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The Lying Mirror

Page 16

by alvinna edwards nwoko

  After Lin and Pit escaped the cameras and reporters by getting into a cab Pit at prearranged. Pit suggested they go to the dorm change their clothes and head for Jerry’s for a late lunch to celebrate. What say you? You game Lin?

  Sure, but I was kind a hoping Ant, Jack and the others would be with us to celebrate.

  I’ll call them later and let them know where we are. I almost forgot, what are you going to do about your mother?

  I don’t know now, she left before we had a chance to talk. I don’t know Pit, I don’t know.

  Soon or later you will have to sit down and talk to her, you know that right?

  Yeah, but right now we celebrate!

  Sound good to me, pit agreed.

  Pit paid the cab driver for the ride and asked him to wait, they will be back down stairs in ten minutes. Hey Lin I asked the cab driver to wait ten minutes for us so make it quick okay/

  I’ll be ready in nine, Lin replied as she rushed upstairs to her room.

  Ten minutes later they were back downstairs, in the cab and on their way to Jerry’s restaurant to celebrate a job well done.


  Yeah, what is it Lin?

  I don’t remember saying thank you for representing me today at the hearing. But I would like to say it now to make sure I don’t forget to thank you for a job well done. And if I had forgot to thank you the others will never forgive me for forgetting, and I know you would never want me to forget to say thank you because…

  Enough, that was so funny what you did to Gary this morning. I almost pee my pants trying to control my laughter. He was so angry, did you see the look on his face when Crompton told him he had forfeit his right to hear the answer. If looks could kill he would have shot you and Crompton with his eyes. That was so cleaver of you, did your friend tell you to do that?

  No, I just said this is my life and I have to fight for it just like you said. And you know what?


  It felt good, not to be advised by my mirror.

  At Jerry’s, Pit walked in in front of Lin and asked the hostess for the Bianchi party. Lin did not hear Pit’s request and assumed the hostess was leading them to a table for two. Around the corner standing and waiting for them to reach their table was all of Lin’s new found friends, Dean Becker, the Mediator, Professor Crompton, Ms. Eevan, Dr. Davenport and even five of the members of the board, along with a very special guest Lin’s mother.

  When Lin saw so many people standing and applauding upon her arrival to the table, the entire restraint in view of the celebration, stood and applauded her also.

  Tears of joy fell from Lin’s eyes and her heart was overwhelmed with appreciation for the love she was being shown today. A special chair was pulled out for Lin next to her mother, then Lin was led by Pit and placed in her well-earned seat of honor.

  Before we get started, Pit began, as you all well know this restaurant is own by my parents.

  Halleluiah, Ant yelled out.

  I have been advised that your money is no good here today, but your tips to the waitress will be greatly appreciated, Pit smiled as he finished her announcement.

  Everyone with the exception of Jack stood and chanted the name Jerry’s with applauds for at least two minutes, causing the other customers to join in on the revelry, and praise the restaurant for good food and good service.

  Jack tapped his water glass with his spoon to regain the attention of everyone at his table, but the revelry with the other customer continued. Jack stopped tapping his glass, smiled at the fun everyone was having and joined in on the revelry for another minute before the restraint got back to some sort of normalcy.

  Tapping his glass again for attention, Jack was now prepared to make his announcement.

  Even though Jack could not stand to give Lin the honor she deserved, he made sure the honor was heard.

  Lin, in the past few months, at lot of things have happen to you.

  Yes, yes, you could hear some undertones at the table.

  And in the past few months a lot of things has happened to us.

  You can say that again, Pit teased.

  Smiling Jack tried to continue, but got choke up from the words he was about to say.

  I have learned so much because of you, that I hope in your heart you will accept my friendship as everlasting, and whenever you need a friend you come to me and not your mirror.

  Once again everyone at the table, including Lin and applauded.

  When applauds stopped Lin got out of her chair, went to Jack and gave him a long kiss on the forehead.

