Pol Robinson - Open Water

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Pol Robinson - Open Water Page 20

by Pol Robinson

  How long they stood grinning at each other, she had no idea, and she really didn’t know what to do next. Then, suddenly flashing back to the evening in the elevator, she reached out and grasped Laura’s arm. “Hey, can we start over? I think I’m a bit overwhelmed by, uh, it all.” Cass stuck out her hand, “Hi, I’m Cass Flynn, and I’m a huge fan of yours.”

  Laura gently took Cass’s hand in hers, giving her fingers a gentle squeeze. “Laura Kelley, and I have to admit to being a bit of a fan of yours as well.”

  “Really?” Cass couldn’t help but be aware of the small quaver in her voice, despite her best effort. She also was aware that she was still holding Laura’s hand.

  “Really.” Laura kept hold of Cass, and Cass tried not to focus on how much she enjoyed the fit of the other woman’s hand around hers.

  “I’ve been wanting to talk to you for days, you know. But with the regatta and all...what I mean is, I had to work through some things and to think...” Laura trailed off, as if suddenly unsure of herself. “And when I finally got to a place where I could talk to you, I couldn’t find you.”

  Cass blew out a long breath as she processed Laura’s words. She struggled to find the right thing to say, afraid that if she said the wrong thing, Laura would disappear again. Something about the nature of her relationship with Laura threw her, kept her off balance, and not in a good way. She was sick of that feeling. That would change tonight, she decided; she was letting the injured Cass go and reclaiming what was hers—the Cass who could do anything. Lifting her eyes to Laura’s, she decided the direct approach was the best. “I’m glad you found me. But,” and she hated to ask this, but for her own well-being she knew she needed to, “are you going to run away again? ’Cause I hate that, you know.”

  Laura studied her for a moment, then leaned closer, her voice intense. “Cass. I meant what I said in that note. That I wanted to talk. About...well, about us. I...I like what we had between us. I thought it was good.”

  Cass nodded, caught by the intensity of Laura’s gaze. Here, in an arena of thousands, she felt as if it were just the two of them alone. “It was. But,” she swallowed and looked away. “You hurt me. You...you didn’t come to see me. At least, not when I could see you.”

  “I know.” Laura closed her eyes and then whispered, “I’m sorry. I thought I needed to be away from you to make things better, and it just ended up making things worse.”

  “Did Amy give you my message before your last race?”

  Laura’s eyes popped open in surprise. “No.” Then she frowned and thought for a moment. “Wait, just before she climbed into the boat she gave me a hug and she never does that.” She smiled down at Cass. “That was you?”

  “Yeah. It was the same message I sent before your repechage.”

  “I’m beginning to like your messages, though I’d like to get them firsthand.”

  Cass returned Laura’s smile with a bright one of her own, her heart soaring. “If we’re having a do-over, I think that can be arranged.” They stood silently for a moment, looking anywhere but at each other as the next act came on the massive stage behind them, but standing near enough that their arms brushed.

  Around them, the crowd moved and muttered as the final speakers paid tribute to the athletes. The Olympic flag was handed off to the representative from London with all the pomp and splendor that could be mustered, an adorable little Chinese girl enchanted the crowd and athletes with her song, and the lights continued to dance across the arena floor.

  For the next two hours, Cass and Laura enjoyed the show, with Cass conscious of every movement Laura made. They laughed and chatted about everything and nothing and cautiously rekindled the friendship that had grown between them over the course of the Games. In the press of the crowd, they shared the wonder, noise and excitement of the final, official hours of the Olympic Games...along with bits and pieces of each other’s interests and ideas. Laura grinned at the delight in Cass’s face at each new acrobatic trick of the Chinese entertainers; Cass laughed at Laura’s attempts to answer the questions of a large man in the colors of the Belarus team. Both happily snapped pictures of each other and other athletes, and occasionally signed memorabilia as it was handed to them.

  Finally, the speeches were done and the real party began in earnest. Amidst a thunderous burst of pyrotechnics, China’s hottest stars flew from the ceiling, popped from the floor and ran from the sides to begin the spectacle of entertainment to cap the evening. The international television coverage had stopped, leaving only the locals and the visiting competitors to revel the night away. This time was for the crowd, for the athletes, for the volunteers.

