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Remember Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 2)

Page 11

by Tracey Champion

  “Jordan you came in.” She seems shocked.

  “Yeah I did, there are things I need to handle here and not at home. I’m keeping my door open, Tyler asked to speak with me.” I tell her and walk back to my office. I set down my coffee I picked up and go pop my head in on Seth.

  Seth’s been busy working on a project. I need to find out if he’s working on something new or helping with what we have going on the Ryan and Nate’s case. I also see that Carson’s busy at work.

  “How are things going guys?” Seth turns and looks shocked to see me.

  “Great actually. I think Amber is pleased you gave the okay to hire Carson. She seems to enjoy getting out of the office more.” Yeah, I know this. Amber begged me to hire on Carson. This was after I made her do a thorough background check, all seemed good. We’re still waiting on other checks to come in, but my sister started the process before I asked her too.

  “Well as long as you two can handle things without her around then that’s all that matters,” I state.

  “Jordan, I think Carson and me, we got this shit handled.” Seth high fives Carson. That was weird, but then I’ve learned they’re good friends. Maybe that might work out better for the company.

  “Okay.” I head back to my office and sit down. I open my email and handle the issue with the DEA first. She’s been an issue after finding out we killed Travis. I’m not explaining that to her again. There’s a knock on my door and I look up to see Maria.

  “What’s up Maria?” She looks nervous.

  “I need to talk with you about Niki.” She comes into the office and shuts the door. Okay, I’m intrigued now.

  “What about Niki?” Not that I actually care.

  “Well… Niki has been by the office now a few times wanting to talk with you. She asks when you’re planning to come in. I never had an answer for her, but she does call every work day.” Maria lets out a sigh. “Something seems off with her, oh and she left this for you.” She hands me an envelope that smells sweet. Damn Niki sprayed it with her perfume.

  “Thank you, Maria, you just do what you’ve been doing.” I trust her judgment. Niki, she might need a reminder that I want nothing to do with her.

  “Jordan, I like Cara. I don’t feel comfortable telling Niki anything.” I smile, Seth has a wonderful woman. I may need to pay her more. I think to myself

  “Then don’t, your loyalty is to your job and Cara as your friend. Go with your best judgment Maria. I can handle whatever you do.” Maria smiles and then leaves the room. I sit back in my chair wondering if I should open the letter from Niki. I choose to open it.

  Dear Jordan

  I hope this gets to you. We need to talk when you get a chance. Privately, please. It’s important that we talk as soon as possible.



  I start laughing as I toss the letter in the trash. Yeah right, is she fucking kidding me? I don’t know what she’s up too, but I made myself crystal fucking clear the last time we spoke. I wanted nothing more to do with her.

  “Hey Jordan, can we talk man.” Tyler finally shows up after I’ve been working on emails for the last hour.

  “Sure.” He made it sound important that we talk. I’m curious if something is wrong.

  “I wanted to talk to you about the Desert Scorpions MC. Everything is set up nice with them and Winters Law Firm.” He takes a seat on the couch. I know there’s more to this.

  “That’s good, you can help with the other issues that need work. Like that troubled MC.”

  “Actually, there is some minor issue we still need to solve, but that’s not the issue. I mean I’m talking with ATF on the other MC. Actually, I was wondering if I could bring Cara with me next week.”

  “I’m not following you, explain.” I’m not sure if this idea’s good or bad.

  “Well, I know from Amber that Cara still can’t remember all of what happened. I also was informed she’s having nightmares. I talked with Jessica and we both thought that maybe the MC could help Cara. Now before you say no, hear me out. You know this is what they do. They help those that have been traumatized they talk with them, work with them. I will be giving Cara over to Sierra, Bear’s old lady, she specializes in this. Maybe the change would be good for Cara, plus it gets her out of the house.”

  I take a deep breath and think over what he just told me. “Okay, you might be on to something. You have to promise me you will be there and that she will be safe. Ask Cara about this tomorrow at Nate's.”

