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Remember Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 2)

Page 23

by Tracey Champion

  So what the little girl owns half the business with her big brother. I won’t have to really listen to her. If it wasn’t for the real fact that I need this job, I would quit. I need the kind of money I’m earning here if I want to do what needs to be done.

  June 19, 2010

  Fuck me! How the hell is Mr. Perfect surrounded by all these sexy women. I know I’m supposed to be getting little Ms. Amber up to date on what’s been going on, but I can’t help the boner I have for her. She makes it very hard to pay attention to anything while I’m working.

  I now have to take her to the hospital with me to set up the new security for them. I hated having her there with me last week. She was in jeans and a low cut shirt. Damn… I wanted more than anything to fuck her into next week. Long legs, nice ass, and hair I would love to tug on. And that little tattoo I happened to catch a hint of was perfect.

  I know Amber’s in the office, but the last time I checked my little sister has no tattoos. I put the journal in my locked drawer and walk out of my office. I need to stretch my legs anyway. I checked the time and sent a message to Cara.

  4:10 pm Me:

  I just wanted to let you know so you don’t worry that I will be home late

  4:12 pm Cara:

  Okay. How late is late?

  4:13 pm Me:

  I don’t know just yet. I’m busy with some things

  4:14 pm Cara:

  Okay. I love you

  I walk into the computer room to see Carson and Seth huddled over a computer. I’m puzzled at what they’re doing.

  “Just fixing something Sir. I think I finally have the computer system completely reset. I’m just double checking that anything from that man, Travis, isn’t still hiding somewhere.” Carson tells me.

  “Thank you, Carson.”

  “No problems man. I enjoy working here.”

  “Amber, can I talk with you for a moment?” She walks over to me and I open the door. I lead her back to my office. “I need to know something.”

  “Okay? Is this about Cara?” I sit at my desk. She’s going to hate me.

  “I was looking into something and information came up. Do you have a tattoo?” I watch her for a second and she laughs.

  “Why does it matter if I have a tattoo? You have three of them.” I roll my eyes. “Yes, I have a tattoo. Did Cara tell you?” What? How does she know?

  “No, Travis did in the journal I’m reading?” Her eyes have disgusts written all over them.

  “How would he know I have a tattoo Jordan?”

  “That’s a very good question Amber that I don’t have an answer for.”

  “Jordan,” she points to a spot low on her hip. “My tattoo is here. How could he see that?”

  “Was he ever in your place?” And then it hits me. I jump to my feet. There are two bathrooms in the office. Each one has a shower. We had the place remodeled when we purchased the whole floor right after I took over.

  Both Amber and I are searching the women’s bathroom. Amber leaves for a moment and comes back in with the step ladder and checks the vent pointing to the shower. I reach into my pocket and pull out my knife. She takes it from me.

  “Motherfucker!” Amber pulls out a small camera hooked to wires. She slices the wires from the camera. Instead of handing the device to me she drops it.


  “No one needs to see what’s on that thing. Plus, it was streaming to whatever connection it had. I need to have Carson and Seth search the entire building for cameras and recording devices.” I agree.

  “I want you to search my office again.”

  “I think I got everything from there the last time, but I will make sure we sweep it.”

  “Thank you.” I leave the bathroom after helping Amber pick up the camera. I don’t ask anything more on the tattoo. It’s none of my business if she doesn’t want to tell me.

  I go back into my office and take out the journal. I skim over a large section of pages. It’s basically all the same stuff over and over. He hates me something fierce. He’s spending time with Niki.

  June 9, 2011

  I’ve been laughing about this for a while now. Mr. Perfect isn’t so perfect. It’s great. I can’t wait until he learns about the big fuck up that he did. It’s going to be great.

  Wow! Not knowing that your woman is sleeping around behind your back. I mean hello I would notice if my woman wasn’t fucking me. Then again he had it all wrong with who she was fucking. Isn’t life sweet.

