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Heart of Stone

Page 18

by Regine Abel

  In spite of that, thoughts of my young brother brought a smile to my face.

  Reuniting with the two dozen other rescued Khargals, gathered in the common room of the ship, moved me to the core. I’d tried to keep in touch with as many of them as possible, but over the centuries, some had gone into deep duramna during my awake times only to rise after I’d gone into stasis myself. But seeing Tas warmed my heart the most. I’d feared he hadn’t survived decades of captivity in the hands of the Rose Syndicate.

  And yet, the most touching moment turned out to be my mate meeting the other handful of human females that had also chosen to come with their mates. Who would have thought a third of our surviving crew would have found their Hondassa on what my people continued to consider a primitive planet?

  Although Captain Traver had mentioned the hero’s welcome that awaited us back on Duras, nothing prepared us for the debauchery of fanfare the government officials lavished over us. How were we heroes? By surviving a crash and waiting a thousand years to be rescued while limiting the instances of trampling the Prime Directive? It quickly became clear that the government, having grown unpopular with the people, was using us as a PR stunt to revamp their image. I had no time for this.

  After declining countless offers of honorific titles among the military, I all but fled the capital city to my sire’s ancestral home: the Drayvus Aerie. Not all Khargals lived in aeries, many having elected to build their residences directly on the ground. Brianna feared she’d be trapped in the house without help to ferry her up and down. But I quickly reassured her that every aerie possessed a lift system to accommodate non-Khargal visitors or citizens, as well as elderlies or wounded Khargals temporarily—or permanently—deprived of flight capability.

  My family had wisely elected not to come to the capital city for our arrival, or we would have been detained for days in the ongoing media circus rather than being allowed to enjoy our reunion in private. My chest constricted as my gaze landed on the sculpted façade of the aerie that had been my home for more than three hundred years. Carved directly into the mountain face, aeries were often designed to blend with the environment from a distance, the sculpting creating some kind of optical illusion.

  My breath and pulse accelerated as the courtesy military shuttle began its descent over the landing pad at the back of the house. It sat a stone’s throw away from the ledge my dam had kicked me from for my first flight so many centuries ago. Through the shuttle’s windows, I stared at the tall, broad, and proud silhouettes of my approaching family, until they stopped at a safe distance. Brianna’s hand slipped into mine and squeezed in a comforting gesture. Despite her own fears and insecurities, my mate was putting my own emotional turmoil and welfare first.

  I didn’t know what I had done to deserve her, but as long as I drew breath, not a day would go by that I wouldn’t thank Lar for bringing her into my life.

  “I love you, Brianna,” I said, drawing her into my embrace. “You have melted this heart of stone and brought joy, purpose, and hope to my empty life. I promise to devote the rest of my days to making you happy.”

  Her eyes misted, and she gave me a trembling smile. “I love you, too, Alkor. You are so much more than I could have ever wished for. Thank you for giving us a chance to be together, in spite of everything.”

  Our kiss, tender and full of devotion, was quickly interrupted by the shuttle landing. Within seconds, the pilot, a young warrior named Tragan, hurried to the door and tapped on the wall interface next to it. The whistling sound of the ramp descending was soon followed by the hiss of the door sliding open.

  “Welcome home, Major Drayvus and to you, Fa Brent.”

  I nodded distractedly, feeling slightly ashamed by my inability to properly thank the young soldier who had demonstrated exemplary discipline and adherence to protocol. But I only had eyes for my kin. Holding Brianna’s hand, as much to comfort her as for my own need of support, I led her down the ramp to my waiting family. My dam hadn’t aged a day. Her six horns, almost like a tiara on her head, gave her the same regal appearance I’d always attributed to her. But the vulnerable emotion on her usually stoic, battle maiden face, succeeded in breaking my neutral façade. Releasing Brianna’s hand, I pulled my mother into my arms and gave her a crushing hug, which she returned in kind.

  “My son,” she whispered. “My firstborn son.”

  Tears pricked my eyes at the sound of the beloved voice I’d never thought to hear again. I retracted my wings as she closed hers around me. There was something special and unrivaled about the power of a mother’s embrace that made you feel loved, cherished, and safe.

  “We want a turn, too, female,” my sire’s rough voice said.

  I didn’t know how long Mother and I had held onto each other, but I didn’t doubt it had drawn on longer than expected. With much reluctance, my dam released me. After one last caress over my horns and cheek, she stepped aside in favor of my sire. His embrace was rough and virile, as one would expect from an alpha male. But the excessive glistening of his eyes betrayed the depth of his emotions.

  Sheira, my only sister, all but shoved my sire aside to get at me. He chuckled and shook his head with false despair. She had fully matured into adulthood during my absence. Before a week had gone by, she’d definitely challenge me to a couple of sparring duels. Sheira always claimed she’d make General before me. Now that I was back, I looked forward to resuming that friendly competition. For now, though, I was too busy reveling in reconnecting with my kher and wiping the tears off her face. At a later date, I would make sure to remind her she’d wept with joy at my return.

  When Sheira released me, Galtan, only a couple of years her elder, stood at a distance to give me a once over. I raised an eyebrow, wondering what that was about.

  “You look old, big brother. Maybe we should call you great-sire now,” he said in a mocking tone.

  Cheeky brat.

  “Whether great-sire or big brother, I still get to put you across my knees,” I said, matter-of-factly. “Now get your scrawny tail over here and greet your elder properly.”

  He chuckled and, closing the distance between us, gave me the same manly embrace my sire had. He was the troublemaker of the family, and I looked forward to his antics.