  “Man, she will be safer with them than me. Trust me, I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t trust them.” We sit and talk a little before Tyler has to take off.

  I spend a few hours going over emails and contracts. I’m able to finish just in time to head to the doctors. After about an hour there I learning everything is good. I just need to keep the area cleaned and use the ointment. I also need to let the area heal and not over work myself. That means I’m stuck to my desk only. She did mention I’m healthy for other activities. Time to go home to my pretty girl.

  I finally get back to the house and when I let myself in I spot Cara instantly. She’s in the middle of the living room and vacuuming again with her headphones on. I take a moment to just watch her. She tends to dance when she cleans and I like watching her. This is the only time I feel she lets herself go.


  I’m listening to music while I clean. I think after I’m done I can read before Jordan gets home. I turn around and let out a soft scream. I turn off the vacuum and stop my music.

  “Jordan, you scared me. You’re back early.” He just stares at me.

  “Yeah I am.” Jordan walks over to me and picks me up.

  “Jordan what’s wrong?” He just looks at me; his eyes are locked onto mine. Something is up. “Jordan, talk to me.” He starts walking us into the bedroom. He sets me on my feet and takes the bottom of my shirt in his hands, lifts it up and off me. Before I can stop him, he unclasps my bra and removes it.

  “Jordan?” I demand. Jordan drops to his knees in front of me and kisses my belly button.

  “Cara stop thinking, stop talking. I’m fine, but damn it, I want you.” Oh. Jordan unbuttons my shorts and them slides then down taking my panties with them. He taps my feet and forces me to spread my legs. I try to show I’m not nervous, but I realize the second he notices.

  Jordan stands to his feet and removes his shirt. “Cara Mia, I want you so bad. I can tell your nervous.” He runs a finger under my chin and forces me to look up at him. “If you really don’t want this tell me now and I’ll stop.”

  I take a second to think. I want this more than anything. “I’m sorry,” I whisper and Jordan turns to walk away from me. He takes a seat on the bed. I turn to face him and see that he looks broken. “That’s not what I meant Jordan.” I climb up on his lap. “I’ve been thinking how to take back the last time I told you no. I want you.”

  Jordan runs his fingers up my arms and into my hair. I lean in and kiss him. I take a moment and lick his lips causing him to let out a moan. I deepen the kiss. He tastes sweet and I loose myself in the kiss. Jordan shifts under me and I can feel his erection. Before I know it, Jordan picks me up and lays me on the bed breaking the kiss.

  He’s quick to strip his pants off and climbs back on the bed. “Get in the middle of the bed, Cara.”

  I move to the middle of the bed, but I guess not quick enough. Jordan takes my legs at the knees and brings them up close to my chest.

  “I’m not a pretzel Jordan,” I say to him as he gives me this strange look.

  “Stop talking pretty girl.” Jordan runs his fingers up my slit and then I feel his breath on me. Before I can protest his mouth covers my clit. I let out a soft moan as he licks and sucks on my clit. The way he’s attached to me makes him look like a starved man. I wiggle against him trying to ease his assault on me.

  I have no luck because Jordan instantly slides two fingers in me. “Oh…Jordan.” I can feel how wet I am as his fingers slide in
and out of me. Jordan curls his fingers as he nips my clit. “Jordan please.” My entire body starts to tingle. We haven’t had sex in so long that I’m going to release too soon.

  His tongue plays with my clit and I know I’m close to my orgasm. Then he stops. “Jordan.” He moves up my body trailing kisses as he goes. He locks his eyes on me and I adjust my legs. Jordan trails kisses over my breasts as he begins to grope them. The slight pressure he’s using feels perfect.

  Jordan stops and trails kisses up my neck and then kisses me. I feel him rub his dick against my slit and then I feel his hand as he aligns himself with me. I deepen the kiss as Jordan slides inside me. I feel full with him inside me. As he starts to move I let out a breathless moan. It has been just long enough that his piercing is rubbing all the right places might be a little too much.