  What is she doing now? Cassy asked Pit.

  Kissing him, Pit intentionally teased.

  Enough, Cassy teased Lin feeling for Lin’s and Jack’s bodies.

  The only person that can kiss him Jack that long is me and then his mother.

  Lin then moved to Cassy and gave her a long kiss on the forehead.

  Okay that’s better, Cassy teased.

  After the laughter from the kissing the waitress was ready to take orders.

  Pit once again, stood and announced, we will not be ordering from the menu today. For anyone who is of drinking age wine is available to you, and the kitchen knows we are here and why, and we will be served true Italian style today. So prepare to enjoy, and give the waitress your drink order only.

  Ant yell to Pit, Merry me Honey, I promise to be Greedy.

  Not until you are out of college.

  That’s my girl, Dean Becker Joked.

  The tables that were pulled together to accommodate the large party was filled in the middle in a long line with bowls of every imaginable Italian dish the restaurant served. The older guest was seated at one end on the table with no less than six empty wine bottles in front of them.

  Everyone ate their fill, drank their fill and doggie bags were distributed to everyone that were seated at the table. No one knew what was inside their doggie bag but one thing for sure the doggie bags were heavy.

  Jack once again tapped his glass with his spoon to get everyone attention.

  We have two more items of business that have to be taken care of before we leave to go to sleep after such a grand meal.

  First, Dr. Davenport if you please.

  Dr. Davenport went to their waitress and whispered something in her ear.

  Only one minute later their waitress came back with Lin’s old mahogany mirror frame, pass Lin and went to Lin’s mother. Loudly she told Lin’s mother to please take this home when you leave, Lin will not be needing this again.

  The waitress bowed for the applauds she received, then she stepped aside and waited next to Lin, while a waiter brought out a three foot wrapped gift for Lin.

  Lin not knowing what to say, put her forehead on the table and started crying.

  Open it Cassy told Lin.

  With tears still flowing. Lin released the huge red ribbon from the golden wrapping and the wrapping fell away revealing the most beautiful golden framed mirror Lin had ever seen. Mom take care of my old friend. I have a new one now.

  The table got completely quiet, no movement, every eye was on Lin with mouths agape. Lin took that opportunity to look into everyone’s eyes, waited two seconds and said to everyone, just kidding.

  That’s mean, Pit said laughing.

  Everyone breathe a sigh of relief as Lin laughter got out of control at the shocked look on everyone’s faces.

  Sit down Heifer, Cassy told Lin lovingly. We’re not finished yet.

  The moment everyone had been waiting for was about to arrive. Lin’s mother stood and reached and held Lin’s hands in hers, looked deeply into Lin’s eyes and started to cry.

  The other customers stopped their private conversations to observe what had to be the mother of the person hands she was holding. They wanted to hear what she was going to say to her daughter.

  Linda, many, many, years ago, you watched a horrible thing happen to your father on our front lawn. Because of that I was afraid to let you go outside anywhere. Speaking to your
friend Jack and Dr. Davenport on the phone I found out the hard way I did not do right by you, by shielding you and using your beauty as an excuse to keep you near me. I would like for you to forgive me for all the love I held from you. I did not understand objectification until I was at the hearing and heard everyone’s testimony. But if you approve, I would very much like for Dr. Davenport to take me on as a patient as well and maybe we can recover what we have lost together. Lin mother teased her at the end and told her and I’m taking that damn frame home with me tomorrow.

  Every customer in ear shot of Lin’s table including Lin’s table stood and applauded, yelling to Lin to say yes, say yes.

  Lin stood with tears in her eyes, and for many, many years of neglect from her mother, gave her the biggest hug that lasted a life time to Lin.

  The Frame was put in Lin’s mother car, and Dr. Davenport told Lin he will show her to a Hotel nearby because she and I have some things to discuss.

