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The Role of Images in Astronomical Discovery

Page 28

by Rene Roy

fore, galaxies behave just like atoms in the deep potential created by the mass of the dark

  matter. Neither could escape. And the more massive the cluster was, the hotter the gas was

  found to be.

  Even today, the origin of the gas remains a mystery, especially because it exists in such

  huge amounts. The suspicion is that it was produced by the explosions of past generations

  of massive stars located within the member galaxies of the cluster: the expelled gas from

  these galaxies dispersed into the surrounding medium, distributing itself evenly around a

  central condensation. The X-ray-emitting gas shows more spherical symmetry than the dis-

  tribution of the individual galaxies. It maps the dark matter more closely than the galaxies.

  X-ray imaging from space has become the way to image indirectly the invisible mass in the

  universe. It is safe to say that imaging the X-ray emissions of galaxy clusters is imaging

  the dark matter distribution. It is one of the most direct ways to “see” dark matter, at least

  visualize its presence, and the extent to which it carves the deep gravitational potentials of

  clusters into the fabric of spacetime.

  Rotational Curves of Disk Galaxies

  Not too dissimilarly from Jansky’s discovery of cosmic radio emission, “Zwicky’s findings

  and arguments were not much noticed. It took about forty more years until observational

  evidence clearly showed that large amounts of invisible matter, gravitating matter was lodg-

  ing in the disks of rotating galaxies. Without it, the galaxies would fly apart because of a

  too weak gravitational attraction.”14

  However, another prescient young astronomer had opened Pandora’s box of dark matter.

  In his 1939 Ph.D. thesis work on the rotational velocity of the Andromeda “nebula,” Horace

  Babcock (1912–2003) had found abnormally high rotational speeds in the outer parts of

  the Andromeda Galaxy (Fig. 8.3).15 While Babcock refrained from making a link with the

  13 Plasma physicists express temperature in electronvolts (eV) or kilo-electronvolt (keV), where 1 eV = 11,605 K.

  14 H. S. Kragh, Conceptions of Cosmos – From Myths to the Accelerating Universe: A History of Cosmology, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007, p. 214.

  15 H. W. Babcock, The Rotation of the Andromeda Nebula, Lick Observatory Bulletin, 1939, Vol. XIX, No. 498, pp. 41–51.

  Plate III shows the image of M31, the points where spectroscopic measurements were obtained and a plot of the galactocentric velocities. Babcock concluded his extraordinary article comparing the kinematics of Messier 31 with that of the Milky Way.

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  Part II – Images as Galaxy Discovery Engines

  Fig. 8.3 Horace Babcock’s rotation curve of the Andromeda Galaxy from his Ph.D. thesis, based

  on spectroscopic measurements with the Crossley 36-inch telescope. The most distant galactocentric

  points were derived from gaseous nebulae. From Babcock (1939), Lick Observatory Bulletin.

  invisible mass inferred by Zwicky in the Coma cluster, he warned in the same way about the

  uncertainties of deriving masses of “nebulae” from spectroscopic rotational curves. Proba-

  bly less bold than Zwicky, the young Babcock invoked absorption of light increasing out-

  ward from the nucleus, or some “internal gravitational viscosity” to be possibly greater than

  supposed and to produce the unexpected high orbital velocities of stars in Messier 31. A

  few decades later, radio observations of neutral hydrogen at 21 cm in M31 indicated that

  rotational speeds remained constant instead of falling in a Keplerian fashion as one gets

  further and further away from the center of the galaxy. This finding, 36 years after Bab-

  cock’s noteworthy discovery, came from the American astronomers Morton S. Roberts and

  Robert N. Whitehurst who published their radio work in 1975.16

  “These observations indicated that the mass in the outer regions of the Andromeda

  galaxy increased with galactocentric distance, even though the optical luminosity of M31

  did not.”17 Sidney van den Bergh noted that neither Babcock nor Roberts and Whitehurst

  “A new discrepancy is now directly apparent when the rotations of the two systems are compared, for the nearly constant angular velocity of the outer parts of M31 is the opposite of the ‘planetary type’ of rotation believed to obtain in the outer parts of the Galaxy.”

  16 M. S. Roberts and R. N. Whitehurst, The Rotation Curve and Geometry of M31 at Large Galactocentric Distances, The Astrophysical Journal, 1975, Vol. 201, pp. 327–346.

  17 S. van den Bergh, The Early History of Dark Matter, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1999, Vol. 111, p. 660.

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  8. Imaging the Invisible


  Fig. 8.4 The rotational curve of the spiral Messier 33. Credit: Stefania Deluca.

  cited the 1933 or 1937 papers by Zwicky and his inference of dark matter.18 Instead, as

  Babcock had hypothesized, Roberts and Whitehurst attributed the hidden mass to an abun-

  dance of dwarf M stars, the most common type of stars in the solar vicinity. These pioneers

  remained oblivious to the elephant in the room despite their highly reliable measurements.

