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Dead States | Year Zero | Nebraska

Page 41

by Brockschmidt, Marty

  Smiley's grin reappeared. “Yes Sir.”

  The General's eyes gleamed. “Corporal. Make sure she gets the message, repeatedly.”

  Smiley's grin got even broader. “Yes Sir. Me and Beastie Boy will tag team her.”

  Crystal was delighted to be rejoined with Tobin, but could see he was holding something back. “Earlier you said you were ashamed of something?”

  Tobin took his eyes off his wife, for the first time since he came in this morning. “It's just that I didn't feel I had a choice. I saw what they did to Carol and her baby, I was so afraid for you and he wouldn't let me come see you. This whole thing is so shitty, I didn't know what else to do.”

  Crystal took his hand. “You're not making a lot of sense, Darling. What are they making you do?”

  Tobin hung his head. “I helped them set up the brothel. Then Mayhue showed me his list of women to select and you were on it. I had to find a way to get your name off. I helped him pare the list down to the ten that got selected. Most of those I had him remove were like Mary Kay, to young. I told him I needed your help, that you and I would play host. So while his men are raping our friends, you're going to be serving those same men drinks and burgers. I am so sorry, it was the only way I could think of to protect you.”

  Sara Parsons made her way around the room. She was generally seen as a collaborator and every time she got close to a group, the conversation immediately changed to the mundane. She approached Bill on the pretext of caring about his well-being. In truth she couldn't be happier, to see Bill get his comeuppance. She was Bill's wife, but he had rejected her almost as soon as they had arrived here. For Bill to be beaten to within an inch of his life and his paramour, being forced to whore for these soldiers, was a treat to savor.

  At midday the entire town was let out to witness the burial of Bob Ryker and his wife. Even though Pastor Jim was still recovering from the beating by Beast, he was there to deliver the eulogy. As the townspeople were directed back to the community room, after the ceremony, it was becoming obvious that the soldiers were getting anxious for the evening's festivities.

  Coming into the building, posted at the door, was Cletus, freshly showered and leering as Amelia came near. “There she is. I drew a slot for tonight Sweets, I'm looking forward to finishin what we started.”

  As Amelia shrank away, Smiley came up to Cletus. “We'll have none of that. The Old Man, expects you to treat these ladies right.”

  Shortly before the evening meal, the first the townspeople had in a long time, Tobin, Crystal and the ten women were taken to the soldier barracks. The first floor of that building, had a common area for the soldiers and ten of the guest rooms had been designated for use by the Courtesans. The name and a photo of one of the women had been attached to the entry door of those units.

  Sergeant Redding addressed the twelve of them, once they reached the makeshift nightclub. “If I could have your attention for a few minutes. We still have about three hours before things start tonight. Any of the off duty men may show up here. I have implemented a script system, for drinks. Once a man is out of script, he's done drinking. I'll have men here in case anyone forgets that.”

  The shame on Sergeant Redding's face was obvious as he spoke to the Courtesans. “Ladies, you each have a room down the hall. Before the men arrive you'll be asked to go to it. Two men will call on each of you ladies tonight and they will each be allowed an hour with you. I will personally be patrolling the hall during that time. If any of my men step out of line, get my attention and I will make sure it never happens again.”

  The townspeople were taken back to their rooms as soon as the evening meal was finished. The soldiers were anxious to be off duty and to let the skeleton crew, maintain watch. Sara Parsons entered her room to find a box sitting just inside her door. Sara opened the note attached to the box, which read, 'Wear this tonight. M'.

  The General had secreted Sara Parsons to his quarters several times, in the past weeks. The pattern was always the same, he would question her at length on any possible dissident uprisings. When the questioning was finished he would require she gratify him, always with her mouth and hands. He had never, given her a kind word or shown her any tenderness. Still, Sara was finding herself drawn to this man. Sara opened the box to find a red dress and lace red undergarments. Excitedly, she got ready, first showering then perfuming her body. Still naked she did her hair and makeup and examined herself in the rooms full length mirror. Satisfied with the effect, she dressed in the clothes the General wanted to see her in. When finished she sat down so as to not muss or wrinkle the clothes and waited for her escort.

  The soldier that came knocking at Sara's door, was a bit bleary eyed from drink, yet whistled softly in appreciation as he looked her up and down. Sara placed a wrap around her shoulders, against the winter chill and stated. “I'm ready.”

  As always Mathias Mayhue greeting to Sara was almost a command as he asked her into the dining room. “Come in.”

  Sara smiled tremulously as she removed the wrap allowing him to see her in the red dress. “Thank you.”

  Mayhue's toy soldiers chained at the far end of the room, became animated by the bright red dress and the smell of Sara's perfume.

  A faint smile played across Mayhue's lips. “Do you like the dress?”

  Sara gushed. “Oh I do. It is a pleasure to dress up again. To have someone to dress up for.”

  Mayhue grunted as he closed the dining room door. “Hmm.”

  Sara shuffled her feet nervously, this was different than all the times she had come here in the past. “So.”

  Mayhue twirled a finger in the air. “Turn around let's see how the dress moves on you.”

