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Kiljorn Commander (Katieran Prime)

Page 14

by KD Jones

  “Release for me, sweetness,” TylOR growled, clutching her to him tighter.

  “Yes!” Lizzie screamed out as her inner walls squeezed and spasmed. A few seconds later TylOR roared with his own release.

  TylOR kept hold of her as he turned off the water. “Come, baby, I want you again.” He carried her out of the shower stall and toward their bed.


  Hours later, TylOR kept her cradled in his arms. He had never been more joyful than simply holding her. When he had thought she was taken from him, he was devastated. It was like he was dying on the inside too. But holding her now, safe and sound and content, he could finally release his pent up worries.

  “What happened?” Lizzie asked softly. She enjoyed his hands stroking her back. Up and down, back and forth it was very soothing.

  “We intercepted a warship that was headed to the wormhole. The Purist transport escaped.”

  “AshOR? Is he okay?” She knew TylOR worried about his younger brother. They annoyed each other like crazy, but siblings do that. They push each other’s buttons.

  “Yeah, he went through the wormhole. I hate that he is on his own on that side.”

  “He’ll report back in a couple of months, right?”

  “Yes, I just don’t like it.”

  “Are we heading back to Kiljor?”

  “No, we’ll remain here a couple of weeks to assist Prime Commander ConEL in protecting the wormhole. The transport from Earth should be here by then. Then we’ll escort them to Katiera. After that we can travel back to Kiljor.” He looked down at her frowning.

  “What?” She didn’t like that frown.

  “I did not ask you where you preferred to live. You have a place on Katiera but your friend is on the Colonial Planet. Where would you want to live?”

  “With you on Kiljor. It feels more like home to me than anywhere else. However, I want to visit Lola as much as possible.”

  His face lit up with pleasure that she wanted to be with him on Kiljor. “Of course. We will visit your friends as much as you like. I have my sister and her family there as well that I would like to spend more time with.” He leaned down and kissed her gently.

  There was a moment of silence before either of them spoke again. “Do you think the Purists will give up?”

  “Not likely. They were almost successful. They will either try again, or come up with something equally bad.

  “Geez, I can’t wait.”


  “Leader OrIN, the warship was destroyed by Kiljorns and Katierans before it reached the wormhole.”

  OrIN glared at the lieutenant. “First, I am Prime Leader OrIN. You will address me as such now and in the future. Second, where in Kitana did my transport go? They had instructions to enter the wormhole and self-destruct.”

  “Perhaps the crew did not want to willingly die this day,” Commander MarIK said, easing back in his chair.

  OrIN glared at MarIK. “Perhaps next time I will insist that you lead the mission.”

  MarIK shrugged just shy of being disrespectful. OrIN was an asshole of the highest caliber. He made enemies everywhere he went. MarIK had known him a long time and was constantly helping OrIN get out of one bad situation after another. This newest cause was going to get them all killed. Going up against the Primes like OrIN was doing was not going to end well for any of them.

  OrIN began pacing back and forth. After a few minutes he stopped and smiled. “I hate that this plan failed, but at least we have a backup plan. One that they will never see coming.”


  AshOR stood on the command center looking out into the vast space. Where in Kitana were the Morins hiding? And how was it that when they are spotted with radar, they simply disappear?

  “Commander, we have a digital message for you from Commander TylOR.” The lieutenant handed AshOR the digital tablet.

  He typed in his own code and the message popped up. “Do not get killed or I will be angry.” AshOR snorted. His brother was a man of few words. But he smiled with warmth that TylOR would send it. Then a glint entered his eyes as he hit reply.

  “As the Earthlings say, don’t get your panties in a twist. I will be back within a few months.” He hit send with a big smile on his face.


  Morin Leader Krosis walked across the scarred surface of the planet they had been using for the last few months. They had managed to outrun the Colonial transport that was chasing them down. His crew needed a break from being onboard. Fights broke out among the crewmembers and there were severe casualties.

  They located a small planet that the environment was adaptable to their species. Unfortunately, the inhabitants were not welcoming to their presence and they ended up having to eradicate the lower species. Now they were ready to leave again.

  “Commander Blex, have there been any signs of a Katieran transport?”

  “No, sir. But I believe we are in the right solar system that a transport will pass through on the way to the wormhole.”

  “You better be right, Commander Blex. Give the order to destroy the planet. They no longer serve a purpose.” Krosis turned to head for his shuttle. He hated these lower creatures. Such a waste.

  The Katieran Culture Guide Book


  It is with great honor and pleasure that we are able to provide a written form to educate the Earth’s refugees on the culture of the alien nation of Katiera. After having given over 2000 culture classes onboard the transport ships, we feel that there are repetitive questions we deal with each time and also areas we don’t get a chance to cover. With the approval of Prime Leader RendEL and the Katieran High Council, we will hopefully be able to address all of these issues in detail.