  In 1970, the Australian astronomer Kenneth Freeman suggested “undetected” and “addi-

  tional” matter beyond the optical extent of several nearby galaxies.19 A young American

  female astronomer and her colleagues picked up the thread three decades after Babcock’s

  early hint. Studying the behavior of the rotational curves (the velocity of rotation as a func-

  tion of distance from the galaxy center) in the 1970s, American astronomer Vera Rubin

  (1928–2016) and her colleagues showed, for several spiral galaxies, that their masses were

  many times that of their visible stars and gas content (Fig. 8.4). The team established com-

  pelling evidence for the presence of a large amount of dark matter in individual galaxies.

  They also found that the invisible mass was much less concentrated than visible light. “By

  the late 1970s dark matter had been discovered, not just hypothesized, and in amounts much

  larger than visible matter.”20

  James Binney and Michael Merrifield warned, cautiously, “the emergence of a tenuous

  distribution of utterly dark material cannot be ascertained by studying circular-speed curves

  and photometric profiles alone.”21 Dark matter was indeed difficult to swallow, as most

  astronomers and, at first, physicists had ignored it. In an interview, Vera Rubin stated: “I

  think many people initially wished that you didn’t need dark matter. It was not a concept that

  people embraced enthusiastically. But I think that the observations were undeniable enough

  18 S. van den Bergh, The Early History of Dark Matter, Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1999, Vol. 111, p. 660.

  19 K. C. Freeman, On the Disks of Spiral and S0 Galaxies, The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 160, pp. 811–830.

  20 H. S. Kragh, Conceptions of Cosmos – From Myths to the Accelerating Universe: A History of Cosmology, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007, p. 214.

  21 J. Binney and M. Merrifield, Galactic Astronomy, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1998, p. 510.

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  Part II – Images as Galaxy Discovery Engines

  Fig. 8.5 Weak gravitational lensing inducing the distortion of galaxy
shapes, assumed here to be

  ellipses. The effect shown is exaggerated relative to real systems. Credit: Wikipedia Commons/


  so that most people just unenthusiastically adopted it.”22 Moreover, theoretical astrophysi-

  cists needed it to stabilize galaxy disks. Without dark matter, spiral galaxies would just fly

  apart like broken flywheels.

  Imaging with Gravitational Lenses

  As predicted by general relativity, concentrations of mass between us, as cosmic observers,

  and distant sources curve the fabric of spacetime. This curvature is capable of bending light

  paths. If there is a distant light source beyond a large mass like a cluster of galaxies, the

  interfering mass acts like a lens: it amplifies the apparent brightness of the distant source

  and distorts its shape. This weird phenomenon is called lensing, or mirage (Plate 8.2).

  When the lensing effect is important, we have strong lensing. In its more subtle manifes-

  tation, it introduces small distortions in the shape of the object and is called weak lensing

  (Fig. 8.5). Although posited by our visionary Fritz Zwicky in 1937, the large-scale lensing

  22 Interview with Dr. Vera C. Rubin by Alan Lightman, Washington, April 3, 1989, Niels Bohr Library Archives, Center for History of Physics.

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  8. Imaging the Invisible


  by spacetime curvature was first observed only in 1979.23 With today’s telescopes and their

  fine imaging capabilities, gravitational lensing is commonly observed. The Hubble Space

  Telescope and large ground-based telescopes have produced spectacular images of many

  such cases. As predicted by Zwicky, the most dramatic lensing effects are those created by

  large clusters of galaxies.

  Gravitational lensing is an independent and powerful way of mapping dark matter in

  galaxies and clusters of galaxies and for viewing the most distant galaxies. Again, it was

  Zwicky who suggested in his seminal 1937 paper that gravitational lensing might be used

  to “weigh” galaxies. Distant galaxies viewed through the field of a midway galaxy cluster

  will have their shape distorted into elongated arcs. The amount of distortion is a measure

  of the mass of the cluster.24

  Strong lensing is active through the inner part of the cluster and weak lensing in its outer

  parts. In gravitational optics, mathematical models are applied to reconstruct the shape of

  the distant galaxies and to estimate the amount of brightness magnification. As an inverse

  mathematical solution, the reconstruction spills out the total mass of the cluster. Relativistic

  physics applied to images of lensing clusters offers an elaborate and powerful way to image

  dark matter. By carefully mapping the distorted arcs, astronomers have been able to esti-

  mate not only the mass of the lens, i.e. the mass of the intervening cluster of galaxies, but

  also its geometry and spatial distribution. Lensing measurements and gravitational-potential

  reconstructions have confirmed that the major part of the mass of galaxy clusters is dark

  matter. The amounts derived are consistent with those inferred from the virial and X-ray


  Moreover, large concentrations of dark matter in clusters can be employed as gravita-

  tional telescopes. Their light-amplifying power is exploited to probe the distant universe.