  Lin, I’ll see you tomorrow before I leave. Her mother yelled from her car, and she drove off with Dr. Davenport leading the way.

  Goodbyes and thank you were completed in the parking lot of the restraint and Cassy, Jack, Ant, Pit and Lin enjoyed a pleasurable walk back to the girl’s dorm.

  I see a problem here, Ant announced while they were walking.

  What is it now? Pit asked with sarcasm in her voice.

  Does anyone besides me see anything wrong with this picture?

  What? Jack said, we’re walking slower than normal because we ate too much.

  You my friend ain’t walking nowhere, Ant admitted jesting.

  I mean Lin, does anyone see anything wrong with her picture.

  You are carrying her mirror home for her, Pit smiled, that makes her very smart.

  No! You guy are sad, very sad. There are five of us and there should be how many?

  Six! Cassy shouted proudly.

  Oh no you don’t, I’m not ready for that.

  What is that? Jack teased Lin.

  You know that, dating, man woman, together, that. Lin finished determined.

  Oh that, that, replied Jack. Ant what you have in mind.

  Well I thought we would have a small party over to your apartment with some eligible men we know.

  No way Ant the last time I let you have a party at my apartment it took me two weeks to clean up everything, no. absolutely not.

  When? Pit asked Ant

  Ant, Pit, Linda and I can do the food and you and Jack can do everything else. Sounds great Cassy admitted.

  What about me, what I just said. Jack complained.

  We said you can get everything else. Are you not paying attention? Cassy teased Jack completely ignoring him.

  Jack and Lin’s eyes met and with a shrug of their shoulders they acknowledge their contentment to allow to happen whatever scheme Ant was putting in play.

  A phone call was placed to Gary Price asking him to please meet the President of the Student Board of Ethics as soon as possible in her Office.

  The president of the board is always a senior at the university and they are responsible for selecting a new president when they graduate. Gary felt he should be next in line for the presidency because of his grade average and association with Clyde and Price pharmaceuticals. Gary’s father practically bought his son way into the Student Board of Ethics by supplying the university medical department, the emergency care center and the chemistry lab with pharmaceuticals. John Daile was responsible for convincing the board to vote Gary in as a board member because he was the first cousin to Charles Clyde of Clyde and Price Pharmaceuticals. And the worst part of it is, he regret ever convincing the board to vote Gary in.

  From day one Gary has tried to sway the opinions of the board members aggressively. And insisting that all members of the board befriend him because of his membership. It did not take long for the board members to realize they had made a mistake in voting him in, and they have been searching ever since for a reason to have him disbarred, with John leading the charge.

  Come in Gary, Board President Janeta Rodriguez greeted Gary with a welcome hand shake. I’ve expecting you.

  I was at the hearing today, to evaluate the behavior of our members, to make sure we are complying with the Student Board of Ethics standards. Today I feel

  Our standards were compromised by your behavior towards… the president had to refer to her notes for the names of the offended. Towards Jackson Dillard and the defendant Linda Laakenworth. Do you have anything to say before I continue?

  Not yet, I want to hear all you have to say before I make a statement.

  Alright, Mr. Price. I find you guilty of behavior unbecoming of a member of the Student Board of Ethics. You actions displayed an aggressive attempt to depreciate the testimonies of Linda Laakenworth and Jackson Dillard. All of the evidence giving through the hearing indicated that Ms. Laakenworth was clearly suffering from a case of objectification, and the proposal her representative placed before the board was fair and ingenious. I a long cannot take you off the board’s membership. But I have scheduled an appointment with Dean Becker, Judge Professor Crompton and the other nine member of the board who attended this morning hearing. From our meeting tomorrow we will decide on you fate as a member of this board. Now do you have anything at this time to say?

  What time and where? Was all Gary wanted to know before he could walk out of that witch’s office?

  7:30am in the Deans office. And before the President could thank Gary for coming in, he was gone.