  Thanks to everyone who helped in the process.


  Dr. Katrina Morris M.D. and Dr. Elizabeth Connell, PhD

  Special Thanks to the Author KD Jones

  Contents at a Glance



  Cultural Beliefs

  Political System and Katieran Laws

  Current Primes

  Technology in Science and Medicine

  Katieran Clothing Styles and Non-monetary System

  Definitions and Slang

  Common Questions and Answers


  To start with, how do you pronounce Katieran? It is pronounced as “cuh tear an”. According to Katieran recorded history, they originated from another alien race known as the as Maratians. Yes, sounds like Martians right?

  These people were advanced to some degree. They preferred living in huts and caves, hunting and fishing, and gathering for their food. Yet, they had space travel technology. They used their technology to explore other planets that offered natural resources. Some of the Maratians settled in what is now the Katieran Solar System.

  The Katieran Solar System is a Binary Solar System, meaning that it has two suns. One large yellow sun and a small red sun. There are six planets in the Katieran Solar System. Each planet is habitable and has their own Luna or moon that orbits around them. Most of the moons have oxygen and natural resources.

  Kappan the blue planet

  Liskan the yellow planet

  Ratran the red planet

  Satrine the white planet

  Traquana the orange planet

  Katiera the green planet

  Plant Life

  Most plant life is reflective of the planet it originates from. For example, most of the plants that come from Kappan, the blue planet, will look mostly blue in color.

  The plants and flowers are exotic looking and similar to what you would see in a rain forest on Earth.

  The flowers resembling orchids and birds of paradise are predominant.

  All vegetation is edible, except for the red fruit called Tarana, on the red planet of Ratran.

  You can find fruits, berries, and nuts that are similar to what is on Earth, except for the coloring and the taste. Most f
ruits are sweet.

  Animal Life

  There is a variety of animal life on the different planets. Most are a source of food.

  Most common on all planets are the flying corcas. They look exactly like swans but are red in color. The Katierans eat these birdlike creatures on special occasions. It is said they taste much like turkey.

  There are pig-like creatures called grunts that populate most of the Lunas.

  Katierans have what is similar to zebras without the black and white stripes called torpis. They have colorful spots instead. Some Katierans ride the torpis for recreation.


  Each planet and Luna have their own source of water.

  The Katierans do not believe in contaminating their water or food sources, so they do not swim or bathe in the water on the planets. However, there are springs on the Lunas that they use recreationally.

  The water color is usually reflective of each planet. For example, the waters of Katiera are green.

  Power Source

  The main power source that is used throughout the Katieran Nation is solar power.

  With Katiera’s two suns; they never run out of power.

  The other positive aspect to having two suns is the weather. The temperature never gets below seventy-five degrees on Katiera.

  The large ships use a different type of fuel that aids with space travel. The Tija stones are mined from several of the Lunas and turned into a fuel source viable for space travel.

  Anatomy and Physiology

  Katierans are very similar in appearance to humans.

  The average Katieran male's height is six foot six and they weigh in at approximately two hundred pounds.

  The average Katieran female's height is five foot seven and the approximate weight is one hundred twenty pounds.

  All Katierans have gold pupils. Their eyes glow in complete darkness.


  All Katierans share highly developed senses. They can see, hear, and smell up to approximately five hundred feet. They have very sensitive taste buds.


  All Katierans have a universal blood type. Their blood is blue while inside the body like humans. Due to differences with the molecules and plasma, when the blood hits oxygen it turns a yellowish color. Katierans body fluids, especially their sexual fluids, have a sweet flavor to them. Katierans’ sex drive is much higher than humans and they have a faster recovery rate.

  Katierans Body Covering

  Their skin coloring is a golden bronze, very similar to Earth’s Native Americans. They have very little body hair. The hair is mostly found on their head and some males will have facial hair like beards.

  Cultural Beliefs

  The Katieran people believe in ditheism. Ditheism is the belief in two equal Gods. The Katierans worship the female Goddess KatieRI and the male God KiljOR. The Goddess and God are a mated pair. The Katierans’ whole culture is centered around the mated pair of Gods. They believe mating is for life.

  Story of the Star Mates

  The big star represents the God KiljOR. The little star beside it, represents the Goddess KatieRI. Together they are known as Star Mates. It is said the God KiljOR took one look at the Goddess KatieRI and knew she was the one for him. The two Gods fell in love and became mates. They were happy together and their happiness spread to the Katieran people. Blessings were granted and bond mates were found all over.