  I’ve already begun to set my plan into motion…

  I know why she left and I can guess that what’s she’s carrying belong to me.

  Wait? Did I read that right? I read the section over and over. How did I have that all wrong? Does that mean? No, way.



  Jordan’s been acting funny since I got sick. I’m not even sure what to think about all of it. There have been days that he comes home extremely late into the night. I know that he’s happy to be back to work, but I’m beginning to worry.

  The last few times he’s told me he was staying late I was okay with it. I always tell him I love him, but he hasn’t replied back with the words. Hell, the last few times I have said them to him he just smiles and kisses my forehead.

  Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I did something wrong? Could I have missed something? He did spend that time alone talking with Niki.

  Could he still love her? What if she showed him the tattoo? Maybe he liked it and no longer feels that he’s in love with me. I don’t like how this all makes me feel.

  It’s almost midnight and my phone chimes with a text message.

  11:48 pm Unknown Number

  Do you know where your man is?

  I don’t reply back because I don’t know who sent the message. Jordan’s working late or so he texted me. My phone goes off again and the message is a photo. I wait for it to upload and then throw my phone across the room. Jordan’s leaving the office with her. How could he?

  I was right. He’s no longer in love with me. I try to fight crying, but I can’t help it. I no longer want to sleep. I’m wide awake and Jordan enters the house thirty minutes later. I’m now sitting on the couch in the dark.

  “Cara?” He says as he walks into the house and locks the front door.

  “Hi.” I don’t even look up at him.

  “How come you’re sitting here in the dark?” He walks over to me after turning on the light. He attempts to take a seat next to me. I jump to my feet.

  “I needed to think and I don’t want to be in the bedroom.”

  “Come her pretty girl.” He smiles at me and I feel sick.

  “No. I don’t think I want to.” I’m angry.

  “Cara Mia, I’m too tired for this come here.”

  “No, I’m not coming to you. Why were you so late?” I’m fuming mad.


  I can see just how mad she is at me however I don’t understand. I worked late trying to figure out the shit going on with Ryan and Ambers case. I hate that we can’t wrap it up. Lucky for me we’ve been able to take care of minor issues that pop up because of it. Means we’re still getting paid.

  “Cara, you want to tell me why you’re so mad.” She needs to talk to me. My head is pounding because of the shit storm tonight.

  “I got a text message.” Okay?

  “Show me.” I watch her face and sadness washes over her. “Cara?”

  “I threw my phone at the wall in the bedroom and broke it.” I stand to my feet and stalk towards her. I hate that I’m going to do this. I corner her and toss her over my shoulder.

  “Put me down. I don’t want your fucking hands on me.” I smack her ass hard and she stops yelling at me. I climb the stairs to my computer.

  I set her on her feet and drag her over to the computer. I turn on the monitor and pull her onto my lap. I wrap my arm around her tight so she can’t run off. I hate that I’m opening the program that Amber made for me, but I do.

  “Is that my phone history?” She turns and glares at me. I can feel the heat of her anger.

  “Yes and this is the first time I’m opening it.”


  “Amber put a program on your phone that you don’t see. I wanted to keep you safe.” I wait for it to pull up the text history. I open the last set of history from an unknown number.

  My eyes go wide as I see what she saw. Who in the fuck sent her this? I’m pissed off now.

  “Why were you with her?” She tries to pull out of my arm and I’m not going to let her.

  “I was in the middle of something and needed to get out for a moment. But when I got to the front desk she was there. Maria was gone so I took care of Niki for a moment.”

  “Why were you leaving with her?” Fuck me.

  “I wasn’t leaving with her. I was going to pick up a couple of burritos around the corner for Amber, Ryan and myself. I walked her out to her car. I told her that I didn’t have time to talk with her.”

  “So you didn’t leave with her?”

  “No Cara Mia. I would never leave with her.”

  “Tell me you love me.” She tilts her head to the side trying to get a good look at me.

