cara Hanson. Open the door!” Kim is demanding now and this other nurse, Margret, she called her, is ignoring us. I do like that she got feisty, saves me the effort.

  “Look, she’s not a threat to anyone. I know her and she’s probably scared to death, please let us…” I am cut off when I notice that Peter Robbins is
standing next to me with a security guard.

  “Margret, this floor and all personal are now under investigation. As for the patient in question, you will open that door immediately. I want her file handed over to.” He stops to look at Kim. “What’s your name?”

  “Kim, sir. I volunteered to move from emergency to take over care for these two the past few days. I haven’t been granted access to Ms. Hanson.” I’m listening to her talk and wonder why she volunteered, but that’s not as important as getting to Cara is.

  “You like your job, Kim?” She nods her head in reply. “Good, run your normal hours caring for these two, only these two. I have arranged for them to be placed in one of the larger two patient rooms. Margret, unlock the door and make sure Kim here has the patient's file before she leaves. I’m leaving Ricky here to watch over this floor. There will be a full check of this floor starting in the morning.” Peter turns my wheelchair so that I can see him eye to eye. “Do you believe she’s not a threat to anyone?”

  “Yes sir, Cara’s just scared. She was kidnapped and then I was injured trying to save her. She’s harmless.” I don’t need to lie, Cara’s completely harmless. Peter turns his attention back to Margret and motions from her to the door. She walks over angrily and unlocks it.

  “Let’s go see your girl.” Kim wheels me to the door and we enter. She doesn’t immediately open the curtain.

  “Hello?” My heart jumps when Cara speaks. I don’t like the sound of her voice something is off. Kim taps my shoulder and places a finger to her mouth. I watch her walk around to the other side of the curtain.

  “Hi Cara, my name is Kim, I’m here to check on you?” I can’t see anything that’s going on, so I just listen. I’m worried as my heart pounds hard in my chest.

  “Am I in trouble? I’m sorry about what I did earlier. I don’t want to be put back to sleep. I’ll behave, I swear.” I hear panic and fear laced in her voice.


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