Remember Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 2)

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Remember Cinderella (True Loves Fairytale Book 2) Page 36

by Tracey Champion

  “Not a problem,” Maria smiled and went back to her task. I have her going over some information for me on another project. It’s more like busy work.

  When I finally get into my office, I open my emails first. I have a few from Courtney. They look to be the information we were hoping for. I also have one from Matt. I open the file and see an attachment. I know what it is. I open to see what I had already confirmed in my head. Isabella is 99.9% positively the daughter of Travis. I pick up my phone and dial Matt.

  “Hey Jordan, you get my email.” I shake my head for some weird reason. He can’t see me.

  “Yes, I did. I want to make sure the information stays between us for now.” I can’t have anyone going to Niki about this.

  “No problems, but can I ask you why?” Not really.

  “Yeah, Cara had a nightmare Saturday morning. She remembers how she was taken.” I tell him the truth.

  “Holy shit! Well, don’t leave me in the dark man.” I’m going to break the confidence I have with Cara.

  “Niki came to the house that Saturday morning. Cara described the events that took place and it sounds like Niki set it all up. I might need your help, but right now Cara wants to confront Niki.”

  “Jordan, you can’t leave this issue alone. Niki committed a felony and with that, she’s also the reason you were shot. That’s a big deal.” I let out a sigh because I know this.

  “I know, but I think giving Cara the time to face this issue head on will do good for her. I’m not stupid, I’m going to build up evidence for you.”

  “Good deal Jordan.” I hang up my phone as Tyler enters my office. He looks a little hesitant.

  “You wanted to see me Jordan.” He takes a seat on the couch.

  “Yes, I did. We need to talk about you looking into Cara’s phone records and what you have on Niki.” Tyler scratches his head as if he thinks he’s in trouble.

  “Do I want to ask what this is in reference to? Please tell me you don’t buy into Niki being innocent.” I want to laugh at his statement, but I can’t.

  “No, I just know you. I need the file you have created. Cara remembers Niki coming to the house.” Tyler’s eyes went wide.

  “She remembers. That’s great Jordan. I knew something was wrong. Give me a moment and I’ll get you a file.” Tyler leaves and is gone a few minutes. He walks back in with a very large file.

  “What the hell Tyler?” Holy fuck me!

  “I have all the information you would need. I mean I began working hard on this from the moment the twin got in contact with me. I have information from why Niki moved away to reasons why she came back. Did you know she was in a mental hospital for six months? I mean hell from what I can tell it looks like her mother Patty’s been raising Isabella.” I kind of figured that.

  “So everything is in here. How long exactly have you been compiling this Tyler?” I thought he would have a small file. This is huge.

  “Since before you left the hospital. I never stopped digging.” Wow. I’m an asshole for not looking into things and here he’s done the work for me.

  “Tyler, thank you for not stopping when I asked you to. Can I ask why you did this? I mean what do you hope to gain from this?” There has to be a reason.

  “You’re my friend, a brother. I have no family. I’ve never trusted Niki and I like Cara.” He lets out a sigh. I know there’s more. “I really would like to be given the time of day with Bridgette. I’m hoping helping Cara gives me the opening I’m looking for.” I knew it. I’ve known it for years that he has an intense feeling for Bridgette.

  “Thank you Tyler and I do hope your efforts on Bridgette aren’t wasted.”

  “Yeah, me too.”


  I was cleaning the house and went into a panic. I don’t know why, but it scared me. I decided to get into my car and go to Jessica’s, but instead, I drove myself to Jordan. I don’t want him to know I wanted to rub my scars, but I need him.

  I really enjoyed this past weekend. However, I have also pinned Jordan between me and Niki. I know she did wrong and I know she should be punished for it. I just want to be able to put her in her place.

  I feel like I’m about to lose my mind when I get to the office door and open it. Maria is sitting at her desk and I break into tears.

  “Cara, chica, what’s wrong?” She stands and hurries over to me, wrapping me in her embrace.

  “I freaked out at home and wanted to see Jordan.” Tears fall freely from my eyes.

