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The Sheik and the Slave

Page 8

by Italia, Nicola

“Indeed? Truly?” He pulled the dress up further past her knees and to her slim thighs. Her legs were slightly apart as he knelt before her. His cock bounced at the thought of her pussy. But he kept to the business at hand. He had to know about this foreign man.

  “I swear. We spoke only briefly. Nothing happened,” she said. Katharine cringed as her juices slid out of her, clinging to the small hairs of her pussy.

  “All right, princess,” he said. His hands rested on her slim thighs and his eyes fell down to her legs spread slightly, her pussy glistened and ready for his taking.

  She saw him. She knew he had seen her wet pussy.

  “No,” she said. She shook her head.

  He smiled. Tonight she would be his.

  “I only want a kiss. That’s all,” he whispered.

  “No. You’re a master seducer. You play at words.” She shook her head.

  His eyes wandered over her mouth and his hands pressed her thighs apart. His finger delved into her tightness and he closed his eyes. She was so very tight and wet, and her walls rippled around his finger, holding it tight.

  “Your mouth, princess. Give me your mouth,” he commanded. Mohammed watched as she tried to shake her head. Then, he pressed her back, covering her body with his.

  His mouth took hers and his tongue probed her mouth deeper and deeper. As his tongue probed her mouth, his finger sank into her tightness. He could feel her hymen and knew she would be his.

  Katharine’s head spun. She couldn’t concentrate and could only feel. He was the devil. She knew it.

  “Spread your thighs for me, princess,” he whispered into her ear. She trembled. His words were so sinful and delicious at the same time.

  She let him spread her thighs apart as he eased himself between them. She was slim and feminine and he felt powerful and in control. Her hands were shaking as she brought her hands into his thick hair.

  His cock bounced and lengthened as he thought of her tight walls around him. He moved her body against his and she fit into him perfectly. Katharine arched into him again and moaned into his mouth as his lips touched hers.

  Mohammed stopped her hips from moving.

  “Tell me no, princess. I’ll not have you crying rape tomorrow. Tell me now and this ends.”

  She shook her head almost violently.

  “No, please don’t stop. I have to feel you inside me. I want to be yours,” she sighed. She didn’t care about tomorrow; she only thought of tonight. She needed him. She knew she would have regrets and pain, but nothing mattered. The wine flowed in her veins and her inhibitions had left her. She wanted this proud man and nothing else mattered. She eased him to her.

  He undressed quickly and lifted up her abaya over her head. She was in too great a need and so was he.

  His hips were slim but masculine as she spread her legs for him willingly.

  “Katharine,” he moaned. He breathed into her hair and she pressed into him.

  “Please, Mohammed,” she whispered. He had never heard his name on the lips of a woman in the midst of sex and it was his undoing.

  He pulled back and thrust into her hot little core. He broke her hymen and she cried out once but he soothed her with kisses. Her nails raked his back again and again as he knew they would. Her marks would claim him as her lover, just as her blood would stain his cock. They moved together and his hand grabbed her bottom, pulling her into him harder and with force. She moved her legs around his waist, holding him tightly to her.

  “Oh God,” was all she could think of to say. She could feel his cock inside her, stuffing and filling her as the climax built. Mohammed could feel his climax building and pushed into her, watching her body jerk up and down as he moved inside her.

  The tightness and the warmth proved to be too much; he spilled his cream into her womb, empting his seed again and again until he was complete.

  He watched as Katharine gasped as he filled her and then rolled her on top of him. His arms brought her to him and he covered their bodies with a thick blanket. Her golden hair fanned about them. He smiled as she sank into a deep sleep.


  Yasmeen had watched the two fuck like disgusting animals from the small, concealed room. She had watched her husband’s eyes as he made love to the little whore and the whore’s response. She had watched her husband spill his seed inside the woman as he had never done before with anyone but she, his wife. All of the whores were fed special foods to ensure no seed survived, but not the pale whore. Her husband’s seed was sure to grow and mature with the young beauty. She couldn’t allow a foreign whore to birth the next sheik.

  She knew from the servant’s gossip that one particular visitor tonight seemed to know the white whore. Yasmeen turned on her heel. Perhaps she could get a message to him to take her away. If not, she would have the slut kidnapped and sold. Perhaps she could find the two pirates who had sold her to the sheik in the first place and sell her back. The whore’s days in the palace were numbered. She would be gone by the end of the week. Yasmeen swore this on Allah’s name.

  Chapter 6

  Katharine awoke with a headache that pounded against her temples. The wine that she had drunk last night had been sweeter and stronger than she was used to; because she had eaten nothing, it had gone straight to her head.

  The sheik slept soundly next to her with one masculine leg draped over hers. His position was one of arrogance and possession. His one arm was thrown behind her head and most of her silken hair was caught underneath it. She felt tired, despite the fact that she had slept most of the night. Her legs felt heavy and there was a soreness between them. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling, just one she wasn't used to.

  She thought of the night and saw herself tangled with the sheik in unadulterated lust. She was ashamed. She had given herself to him with no thought beyond it. He was a sheik with a wife and many concubines; now that she had given him her virginity, there was nothing left.

