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Page 10

by Dimon, HelenKay

  Jarrett exhaled. “Why am I here?”

  “Becca Ford.” Elijah smacked his fist against the counter as he talked.

  Jarrett’s gaze went to Elijah’s knuckles, then to his face. “What about her?”

  “She’s here. You’re fucking her.”

  “Eli, Jesus.” Wade knew he had to step in or these two really would rip each other apart. “That’s enough.”

  Jarrett’s cold reserve didn’t change. “Watch your language.”

  “What, she’s your girlfriend again?” Elijah threw his hands in the air and paced away from them to the sink. Also didn’t do anything to cover his swearing and head shaking. He finally turned around again. “She set you up last time.”

  Jarrett nodded. “So did you and I took you in when you knocked at the door.”

  Wade cleared his throat. “After shooting you, of course.”

  He hoped the reminder would sink in and Elijah would calm the hell down. Wade knew the signs. The stiff shoulders, the nerve ticking in his neck—rage gripped Elijah.

  Seemingly oblivious to the frustration that pounded down every wall of the room, Jarrett shrugged as if he barely cared. “There is that.”

  Elijah stepped forward, got right in Jarrett’s face. He pointed and spit out his words through clenched teeth. “You brought me in and let me stay because I offered you something. I gave you the information you needed to build a case and show how you were being unfairly hounded and subjected to extortion. To gain leverage, against the CIA.”

  “Eli, you should—”

  Jarrett stopped Wade with a lift of his hand. Then he faced Elijah again, his mouth now flat and his features pinched tight. “You seem to forget I was already out of jail and working on a final deal when you came along. You sped up the process and made things easier for Bast to prevent a trial, and I am paying back that debt right now by providing a place for you to hide and investigate, but you did not save me.”

  Elijah snorted. “Right, because the CIA never fucks anyone over during negotiations.”

  The louder Eli got, the softer Jarrett’s voice grew. Wade knew that was a really bad sign. His boss held his temper through staff whining, childish member complaints and whispers that his business fronted an escort service. But when Jarrett blew, he fucking blew.

  Wade tried to diffuse the tension with some common-sense talk, even though he didn’t quite believe it. “I’m guessing the same people who think they killed you, Eli, also tried to kill Becca.”

  “Listen to Wade.”

  Elijah looked from Wade to Jarrett and back again. An angry red colored his face. “You’re both wrong.”

  “How exactly?” Jarrett asked.

  Elijah wiped a hand over his face. Some of the fury left him as he exhaled. “You ever think maybe Becca is at the bottom of this?”

  “You’ve been telling me Todd is the problem. Your boss. The man in charge of the operation against me.”

  “I’m still digging but the timing is suspect, don’t you think?” With the burst of anger behind them, Eli leaned back against the counter. “I finally make headway on figuring out who is at the bottom of this double cross, and she shows up at your back door.”

  Jarrett’s chest visibly rose and fell as if he were weighing the words and not liking what he heard. “I’m aware of the timing.”

  “Yet you get her naked and take her—”

  “Enough.” Jarrett’s shout bounced off the walls and stainless steel appliances.

  Wade didn’t blame him. There was arguing and there was stepping way over the line. Elijah struggled with a hot temper, but this was suicidal.

  “Eli, what the hell are you doing?” It was as if he wanted Jarrett to throw him out.

  “You agree with me that she’s trouble.” Elijah looked at Wade but pointed at Jarrett. “Tell him.”

  Before Wade could find the right words, Jarrett saved him. “I know Wade is concerned about Becca being here and being near me. He hasn’t lied about that.”

  “Concerned?” Elijah scoffed. “This is a nightmare.”

  “No, Elijah. Getting set up for something you didn’t do, then sitting in a jail cell while you wait for a CIA team to take you out by faking your suicide, that’s a nightmare.” Jarrett opened the button to his suit jacket.

  The subtle move had Wade shifting his focus. “Jarrett?”

  But he was on a roll and not stopping. “This is controllable. Becca will not see you unless I want her to see you.”

  “Jarrett, come on. Send her away,” Elijah said with a mix of anger and pleading in his voice. “Hell, if you can’t do it, let me take care of her.”

  “Excuse me?” Jarrett’s voice was deadly soft.

  With their backgrounds, all of them ready to fire a shot or land a punch if needed, Eli’s meaning wasn’t a mystery. But that didn’t mean Wade couldn’t deflect the message. “That’s not what he meant.”

  Elijah never broke eye contact with Jarrett. “Your boss understands me just fine.”

  “Son of a bitch.” Wade wanted Eli to stop before the explosion blew everything apart. Wade wasn’t ready for Elijah to leave and he feared Jarrett was on the border of making that happen.

  “Listen up.” Jarrett moved so fast he registered as a blur. The businessman gave way to the old crime boss. With his hands on Elijah’s shirt, Jarrett shoved him hard against the counter. “If you touch her, if you think about touching her, I will fucking end you.”

  Elijah winced as his back rammed into the granite edge. “So, she matters.”

  “That’s not your business.”

  “Actually, it is.”