  Sara turned around slowly, feeling the General's eyes devouring her body. She finished the spin facing the General, an apprehensive smile on her face.

  Mayhue kept a level gaze on her, his face expressionless. “Who is in charge of this facility?”

  Sara was a bit shocked by the question and answered meekly. “Why you are.”

  Mayhue continued. “Where do your loyalties lay?”

  Sara looked directly at the General, but answered in a near whisper. “With you. Only you.”

  Mayhue's hand slammed onto the table, causing Sara to jump. “Then why do you bring no information on dissidents? I arrange for you to be confined for an entire day with the populace and still you have nothing for me.”

  Sara was near to tears as she stammered. “I tried, I continually moved about the room to overhear conversations. They know I have spoken to you and they don't trust me.”

  Mayhue nodded. “Take it off.”

  Sara blinked in surprise. “Wh...What?”

  Mayhue's voice was gruff, but controlled. “The dress. Remove it. Now.”

  Sara moved quickly to comply and was soon standing in front of the General in only the lace bra and panties. Once again, Mayhue twirled his finger in the air and Sara did a slow turn.

  When Sara was again facing him, Mayhue said. “Proceed.”

  Sara reached behind to unhook the bra, but paused until the General nodded. Sara slowly slipped off the bra and with a mixture of nervousness and excitement exposed her breasts to the General's view. With little reaction from the General she slid off the panties and brazenly stood totally exposed.

  Mayhue's demeanor cracked a bit as he licked his lips. “Turn and walk to the end of the room.”

  Sara began walking, but slowed as she approached the three dead men straining at their bonds. Mayhue urged her on, a hint of excitement in his voice. “Continue. Stand among them.”

  The arms of the creatures had been cut off at the elbow and the stumps bound. Their mouths had been sealed. Yet these things scared the daylights out of Sara. As scary as they were Mayhue frightened her more. Sara stood among the creatures and turned to face Mayhue, the whole time the creatures pawing at her. The General watched as Sergeant Andrew's stump stroked Sara's right breast and Blade pressed his mouth to Sara's left shoulder.r />
  Mayhue finally spoke. “Climb up on the table.”

  Sara freed herself from Mayhue's toy soldiers and using a chair at the end of the table crawled up, as seductively as she could. On her hands and knees, her face only inches from the General she waited for his next command. Mayhue saw the eagerness and desire in her eyes and let his eyes pan down her body. “Lay down. On your back.”

  Sara did as she was told, tilted her head back to look at him and moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue. “I'm ready.”

  Mayhue stood up,stripped off his pants and walked to the far end of the table. He stood a moment, then hooking her legs behind the knees, pulled her hips to the edge of table. Their eyes locked as Mayhue slowly, almost tenderly, entered her. Sara moaned in pleasure, bringing a glimmer of a smile to Mayhue's face. With each thrust, Sara's breasts bounced back and forth adding visual interest to Mayhue's pleasure. Mayhue took his time and when finished he lingered inside Sara, before slowly pulling out.

  Sara laid there, eyes closed, letting the final waves of her orgasm play out. When she opened her eyes, Mayhue helped her sit up, then walked back to his chair. Mayhue sat there watching a bead of sweat trickle down Sara's back. Sara sat motionless not daring to move until he commanded.

  Eventually she heard the clinking of glass and then Mayhue's voice. “Come, join me in a drink.”

  Sara moved back to the other end of the room and paused a moment at her clothes. Mayhue smirked. “Don't bother getting dressed, it's going to be a long night.”

  The soldiers that were supposed to be patrolling the resident buildings and perimeter, were anxious to get off duty and didn't wait for their relief before leaving to get their turn in the Club. Chet noticed the opening on the first watch change and when he could he stole his way down to Mick's room.

  Chet made his case. “I'm telling you man, we are not getting a better chance to get out of here. I lead a group to a cache, grab some guns and kick these bastards out of here.”

  Mick shook his head. “Just lead as many as you can out of here. Go out by the south east corner of the fence, the monitors always had a blind spot there.”

  Chet shook Mick's hand. “Thanks. You know I'm not one to run from trouble, but I can't have them selecting my wife or daughter as one of their play things.”

  Again Mick shook his head. “No explanation needed. Get your ass in gear and Godspeed.”

  Sergeant Redding was good to his word and kept a vigilant patrol up and down the hall. He would stop periodically at each door, listen and move on. Crystal noticed that he would spend extra time near Cynthia's door. As soon as the first hour was up, Sergeant Redding promptly knocked on each door, declaring time was up.

  The women were given an hour to rest up before the second soldier would call on them that night. Sergeant Redding stepped into the Club, Crystal went up to him and asked. “Can I get you anything Sergeant?”

  Stu Redding gave her a grin. “Cup of coffee, black. If it's not too much trouble.”

  Crystal returned his grin. “First cup of coffee, I poured tonight.”

  The Sergeants radio crackled,. “Redding.”

  Stu Redding headed into the hall. “How long ago?”

  Stu pressed the ear bud tight to his ear. “Okay, I'll take care of it.”

