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Remember Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 2)

Page 28

by Tracey Champion

  “Cara, what did you dream about?”

  “Travis, this time, it was when he was close to raping me. In my dream, he gets closer, but I anger him and he tries to kill me. This time, again there was someone else in the room. I couldn’t see the person, but they had this high pitched laught.” Ryan was still in my face and he shook his head side to side.

  “What!” I didn’t mean to yell at him. I tried to pull a hand away to cover my mouth, but he tightened his grip on my hands.

  “You seeing another person that’s a good thing. This person is keeping you from moving on. You know we are all here for you.” I chewed on my lower lip. “Cara stop that.”

  “How much longer will you all deal with me and my craziness?” There I said it.

  “However long it takes.” Ryan was being nice to me, but I didn’t believe him.

  “Yeah but it's wearing on you all and mostly Jordan. I think your patience will wear out soon.” I cried to Ryan. He tilted his head and let go of one hand. It felt weird when he wiped away my tear.

  “No one will turn their back on you, Cara. We mean it. We’re here for however long that is. Your one of us now.” He then let go of my other hand and hugs me.

  “I’m a mess, Ryan. I’m hurting Jordan.” I cried

  “No, he loves you. Trust me on that. He’s not leaving.” I wish I could believe that, but I could see how tired Jordan was. Ryan backed away and left me on the counter, but I had to ask.

  “Have your ear’s always been pierced, Ryan?” He let out a deep laugh.

  “Yes, they have. I put them back in for a certain reason. Is there something wrong with them?” I smiled.

  “No, they look good on you.” I wiped away the rest of my tears.

  “Thank you, I know someone else who thinks the same thing.” He winked at me and then walked out of the kitchen.

  I helped Jessica finish getting things ready and we headed downstairs to wait for everyone. It wasn’t long before Amber showed up.

  She came straight downstairs and plopped on the couch next to me. I was a little surprised when she laid her head on my shoulder.

  “Tired Amber?”

  “Frustrated, If I have to watch any more surveillance videos I’m going to lose my mind.” Oh, I understood now.

  “Any luck with what you’re doing?” I wasn’t allowed to know what was going on, do to this being a classified case.

  “No, and it sucks. Your hair smells nice.” She was being random and moved off my shoulder and placed her head in my lap. “I need a drink, but I don’t want a drink. On top of it all, I can’t stand Ryan anymore. He’s driving me bat shit crazy.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh at her. However, I couldn’t hide my yawn from forming. I was exhausted and I needed to fight it so I could make it to midnight.

  “How is Ryan driving you crazy?” I asked.

  “He’s still trying to get her to go out with him,” Jessica stated.

  “OMG! The man doesn’t seem to like the word no and I can’t stand it. I mean I’m not going to date him. That was last week. He asked me the other day if he could bring a date with him tonight.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Well, he didn’t have anyone with him earlier. So you’re lucky there.” Just then the guys came down the stairs. Niki and Hanna were with them, but so was Ryan and woman who had black hair with purple ends.

  She was pretty, tall, and curvy. Ryan happened to be holding her hand and Amber sat right up. I couldn’t judge the look on her face. Jessica was kind enough to get to her feet first.

  “Hello, I’m Jessica. Welcome to my house.” This new woman smile and offered her hand.

  “Stevie, I hope its okay that I’m here with Ryan.” She seemed uncomfortable and Amber got to her feet about to walk off.

  “Amber I want to introduce you to my date.” There was enough tension between them that you could cut it with a knife.

  “Hi Stevie, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Ryan, you’re a fucking asshole.” Amber then stormed up the stair. I jumped to my feet to follow her, but Jordan stopped me.

  “Do you think I should chase my sister?” I thought about it for a moment. I could leave him here knowing Niki is in the room or let him talk to Amber. The right thing to do would be to trust him. Plus, Amber probably won’t talk to him.

  “I got this.” I got on my tip toes and kissed him. I was off to find Amber.