  Gary went to the study park nearest to the girl’s dorm and waited and watched for who knows what? He would know when it happen. This is where Linda lives and so this is where he will wait. For what? He asked himself, for an opportunity he answered.

  Jack and Ant escorted the girls to the foot of the steps, Ant gave Lin her new mirror and goodbyes exchanged and up the girls went to their rooms.

  Excitement hammered Gary’s heart as the opportunity just presented itself. Tonight when things quiet down I shall make my move on all of them. Each and every one of them. No, not tonight, tomorrow night. Yeah tomorrow night will be better, that will give me enough time to go to my 7:30am meeting. Yeah I’ll do that first. See you tomorrow night cutie.

  Hey girls let’s all go to the Hut and shop for some fun things for Linda’s room since’ I’m lying around on her bed, Pit suggested to Lin and Cassy. It’s only two blocks over and we’re be back fast enough to help her decorate.

  Sound good to me Lin replied, how about you Cassy?

  Well you know I’m not much help when it comes to colors. If you don’t mind I’ll wait until you get back. Just stop by the room before you take the elevator.

  You what that means don’t you Lin?

  No I don’t.

  It means, Cassy needs to call Jack, for some lovey dovey talk.

  You make me sick Pit, how I ever became your friend is beyond my comprehension.

  Don’t mind her Lin, she’s always like that when I tell the truth.

  Help me to our room, so I don’t have to see your face for a while, Cassy teased Pit.

  Cassy when was the last time you saw my face?

  That’s my problem, I don’t know what you might look like. For all I know my roommate might look like a frog.

  Lin did Cassy just call me a frog?

  I didn’t call you a frog even if you do croak in your sleep.

  Cassy! I don’t believe you said that, now my feeling are hurt.

  Pit you don’t have any feeling that can be hurt. Now leave me here at our door and go have some fun.

  Lin and Pit left Cassy at the door to her room and Cassy could hear them discussing what to buy until the dorm building door closed behind them. She was very pleased at the outcome of the hearing today, and would not be able to forgive herself if the board had voted to remove Lin from the university. Lin has to watch herself around that Gary, Cassy thought to herself. I heard he has some real nasty way about him and revenge is one of them. I’ll tell pit to
keep both eyes out for him. One eye for me and one eye for her, Cassy chuckled to herself. Now that was funny.

  Pit and Lin had to catch a cab back to the dorm because they had bought too much stuff. Lin paid the cab driver the fare and Lin struggled to get the last item out of the car before the driver drove away with half of her body still in the car.

  Did you see how fast that driver left here, he’s making the money tonight, Lin joked to Pit. If you hadn’t pull your body out of the cab when you did you would have had to pay him another fare just to get you back home.

  Pit laughed at Lin tease and told her come on let’s get this stuff inside and grab at Cassy.



  Back inside Lin’s room, Pit did not hesitate stripping the bed and pulling down curtains. Cassy was opening Boxes and bags and fussing with Pit as to where everything should go.

  How can you tell where things should go? You can’t even see where it going anyway, Pit fussed back.

  Lin even bought two padded folding chairs and a little put together round table to place at the window so Lin could have her meals there while looking out at the view. Pit bought Lin a pale blue floral print comforter bed set and used the matching flat sheet for the curtains. Instead of lying the pillows flat down Pit fluffed the pillows in an upright position giving the room a larger look. The little table Lin had bought was draped with a sky blue small cotton table cloth and the padded chairs already had a deep blue and green floral print on the seat and back cushions. The room was coming together and looking beautiful, when Lin thought with tears, this is the first time she has ever did anything fun with real friends.

  Lin? Are you crying? Cassy asked

  How can she tell whispered Lin to Pit?

  In case Pit has yet to tell you I have exceptional hearing.

  I can hear your breathing, it sound like you’re crying.

  I’m not crying I just got some dust up my nose.

  I can also hear a lie when it’s told.

  Poor Jack, I feel sorry for him if these two get married, Pit laughed.


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