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The Sheik and the Slave

Page 17

by Italia, Nicola

  She pulled him closer to her as his hands went tightly around her waist. He pulled the bodice of her dress down, and her breasts came spilling out.

  "Be careful, Mohammed," she gasped. "They are so tender since I've become pregnant."

  "Of course they are, my love. They are readying to nourish our son," he told her softly.

  She thrilled as she heard him say "our son."

  He tongued one nipple first and then the other as his hands delved under her skirts to push them up.

  "Hurry. I need you so badly," she moaned.

  "Shhh, darling. I want to look at you."

  He moved his hands along her silk-clad legs and rolled down the length of them. He marveled at the feminine garters covered with small pink flowers.

  He moved one long finger deep inside her and found her wet and hot as she clung to him in a tight embrace. He removed his finger and licked it clean. He unbuttoned himself, but not before she stopped him.

  "The babe, Mohammed. Will it hurt the babe?"

  "No, my love. I promise you. It will not hurt the child."

  She relaxed and opened her legs to him. The first thrust inside her hot, tight body made them both sigh at the contact.

  "You are mine Katharine, mine," he whispered into her ear.

  She wrapped her legs around him as he continued to thrust inside her again and again.

  She cried out as he took her mouth roughly. His hands cupped her bottom and pulled her into him as he continued to rock into her tight core. Again and again, Mohammed slammed his cock deep into her, and she moaned hard as he took her. She began to cry as the climax shook her body and Mohammed spilled his cream deep inside her.

  He moved onto his back, pulling her close to him. He kissed the top of her head as he did.

  "Are you all right?" he asked quietly.

  "Yes," she answered.

  "As soon as your father returns from London, I will speak to him," Mohammed said decisively.

  Katharine nodded shyly.

  "Yes. I won't be separated from you anymore. And I won't keep your child from you. Whatever happens, I'm ready for it."

  Mohammed smiled.

  "It will all work out,” he said. “You will see. This was meant to be."


  Jamie Clifton had lost another large amount at the gambling tables.

  He knew he had to quicken the marriage to Katharine because her dowry would help pay most of his gambling debts, with enough left over to buy that lovely stallion he had admired the other day. He threw his cards down on the table and stumbled outside.

  What was he to do about that bastard in her belly, though? He could arrange some accident for the child once it was born. Babies die all the time, he thought.

  He thought of the bitch lying with her legs splayed open as the dark Arab pumped away between them and he felt sick. What was England coming to, when their women would fuck anything that moved?

  Yes, he would definitely have to arrange an "accident" for the little Arab bastard. Then perhaps he might sample the goods himself. He had never been overly fond of women, but he had tumbled a couple of whores. And for all that Katharine would be an arranged marriage, there was no denying that she was a beautiful woman.

  He fondled his cock once and then pulled his coat tighter around him as he walked along the wharfs. He knew this was the lowest part of London, where the cheap whores with yellow teeth and lice-ridden bodies called out to him. He stumbled and knew he had drunk too much.

  He didn't realize that he had fallen into the River Thames until he began to sink.

  His frock coat tangled with his arms as he tried to swim. The huge amounts of alcohol he had consumed fogged his brain. He didn't realize what was happening as he gulped in large quantities of the icy water. It took a couple of minutes before he finally succumbed to the cold water.

  The next morning, two local fishermen fished out his body and took the gold watch from his person.

  Chapter 15

  Mohammed was going to talk to her father when he returned from London. She was dizzy with anticipation. She knew that this was the right thing, though she worried about what his people would think of her. She knew once she was married, her family would be supportive.

  The oak tree felt protective and safe as she waited for Mohammed’s return. She looked around the small wooded area and saw nothing. She brushed the feeling off as nerves over what she had endured through the separation from her family, being kidnapped, the sheik's unwanted attentions, fleeing into the night, her voyage back home and now her love of the sheik and their child.

  But the feeling continued. The more she tried to shrug off the feeling, the more it intensified. It was the feeling of being watched. The property was so large and watched over by so many that she would never be alone.

  The gardens were prized with roses, daisies, and hydrangeas handled by a retinue of gardeners. Her father's stables, which included her Arabian stallion and Irish-bred horses, included close to 30 men who worked from dawn to dusk keeping the horses in shape.

  There was no shortage of eyes watching, and Katharine had grown up with servants. She plucked a small daisy from the ground and placed it behind her ear.

  She wondered if this new feeling of being watched was paranoia of some sort caused by the pregnancy.

  She thought of Mohammed speaking to her father and smiled. This was right. It didn't matter anymore what he was and where he was form. It didn't matter that she would have to make her life in a foreign place away from her family. He loved her and she loved him. She would go where he was. It had taken her too long to come to this simple conclusion. Together they would raise a family and be happy. He would protect her from Jamie. She would be safe in his arms.