  Cass found herself forced closer to Laura as the crowd behind them pressed toward the stage to be nearer to the singers. One surge of the crowd nearly knocked Cass from her feet; only Laura’s quick reflexes and strong grip kept her from falling. Cass grinned at Laura and righted herself, glad to have someone bigger nearby in the growing crush. Another yell to the right, another singer, another shove and once again Cass lost her footing; once again, Laura reached out just in time. This time Laura did not let go.

  “Here, hold onto me, I won’t let you fall.” Cass felt her hand engulfed by Laura’s larger one and she smiled up at her. For a moment, as her eyes met Laura’s, the music and laughter around them faded. They were jostled again and Laura tugged Cass a little closer, pulling her into the circle of her arms. She bent her head and put her lips near Cass’s ear, her low voice making Cass shiver. “Turn around, I’ll watch your back. It’s getting a little crazy in here, eh?”

  Cass could only nod as Laura’s arms moved around her. Oh God! This is so not happening, right? Shut up, Cass, and enjoy it. Tonight is not real, it’s magic.

  But this time I believe in the magic.

  She settled against Laura and tilted her head to see the stage. She was very aware that her head was resting just under Laura’s chin, Laura’s breasts pressed against her back... Ooh, yeah, this is so not real.

  Together they enjoyed the show, although if pressed, she could not have said with certainty what they saw and heard. Cass closed her eyes and just absorbed it all. The laughter, chatter and singing around her were muted somehow by the soft buzz of Laura’s humming vibrating through her body. She felt Laura, with her chin resting atop Cass’s, tilt her head into Cass’s and breathe in deeply from time to time and Cass shivered each time it happened.

  With a mighty bang the singers and musicians stopped, the crowd seeming to lift them up with their triumphant roar. It was over. One last, tremendous flash of light, color and sound and that was it. The 2008 Olympic Games had ended. For one last time, the stadium was plunged into darkness as the crowd roared, stomped and clapped its approval for the show, the athletes and the venues.

  It was over.

  “No,” she muttered under her breath.

  “What?” Laura’s chin left the top of Cass’s head, and she bent her head to speak into Cass’s ear. “Cass?”

  Cass tightened her grip on Laura’s hands where they lay tight across her abdomen and shook her head. She hadn’t realized she’d spoken aloud. She felt like a child being asked to leave a birthday party. “I, um. I don’t want it to be over.” She leaned her head back against Laura’s shoulder, staring at the darkened sky above and letting the joy of the crowd and the comforting sensation of Laura’s arms around her carry her, imprinting the moment in her memory forever.

  Laura leaned further, shifting Cass to one side but keeping her tucked within her arms. Slowly Cass turned her head to face Laura, letting the green eyes capture her, ground her. She gave Laura what she knew was a weak smile, hoping she hadn’t sounded as wimpy as she’d felt. Laura deliberately lowered her head, until their lips were brushing. “It’s not over, Cass. It’s just beginning.” Softly, she touched her lips to Cass’s, hesitating for a moment, waiting for a response.

  Oh my... Cass’s mind emptied of everything but the feel of Laura’s lips against hers. Someone groaned and
Cass couldn’t be certain the sound had not come from her. She shifted and turned, pulling Laura to her, tangling her fingers in her vibrant curls. This was like nothing she’d ever felt before, this was it. Kissing Laura was more than Cass had imagined. She lost herself in it—the softness, the texture, the unrestrained thrill of the moment. She felt Laura pull her closer, vaguely aware of the crowd around them; a sense that completely left her at the first touch of Laura’s tongue against her lips, asking for entry. That brief touch flashed through her from head to toe and she opened herself to Laura fully.

  Hours, minutes, a lifetime passed. For just a moment, Cass could see her future...their future. Together. She couldn’t say how she knew, but she knew.

  In this moment, anything was possible.

  The kiss ended slowly, wonderingly. Cass slid her arms around the solid strength of Laura’s body and reveled in the feeling of belonging as Laura held her tight. Trembling, they clung to each other for security, for strength. They stood, pressed closely together, their breath mingling, their pulses unsteady.

  Slowly, Cass leaned back to look up into Laura’s face, watching as those green eyes opened again and seemed to light from within. She nodded, rubbing her nose to Laura’s. “Yes, it is beginning.”

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  Table of Contents




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Publications from Bella Books, Inc.




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