  “Oh honey, he’s in a meeting right now. Come talk with me.” I don’t know if I want to spill my guts to her just yet.

  “I don’t know if I want to talk about it. This weekend was hard on me.” It’s the truth that I tell her.

  “It’s okay Cara. I’m not going to force you to talk with me. I want you to know that I’m here for you. Hell, I told Seth a few weeks ago that I was cutting him off from sex until he talked with Jordan for me.”

  “Why?” I wipe my tears.

  “Well, you were upset and not talking to anyone. I hated that he kissed the whore. Girl, I got your back. Niki is a bitch.” Just the sound of her name upset me.

  “I’d rather not talk about that or bring it up ever again.” Maria stepped back and forced me to look at her.

  “I don’t blame you. Cara, Niki is lucky that it wasn’t my man she kissed. I would have kicked her in her nasty cunt.” I start laughing a little as the door to the office opens. I’m in shock that Niki walked in freely.

  “I need to talk with Jordan. It’s extremely important.” I want to choke her, but instead, I freeze. Just looking at her makes me sick.

  “Niki, I need you to leave. Jordan’s in a very important meeting and has requested not to be disturbed. Plus, the office is now closed for the day. If you want to talk with him at a later time I can leave him a message for you.” Maria stands in front of Niki telling her off.

  “Seriously get out of my way. I need to talk with Jordan.” There was something strange that happened to Maria’s expression.

  “You must be deaf Niki. Please escort yourself out of the building. Jordan is unavailable to see you today. Hell, or any other day for that matter. I can leave him a message for you, but he will just throw it away.” Niki steps closer to Maria and I think a fight is about to happen. I don’t understand why I just freeze.

  “Listen, Maria, I know you have hated me from day one, but I’m not leaving. What are you trying to protect…” Ryan walks into the office and takes a look at me. I hate that I was running my fingers nails over my scars at that one moment.

  “Niki, you need to leave,” Maria states again.

  “No!” Niki’s screaming now and Ryan grabs her arm.

  “You’ve been asked to leave and I would do so before I escort you out myself. I don’t give a shit about you Niki. Now leave!” The way Ryan talks causes me to jump. Now I have the hiccups.

  “Whatever. You all can’t stop me from talking to Jordan. I’ll just have to catch him later. He will see that he works with some messed up people. You all better have a backup plan. I’ll make you regret this.” She argues back.

  Inside my head, I was screaming. I wanted so much to attack her, but right now wasn’t the best time to losing control. I hate her so much.

  “Get out now Niki,” Ryan yelled at her. She glared at me and mouthed something to me. My vision had blurred with unshed tears that made it impossible for me to tell what she tried to say.

  Her words sounded funny. My eyes watered with unshed tears and I looked over to Niki. It wouldn’t have mattered what she said, I didn’t care anymore.

  “You seem to think you have a chance in hell of winning him Cara, you will lose.” She laughs wickedly and my heart drops. I didn’t even realize I dug my fingers into my scars.

  Niki laughs as Ryan drags her out of the building. It really was her. She was in my nightmares. I’m basically blank and I know Maria is talking to me, but I can’t hear her.

  Next thing I know Ryan shakes m
e. I stare at him saying nothing. He grabs me by the wrist and drags me off to a bathroom.

  “That stupid bitch.” I still don’t speak. I feel numb knowing how right I was about Niki. She’s crazy. Ryan then grabs my face and forces me to look at him. “Cara Mia, I made you a vow that I would make it so you can’t sit on your butt if you ruin those scars again.”

  “It was an accident.” It really was. Ryan cleans my fingers up while mumbling something to himself. “She helped Travis kidnap me. The shadow in my dreams was her.” He stops and looks at me.

  “Niki caused this.” I shake my head. “That bitch and I let her get away. Does Jordan know?”

  “He knows I told him after the dream. I wanted to confront her, but I froze.” Ryan looks mad at me.