  The small wooded area was quiet and she called out, "Hello?"

  A small bird called out but no human voice answered her. She looked across the trees and into the brush and over the river. There was nothing.

  She stood and started walking. It was a feeling she couldn’t shake. She felt eyes upon her, watching her, taking in her form. It was a malevolent presence. She shivered.

  She glanced quickly behind her, but she was still alone.

  She placed a hand over her belly and then took a path that would lead her back into the sunshine and home.


  "She goes out walking twice a week," one man said.

  The other man nodded.

  "I have seen her myself, so there can be no mistake."

  Again, the other man nodded.

  "Do you know what must be done?"

  The man nodded.

  "I will go over it once again. There can be no mistake. She will walk to the far property where the trees are tall and old. It must happen there. You will take the woman. If she struggles, you will knock her out. We can have no interference. I want her taken back to Arabia and sold into the white slave market. He will never find her there. If you follow my instructions, all should go well."


  He stood up and away from the mercenary. The mercenary was cold-blooded and ruthless. It would go off without a hitch.

  How many times had he watched her? It had been easy to gain access to the large estate. He had watched as the young witch walked along the bank of the river.

  There was no mistaking why the sheik had fallen in love with her. She was lovely and womanly. He found her to be arousing as he watched her walk along the river bank. She was a woman that men would want to tame and make their own.

  But he shook his head against such thoughts. He had to get rid of her. She must never rule Arabia; she was an Infidel. He would get rid of her once and for all.

  Yasmeen had been stupid. She had been a woman and not worthy of success. But he would have no mistakes. And once they got rid of the white woman, the sheik would return to his normal self. The witch's spell would be broken.

  He took the large purse of gold coins and handed them to the mercenary.

  "Go," Abdullah said.

bsp; ***

  She walked down to the stables and looked after Ares. He was a beautiful specimen. She heard two of the stable hands further down in the large barn. They had not seen Katharine.

  The one man patted a large chestnut red horse on his neck. "He's in for a surprise," he said.

  ""e sure is," said the other in response.

  In the small corral outside the barn, a burnished copper horse was standing alone. The two men took the male chestnut horse into the corral and let him loose. It was then that Katharine realized they were mating the horses.

  The smaller copper horse decided she would have nothing to do with the chestnut red and danced away from him.

  She jerked her large neck in response as if to say, "I'm not for you.” Katharine smiled.

  The chestnut red stallion had already decided for both of them.

  The two men settled onto the fence of the corral and watched the foreplay. The two horses danced around until, finally, the male had had enough. In a powerful play of domination, he cornered the female horse, biting her on the neck and roughly mounting her trembling form. Katharine blushed and moved away from the stables.

  The two hands laughed at the scene.

  "She was a feisty little one," the stable hand said.

  "Yeah, but he had her in the end. It's the way of male and female," said the other.


  Katharine didn't like to admit it, but she had been excited by the mating. She had felt like the mare when she had been in Arabia, dressed and perfumed for the Sheik. It had been the same, she thought as she walked along the river.

  She had been the trembling mare, afraid and trying so hard to be strong. She had tried to fight the feelings she had felt for him, but she had become immersed in the culture. After that, she had fallen in love with the land, the people, and the man. She sighed and settled on the grass. Her hand dipped into the cool water and she drank a bit of it.

  She wondered often of the sex of her child. She wondered if it would be a girl with dark hair and blue eyes or a son like his father with dark hair and dark eyes.

  The water had cooled her and she felt sleepy, as she always did lately. She leaned back into the soft grass with her hands above her head and slept.


  He had been watching her since she left the stable. At first, she was just a female form moving along the grass. Then, she had stopped by the water and, hidden as he was, he caught his first close glimpse of her. She is lovely, thought the mercenary.

  Her body was slim yet supple, with high breasts, a small waist, and jutting hips. He watched her mouth as she slept and thought her lips were made for kissing. Her blonde hair fanned out above the grass and he felt himself stirring.

  He had been well paid for this job. He had been paid in gold coins to take the girl from England back to Arabia and then sell her into the white slave market. He knew once she was sold in the slave market, she would become a slave in a household and would eventually end up as a prostitute.

  With her beauty, no master of any household would keep her long as a servant. She would service the master’s bed before long. It was inevitable.

  He knew the man who had hired him, but knew very little of the woman.

  She was a lady; that much was obvious. But how she had made such powerful enemies who wished to remove her from sight was not known to him.

  He moved his hand to his cock as he watched the sleeping form. He unbuttoned his breeches and took his thick shaft out. He moved his hand along the length of it as he watched her mouth. He could easily imagine those lips wrapped around his shaft. He watched her breasts move up and down as she slept and imagined her naked and panting. He would take her from behind, pumping into her, slapping the white globes of her ass. He would push her onto her knees and force her to pleasure him that way. Thick ropes of white cum splashed onto the grass before he put his cock away.