  Consequently, the lensing of clusters of galaxies allows us to look beyond and see the most

  distant galaxies in the universe, reaching even the youngest objects, born soon after the Big

  Bang. It is amazing that we use pockets of invisible matter as telescopes to look and image

  further in space and time. So, we know where dark matter is, how much there is, but we do

  not know what it is.25

  This chapter on dark matter concludes the overview of modern ideas about galaxies and of

  how they developed using a whole range of imaging techniques and tools. Let us shift to

  a more targeted topic, the use of images in the pursuit of the world of galaxies: atlases of

  galaxies, their history as books of discovery and as tools for unveiling galaxies and learning

  about them.

  23 D. Walsh, R. F. Carswell and R. J. Weynmann, 0957+561 A, B: Twin Quasi-Stellar Objects or Gravitational Lens?, Nature, 1979, Vol. 279, pp. 381–384.

  24 The angle of deflection θ is given by θ = 4 GM/( rc 2) toward the mass M at a distance r from the affected radiation; G is the gravitational constant and c the velocity of light.

  25 There are several excellent books on dark matter. For example, K. Freese, The Cosmic Cocktail, Three Parts of Dark Matter, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014; L. Randall, Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs: The Astounding Interconnectedness of the Universe, New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 2015.

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  Part III

  Organizing the World of Galaxies

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  The Galaxy Classification Play-Off

  The establishment of an ordering of galaxies into taxonomic categories is

  clearly only one step towards understanding the physical nature of galaxy


  Ronald J. Buta 1

  It is of supreme importance to the creation of our operational morpholo-

  gies that we use the “things themselves” as our picture-language for stel-

  lar spectra, and direct photographs for galaxies and clusters of galaxies.

  W. W. Morgan 2

  If the original Hubble scheme were to be called a Mark I model, the

  revised but unpublished Hubble–Sandage system might be regarded as

  Mark II, and the writer’s present system as Mark III.

  Gérard de Vaucouleurs 3

  Is the World of Galaxies too Chaotic for a Meaningful Classification?

  Adelaide Ames (1900–1932), the Pickering Fellow in 1923, was the first woman graduate

  student in astronomy at Harvard University (Fig. 9.1). She worked on “bright spiral neb-

  ulae” with the ebullient Harvard College Observatory director Harlow Shapley (Fig. 5.2).

  Ames is seen on some of the photographs picturing life at the observatory in the 1920s and

  1930s. She died tragically in a canoe accident at Squam Lake, New Hampshire, on June 26,

  1932, the year of the publication of the Shapley–Ames catalogue of bright galaxies of which

  she was co-author. She was probably one of the first astronomers to have had a full, though

  too short, career devoted entirely to the study of galaxies. She worked on the properties of

  galaxies and of clusters of galaxies and found deviations from isotropy in the general distri-

  bution of galaxies. Ames had been appointed to the Commission of Nebulae and Clusters at

  the International Astronomical Union Assembly of Leiden, the Netherlands, in 1928. One

  wonders if Ames foresaw how explosively the field of galaxy research would develop just

  1 Ronald J. Buta,

  2 W. W. Morgan, A Morphological Life, Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1988, Vol. 26, pp. 1–10.

  3 Gérard de Vaucouleurs, Classification, Dimensions, and Distances of Bright Southern Galaxies, Sky and Telescope, 1957, Vol. 16, p. 582.


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  Part III – Organizing the World of Galaxies

  Fig. 9.1 Adelaide Ames. Credit: Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University.

  in the few years following her untimely death. Classifying galaxies was a key feature of the

  new catalogue she and her supervisor had put together.4 This catalogue would become the

  roadmap and guide of research on galaxies for the remainder of the twentieth century.

  Atlases as Reference Visual Displays

  On removing oneself a little from the multitude of objects and physical components, it

  is possible to find order in the jungle of galaxies. In contrast to gaseous nebulae, chaotic

  processes are present but rarely dominate the morphology of a galaxy. As seen in previous

  chapters, galaxies, like butterflies, come in a few basic shapes: disk-shaped and spheroidal

  systems that define rather continuous sequences of silhouettes. The challenge has been to

  build a meaningful and accepted sequence of forms. The story of establishing a significant

  classification system is instructive and fascinating to reconstruct. Atlases of galaxies will

  help us (Chapter 10).

  Galaxy atlases, being packed with images, are essential and advantageous vehicles of

  any galaxy classification scheme. Using representative cases, astronomers set themselves

  the task of designing and producing these atlases, of which about 18 in total emerged from

  various inspirations; they followed their own convoluted paths, including controversial out-

  comes in the ways galaxies are viewed. The atlases have been a significant part of the story

  of understanding galaxies by classifying them.

  Galaxy atlases are reference visual displays (Fig. 0.6); thus the creation of an atlas is an

  epistemological undertaking. Atlases are also heuristic tools for identifying and selecting

  4 H. Shapley and A. Ames, A Survey of the External Galaxies Brighter Than the Thirteenth Magnitude, Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College, 1932, Vol. 88, pp. 41–76.

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  9. The Galaxy Classification Play-Off


  archetypes, for discovering hints of more complexity, and for making use of qualitative, then

  quantitative, patterns in a reproducible way. As Lorraine Daston stated, discerningly, atlases


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