  “You need to beat the crap out of her Cara.” He finishes with my fingers and then moves me by force to the sink. Ryan places my hands on the corners. “Don’t you dare move. I made you a vow and I intend to keep it.”

  “You’re not seriously going to.” Just then Ryan smacks my ass hard.

  “Yes, I am! You didn’t have to watch Amber cry the night you locked yourself in that bathroom.” He then smacks me again.

  “Okay, I get it. I won’t touch my fingers.” I’m now getting pissed off. He hits my ass again and I let go of the counter. I turn swiftly and slap him hard. “I get it! I won’t mess with my fingers.”

  “No, you don’t get it. I hate watching her cry. I fucking hated watching Amber break down when Jordan was lying in the hospital. I should go after Niki.” Oh hell no. That’s my job.

  My heart is racing as my butt hurts and I slap Ryan again. He looks like he might actually kill me.

  “I will take care of Niki. She has to know that Jordan belongs to me and only me. You need to cool it and that freaking hurts.” I shake my hand and then rub my butt.

  “You deserved that.” I cock my head at him.

  “You deserved to be slapped. So we are even.” He smiles at me.

  “You going to kick her ass then.” I’m still raging made.

  “Hell yes, I am.” Ryan laughs.

  “Good girl.” We leave the bathroom and Maria is staring at us.

  “Is the war over with?” We both laugh. Ryan ends up giving me a hug. It’s all good.

  I waited with Maria for a little while. Jordan was still in his meeting. There was a moment when I witnessed Ryan walking into Jordan’s office. I wasn’t going to interrupt; it wasn’t my place.

  After a few moments, Ryan came back to me and Maria. He told me that I could go into the office. I was worried that Jordan would be upset with me for interrupting him, but he was just sitting with Tyler.

  “Hey pretty girl, come sit with me.” I walked over to Jordan and sat on his lap carefully. He turned his chair forward and I saw a huge file on his desk.

  “Your ass hurt?” Damn it Ryan.

  “Yes, I scratched my scars and Ryan dealt with me.” Jordan takes my now wrapped fingers again and kisses them.

  After a moment, Jordan opens the file in front of me and I saw Niki’s name all over the pages. I wanted to ask why he had a file on Niki, but before I could say anything he told me.

  “I’m not doing very well at my job. Seems Tyler has been looking into Niki. Take a moment Cara and look at what he has.” I sat forward and turned page after page while he talked to Tyler.

  There were all kinds of information on Niki. I saw pages after pages on her being in a hospital for a mental disordered. She was deemed at the time a hazard to herself and others. It also said temporary custody of her daughter was given to an aunt.

  This explains her behavior somewhat. She had moments where I thought we could get long. However, the more time went on, the more she seemed to flip flop. I know without a doubt that she hates me more than anything. The feeling is mutual because she helped in my kidnapping, but it also leads to Jordan getting shot.

  My heart sinks after I read more pages while Jordan talks. I feel extremely sorry for her daughter. I know what it’s like to lose a parent, but to have a mother like Niki. I don’t even want to know what their relationship is like. I hope that she’s doing the best by her daughter.

  I mean it’s a blessing to be a parent. As a child I would have taken Momma anyway I could have had her. Death was the unthinkable thing. I wipe a tear from my eye and turn a few more pages.

  “What are you going to do about Niki?” Tyler asked Jordan.

  “Nothing, Jordan will do nothing. I want to handle her. She seems to not understand that their relationship is over with. I want her to see that she can’t break me.” I look up from the papers. “I’m stronger than what happened to me. I have a man in my life that loves me unconditionally and friends who are there for me. I won’t let her beat me.”

  “Fuck yes, beautiful. Hell, I’m freaking proud of you.” I smile because I was proud to. Tyler stands to his feet and sticks his hand out to me. I give him a high five as Jordan rubbed my other arm.

  It was only Monday and as much as I tried to mentally prepare myself for the confrontation I was going to have with Niki. Nothing would be good enough to prepare me for what was coming.



  Cara was doing good this week. I had to apologize to everyone in the office yesterday because I had over slept. It was the first time in a long time that I slept so good. Even Cara was sleeping well.

