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Their Christmas Miracle: A collection of spicy xxx-mas tales

Page 13

by Fox, Logan

  The scenery was beautiful, but it wasn’t honeymoon — or Christmas — material. And honeymoon material had been exactly what Zach had promised her. Right after he’d told her to stop pouting because she wouldn’t be able to fully appreciate her Christmas tree this year with them being away during the holidays.

  “I told you not to bring so much luggage,” Zach called out as if sensing that she was thinking about him: and not in a sexy way.

  “Which was the only thing you told me,” Erin said. “Which is why I had to pack my entire freakin’ wardrobe.”

  “Why?” Mason asked. Lexi’s husband — and Zach’s twin partner in crime — gave Erin a wide grin when she glanced at him over her shoulder. “Not like you’re gonna be wearing any clothes.”

  Erin blushed and glanced away. She’d always found it disconcerting to look at Zach’s twin brother. Those familiar blue orbs staring at her over a stranger’s lecherous grin made her uncomfortable. Lexi giggled again — she’d had too much wine in the car — and bumped Erin with an elbow. Lexi’s blond hair blew into her face as a gust of wind blustered into it.

  “Guess we could have left our bikinis at home,” she said.

  Erin rolled her eyes: Lexi always defended the guys, even when they were the biggest jerks in the universe. That’s what being smitten with someone did to you: it rotted your brain and left you incapable of functioning on a normal level.

  “You’d think they’d send someone to help with the luggage,” Erin said, loud enough that Zach would hear.

  “I think it’s enough that we have pretty much the whole place to ourselves, wouldn’t you?” was Zach’s answer.

  Erin rolled her eyes again. At this rate, they were going to fall out of her sockets. She flashed Zach a dry smile over her shoulder, pausing to run her gaze over him. He’d dressed up; at least… he wasn’t wearing two-day old clothes and a stained vest. His chino shorts were clean, ironed, and actually matched his golf shift.

  It was Mason, of course. Zach seemed to care more about whether his twin-brother thought he was a slob than whether his wife threw pots at him when he didn’t clean up after himself. Erin snorted. Well, there wouldn’t be any pots at hand this weekend, so perhaps he was safe. For now, anyway. Zach’s blue eyes crinkled at the corners as he returned her sarcastic smile for a genuine grin that flashed two rows of perfect teeth at her.

  Ah. That smile. She blamed that smile everything. For making her fall hopelessly, madly in love with Zach. And for making it impossible to say anything other than ‘yes’ when he asked her to marry him. And it was that smile that had convinced her that a double wedding and a double honeymoon with their twin siblings were what the love doctor ordered.

  Was idiocy contagious?

  Erin glanced across at Lexi. Her sister smiled at nothing as she shimmied her shoulders to whatever nonsense song rattled around in her head. She loved Lexi, she really did, but the girl could be a complete airhead sometimes. It had been impossible to convince her that the guys’s romantic gesture was another money-saving tactic concocted over too many beers and a lusting after a shared PlayStation.

  Because two weddings smushed into one was a much better deal.

  Two honeymoons fused into a single weekend away at a remote — broken down — hotel was much cheaper than four airplane tickets to Barbados.

  Erin stifled an urge to roll her eyes.

  They entered the hotel’s dimly lit reception and clustered at the entrance for a few seconds.

  “Wow,” Lexi whispered.

  “Wow is… close, I guess,” Erin said.

  The lobby resembled an old-fashioned hotel from the sixties. Probably, this was exactly the same decor as when it had opened in nineteen fifty-something. A faded red carpet spanned the distance between the entrance and the reception desk: a mahogany block of wood edged with gold. The words: Hotel LeFleure stood proudly in gold lettering across the front of the reception desk. An enormous chandelier glittered dully above them. Roses and vanilla, with the faint underlying smell of baked potatoes, permeated the air.

  “Not bad,” Mason said, pushing between the two girls. “Let’s get set up, Zach.”

