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With My Body

Page 17

by Jo Briggs

  “So we are an us?” William questioned, pouncing on her slip up, pulling her into his arms to weaken her reserved stance with him even further.

  “Well, I think we owe it to all the wasted seven years to give it a try, as long as we both work harder on the communication front.”


  19th April 2010

  With a truce settled, and a line draw under their past, they awoke early, and separate.

  A silly smile spread across William’s face, as the initial hazy moments of waking up, fell away, leaving him with the realisation that he would no longer feel the loneliness that had plagued his nights. He also felt the double elation that today he would be meeting his son properly, for the first time.

  A little mini person, conceived from elements of himself, and the woman he loved more than life itself. A woman whom, he hoped, would be waking every morning beside him, in their bed, before too long. A woman he hoped to convince to be his equal partner for the rest of their lifetime, as well as mother of many future children together.

  Five would be agreeable.

  Elle would think he was crazy, but he would not mind; he wanted to experience their home with the echoes of children chattering and playing. Although, he made a mental note, that he would have to put specific precious family antiques into storage.

  They had discussed at length how the next few weeks should be planned out, to enable to him to spend as much time as possible with Christian. Elle had an upcoming business trip to Paris that she could not put off, so he had volunteered to look after him, rather than let Christian stay at the school without seeing either of them. . With Christian’s school commitments residing in London, William would spend that week in London, taking Christian to and from school each day.

  He was both nervous and excited about looking after him without Elle’s input. He could always call upon the help of the nanny, Lydia, he employed for Lily if necessary.

  Tying the belt of the towelling robe he had found in the guest bathroom, he made his way downstairs, after discovering Elle’s bedroom empty.

  Entering into the same open spaced area, they had spent the majority of the previous evening in, the billowing viola draped back against the long folding doors that brought the outside in, caught his attention. His eyes were drawn to where Elle sat a large tilting desk, on the outside decking, that would not look out of place in an architect’s office, and her form pouring over several pencil drawings, as her fingers worked furiously over the paper.

  He pushed a few strands of hair out of her face, as she stirred from his approach. "Morning baby," he whispered, kissing her cheek lightly.

  "Morning," She smiled, stretching her arms over her head, as he leaned down to kiss her more properly. "You seem pleased with yourself." Her fingers grazed over the two dimples in his cheeks.

  "I am; I look forward to meeting our son, our little creation." He could not help, but feel proud by this little fact.

  "I am glad but-" She tried to keep her voice light. "I am just sorry it has taken this long to happen." She turned her face from him slightly as the emotion broke through in her tone. She was happy that it was all out in the open, but every time she thought about all the misunderstandings, she could not help but feel guilty for her part.

  "Hey," His hand sliding up the side of her furthest away cheek, and gently guided her face back to look at him. "I thought we were moving past this. I don't want you to get upset about it anymore, I do not hold it against you." He kissed away her tears.

  Feeling slightly calmer, she gave him a weak smile. “I think I can smell Mrs. Wentworth’s pancakes. Let’s go eat.”


  The school was located in an old Georgian house, spread over four floors, situated in a high-class residential neighbourhood, in Notting Hill. It was home to just fifteen children, with varying levels of deafness. As a privately run school, the majority of the children were from affluent families, but part of the reason that her friend, Rachel had started the school was to provide education to selected children whose families would not necessarily be able to avoid the expensive term fees. Those children’s fees were paid by donations, raised each year at a benefit dinner run by the school.

  It was the plan, that once Elle settled into her house, her team would move up with her, and introduce a partner in the business, so she could lessen her time on the operational side, and become more involved in heading a charity foundation with Rachel, to support a second school in the north part of England. She hoped to initiate the setting up of the foundation, once her commitment with the costume drama was at an end.

  Knocking briefly on the heavy oak door leading to Rachel's office, she pushed it open, and stepped through.

  "Elle, how lovely to see you," The woman said in an enthusiastic tone, as she looked up from her desk, and got up to greet them.

  "It’s lovely to see you too, Rachel." Elle turned to William. "This is Christian's father, William Dexter."

  Rachel looked at the tall, handsome man before her. His reputation for being a formidable businessman preceded him. When Elle had mentioned that she maybe bringing him along today, to collect Christian, Rachel had made it, her business to find out whom he was. She had read many stories about him in the tabloids, but she took those kinds of stories with a large pinch of salt. She had asked about him, among her wealthy friends, and received positive reviews as to how William Dexter conducted himself with people close to him. She was glad that the mystery of Christian’s father had revealed someone with that kind of status, and that he would be an admirable role model for the boy.

  Rachel gave William a friendly smile, and offered her hand, which he shook firmly, "Nice to meet you."

  William returned her smile, and nodded. He was starting to feel rather nervous, as the time was getting close to seeing Christian in the flesh.

  "If you two take a seat, I will go collect Christian from his dorm room. He was just finishing packing up his things, the last I heard." With that, Rachel left the room, leaving Elle and William to take a seat on the leather sofa against one of the walls.