  Her virgin's blood should have been reserved for her husband and now she was used. Yasmeen was right. She would be used again and again until he had tired of her. Then, he would sell her to someone else. She would become nothing to him.

  Damn! she thought bitterly, trying to stem the tears that threatened to spill. Islam was correct in outlawing alcohol. It was an evil potion. She never would have given into him without the alcohol, no matter that she wanted him. It was wrong.

  She began to ease away from Mohammed. She untangled her legs from his and her hair from underneath his arm. She turned back to look at him sleeping soundly. His face looked younger in sleep. She gazed at the planes of his face. She thought of all that they had done together the night before and turned away from him.

  She dressed quickly in the silver abaya and left before he awoke.


  Bashasha watched beneath hooded eyes as the young girl entered the harem. Most of the women were slowly returning to the harem after the night’s festivities. She watched Katharine walk slowly into the room, half-afraid and half-enjoying the familiarity of the room. As she made her way to her small sleeping pallet, Bashasha watched the young girl’s legs scissor as she walked.

  Katharine was flushed, and her manner was different. She had been with the sheik. Bashasha recognized well the signs of sexual conquest and possession. She had been so certain that the foreign woman would never give in to him, but the attraction between them was undeniable. She also knew from the servants last night that Katharine had drank wine and ate nothing, leaving her inhibitions down. Bashasha was determined to have her work as little as possible today, unless she was specifically asked for.


  Mohammed awoke smiling. Katharine’s surrender had been all the sweeter, for he knew she had wanted it too. She had been tight and pleasing, and he enjoyed the fact that he had been the first man to touch and claim her. He would also be her last, he vowed.

  The passion and warmth that she had given him last night was only the beginning. He rolled over and was surprised to find her gon
e. Was she bathing? He knew not, but he was deeply disappointed not to have her in his arms when he awoke. It irritated him. Her place was to please him and to bear his children. He would accept nothing less.


  Katharine tried to rest her eyes among the pillows, but the women were chattering all around the harem and their voices echoed off the tiles. She remembered again and again the night before and felt him moving inside her. She heard her cries of passion as she climaxed. His hold over her was too strong; she couldn’t find the attraction she felt. She must find a way to contact the Englishman and leave this cursed place. He was her only hope now.


  It was late afternoon when Bashasha was informed that the sheik was asking for his bather. For the first time since she had ever known him, Bashasha wanted to defy him. However, she didn’t. She summoned the young girl before her and told her she was wanted by the sheik.

  Katharine looked away from the older woman as tears formed in her eyes. She didn't want to see him. She knew then that she was weak and he was too strong. Her body became a traitorous thing and she hated it. When she felt his dark, liquid eyes upon her, she grew warm. When his eyes traveled down the length of her, her breasts would soften, her nipples would tighten as she imagined his hard cock inside her, and a blush would spread across her cheekbones. She would deny him.


  Katharine dressed in a simple white linen shift that reached her calves and had quarter-length sleeves. She entered the sheik's private rooms and saw that she was alone. The room was lit with candles and the oud incense burned just as it had the night before. She felt her head spin as she realized the room was set for seduction, not a mid-day bath.


  Mohammed spoke with his trusted adviser Daleel as they entered his private chambers. Daleel's admiring eyes took in Katharine standing near the bath.

  "That is all, Daleel," Mohammed said quietly, as their business was concluded.

  "My lord," Daleel spoke and bowed before Mohammed.

  Mohammed walked stealthily toward her, divesting himself of his robes, until he was naked and sinking into the bath.

  Katharine tried to look away but found she was drawn to him. His body was muscular and firm and his skin bronzed as no other man had been in England.

  "Where did you go this morning?" Mohammed winced even as he spoke. He had never cared what happened to his women after they had been fucked. As long as they were fed and safe, it had never mattered.

  "I have other duties," she said as she stepped gingerly into the bath.

  "You're only duty is to me!" he told her harshly, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her fully into the water before him.

  "Let me go!" she said. She struggled in his arms and the water sluiced between them until the slickness of his naked chest caused her to slip into him.

  His fingers wound into her long golden hair as he held her head still. "You're only duty is to me!” he told her. “When I call you, you come. Whether I call you to bathe me or to lie beneath me, you will come!"

  "I am not one of your whores!" she cried in desperation.

  Yasmeen was right! Katharine thought. She would be used until he tired of her and then she would be discarded.

  Mohammed struggled with his emotions. She was so proud and lovely, but he couldn't let her see the power she held over him. He could not afford to show any weakness.

  "You are my slave by law in this land. If I command you to bathe me, then you will. If I summon you to my bed, you will come. And I will have you as you were last night, in my arms, warm and womanly, with your pussy surrounding my cock." His last words were coarse and raw and meant to offend her.

  "Then you will rape me every night, because I will never come to you. I will come because you order it, but I will never come willingly," Kat replied defiantly. Her blue eyes glistened in the low light as his hands weaved out of her hair.

  "Rape?" he asked. He almost smiled, but stopped himself. His warm, large hands slid down her slim arms as her breath quickened. The water had made the linen shift see-through. His fingers flicked across her tightened nipple.