  Looking up beyond his shoulder, my wistful smile faded as my gaze locked with Marek, the second born. He stared at me with a mix of hurt, anger, and betrayal. Sensing my change in mood, Galtan released me from his embrace and took a step back to look at me questioningly. Noticing my stare, he followed my gaze to see what had prompted my reaction. Understanding dawned on his young face. With a sympathetic smile, he placed a hand on my shoulder, gave it an encouraging squeeze, and stepped aside.

  Marek clenched his hands spasmodically, looking unsure if he wanted to come to me or turn around and storm away. I carefully approached, stopping right in front of him.

  “Hello, bansial,” I said in a soft voice. He flinched at the pet name and scrunched his face, visibly fighting back tears determined to come pouring out. “I know it took me much longer than intended, but I came back, like I promised. Won’t you welcome your brother home?”

  I don’t know which one of us reached for the other, but seconds later we held each other in a bruising hold like two Khargals drowning.

  “Don’t you ever gracking do that again,” Marek mumbled, the facial bones along his jawline grating against mine as our cheeks pressed against each other’s.

  I chuckled. “I promise to tell the next sun I fly by to keep it’s gracking flares to itself. I have better things to do than crashing on some planet so far away from home.”

  Releasing me, Marek punched my shoulder and whipped my thigh with his tail, giving it a nice sting.

  “If you’re done abusing me, I would like to introduce you all to my mate,” I said walking back to my female who looked both moved and intimidated. “Mother, Father, khers, this is my Hondassa, Brianna. Brianna, this is my family.”

  They each took turns introd
ucing themselves and embracing her. Although a little overwhelmed, Brianna’s relief and joy at being so openly welcomed shone on her face. Since the death of her dam, she’d longed to belong to a family again. This was but one of the many things I intended to give her.

  “You have brought me another daughter,” Mother said to me while cupping Brianna’s face in her hands. “Good, it is high time we start evening the numbers.”

  “Right, until you decide to kick her off the ledge,” Sheira snickered.

  Brianna’s eyes bulged. “Your mother wouldn’t do that. Right?” she asked, turning to my dam.

  She gave my mate that wretched enigmatic smile that had so often traumatized me over the years, but amused me when it had been aimed at my khers.

  “Who can tell the future?” Mother said mysteriously, a fiendish glimmer in her eyes. “Come on in, then. The meal will not eat itself. Welcome home, my son and daughter.”


  Ready for the next Khargal in the series? Check out STICKS AND STONES by Tamsin Ley!

  When a mysterious man makes an offer on the life-sized gargoyle in Angie’s garden, she quickly discovers her property holds more than sentimental heirlooms. Beneath its stony facade hides a world where legends are more than mythology, and ancient stories have roots from beyond the stars.

  From the Author

  Did you enjoy a romance with a sexy alien gargoyle? Want to read more about hot, badass, alpha aliens that turn into marshmallows when they meet the one?

  Then you will want to read my Veredian Chronicles series where one courageous girl escaping slavery sets in motion a series of events that will change the fate of her people and that of an entire galaxy.

  The Veredian Chronicles is the perfect read for fans of Nalini Singh and M.K. Eidem, pursuing their tradition of strong heroines, treacherous political intrigues, and the twists and turns you didn't see coming.

  And because a picture speaks a thousand words, check out my cool book trailers!

  Escaping Fate Book Trailer

  Legion Book Trailer

  Unfrozen Book Trailer


  At-Ukris: aerial Duras animal. Looks like a cross between an eagle and an octopus roughly the size of a whale

  Bansial: the Durassian word for sticky

  Canikin: the Durassian word for lady parts

  Dam: mother

  Dassa: mating fluid

  Duramna: stone form

  Duras: Khargal home planet

  Durassian: the Khargal language

  Earthian: what Khargals call humans

  Fa: the Durassian word for Mrs.

  Grack: the Durassian expletive for fuck

  Guurlk: Khargal liquor

  Hondassa: Mate

  Kher: Khargal term for siblings

  Khargal: what gargoyles call themselves

  Lar: the Durassian word for god

  Macero: the Durassian expletive for hell

  Maztek: Duras animal similar to an earth whale

  Rose Syndicate: clandestine organization that is pursuing gargoyles and their technology

  Sartek: a random predatory animal on Duras

  Sigil: the device used for contacting the rescue beacon and teleporting to the rescue ship

  Sire: father

  Tanem: the Durassian word for temporary companion taken before a true mate

  Want more sexy Khargals? Check out all the books in the series! You don't want to miss a single one!

  Also by Regine Abel


  Escaping Fate

  Losing Amalia

  Blind Fate

  Raising Amalia

  Twist of Fate


  Anton’s Grace

  Ravik’s Mercy


  Bluebeard’s Curse

  The Mistwalker







  Dark Swan

  About Regine

  Regine Abel is a fantasy, paranormal and sci-fi junky. Anything with a bit of magic, a touch of the unusual, and a lot of romance will have her jumping for joy. Hot alien warriors meeting no-nonsense, kick-ass heroine give her warm fuzzies. Through her Veredian Chronicles series, Regine will take you to an exciting alien world full of mystery, action, passion and new beginnings. Follow Amalia and her Veredian sisters as they fight for their freedom and the right to love.

  When not writing or reading, Regine surrenders to the other passion in her life: video games! As a professional Game Designer and Creative Director, her career has led her from her home in Canada to the US and various countries in Europe and Asia.



  Regine’s Rebels Reader Group








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