  Elle had noticed William's stiffened posture as he sat down. "Feeling nervous?" Elle asked, placing her hand into William's one.


  Squeezing his hand reassuringly, "Just be yourself, don't get all formal, and he will warm to you."

  They sat quietly for a few minutes; then, the door to the office opened, and Rachel re-entered with a small boy. He was a true mix of Benedict and Dexter traits. Emerald green eyes met emerald green eyes, as father and son took a glance towards each other nervously, before Christian rushed forward to hug his mother. "Mama, it’s so nice to see you, I have missed you so." The little boy gushed.

  "I have missed you too, Chris." Elle said, returning his hug tightly. Looking at Christian, she turned to the man beside her. "Christian say hello to your father."

  Christian nodded, and stepped closer to the man sitting beside his mother. He knew he was his father, but he was too shy to greet him in the same manner as he had his mother, although he would have loved to do just that. His father had come at last. "It’s nice to meet you, sir." He expressed.

  William smiled. "It’s nice to meet you too, Christian. But please call me Will or p-p-papa, sir makes me sound frightfully old!" William's emotions got the better of him as he spoke.

  Christian's initial weak smile crept into a beaming one. "Papa," he rolled the word over his tongue happily. This happiness equally affected both his parents.

  "Come and give me a hug." William invited, seeing the boy was hesitant to come further forward.

  The little boy gladly obliged.


  With Christian's luggage in the boot, the three of them chatted happily about the places they planned to visit that day, as Edward drove them to an easy drop off point near to Regents Park. They headed off towards Madame Tussards first. The tour took little over an hour and a half, and Christian seemed to enjoy the experience, especially getting his photo
taken with each Marvel character waxworks displayed in the 4d theme area.

  They stopped for a late lunch at a posh version of an American diner. As much as Christian begged to go to a more well-known burger chain, William could not bring himself to sit in a fast-food place. William could not quite let go of the snobby aversion to those, so they compromised by allowing him to have a basic cheeseburger and fries. Elle was usually extremely strict about Christian eating unhealthy foods and sweets, but she did relent occasionally, as a treat.

  After lunch, they made their way to the London eye.

  Much to William's impatience, they queued up with the rest of visitors. He had not realised you were able to book the exclusive use of one of the capsules, which meant you could fast track the queue. He would have like to return another time, and experience the private capsule ride during a sunset, with just Elle and him for a romantic diversion, soon.

  Once in the crowded capsule, William held Christian in his arms, pointing out various sights, as he explained the basic history of houses of parliament that were in full view on the other side of the riverbank rom where the wheel was situated.

  By the time, they were ready to go home, their little boy was fighting tiredness, so William carried him on his shoulders to the place where they had coordinated with Edward, to collect them. Elle was extremely pleased by how their first day together had gone. She had not expected to see William so relaxed at this point of the day, considering how nervous he had initially been.


  With Christian tucked up in bed, Elle and William finished a meal left for them by Mrs. Button before she went home for the evening.

  "Do you want to see what is on the TV?" William asked once they had finished clearing the plates away in the dishwasher.

  "Yes lets, although I think I need an early night; I am totally shattered after all that walking around."

  "Are you sure you are ok? Is your headache troubling you again?” He had noted several points during the day when she saw her screw her face up in a grimace.

  "I am fine, just feeling slightly more tired than usual that is all."

  "Ok, well, if you are sure," William did not sound too convinced. "We could always put off more sightseeing until tomorrow, and let you rest."

  "No, let's not change our plans." Elle replied firmly. "I will be OK after some sleep." She added, curling up next to William on the sofa, and snuggling into his shoulder. As William flicked through the channels, they settled on a film that neither of them had seen before, only for William to notice Elle's breathing become shallower against his ear, quietly indicating she had fallen asleep, a quarter of the way through.

  Concerned, William eased Elle off his shoulder as gently as possible, so he could push himself off the sofa, and carry her off to a bedroom, where she would be more comfortable.

  William went back to the finish watching the film, while going through some business emails on his laptop, that he decided to deal with, rather than leaving until his return to Derbyshire. He was trying to distract his thoughts away from worrying why Elle was getting tired so easily, but he knew he could not press her to go see a doctor, until she was like this for a few more days.

  He knew he was probably overreacting, but after the anxiety of knowing how ill she had been shortly after leaving him, which had already initially started even before her pregnancy, where she had been tiring easily, he was beginning to panic.

  Too uptight to sleep, William slipped into the bedroom he had placed Elle in. Curling up next to her above the sheets, he was intent on only reassuring himself, she was ok by just watching her sleeping for a while before he went back to his own room.

  A family of three

  20th April 2010

  The morning light stirred Elle from the depths of her sleep state first. As she tried to turn onto her back, she became aware of something warm and heavy behind her, obstructing her from doing so. Thinking she was still dreaming, she craned her neck around sleepily to see what was there. Her eyes widened, as she took in William’s naked muscular legs entwined with the sheets over on the other side of the bed. Old familiar memories, of waking up with him between her legs, his morning glory eager to pound her sleep away, thundered through her head.