  "Rape?" he mused again, and smiled this time. He bent to kiss her soft mouth, but she turned away from him. His mouth touched her fragile neck and he bit her lightly. She gasped aloud in the small room and he pulled her slim body tightly to his.

  His cock ached to be inside her, as it had been last night. The tight pussy had held him and rippled around him. He had dreamed of it again.

  "You don't know the meaning of rape. You just don't want to admit that you need this, princess,” he breathed into her ear as she closed her eyes.

  He spun her around and moved the shift up over her legs and to her waist. He bent her over the side of the pool as water splashed all around them.

  "Tell me you want this, princess," he growled to her and she felt his cock hard against her ass.

  He would not take her anally. Not yet. But he noticed with satisfaction that she moved against him. She wanted to act the virgin, even as she creamed and yearned for him to fuck her.

  Katharine shook her head, but her pussy was wet already. She wanted his cock inside her. She couldn't take much more waiting and trembling. She couldn't deny in her heart that she wanted him. Her small nails scraped into the marble tiles as she held onto them.

  He stroked her small twin globes and noticed she trembled like an Arabian mare before the taking.

  "Little falcon," he breathed into her ear as he leaned over her bent body.

  He spread her ass cheeks apart and fondled the small tiny button that had never been breached.

  "No!" she said, startled. She shook her head vigorously. He massaged the outside of the puckered little star and then moved to touch her pussy, which was wet, as he knew it would be.

  He took his cock in his one hand and guided it to her entrance. “Beg for it, princess,” he said.

  “I won’t,” she cried out.

  “Beg,” he taunted her.

  He knew she wanted it and he also knew that she had so much power over him that she frightened him. He could never let her know how much.

  "Please," Katharine murmured, as his cock rammed into her tight pussy.

  It is so delicious, Mohammed thought. He pulled the linen shift over her head even as his cock anchored her to him. She was now sleek and naked with the water from the pool sloshing around them.

  He used her breasts to anchor her to him as he pounded in and out of her. His hands moved down the length of her body and he grabbed onto her hips. The slapping of her ass against his hips echoed in the room as the water sloshed inside the small pool.

  He could hear her delicate cries of passion as he pounded her. He knew she wanted this. It was a natural act between a man and a woman. He could feel her trembling and reaching her peak as she cried and his seed splashed the walls of her vagina.

  He pulled out of her and watched her remain standing but turned away from him. She thought to herself that she had to pull herself together, to show him that she was calm.

  "Is that all, sir?" she asked, with her back to him.

  Mohammed gritted his teeth and turned her to face him.

  "What are you most ashamed about, princess? The fact that I forced you – or the fact that you liked it?"

  He watched as her eyes flashed up to meet his. Here was his little falcon.

  "Whether I liked it or not doesn't matter. I'm your whore now," she said, as she shrugged her slim shoulders.

  Mohammed was angry. "You are not my whore," he told her.

  "Summon me tonight with one of the other girls. Initiate me into group sex. I have heard of it from the harem women. Send me to pleasure one of the foreign men. I'm sure they would enjoy me," she said, testing his resolve. Her eyes were flat now. She had enjoyed the sex more than she cared to admit, but wondered what would happen when he tired of her, which was sure to happen.

  Mohammed grabbed her shoulders. "Stop it! I will share you with no one!" he yelled insid
e the room.

  Katharine tried to pull away from him. She said, "Send me to do other work in your palace, for I swear before God I will not lie with you again!" Her eyes flashed blue fire. "If you take me again while I am your slave, I will kill myself." She looked into his eyes and he knew she spoke the truth.

  "So be it," he told her, pushing her away from him even as she felt his seed slide down her leg.

  He struggled with his emotions just as she did with hers. He knew he could not hold her this way.

  "Since lying with me is such a disgusting chore, you may go back to being the harem bather," he said.

  Katharine almost disagreed with him until she saw his face. It was set and stony and she realized she was pushing him too far. She watched his handsome face and knew he was claiming a piece of her heart already. She worried that she would become nothing to him, though. That she could not face.

  "I will notify Bashasha," he said, and Katharine nodded. "And you will stay here in the palace as a worker. No longer a slave."

  Katharine looked up in surprise, but he was already leaving the bath.


  Katharine entered the harem and passed by Bashasha, who had already been told by a eunuch that Katharine was to resume her bathing duties.

  "What ails you, little one?" she asked the young woman, but Katharine had already turned away to lie upon her pillows and blankets in the corner.

  She cried silently so no one would hear her. She had given her virginity and heart away to a man who could never love her. She was a fool.


  The foreign men left the palace after business had been completed and the palace activities returned to normal. The harem women continued on as before, and Katharine was surprised that the sheik only requested Farasha to attend him.

  "Bashasha, why has the sheik not requested any of the other women?" she asked one day as they folded silk blankets together.

  Bashasha rolled her eyes at the young woman.

  "Bashasha?" She repeated.

  "You are a silly girl," came the reply from Bashasha.

  "Why?" Katharine asked, confused.

  "You know why, little one."


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