  “No.” I watch her reaction. “You want validation with my words. I prefer to show you.” I watch her pout for a moment. I move her hair off of the left side of her neck and begin to kiss her.

  I pay close attention to how I kiss on her neck. I trail them up and down her neck then slowly lick from her neck to her shoulder. I’m careful with how I kiss on her neck as it’s easy to tickle her.


  I’m so angry over the photo that I still can see it, but with what he’s doing to my neck, I can’t focus. I relax and shut off the screen so I can’t see the picture anymore.

  Jordan stops and lifts my shirt off of me. He goes back to his attention to my neck. This is new and I like it. My entire body warms up. When he nibbles on my ear a moan escapes my mouth.

  “Ssh pretty girl, I want you to feel me.” He starts to tug on my hair and from what I can feel he must have wrapped it around his hand. He then tugs my hair to the side and my neck stretches a little.

  Jordan’s lips are back on my neck. Then his other hand gropes my breast. I try not to make a sound and I can’t hold it. I want him something bad. This teasing is too much and not enough.

  I almost climb off his lap when he kisses from my back up into my hair. My heart’s racing. Jordan then nibbles my ear down to my shoulder. All while he massages my breast. I tilt my head to give him more access.

  Jordan lets go of my breast and grips my shoulder kissing harder on my neck. From the nibbles to kisses to licking I can’t take much more.

  “Jordan?” He lets go of my hair and my then with the other hand grabs my hair hard. He tugs my head to the other side repeating the kisses. I feel moisture pool between my legs. I feel Jordan’s breath on my ears as he slows down.

  “I love you more than anything. Don’t you ever forget that.” He bites on my neck a little harder than normal, but I want the pain mixed with the pleasure.


  “Don’t stop me.”

  “Fuck me please.” He stops and lets me go. I stand to my feet quickly and hold out my hand for him.

  “No.” I freeze. I’m so horny and he’s telling me no. How could he? Jordan smiles and moves past me. “If you want me bad enough come get me.”

  I’m in shock at his words, but then he moves and heads down the stairs quickly. What was that all about? I turn off the light and slowly walk down the stairs.

  I’m almost afraid that he will pop out of the shadows. I look around from the bottom of the stairs and don’t find him in sight. Maybe his whole intent was to get me turned on to tell me no. My feet seem to have a mind of their own and I head into the bedroom. The lights are still off.

  I look around the room and don’t see him anywhere. I don’t want to have to go searching for him. I let out a small scream when an arm snakes around me.

  “You coming after me?” Jordan whispers in my ear.

  “Are you going to tell me no again?” Jordan taps me on my butt. I’m not sure what I did to deserve that.

  “I want you Cara, but I want you to take what you want from me.” I pause to think about what he tells me. Jordan lets go of me and moves in front of me.

  He begins to walk backward slowly stripping in the process. He kicks off his shoes then strips off his shirt. It’s almost torturous how slow he gets his pants off. He just stands there naked in front of me.

  He’s just sexy as hell. My lady parts tingle more at the glorious sight of him.

  I had never put my own shirt back on and am standing only with it in my hands and my panties on. I keep my eyes locked on his and take them off.

  “What do you want pretty girl?” I smile.

  “You on the bed.”

  “Anything else?” I only smile bigger.

  “I want your mouth on me.” Jordan’s blue eyes darken as he smiles. I watch him get on the bed.

  “Where do you want my mouth on you? I want to hear you say it.” Um…I’m almost embarrassed to tell him where I would like his mouth. I don’t want to tell him. I lick my lips as I think about this.

  “Jordan…” My entire body shakes and he moves from the bed.

  “You don’t want me in control right now pretty girl. I’m being playful, but on the other hand, I’m pissed off. I don’t want to hurt you.” He reaches his hand out to me.

  “I want you to fuck me, please. Control me.” I’m shocked at the words that came out of my mouth. Those are new.