  He turned back to Erin and Lexi and pointed a finger at them each in turn. His blue eyes glittered above a pair of wide, curved lips and strong nose. A plume of tattooed smoke curled up the side of his neck: it was the end of a breathtaking tattoo that crawled from his hip over the front and side of his stomach and chest and ended below his right ear. Sometimes, Erin wished Zach would get a tattoo. Not the same one of course: it was difficult enough telling the two men apart. Just a small one over his pec or something.

  “You two’ve got your instructions,” Mason said.

  Erin’s stomach fluttered.

  She absently touched her fingertips to the envelope resting in her jeans’s back pocket. A few minutes before they’d pulled up outside the monstrous building, Mason had given each of them an envelope and had told them not to open them until they’d arrived at the hotel.

  “Now Zach and I—” Mason gave Zach a grin “—are going to sort out our rooms and stuff. Wait thirty minutes before you open those or there will be penalties.”

  “Yeah…” Zach gave Erin a hesitant grin. “Wait in the bar, won’t you? Or outside, in the garden. And for god’s sake, have a drink and relax.”

  With that, the two men disappeared.

  “Yeah, Erin,” Lexi said in a deep voice. “For God’s sake: relax.”

  “Shut up,” Erin muttered.

  “Sheesh.” Lexi rolled her shoulders. “It’s a bit chilly in here.”

  “Barbados,” Erin said, snapping it out like a curse.

  “Stop pouting. At least they’re trying. A lot of guys wouldn’t even—”

  “This was a penny pincher’s tactic, Lex,” Erin said. “If you can’t see that, then I’m going to insist on a paternity test when we get back.”

  “You’re missing the big picture!” Lexi started forward, aiming for a dark archway that looked like it might lead somewhere important. She spun back and gave Erin a broad smile. “We get to spend our honeymoons together. Which means, if the guys are being jerks, we can run away together and get drunk.”

  Erin sighed and gave her shoulders a shrug. “You got me there,” she said and hurried after Lexi.


  Wine, Tequila, Absinthe


  They squeezed in two Wallbangers before their thirty minutes had expired. Lexi made sure to keep a careful eye on her watch as the seconds crawled past. Despite what Erin said, she couldn’t wait to see what it was the boys had planned for them.

  She knew Mason had been the one to concoct the plan: Zach was an awesome guy but he lacked creativity. Although, what he lacked in creativity he more than made up for in intensity. Man, Zach could brood. Mason, on the other hand, always had some new surprise to spring on her when they were in the bedroom… or in the shower, or the car, the couch.

  Lexi shuddered a little, her sex giving a warning tingle. She hurriedly rerouted her thoughts from Mason’s physique and tugged her envelope out of her pocket.

  “Ready?” Erin asked.

  Lexi glanced up at her sister and smiled broadly. After a second, Erin’s lip-glossed mouth reciprocated.

  “You should smile more,” Lexi said. “You’re so fucking pretty when you smile.”

  Erin laughed. “And you’ve had way too much to drink.”

  “You too,” Lexi said, punching Erin on the arm. “But at least you’re a little less uptight. That stick’s about an inch out of your butt. Just another foot to go.”

  Erin glared at her, but after a second of maintaining the furious frown, she broke into a gale of laughter.

  They tore open their envelopes and read in unison: “To celebrate our union, you are invited to a weekend of sinful debauchery at the decadent Hotel LeFleure.”

  Lexi met Erin’s eyes, and they shared a quiet chuckle.

  “Thesaurus,” Erin said.

le,” Lexi insisted.

  They went on reading out loud, matching each other’s pace and tone as the note progressed.

  “Your safe words for the evening are: wine, tequila, absinthe. Wine means: go. Tequila means: I like it, but don’t go any further. Absinthe means: stop.”

  “Safe words?” Erin murmured. “You think Zach’s going to tie me up?”

  Lexi shivered with anticipation. “God I hope Mason does! We’ve been wanting to try that for ages.”

  “I don’t know,” Erin frowned. “What if I don’t like it?”