  I checked the kitchen and peeked into the backyard not seeing her. I then went out front and found her sitting on the sidewalk. She was right where I tended to go and sit.

  “You want to talk Amber?” I had nothing to say about relationships, but she’s my friend.

  “I hate him for what he did to me, but I also hate myself.” I took a seat next to her. “It’s weird seeing the stain on the concrete from your blood.” Amber lean her head on my shoulder again and when she blinked tears fell.

  “Oh Amber, I wish I knew your full story so I could really help you out. The only relationship I have to even help you with is the one I have with your brother.” I wrapped an arm around her to kind of hug her.

  “I slept with Ryan.” She spoke just above a whisper.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah, I was eighteen and Jordan came home on leave. He brought Ryan with him. Ryan was very rude to me the day before they left. He told me that I meant nothing to him other than being a warm body. It broke my heart.” I didn’t know what to say. Amber sat up and brushed her tears away. There was something deep when we locked eyes.


  “Please don’t tell anyone. Not even Jessica knows that.” I gave her a small smile.

  “I won’t, I promise. Thank you for telling me. Do you still love him?” My face scrunched up when I realized what I had asked. I was intending to ask if she still liked him.

  “You can’t tell anyone.” Her eyes went wide.

  “I won’t like I said I promise what we talk about here is between us.” She let out a sigh.

  “I think over the years I’ve fallen in love with him. But it will never work. I can’t go through the heartache again.” Just then we heard the front door open and we both turned to see Stevie walk outside.

  “Hi ladies, would it be okay if I joined you?” I said nothing. I figured I would let Amber say what she wanted to.

  “It’s a free country.” The sarcasm was spilling all over her words. Stevie took a seat next to Amber.

  “Why are there stains on the concrete?” I just shook my head. I went to open my mouth to speak but was interrupted.

  “There was an incident in April. It's Cara’s blood.” I raised my hand basically saying it’s me.

  “You were hurt?” Stevie was now looking me over and I flashed my scarred fingers. “Wow, sorry that happened to you. Hey, Amber, you don’t like me do you?”

  “I don’t know you so that’s a hard thing to judge just yet.” I thought for a moment if this would get ugly.

  “Honest answer, I respect that. You know no woman can fill that void Ryan has right?” Amber turned to Stevie.

  “What void?” Amber cocked her head to the side. I was beginning to feel out of place.

  “The woman who owns his heart. He may warm my body sometimes, but he doesn’t stay and no woman is allowed in his bed. There has to be one woman who ripped his heart out and kept it.” I watched her smile at Amber.

  “And that means what to me?”

  “Just thought you would like to know. He does talk about you often. Why don’t we all go inside?”


  I was standing off to the side talking with Niki about her damn stalker case. Adam and Austin were kind enough to explain to Tyler all that they had found. Tyler then gave me the update. They still couldn’t figure out where she was getting her pictures, but there was no real evidence of a stalker.

  “What do you want to talk about JT?” I wish she would stop calling me that.

  “I have closed your case.” She frowned and I watched her eyes soften.<
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  “What do you mean you closed my case? Did you find my stalker?” She has to be kidding me.

  “There’s no stalker that the twins could find. I don’t know what game you’re playing, but whoever is taking photos tell them to stop.” I was done with this crap.

  “But, JT. I’m worried about my safety. What if the twins got their information wrong? You know they hate me.” For my own dramatic effect; I braced my arms on the wall, caging in her head and leaned close to her ear.

  “For the kind of money and guarantee I paid them, they did a damn good job or I’ll tank their career.” I thought that would have gotten my point across, but I watched her lick her red lips from the corner of my eye.

  “Jordan!” I stood straight up when I heard Amber. She stormed over to us in a furry.

  “Oh hey, Amber,” Niki spoke first.

  “What’s up Amber?” I took a step back from Niki. I wanted to give her my full attention.

  “Well I think you might want to explain this,” she waves her hand at me and Niki. “Then you might want to go now deal with Cara.”

