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Nazi Germany and the Jews, Volume 01: The Years of Persecution

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by Saul Friedlander

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  Pierson, R. L. German Jewish Identity in the Weimar Republic. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1972.

  Searchable Terms

  Note: Entries in this index, carried over verbatim from the print edition of this title, are unlikely to correspond to the pagination of any given e-book reader. However, entries in this index, and other terms, may be easily located by using the search feature of your e-book reader.

  Page numbers beginning at 335 refer to notes.

  Abel, Leon, 160

  Abetz, Otto, 223

  Abyssinia, 146

  Action Française, 212, 221, 224

  Adenauer, Konrad, 186

  Agudath Yisrael, 200

  Albert, Wilhelm, 197

  Allen, William Sheridan, 38

  Aly, Götz, 247

  American Jewish Committee, 21

  American Joint Distribution Committee, 61

  Angriff, Der, 63–64, 104, 111, 137, 141

  Anschluss, 67, 194, 210, 239, 242, 275, 311

  anti-Comintern pact (1936), 178

  anti-Communism, 2, 17, 57, 141, 143

  see also anti-Semitism

  anti-Semitism, 19

  anti-Communism and, 178, 180, 182–89, 214, 215, 216, 218

  anti-Nazi, 165–66

  in Austria, 4, 56, 81, 83, 242

  Catholic Church and, 42–43, 46–49, 59–60, 83, 190, 212, 215–17, 250–51, 297, 339–40

  Christianity and, 83–85, 86–87, 215, 326–28, 344–45

  “eliminationist,” 335, 394

  of German elites, 297–98

  of German populace, 3, 4, 110, 116, 324, 363

  in Imperial Germany, 34, 56, 76–77, 81–90

  in other countries, 81, 113, 211–24, 250–52, 292, 339–40, 352–53, 378, 391

  Protestant churches and, 41–42, 43–46, 47, 59–60, 83, 189–90, 339–40

  pseudoscientific bolstering of, 369

  racial, 3, 20, 34–35, 82–83, 86–87, 89, 96–97, 142

  rational vs. emotional, 198

  in Soviet Union, 103, 186, 214

  theoreticians of, 191–93

  three symbolic figures of, 197

  of universities, 56–59

  in Weimar Republic, 56, 73–75, 104–12, 347

sm, redemptive, 73–112, 335, 351–61

  definition of, 87

  of Hitler, 3, 4, 20, 46, 71–72, 74, 95–104, 177, 180, 183–89, 192, 280

  international Jewish conspiracy perceived in, 84–85, 91–95, 99–101, 179–80, 183–84, 188, 189, 280, 288, 311, 313

  of Nazi Party radicals, 3–4, 313

  Appel, Martha, 22, 38

  Arendt, Hannah, 53, 55, 82, 348


  in Austria, 241–45, 247

  cultural, 9–14, 32–33, 65–68, 102, 107–10, 117–18, 130–37, 252, 364–65

  economic, 179, 232–39, 242–44, 247, 257–61, 281, 284, 317

  final stages of, 280–98, 316–30

  see also universities, Jews in; specific professions

  Association Against Jewish Arrogance, 76–77

  Association of National German Jews, 15, 109

  Atrocity Propaganda Is Based on Lies, the Jews of Germany Themselves Say, 339

  Auschwitz, 197, 221

  Austria, 80, 115, 135, 241–48, 258, 263, 264

  Anschluss and, 67, 194, 210, 239, 242, 275, 311

  anti-Semitism in, 4, 56, 81, 83, 242

  Aryanization in, 241–45, 247, 282, 284

  concentration camps in, 245–46, 247

  Jewish emigration from, 63, 214, 224, 244–45, 382

  Jews expelled from, 245, 265

  Kristallnacht in, 274–76

  as model for Nazi program, 247, 282, 284

  post-Anschluss name of, 241

  Austro-Hungarian Empire, 80

  Avenarius, Ferdinand, 78–79

  Baarova, Lida, 272

  Bab, Julius, 66

  Baeck, Leo, 60, 65, 348

  Baerwald, Leo, 48

  Bagatelles pour un massacre (Céline), 213


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