  “That’s what the safe words are for, dummy.” Lexi added a grin to take the sting out of her words. “Just shout ‘absinthe’ if you don’t like it.”

  Erin shrugged and they carried on reading.

  “From the moment you enter our room, you will be under my full control. You must obey me with alacrity—” the girls glanced up in unison and shared a roll of their eyes “—and without protest.”

  “Woah, woah, woah,” Erin said, snapping the page straight. “Obey? Full control? Nope.” She began folding the page.

  Lexi’s fingers stopped her. “Erin…”

  “Come on, Lex. He can’t be serious.”

  Lexi bit her lip, and slowly unfolded the letter again. “That’s just it, sis. He’s way too serious. Just like you. It’s time you two let your hair down. Time you both stopped being such control freaks and just… just…”

  “Let him tie me up and screw me?” Erin finished with a toss of her blond hair.

  Lexi sighed.

  “No, go on,” Erin said with mock enthusiasm. “Let’s see what else this jerk is expecting to do to me this weekend.”

  “You can at any time use your safe words,” Lexi read, “but remember that speaking the word ‘absinthe’ will bring all the activities of the weekend to a stop.”

  “All the activities?” Erin snorted. “Pity. I had a real craving for gimp suits and ball gags. You know? Like this itch, deep deep—”

  Lexi cut in. “I want you to know that I love and respect you more than anything in the world. I asked you to become my wife because I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone but you. You are my everything, and I want to show you just how much you mean to me. I want to provide you with a level of pleasure and satisfaction that you’ve never known before.”

  Erin’s mouth snapped closed. She pouted for a few seconds before flicking her fingers at Lexi.

  “Would have been sweeter if they hadn’t photocopied the letter.”


  Erin inhaled deeply and flicked her fingers again at Lexi.


  Lexi was relieved to hear a note of encouragement in her sister’s voice. The soppy sentiment at the end of the letter was having an effect… that or the alcohol.

  “Now, I will leave your first set of instructions. Follow each of these as accurately as possible. Do not skip a step.”

  “Hear we go,” Erin mumbled.

  “One,” Lexi read, raising her voice. “Make sure you’ve had at least two strong drinks, preferably cocktails.”

  “Check,” Erin said, green eyes serious-as-sin as she glanced up at Lexi and drained the remainder of her cocktail. “Next.”

  Lexi nodded and emptied her cocktail, grimacing as the alcohol stung her throat.

  “Two: order two pantydropper shooters.”

  Erin groaned. “Highly original.”

  They both turned to the bartender as he passed and placed their order. Erin glared at Lexi as they waited for their shooters to arrive.

  “What?” Lexi asked.

  “I can’t believe I shaved for this.”

  “Seriously?” Lexi slapped her palm on the bar. “Lighten up, would you?”

  “Whatever,” Erin muttered, grabbing the shooter from the bartender before he had a chance to put it down. She tossed it back, grabbed up her letter from where she’d dropped it on the bar and read out the next instruction.

  “Go into room seven.”

  “Mine says eight—” Lexi began.

  Erin’s withering stare made her teeth snap closed.

  “It will be dark inside. You are not to turn on any lights. Darkness will be your only friend during this weekend.”

  Erin snorted and lifted her luminous eyes to Lexi, but licked her lips and didn’t utter whatever derisive comment she’d been about to make. Instead, she carried on reading.

  “At the door, you will strip naked.” Erin drew a deep breath, uttered an ‘ah geez’ under her breath, and continued. “There will be a table beside you. On it, the end of a rope under a paperweight. Follow the rope to the bed and wait there for me.”

  Erin stared at Lexi. Her eyes could have burned holes in the wall like Superman.

  “This is ridiculous.”

  Lexi shrugged and tossed back her shooter. “I think it’s hot. This is going to be awesome.”

  “Ugh.” Erin glanced around the empty bar. “Barbados.”

  Lexi read the last instruction. “Finally: remember that I am no longer your husband. When you are in this room, I am your Master and you will address me as either Master or Sir. Using my name will have dire consequences.”