  Today was only Wednesday and being the middle of the week I had two meetings today. I had one with Matt who should be arriving any minute and another with Mason.

  I wasn’t worried about talking with Matt, but scared of Mason. Hell I was about to ask him properly this time. I wasn’t thinking when I made my last plans. On top of the fact that I needed to ask for forgiveness of getting Cara kidnapped by my fucking ex-girlfriend.

  Niki had been calling and even came by the office. I laughed when Maria came storming in about it yesterday. She was so mad and told me she yelled at Niki. I think she was afraid I would fire her.

  I can’t fire her because I need what she brings to the office but still laughed over upset she was. Hell, I was fucking proud of her. I then went over the finances last night. I knew I owed Maria for a lot. We happen to have enough to give her a bonus. I have the check sitting on my desk. Amber actually approved the amount. I had a smaller number in mind, but I can’t argue with my baby sister.

  Hell, I wish there was something I could do for the case she is working on. Right now they are watching the drug dealer. That’s all they can do. Ryan has them driving all over the state. I had to send an invoice to Cortney for reimbursement.

  Luckily with all the evidence they keep getting on others involved with the man it hasn’t been a complete waste. I think today they’re trying to track down a man that is making some of the heavier drugs being sold.

  My thoughts are interrupted by a knock at my door. I know who it is.

  “Come on in Matt.” He walks in with a determined look on his face.

  “Hey Jordan, you told me you had something important we needed to discuss.” Yeah we do and I’m a little worried how this will play out. I know I told Cara that I would let her handle the situation, but I’m sorry certain things need to be done the right way.

  “Cara knows how she was kidnapped.” I just stated bluntly as Matt sat on the couch.

  “Okay, don’t leave me hanging. You briefly told me this.” He leans in close to my desk.

  “I know just listen. Cara was supposed to meet with Niki that morning. Actually they were supposed to go out for coffee. Tyler was going to chaperon the meeting. However, the issue with the internal computer system took my attention and I left Cara at the house. Seems Niki came by the house earlier than planned.” I took a moment to catch my breath. I’m making sure I tell every detail this time.

  “You’re fucking kidding me, So Niki was the mastermind behind all this. Holy crap! I mean I can believe it. The woman seemed a little off.”

  “Yeah, Cara mentioned
that she would not allow Niki into the house since I wasn’t there. So they were going to sit out front, but never made it to the patio furniture. Travis used chloroform and sedated her.”

  “Wow, it’s not a surprise that sedating her messes her up.” I let out a breath.

  “I know, I had to explain this to Ryan and he was pissed that he sedated her before they left to the hospital. He didn’t know she still had a big amount of drugs in her system.” I felt bad telling him. I knew it angered him, but I don’t blame any of it on him.

  “What are you planning to do about Niki?” The question everyone wants to know.

  “I want you to look more into Niki. I would like for you to talk with her mother about her recent behavior. I can’t talk with her on that, she will know I’m up to something. Plu,s I need to focus my attention on Cara.”

  “I thought you were on good terms with Niki’s mom.” Matt leans back on the couch.

  “I am, but she will know instantly something wrong. I don’t need to give Niki any ideas. I also need to put my relationship with Cara first. Spending anytime with Niki or her family is not going to do well for me.”

  “I can understand that. I’ll make the time to go see Patty. You got yourself into some mess Jordan. We all told you that we didn’t think you and Niki were good together. Do me a favor and take care of this shit. If you don’t then I’m going to have to do my job here. Remember Niki committed a felony.”

  “I know; I get it now.” He hung around a little longer and then left.

  I went to high school with Matt. We never were close friends; it wasn’t until he went into being a cop that a friendship formed. The company needed to be on good terms with the local police. I just took it upon myself to form that friendship.

  I called Maria into my office before the lunch hour. I wanted to get this over with before Mason showed up. I’m a little concerned I might be getting my ass handed to me. I looked up to see Maria standing in the doorway. I wanted to keep the door open.


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