  “Wrong choice, on the bed pretty girl. Hands on the wall and spread those legs.” I do as he tells me. I want this. I want him to love me. Jordan climbs up behind me and smacks my ass hard.

  He begins running his hands over my body in a slow caress. It feels like he’s trying to memorize me with his hands. Jordan’s hand falls between my legs and he begins to rub me. I almost lose my position when he traces a finger between my legs.

  “Place your hands back on the wall Cara. You had your chance to control what happens. You gave it up.” I feel his breath on my ear. “You’re all mine to play with. Do you want the toy?”

  He’s actually asking me. I can’t even focus to think about it with what his hand is doing.

  “No.” Maybe that was the wrong answer.

  “You sure no is your answer.” Yes…no…maybe.

  “I don’t know Jordan. I just want you.” That was all it took I guess. Jordan pulled my legs back and then adjusted the position of my hands. I felt him slide a finger into me and then remove it.

  Next thing I feel is him slide slowly inside me. His movements are slow and I swear if he keeps this up it's going to kill me.

  “Hmm…I don’t think this is going to work.” What the hell? Jordan then pulled out of me. “I want you on your knees facing the mirror.”

  I had recently purchased this antique body mirror for the bedroom. I move to the corner of the bed. That’s the best spot to face the mirror. I watch the reflection as Jordan comes up behind me. His eye's lock on mine through the mirror.

  “On your knees Cara Mia and spread your legs.” I again do as he asks of me. Jordan’s then right behind me. A chill runs up my spine from watching him. From the reflection, I watch as Jordan enters me.

  This is going to be the dirtiest thing I’ve seen. I close my eyes tight to feel him. Jordan trails light kisses up my neck and back into my hair. He changes the feel of his movements and I can’t help but giggle.

  “I want to see those beautiful eyes on me, Cara. I want you to see our bodies joined. Look at me in the mirror.” I slowly open my eyes and catch his in the reflection.

  “Jordan...” I moan.

  “Watch me Cara. Look at how blue your eyes are when full of desire. I need you to see what I see.” I keep my eyes fixed on his as he moves in and out of me. Jordan brings one hand down between my legs and the other across my br
east to hold me against him.

  This is the most erotic thing I have ever seen. I try not to take my eyes off of his, but I can’t help but look. I watch the movements of his hand on my clit. I also see his dick moving in and out of me.

  A tingle begins at the base of my spine. I return my eyes back to his. Jordan seems to be lost in watching me. He lets go of my chest and places his hand on my face. He turns me so I am looking into his eyes and kisses me. It's a passionate kiss with the way it feels like he is desperate to taste me.

  “Jordan…please,” I beg because I’m so close, but he slows again. I feel every movement he makes and it’s torture.

  “Look at me in the mirror.” I look at his eyes again. “You feel me…feel what I’m doing to you…no one else has me like you do. No one looks as good with me as you do.” He kisses on my neck while not losing eye contact with me and kisses my earlobe.

  I feel my orgasm slip and I want more than anything to close my eyes. Watching him watch me is too much. The orgasm intensifies and I let a moan out.

  “You’re so beautiful when you orgasm Cara.” I’m done as it ripples through me. We both end up finishing together. We take a quick shower and climb into bed. I’m happy with how things are, but I get this feeling things are about to only get worse.


  The Christmas Party

  I had wrapped the presents in only comics of the newspaper. I even had little, recycled cards for who the gifts belonged to. Hanna’s gift was pretty expensive when you think about the type of art supplies we got. I had asked someone to help me in getting just the right ones.

  Nate’s present was easy. I just had to order the special speakers. I hope they both like what they’re getting. When we arrived some people were already here.

  Jessica had decided to make the event a dessert party. I brought cookies with me. I have mastered making Snickerdoodle cookies. Okay, so my first few batches I had to have help with. Jessica taught me the first time, this time, Bridget came over with the ingredients and the recipe and watched me make them. I think they turned out perfect.


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