  Erin started laughing and then shook her head, cutting off the sound.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered.

  “I think Zach would prefer Master.” Lexi grinned at Erin’s scowl. “Catch you on the flip-side.” She slid off her barstool and paused, pressing a finger to her lips. “Hmm… I wonder if Mason will let me out to eat?” She pointed at Erin. “If you don’t see me by Sunday, send in some room service.”

  “Nice doing business with you,” Erin muttered as Lexi grabbed her purse.

  Lexi glanced back at Erin’s stiff shoulders and sighed. Please, let Erin at least give this weekend a try. If not… she couldn’t imagine how her sister’s and Zach’s love life would turn out.


  A Rope to Bind


  Erin pushed back her shoulders and lifted a hesitant fist to the door of room seven. She paused, let her arm fall to her side and tossed back her hair.

  “Let’s get this over with,” she muttered.

  She used the keycard she’d fetched from reception to open the door.

  It was dark inside. Erin rolled her eyes and stepped out of her shoes. Why had she packed sexy lingerie, even? In this pitch-black room, she’d be surprised if she didn’t receive a head injury after cannoning into the wall because she’d tripped over the rug.


  No reply.

  Erin dropped her handbag to the floor and unbuttoned her blouse. Lexi’s mention of food had woken up her stomach. God… had Zach taken into account the fact that she’d last eaten something like five hours ago?

  Her blouse slid to the floor.

  Was he watching her?

  Erin almost laughed, but stopped herself. Of course not: how could he see anything in this dark? It didn’t make the fact that she felt eyes on her any less insistent, though.

  She tugged off her bra and dropped it on the floor, stepping out of her skirt and kicking it aside seconds later.

  It was kind of weird, being almost naked in a foreign room. She had no idea what lay ahead: a small living room, or a large, four-poster bed. This hotel was archaic enough that a four-poster might even be part of the decor.

  She’d never slept in a four poster before.

  Erin shivered as a cool breeze teased her bare ankles. She ran her fingers around the elastic band of her underwear — still the boring, comfortable pair she’d word for the trip — but she decided to keep her undies on. She was at least ninety-percent naked.

  Oh yes, her instructions.

  She reached blindly beside her and found the table. There was indeed a rope, partially coiled, held to its surface by a rock. Maybe they’d been out of stock of paperweights.

  Erin suppressed a giggle — she shouldn’t have downed that cocktail like that — and tugged the rope
free. Zach had better not take his time; it had been a long car trip and she could easily pass out before he even got to her.

  She trailed the rope through her hands as she followed it through the room. Somehow — either through and ingenious layout or the shifting of furniture — it described a clear path through the room.

  Her fingers brushed a pole.

  Wood. Varnished. So that was the smell in the air: wood and a touch of musty fabric. Like the inside of an old castle.

  Her fingertips traced a carved design.

  A hat-stand? She walked forward, gasping when her shin bumped into something. A blanket. A blanket draped over the foot of a bed.

  A four poster bed.

  Erin’s stomach coiled with unexpected pleasure. Well, maybe this weekend wouldn’t be a complete waste of time.


  Lexi touched a fur blanket and recoiled at the unexpected sensation. How dark was this room? She literally couldn’t see her hand in front of her face: she’d tried twice already. She kept waiting for her eyes to adjust to the darkness, but if it hadn’t happened yet, it probably wasn’t going to.

  She also couldn’t wipe the idiotic grin off her face. Since throwing off her clothes seconds before, she’d been overwhelmed with all the anticipated debauchery her mind kept chucking at her. Mason: tying her up and ravishing her. Mason: slapping her ass to get her to keep quiet. Mason: fucking her until she screamed for mercy.

  Lexi shivered and climbed onto the bed, collapsing onto the decadently-soft fur blanket. Her nipples hardened as she twisted onto her stomach and squirmed against the fur.

  “Mmm,” Lexi murmured.

  A voice, spoken close enough to startle the bejesus out of her, said: “You’re late, slave.”


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