  Wade couldn’t disagree. “He’s not wrong on that score, boss.”

  Jarrett stood there, his body stiff and his hands clenched at his sides. A full minute passed before he spoke again. “She has my protection.”

  Elijah closed his eyes on a look of pain. “That’s just great.”

  “She is my business and if you want to continue enjoying my protection, using my resources and sharing a bed with Wade in this building, you will get in line.”

  A stark silence settled on the room after Jarrett’s threats. When some of the color left Elijah’s face, Wade wondered if the other man were really so clueless to think Jarrett didn’t know about the sleeping arrangements. The crash pad consisted of a cot and kitchenette and little more, but it was still fine for an unwanted visitor, which was how Jarrett viewed Elijah.

  The bigger kick in Wade’s gut came from realizing that face likely meant Elijah wanted the sex to be a secret. Like he viewed what they did as dirty and wrong.

  Elijah finally broke the quiet as he turned to face Wade. “You’re not saying anything to that?”

  Because whatever he said would be wrong, Wade went with the party line. “I think Jarrett was pretty clear.”


  Four nights into her stay Jarrett opened the door to the condo and stared into the quiet shadows. Becca had left a light on above the stove, but darkness fell over the rest of the floor. It was after two and the club officially closed an hour ago. The obligatory hour of winding down had begun.

  Wade volunteered to take over the task of ordering car services and escorting into cabs the few stray club members still around, most of them impaired by too much alcohol and too little self-control. One of the many services Jarrett provided. At a substantial cost, of course. Because avoiding scandal and trouble always qualified as a costly affair. His success depended on that and discretion.

  He should have been exhausted, but his nerves rode a fine edge. They had all day and he knew the reason. He’d managed to go without seeing Becca. And that took a force of willpower he didn’t know he possessed. Since breakfast he’d stayed in his office, didn’t venture upstairs, and only now walked across his family room, hoping to catch a few hours of sleep, shower and grab a cl
ean suit since he wore the office spare.

  Conversation he could avoid. Call it self-preservation, but the more he saw Becca in the house, the more right it felt. She fit there. Despite the lies and betrayals, and his vows to stay strong, his defenses weakened with every hour. He long ago promised when he saw her again he would bring her to her knees, inflict a tsunami of destruction on her life to repay her for ripping him apart. He’d held out about an hour before he broke again.

  “Damn it.” He massaged the back of his neck, trying to ease the growing ache there.

  When he lifted his head he spied the papers spread out on his breakfast bar. Since he hated clutter and hadn’t been home, there was only one excuse for the mess. He stripped as he walked over into the kitchen. The suit jacket hit the back of the sectional and he abandoned his tie next to the sink. By the time he loomed over the documents he had the top of his shirt unbuttoned and his sleeves rolled up.

  He scanned the information in front of him, not sure what he was looking at. Flipping through, he saw the notes filled the entire notepad. Many pages had been ripped out and taped together to form a timeline of some type. He recognized some names and most places, but couldn’t figure out how they fit together or what they had to do with the loss of her team.

  Before turning away, he traced a finger over the black ink of her familiar handwriting. Bold and unique, just like her. “What a mess.”

  “I can explain it all to you, if you want.”

  At the sound of her voice, he closed his eyes. He had them open again before he turned around to face her. Good thing he did because she stood at the edge of the kitchen without a stitch on.

  Of course she picked now to follow his orders and remain naked.

  Damn stubborn woman.

  “I thought you’d be asleep.” Hoped she would.

  She stood there, not even trying to cover up. Her body glowed in the soft light. With every curve highlighted, every part of her on display, his already shaky control took a nosedive.

  “You’ve avoided me all day.” She stepped closer with her bare feet tapping against the floor.

  “Not that long.”


  He beat back the instinct to shift away from her. “I had work.”

  “Then it had nothing to do with my promise when we last saw each other?”

  I guess we’ll see when you get back.

  The words tumbled in his mind like a song on repeat. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  She talked about being willing to do anything for him. The comment sent him running like some sort of pathetic kid. Somehow he’d lost control over his life and his brain when she broke through his personal space.

  “You left me alone, unattended.” Her head tilted to the side. “What’s a woman to do?”

  His gaze shifted to his bedroom door.

  “I didn’t go in there, but I couldn’t do much else either. No clothes. No way to even use that workout room of yours.” She ran her hand over her breasts. Cupped the weight as she flicked a finger over her nipple. “I can’t exactly run without a bra.”

  The self-touching was the last straw. She knew he loved that.

  Reality was he hovered too close to the edge to take her on tonight. “You should go to bed.”


  Not what he expected. “Excuse me?”

  With a sigh, she stepped directly in front of him and wrapped her arms around his neck. The temptation continued when she pressed her lean body tight against his.

  “Kiss me.” She whispered the order a breath away from his lips.

  Sweet hell. “No.”

  “Let me have this.”

  They’d drawn battle lines when he let her into the building. She would be his sex toy. He would give her sanctuary. The deal guaranteed a sexual release and little else. The plan, already tenuous, shook and faltered as she launched this offensive sensual strike.