  I try to meet his thrusts, but I can’t. Jordan is a man on a mission and all I can do is ride this out. I go to grip his back, but Jordan leans back and takes my hands in one of his. He forces my hands above my head and holds them in place as he continues to pound into me. “Jordan I want to touch you.”

  “Not this time pretty girl.” Jordan picks up his pace moving fast in and out of me. Each thrust in he goes as deep as my body allows. “Damn Cara, you feel so fucking good.” My body beings to warm something fierce.

  “Jordan, please, let me up. I’m too hot.” Jordan reluctantly let’s go of my hands and pulls me up and onto his lap. He pulls me in close and I begin to rock my hips. Jordan helps by placing his warm hands on my hips to control my movements. When I tilt my neck Jordan licks me and starts trailing kisses.

  It doesn’t take long and I begin to chase that desired end. “Jordan.” I moan and Jordan rolls me onto my back again. This time, he takes one of my knees in his arm and starts to move faster inside me. My orgasm hits without warning and I end up digging my nails into his back as I let out a tiny scream. Jordan continues to thrust into me, his movements causing another orgasm to form.

  Just as I peak Jordan moans and I feel his dick twitch. He releases deep inside me as a tiny orgasm courses through me. “Cara,” Jordan says as he looks down at me and brushes some of my hair out of my face.

  “I missed this Jordan and I love you.” He gives me a sinful smile.

  “Oh pretty girl, I love you too.”



  “Mom, just keep her for the weekend for me. Please.” I asked my mother again to watch Isabella

  “Nicole, you might as well bring all her stuff over here. Interesting how my granddaughter spends more time with me than her own mother. You’re a sad excuse for a parent. What the hell is wrong with you?” Right now I was debating if I should call my mother Patty to piss her off or calling her a bitch.

  I can’t call my mother a bitch.

  “Mom, I have things to do this weekend.” I pleaded with her sweetly.

  “Fine, bring her things with you. We’re going to need to talk about this at some point.” Whatever, it won’t change my mind.

  “When I have the time we can. I love you, mom.” I say that to sweeten the deal.

  “I love you too. Don’t take too long getting over here.” I hang up my phone and walk into Isabella’s room. She was sitting on the floor playing with her dolls.

  “Bella baby, we need to pack some of your things. You’re going to spend the weekend at grandma’s.” She stopped playing and frowned at me.

  “I don’t want to go to grandmas. I want to stay here with you mommy.” I don’t have time for this.

  “Grandma wants you with her this weekend. You’ll have a lot of fun.” I start packing her things. I can see that Isabella looks sad.

  “Mommy, why do you lie to me? Why don’t you love me?” Excuse me!

  “I don’t lie to you, young lady. I’m your mother.” Isabella gets up off the floor and helps me pack her things that she wants for the weekend.

  “Grandma loves me, you don’t mommy. You’re mean to me. Your crazy mommy.” Did she just fucking call me crazy? She needs to shut up. I stop putting her clothes into a bag and grab her arms.

  “Don’t you say things like that when you don’t understand what’s going on. You’re going to your grandmothers.”

  “Fine mom! Where’s Travis, he was nice to me? He loved me. I miss him.” Seriously, more questions.

  “Travis is gone. He can’t come back. Stop asking questions and let’s go.” I grab the rest of her stuff and waste two hours by taking Isabella to my mothers. I’m thankful by the time I get back to my place.

  Nosy mother of mine wanted to ask me way too many questions. She has no right to judge me or my behavior. She’s not me and has never been in my shoes.

  I’m happy when I get home its quiet. I like the quiet. I need to figure out if my plan will work. I made Travis take pictures of me when he lived here. He placed a camera in random places and took interesting stalker photos of me.

  He was a good little puppet. Did what he was told as long as I had sex with him. I can say he was good in bed so it was worth it for me.

  I look in the normal places that I would have put the pictures.

  “Damn it!”

  What did I do with them? Think Niki…

  Right, I put them on my nightstand.

  I walk into my room and over to my nightstand. When I open the top drawer I instantly cringe. “Fucking pill pushers.” I have these pills here and the other in the kitchen. I move the medications I’m supposed to take out of the way until I find it.