  I brought my eyes fully up to see Cara. She was staring wide-eyed at me. It was the first time in months that my heart sank. She then turned and took a seat between Ryan and Nate. Ryan looked over to me and I knew this was bad.

  “Fuck, it’s not want you think Amber.”

  “JT was just informing me about my case is all. Why don’t you go get your panties in a bunch somewhere else?” Fucking Niki. I had to step back more and watched Amber step up to Niki.

  “I would watch myself if I were you.”

  “Amber!” Ryan jumped to his feet and crossed the room. I wanted to interrupt, but she turned to him.

  “Oh cool your heels and deal with your girl. I’m not armed. If you don’t believe me, you can have someone search me.” She had turned to him with her arms open wide.

  “Good.” He then moved back to where he was sitting.

  “Amber explain that.” She then laughed at me.

  “JT, I think she was threatening my life.” Niki moved closer to me and I watch Amber size her up.

  “Yeah I am and stop calling him JT. It's Jordan, you moron.” She then walked away from us.

  “Jordan?” Everyone was watching me, but Cara.

  “Case closed. Bother me with it again and I’ll send you a hefty invoice.” I walked away from her and tried to get closer to Cara.

  “Cara?” She didn’t even look at me.

  “I don’t want to talk to you right now, my head hurts.”


  Why was he talking to her like that? He was so close to her and I hated that. I want to hurt her in the worst way and it's wrong. I can’t even look at him right now.

  She had licked her lips like she was excited. What could he have said to her for her to do that? It was disturbing.

  “Cara, do you want something for your head?” I heard Jessica and looked in her direction. I thought about it and then looked for Hanna.

  “I want a drink.” She smiled at me.

  “Come with me to the bar and we can make you something.” I stood and went to follow her, but Jordan grabbed my arm. I finally looked up at him.

  “I don’t want to talk about it right now. I have nothing nice to say to you.” I could see a sadness in his eyes and right now I didn’t care.

  “It was just business, Cara Mia.” My skin crawled when he said my full name.

  “Don’t call me that right now.” I proceeded to walk away when she spoke up.

  “Jordan, why don’t you take a seat and let Cara go hang with her cousin. She can be butt hurt that you talked to me.” I took in a deep breath.

  “I’m not butt hurt. You’re just jealous that I have someone you want.” She actually laughed.

  “Really Cara, stop acting like a crazy fool and go get your drink.” I locked eyes with Jordan who hadn’t spoken at all. I decided then to walk away. It wasn’t worth it. Why had he not defended me?

  I found Hanna pulling stuff out. She seemed to know the bar area pretty well. Her process got interrupted when the door bell was rung.

  “Come on with me to get the food?” I followed her up the stair as Carson was walking in with Maria and Seth.

  “You guys made it, and you have all the food.” It took me a moment to remember that Hanna was supposed to pay for the food.


  “Oh, I stopped by the office earlier today. Seth fixed my computer for school and I was trying to figure out the food issue. I gave the money to Maria cause the guys can carry everything better than I can.” I smiled knowing that she was right.

  We all went back downstairs and I helped set up the food. I wanted Hanna to finish making my drink. I hung around everyone else while we ate. I wasn’t ready to talk to him.

  After I finished my drink. I actually gave up on half of the drink and only ate a little. I went up the stairs for a moment. I needed time alone and I told Jessica where I was going. I took a seat on the couch upstairs.


  I had seen Cara talk with Jessica and walk upstairs. I wanted to go after her. She had been avoiding me for the last hour. I felt bad for what I had done. My intention was to get Niki off my back and instead I upset her.

  “Don’t you dare.” Jessica got in my face.

  “I need to talk to her.”

  “Oh no you don’t, you upset her. She’s also not feeling good, leave her alone. I’ll go check on her in twenty minutes if she hasn’t returned.” What the hell?

  “Whatever.” I gave in, but I fucking hated it. I sat back down on the couch. Tyler, Amber, and a few others were playing pool. Midnight was two and a half hours away.