  Spinning around to rest on her other side, she shook him gently. “William?”

  The only response was a grumbling noise from his chest, before he fell silent again.

  “William?” She raised her voice higher.

  One eye opened suddenly, followed by a quiet curse of a swear word.

  “Could you not find your own bedroom?” Elle teased, but puzzlement remained etched across her face.

  “I-I must have fallen asleep. I was worried about you not feeling well, so I came to check on you for a while. I did not mean to impose on your privacy,” he said. With a mortified expression upon his features, he pushed the sheets back that had become entangled with his legs, freeing himself to make a dignified exit.

  Elle could see he was about to bolt off the bed in embarrassment.

  “Wait, you don’t have to go.” She reached over, and placed a hand on his upper arm. “It was just unexpected, that’s all.”

  “If you are sure,”

  “Positive, but you might be warmer below the sheets with me,” She tilted her head suggestively; her eyes filled with warmth, as she lifted up the bedding between them, to encourage him to slide in closer.

  “Elle, shouldn’t we talk about this first?” William thought he understood what she was suggesting, but he had to be sure; he could not afford any more misunderstandings.

  “Shh, I am all talked out,” She placed a finger against his mouth. “Just kiss me.”

  Sighing, hoping she would not regret her course of action later, he gave into her request. Her arms slipped around his neck, pulling his body on top of her as they kissed eagerly. His mouth pressed hard against over hers, enjoying the taste and smell of her skin, as his tongue probed forward enticing her to open up more to him.

  Conscious of his full weight on her delicate form, he levered his arms on either side of her, so his trembling chest grazed slightly against her nipples beneath her night-garment; each time he reached down to claim her lips once more, causing the peaks to harden with arousal.

  He trailed his mouth down to the curve of her neck, where he knew she loved to be kissed, and nipped gently with his teeth. He continued to alternate with claiming her lips and neck for quite a while, as she arched her back against him, letting out small sounds of satisfaction, her hands and nails imprinting themselves on his back and shoulder, as passion heightened.

  Elle hungered for him to be buried deep within her, blowing all the cobwebs of their past away with a mind-blowing climax. She had not been with a man sexually in years, and even then, they never brought her to a triumphant finale, as William always did.

  Lost in the excitement of the moment, as William flexed his hips against her lower body, rubbing his expanding erection against her mound, they did not notice the bedroom door open, and a pyjama cladded little boy, entering through it.

  “Mama?” A little voice brought their lust to crashing stop.

  William darted away from Elle, his face torn between mortification and shame, as he tried to keep his lower body covered up.

  “Are you playing the tickling game with Papa?” Christian continued talking inquisitively when he received no reply.

  “Umm, yes I was, but never mind that. What have I told you about knocking, and waiting to be invited in, before you enter someone else’ bedroom?”

  “I did, Mama. I waited for ages, but then I heard sounds like you were in pain. Did I do wrong?”

  Elle sighed, as she looked down at her little man who was growing up too fast. “No, I suppose you didn’t.”

  Casting a guilty smile at William, “I suppose we should get up.”

  Overcoming his embarrassment, a dressed William soon joined them for breakfast, along with Lily and her nanny, Lydia.

  Although El
le seemed to have recovered some of her bounce, he still planned to watch her carefully during the day, to make sure she did not overdo it.

  "I know we agreed not to change our plans today, but can we reduce our outing to just one place today. I actually could do with doing some more work this afternoon." He felt slightly guilty for saying he needed to do some work, but he wanted to make sure she rested this afternoon to make sure she was truly feeling alright again, so he saw it as a plausible excuse rather than a lie; after all, he did have work to be getting on with really.

  "Ok,” Elle agreed with ease. “Which place would you prefer to go to the most?” She asked of her son.

  With breakfast out of the way, and a destination chosen by Christian, they headed off to a morning of exploring at Sea Life.

  After a light lunch back at the house, William did some work, as Elle sat with Christian, and Lily watching some children TV. With Lily napping in her room, Elle took the opportunity to discuss with Christian that they would be returning up North for a day or so, before returning to London, so he could head back to school as a day student, and staying with his father at night, while she was in Paris. The boy greeted this prospect with nervous enthusiasm.

  With William tucked away in his study, Elle left Christian to watch a Disney film, while she went to lie down. Her tiredness had returned, and she hoped she could rest for an hour or so without William being any the wiser, as she knew he would just become uptight that the tiredness had returned.

  Unfortunately for Elle, William did notice, making him even more intent on getting Elle to agree to go see a doctor, as soon as they returned to Derbyshire. She had refused his initial suggestion, to go and see his private doctor, while they remained in London. She reasoned that she was used to being run down from time to time, and it was just the stress of business pressures catching up with her.

  "Why are you being stubborn about going to the doctor?" William asked, making her feeling frustrated as he broached the subject once again when Elle had unsuccessfully obscured her yawning behind her hand, as they sat together on the sofa watching TV alone after Christian's bedtime.


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