  “This isn’t going to happen.” But as he said the words, his hands slipped to her waist and one continued down to caress her bare ass.

  “I miss the taste of you on my lips.”

  Christ, how was he supposed to fight that? “Kissing is over.”

  She skimmed her lips across his chin. “Is it?”

  It had to be. “This is about sex only. Nothing more.”

  Yet, since she’d been there he explored her with his hands and his tongue. Didn’t let one inch go untasted. The intimacy of how and where he touched her didn’t escape him. But kissing her always sent a rush of blood to his head. He couldn’t afford whatever the feel of his lips against hers might cost him.

  “You can make this about anything you want.” She licked his neck then trailed kisses through the dampness. “You can hold yourself back.”

  Hardly. “I will.”

  She blew a heated stream of air over his skin. “Not want me.”

  He did not have one ounce of self-preservation when it came to her. No shield at all.

  “Don’t do this.” He made it sound like an order but inside his head he recognized it as a plea for feminine mercy.

  Instead of backing away, she kissed his throat and under his chin. When he moved his head, she took his face in her hands. “Let me do this.”

  “Becca, I don’t—”

  But her lips found his. He fought for distance and disinterest. Struggled to keep his mind clear and his body from reacting. He counted and held still.

  None of it worked.

  With his surrender inevitable, he hoped it would be a quick kiss, one that meant nothing and didn’t linger. But she didn’t let him pull back or stay detached. She kissed him deep and long. Need and desire whipped around them as her hands roamed.

  The last bit of blankness in his brain snapped when heat surged through him, spilling out through every pore. The grumble deep in her throat only spurred him on. As his control shattered he didn’t so much as fall into the kiss as run headlong into it. Straight for her with no turning back. Blood roared in his ears and his muscles relaxed. His hands traveled over her back, into her hair—everywhere he could touch—as his footing stumbled. He leaned against her and she leaned back.

  He couldn’t get enough. His tongue danced across hers as need pulled at him. He wanted to be over her, around her, with her. Forget acting aloof. Electricity crackled between them, and the urge to burrow in closer flooded him.

  The room spun around them as he pushed her up against the wall. Gone was any pretense of holding back. The memory of every kiss they’d shared rushed up on him. Now that he kissed her again he didn’t want to stop. Didn’t think he could.

  Her fingers slipped into his hair as she held him held close. When they came up for air, both of them panting on stuttered breaths, her head fell back against the wall. He didn’t waste time waiting for his heart to slow down. He kissed her neck and her cheek before returning to her mouth with a need that possessed every cell.

  The second round of kisses tasted as good as the first. The sparks, the rumble of unspent sexual tension. He felt it all. If anything, they burned hotter the longer the kissing stretched. His cock almost exploded with the need to be inside her.

  She broke away from him, leaving a sudden cool breeze lingering between them and his head spinning. She could say anything, ask for anything, and he’d likely give it to her in that moment.

  Instead of leveling the killing blow, she threaded her fingers through his. “Sleep with me.”

  The established pattern of sex-and-run kept him sane. Leaving her bed zapped all his strength, but he knew staying would double him over. But when she looked up at him with those soft eyes and lips bruised from his kissing, he couldn’t deny her. Not when he wanted it, too.

  Letting her lead, he followed her to the guest bedroom. They’d christened the bed. The promise of hot, sweaty sex lingered. But this t
ime struck him as different from the others. Deeper, more reverent somehow.

  She swept him inside and went to work on his pants. With a tug, his belt gave. The scratch of the zipper came next. He stood, watching her slim fingers strip off his clothes. Determination showed in the lines of her body and graceful curve of her neck.

  Rather than take over, he let her run this. His hands brushed up and down her bare arms as she dragged off his shirt. When she dropped to the edge of the bed, he waited for the touch of her mouth over him.

  She didn’t disappoint. With his clothes piled on the floor and shoes kicked off, he stood before her naked. Need pounded on him, inching him closer to the time when he pushed her back on the bed and entered her. Nothing else mattered but getting inside her. This time he’d kiss her, catching every delicious sound she whispered as her orgasm crashed over her.

  She wrapped her fingers around his cock and glanced up. “Condom?”

  Damn, he’d almost forgotten. Near the end of their relationship they’d skipped the condoms, relying on her birth control and their monogamy coupled with regular physical exams to ensure safety. He’d never acted that way before, but with her the freedom felt right. But continuing now required a level of trust that was long gone.

  Still, with her hand traveling up and down his cock he could barely speak. “Pants.”

  With her he’d been transported back to his teen years. Always carrying protection. Always ready to go.

  In a few quick moves she had the condom out and rolled over him. Then she grabbed his arm, bringing him down on top of her on the mattress. His breath caught at the friction of their bodies, but he didn’t have time to inhale. She was kissing him, touring her hands over him, grabbing his ass in her palms and fitting his cock to the heated space between her legs.

  His fingers skimmed over her breasts, stopping to cup and caress them. But the need inside him had his fingers traveling lower. After wetting the tips with a lick, he pressed against her opening. He rounded her labia, circling and touching until she grabbed his hand and pressed it hard against her.


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