  Eventually KatieRI and KiljOR wanted to have children. In order to do this, each one had to give up some of their Godly powers. They had twins—KiljAN and KajAN. The first set that ever born on Katiera. The twins were demi-gods, weighted with mortality.

  KiljOR was a warrior God. As were his twin sons. They were battling another warring nation and the twins fell. KiljOR took his sons back to their mother who was devastated by the loss. To honor his sons and to help his mate deal with her grief, KiljOR used all of his Godly powers to turn his sons’ bodies into the two Suns of the Katieran Galaxy. IljAN the small red sun and AjANs the large yellow sun. No other set of twins have been born on Katiera since.

  It is said that KiljOR lived the rest of his life as a mortal and KatieRI stayed by his side. At his life’s final moment, KatieRI used all of her Godly powers to transform the two of them into the two stars that circle Katiera. They are called Star Mates. KatieRI did this so they would remain by one another’s side for all eternity.”

  Political System and Laws

  The Katierans have what would be considered a truly Republic Monarchy. A selected group of men are chosen to serve on the Katieran High Council. Their responsibilities are to handle the day-to-day decisions and to make recommendations to the Prime Leader on changes to the laws.

  The Prime Leader is the leader of the Katieran Nation. He comes from the Prime Family, which is the ruling family. Usually the first born is the Prime Leader but not always. As is the case today. The first born, Prime Commander KydEL, gave his position to his brother, RendEL. Unlike Earth’s monarchy, the Prime Leader has ultimate decision making abilities.

  All citizens of Katiera are subject to follow the Five Primary Laws of Katiera.

  The Five Primary Laws of Katiera

  First Law: Protect all females and young—Abusers of a female and/or young are punishable by banishment from Katiera. Violators who cause the death of a female or young are punishable by death.

  Second Law: Protect the Prime family—Failure to protect a member of the Prime family is subject to banishment from Katiera. Violators causing harm to a member of the Prime family is punishable by death

  Third Law: Serve the people of Katiera—Refusal to uphold the laws or to serve the Katieran people could lead to banishment.

  Fourth Law: Honor the Goddess KatieRI and the God KiljOR as a mated pair—Violators who disregard a mating after it has been made official, is subject to banishment.

  Fifth Law: Protection of all Natural Resources—Violators who refuse to practice conservation of resources are subject to banishment. Violators who purposely contaminate natural resources are subject to banishment.

  Remaining Natural Born Primes

  The Prime Leader of Katiera RendEL—second born

  Prime Commander KydEL—first born

  Prime Medic SydEL—third born

  Prima SandELa—mother to RendEL, KydEL, and SydEL

  Prime ConEL—father to AriELa

  Prima AriELa—cousin

  Kiljorn Prime Leader KadEN

  Leader LarIS of the Colonial Planet

  Morin Prime Leader ThorAN—(Enemies to Katierans)

  Technology in Science and Medicine

  Medical Advancements

  Nanos: biologically engineered nanotechnology used to help repair internal damage to the body and directs nutrients to where they are needed; cures the common cold

  Medical Scope: pencil shaped silver instrument that has many medical uses, including administering medications and performing scans like x-rays and ultrasounds


  IHI: Instant Hologram Imaging; 3D view of video streams and pictures

  IHM: Instant Hologram Messaging; 3D view video phone messaging

  Digital Tablet: looks similar to an IPAD but works as a laptop with more capabilities

  Viewing Screens: used on space ships in place of windows; view of the surrounding area is shown through video feeds

  Comm Link: communication device that is usually worn around the ear; can be used similar to a cell phone

  Military Technology

  PhaseRay: hand held weapon; looks like a remote control that sends out a directed burst of energy

  Transport Ships: large ships used to travel great distances

  Shuttle: smaller ships that usually carry eight to ten people; transports people from planet locations to the larger transport ships orbiting in space.

  Warships: small one man war planes used in outer space or within a planet’s atmosphere.

  Katieran Clothing Style

al Warrior Shirt: Usually Kimono-style

  Typical Female Clothing: Usually Toga-like outfits/dresses

  Non-monetary System

  They had a non-monetary system. Almost like a barter or gift system. If you found something that you wanted, you would exchange something you had. The human women were advised to bring spices with them before traveling to Katiera. If you didn’t have anything to barter or exchange, you could get it on credit.

  There are usually six main careers that are available. The careers are: political, military, medical/science, historical/education, bartering/trade, and service/hospitality. In each family there is someone who takes on one of the six main careers.

  Definitions/Katieran Sayings/Proverbs

  Asi: Yes

  Bond Mate: a mate that was destined by the Gods

  Comm Link: communication device that is usually worn around the ear; can be used similar to a cell phone

  Digital Tablet: looks similar to an IPAD but works as a laptop with more capabilities


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