  Fuck! I have to talk to her. Tonight was supposed to be perfect. The time I swear went by at a snail’s pace. I about jumped when Jessica went up the stairs. However, when she came down she was alone.

  “Don’t Jordan. She’s asleep on the couch.” Damn it.

  “Jordan let her sleep, she mentioned earlier how her nightmares are messing her up.” Ryan was right. She needed the rest.

  “You do realize they’re telling her a story,” Stevie spoke up.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Look at it this way. Dreams are our brain's way of telling us something. Sometimes it’s about being afraid of something, to a need. Worse ones are our fears.” Ryan and I stared at her in shock.

  “How do you know this?” Ryan asked before I did.

  “I used to have bad dreams as a kid. I looked this stuff up.” Got it, but she has a great point. Cara needed to solve the riddle to her dreams.

  An hour had passed and I was getting uncomfortable. I had to talk to her before midnight. Everyone was watching me and no one would let me walk up the stairs. I had decided to sit at the base of the stairs, waiting.

  It's wasn’t much longer that I heard a weird noise. I noticed no one else heard it. I stood to my feet about to go up the stairs when Nate grabbed my arm.

  “Let her sleep. One of us will wake her here shortly.” I wanted to punch him.

  “I heard something.” As I spoke we both heard the commotion. I just about went running up the stairs, but as I rounded them I came face to face with a terrified Cara.

  “I…(hiccup)…I…” She was struggling to breathe because she was panicking. I stepped closer to her not sure if she wanted me to comfort her.

  “Cara?” She filled in the gap between us and then fell apart in my arms. “Shh…I got you.”

  I spent nearly the rest of the night with Jessica calming down Cara. Amber and Hanna both came up to help off and on. It was a few minutes until midnight when I convinced her to go downstairs with me.

  Everyone was standing with a glass in their hands. Cara and I refused a drink as we waited for the ball to drop. I was fucking nervous with what I was about to do.

  Nate had the New York ball on the TV and after a little the countdown began.

  Ten…holy shit…

  Nine…I hope doing
this now is right.

  I watch the time roll slowly as my heart slammed in my chest. At the count of three Niki moved very close to me. I made the mistake to look at her.

  Two…I’m so ready for this.


  Midnight…Niki kissed me.


  I turned to Jordan when the count went off, but he was kissing her. Everything was happening slowly. It’s like time had stopped and was showing me everything in frames. My heart stuttered and I let out a scream.

  “Niki, what the fuck was that.” Jordan was angry.

  “I wanted a kiss at midnight and I got it.” I was looking around the room. I heard some talking and mumbled words. I felt like I was drowning.

  “Cara!” Hanna was in front of me.

  “Why?” I asked. I couldn’t tell at that moment if I was dreaming or awake. I pulled out of Hanna’s grip.

  “Cara calm down.” I now couldn’t focus on who was talking to me.

  “Calm down! Why should I calm down? No one does anything! I’m just crazy Cara. I’m basically helpless from my incident with Travis.” I was trying to search the room and was having difficulty focusing on anyone. They practically blurred. Then I spotted her.

  I headed straight to her and no one stopped me. I slapped her hard.

  “Jordan, I told you she was crazy and needed help.” Niki was whining with her voice.

  “I don’t care if I’m crazy you’re not real. This happening isn’t real. He would have never kissed stupid bitch.”

  “Pretty girl.” I turned to see Jordan. It was like no one else was in the room. He had some of her red lipstick on his lips.

  “Tell me I’m dreaming. Jordan! Tell me I’m dreaming!” He looked in shock and that’s when it hit me. I wasn’t dreaming. “I want to go home right now.”

  I grabbed my bag and ran up the stairs. I don’t know if anyone said anything to me because every noise was blending together. I waited by the truck until Jordan showed up.

  “Cara Mia,” I put my hand up to stop him from talking.

  “Don’t you dare talk to me. You no longer have any rights to call me by my full name. I will be sleeping in the spare room until I can figure out what I want to do.” I climbed into the truck.


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