  “Fucking awesome.” In the drawer is the folder with the pictures. I pick out a few good ones. I have always been careful when I touch them and place them in an envelope for Jordan.

  I think I need to come up with some new pictures. I know Travis left a number for this guy. Maybe I can talk him into taking some pictures for me.

  “I’ll need to talk to him alone and without that slut in my way.” I have been trying for a week to find out when he will be back at work. Damn hussy, Maria, won’t answer my questions. She just tells me that he will be back when he’s ready.

  That woman is lucky I didn’t smash her face in when I brought her the letter. I hope she gave it to Jordan. I told her I would ask him if he got it.

  I don’t think she likes me.

  Fuck that. I giggle.

  I don’t care if she likes me. I don’t need her to like me.

  When I get Jordan back she will be looking for a new job. That and her husband.

  I have to get ready for tonight. I want to look my best. I pull out my favorite top. It hugs my boobs nicely and the dip in the neck shows off my cleavage too. I’ll pair it with my skinny jeans and my fuck me black heels.

  Jordan won’t be able to resist me.

  I’ll have his eyes on me.

  His eyes deserve to be on me.

  I need to find the right timing to mention my tattoo idea. I’m so excited for this. I now have the nerves to get it. I mean we had just graduated high school and Jordan was due to go into the Marines the following October.

  I went with him the night he got his tattoo.

  “For those I love, I will sacrifice.” My honey, he got a tattoo for me. I don’t care what he was telling everyone else about it. I know who the tattoo was really for, me. It’s my duty to return the favor.

  “I can’t wait for the tattoo.” I’m so excited I laugh out loud

  I finish getting ready. I don’t want to be too early, that would ruin everything. I clean up my place and pull out the cold glass from the freezer. I need a drink before I leave. I pour some more of the Bourbon. I had decided last week I needed a new bottle.

  I’m thankful I haven’t added my lipstick yet. I drink down the glass before I go into Isabella’s room. I need to pack up some more of her stuff. I’ve been trying for a while to figure out who’s kid she is.

  I can’t believe she’s not Jordan’s.

  “He must have lied to me.” That’s it. The test is fake.

  “He lied to
me, she belongs to him.” He left me the papers. I mean why would he do that. Must mean he was telling me a story so he could get out of being her dad.

  “Stop thinking that. He would’ve done the right thing. He would’ve taken me back instantly and been her dad.” I know Jordan. There was no way he would deny his kid.

  I scream. Then who’s kid is she. She could be my bosses from that time or… I laugh…” She can’t belong to Travis.”

  “Maybe she is Jordan’s kid. He had to of lied to me. That’s it. He just lied to me.” He loves me and I laugh

  I won’t bring the photos with me. I’ll just remind Jordan that we need to talk. I walk into Bella’s room and clean it up and then pack a few more items that she will need.

  Once I’m done I walk into my bathroom.

  “Pink or red?” I ask myself. I only lined my eyes so both colors would be excellent. Jordan liked red. He loved me when I sucked on his beautiful cock with red on.

  “Red is too slutty.” Damn it! Fine, I put on a decent pink that looks great on me. It’s not too bright and will grab his attention.

  No, it won’t.

  It has to be red.

  I storm back into the bathroom and remove my lipstick and pull out my red. The same shade of red I wore one night Jordan wanted me to suck his dick. He wanted to see why guys loved it so much. I make sure to touch up my makeup after applying the lipstick.

  “Beautiful.” How can he resist this? I mean that slut Cara never wears much lipstick. Silly girl needs to learn to wear it.

  “No, she doesn’t need to be sucking my man’s beautiful cock.” I stomp my foot in frustration.

  Time to go see my man again.


  I woke up to a sleeping Jordan. All I wanted to do was stare at this wonderful man, but I needed to get up. We had to be over at Jessica’s early today. I went to move to get off the side of the bed when an arm snaked around me. “I need you, pretty girl.”


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