  Sergeant Redding returned to the Club and addressed Crystal. “Hold on to that pot, I think your going to need it shortly.”

  Sergeant Redding walked over and pulled the plug on the jukebox and switched on the lights. “Alright anybody here that is supposed to be on patrol, better get back there and be sober and alert when I check on you. The rest of you this shindig is closed down for the night.”

  Cletus grumbled. “Boss you can't do this to me. I ain't had my turn yet. I been doin nothin, but thinkin about that girls jugs all day.”

  Sergeant Redding growled. “Don't whine to me. Thank your pals here that skipped out on patrol.”

  Sergeant Redding went down the hall to Cynthia's room. He had seen Smiley go in there and was fairly certain Smiley ignored the call to vacate. Which put Smiley at the top off the list for a special detail. He opened the door to Cynthia's room to find both Smiley and Beast, seated in the main room, stripped to the waist and swilling a beer.

  Smiley was the first to respond. “Sarge, didn't think we'd see you joining the party.”

  Sergeant Redding was in no mood for sparring with Smiley. “Everybody decided it was okay to skip their shifts. We've had a bunch of locals, jump the fence and are hightailing it out of here. You two assemble a detail and bring em back here. The Old Man will blow a gasket if you don't bring em back.”

  Smiley shrugged. “Sorry there Sarge. Me and Beastie are already doing a special project for the Old Man. He asked us to send a message to the MILF here.”

  Sergeant Redding snarled back. “She got the message. Now get your ass out there and bring those people back.”

  While Smiley was engaging Stu in conversation, Beast was creeping up behind the Sergeant. Just as Beast fist swung towards Stu's head, Stu turned, caught Beast's fist and forced Beast against the wall. In nearly the same motion Stu pulled his service pistol and slapped Smiley across the face with the barrel.

  Sergeant Redding scoffed. “I know all your tricks. Now get out there, before I plant my size thirteen up your ass.”

  Smiley rubbed the side of his face. “You might be the General's favorite son now, but you should know he keeps asking me to do the dirty. Mark my word, you keep dotin on these people here, there will be a shift in your fortunes.”

  Sergeant Redding glowered back. “If I wanted your opinion, I'd give it to you. Move your ass, before the trail goes cold.”

  Smiley led Beast out and Stu closed the door behind them. Making his way to the bedroom, he tapped lightly to announce himself. He was greeted by a whimper from the darkened room. Finding a lamp on the far side of the room he flicked it on and turned to examine the rooms occupant. Cynthia lay upon the bed, her nudity covered by a sheet. Her hair was a tangle of knots, from the men repeatedly grabbing and twisting handfuls of it. Her face showed the effect of hard slaps.

  Stu walked towards her, his hands up in an attempt to indicate he was no threat. “I'm sorry.”

  Cynthia misunderstood his meaning and began to plead, “Please, no more. I can't bear it. Kill me if you have to, but no more.”

  Stu spoke softly to Cynthia. “Ma'am, I'm sorry I did not stop this sooner. All I want is to help get you up to see the Doctor.”

  Tears began to stream down Cynthia's face. “I don't think I can walk.”

  Stu smiled to hide his shyness. “Ma'am it would be my honor to carry you. If you would allow me?”

  Cynthia nodded a trifle apprehensively, fearing this may be a trick. Stu bent over and carefully tucked the sheet under Cynthia, before slipping one arm under her knees and one arm behind her back. Cynthia grimaced from the pain the movement caused, but didn't make a sound. Stu carried her out of the bedroom and fumbling a bit opened the room to the hall. Crystal saw them approaching the elevator and silently joined them when they entered the elevator.

  When the doors closed Sergeant Redding spoke. “A group of your people hopped the fence tonight. I had to send a detail to bring them back.”

  Crystal held Cynthia's hand. “You should have just let them go. Lord knows they deserve to get away from this freak show, you boys got going here.”

  Sergeant Redding nodded. “I deserve that, no argument. If those people do not come back, what the General had Smiley do tonight, will pale in what he rains down on the rest of you.”

  Crystal shrugged. “It would be worth it, knowing at least some of our friends were free.”

  Stu carried Cynthia to one of the Clinic's beds and Crystal went to get Doc. While Doc examined Cynthia, Crystal and Stu waited in silence. Doc came out of the room shortly. “She's been pretty roughed up, but she's tough. I gave her a little something for the pain. Crystal she'll probably fall asleep soon, can you help her get in
to a gown first.”

  Sergeant Redding looked at the floor. “Thank you Doctor.”

  Doc turned to the Sergeant. “Be careful there Son, you are awfully close to choosing a side.”

  Sergeant Redding spent the night in his office, near the community room. He had hoped Corporal Smeils would report to him that he had returned with the civilians, but Smiley never showed. About the time the townspeople would arrive at the community room, a series of screams and outraged shouts came from the courtyard. Sergeant Redding rushed outside, made his way through the crowd to the central tower.

  A blood covered Corporal Smeils was leaning against the tower, a patrol of soldiers was nearby, rifles shouldered and aimed at the crowd. Above Smiley was a rope strung around the tower, with the heads of the twenty men, women and children that had escaped the compound.


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