  The next time he came upon her, she would be his. He could sell her to the white slave market as promised, but not before he enjoyed her himself.


  Katharine jolted awake. The sun was setting, which meant she had been sleeping for almost an hour. She yawned and settled onto her feet awkwardly. She brushed her hair from her face and began walking back to the large house.

  The days fell together. She thought mostly of Mohammed and of the child within her and waited for her father to return. She took long walks along the property, which helped clear her mind.


  She walked along the river the next afternoon. It had been a warm afternoon and she had been restless. The river was quietly trickling by and she enjoyed the peaceful solitude.

  She settled by the bank and slipped into a peaceful sleep.


  He was watching her. His cock had been rock-hard thinking about her the night before, and when he spotted her, he knew he would take her.

  He came upon her quietly and filled his handkerchief with the noxious fumes he had procured from the apothecary. The fumes would render the victim unconscious, which was exactly what he wanted.

  He placed the cotton over her mouth and she slipped into oblivion. Then, he wrapped her body in a blanket and placed her in the cart. He took up the reins of the lone horse and trotted away from the great house. It would be a couple of hours before the woman was missed. It would be enough time.

  When the moon was high overhead, he stopped at a small abandoned shack in a heavily wooded area. He carried her inside and made a small fire of chopped wood that had been dusty and standing outside the main door. The bed was covered with dust and cobwebs. He placed her on it.

  She moaned in her sleep and he watched her lips. He had been dreaming of those luscious lips taking his cock inside her sweet mouth. He remained clothed while he began to take off her shoes and stockings. He watched her moan again as he lifted up her skirts. She had long, creamy white legs and he ran his hands up her limbs.

  She moved her head to one side and sighed in her sleep. He thought of taking her while she slept, but decided to wait. He wanted her to be awake.

  Katharine was dreaming of Mohammed, and she opened her eyes expecting him to be before her.

  She felt drowsy. He didn't look like Mohammed, she realized in alarm. He had brown hair and brown eyes, with a scruffy beard and a scar along his right cheek that looked white and raw. She blinked once, and then again.

  "Oh my God!" she cried, and moved away from him in a second.

  "Bitch," he swore at her and grabbed her by the shoulders. "I've been thinking about your little cunt for days. You won't deny me."

  "Please, no. I'm…" she wanted to tell him about the baby, but her head swam.

  He wrapped a piece of rope around her wrist and bound her two wrists together. He lifted her wrists high above her head, even as his other hand went under her skirts.

  "Please, no," she sobbed. "I'm begging you, please. Don't do this. My father will pay to see me safely back."

  He smiled.

  "You aren't going back, woman,” he told her. “I've been well paid to send you far away. Far, far away," he sneered at her. "But before I send you to the white slavers, I intend to taste the goods."

  He pulled her legs apart and settled himself between them. She struggled against the rope and tried to move away from his body.

  He slapped her across her face and snorted from the exertion.

  "Two ways to do this, girl. The easy way, we both have fun. The hard way, I still enjoy it but you might get hurt."

  He grabbed her hair and pulled her face to him. "You don't behave and be a good girl, I might even stretch your little cunt a bit."

  Katharine knew she had to fight. She moved close to him and bit down hard on his ear, tearing a piece of his flesh.

  "Jesus Christ, you whore!" he cried out, and she fell panting to the side of the bed.

  He watched her trying to get off the bed and then kicked her so that she fell onto the floor.

  "Whore!" he yelled.

  When sh
e tried to get up, he kicked her hard again and watched as she fell against a wooden chair. When she tried to get up, she felt something gushing between her legs. The floor was slippery and red. A red floor? What does that mean? she wondered. Then, she realized what was happening.

  "My baby," she cried before she fainted.

  He watched the woman on the floor as the blood poured from her.

  He knew he had to get rid of her. He had to place her where no one would ever find her.


  The Mother Superior was busy with her books when a knock came on the door.

  "Mother Superior. Please come quickly. We need you!" cried the voice of a novice.

  Abigail finished the last column of numbers and shook her head. The butcher was over-charging them. She must speak to him about that.

  She rose slowly. Her bones ached; she was not as young as she once was. When she had first come to the Abbey, she had been young, idealistic, and full of hope. Now she was just an old woman.

  The young novice directed her to the front gates of the Abbey where the novice, Abigail, opened the door.

  "Oh, Lord in Heaven," she gasped as she saw the young woman wrapped in a rough blanket with blood between her legs.

  "Quick! Quick! Bring here in," she told the two young novices.

  Chapter 16

  "Lord Fairfax, I have come here to settle a matter of the utmost importance," Mohammed spoke honestly as he followed Edward into the sitting room.

  The sitting room was decorated in pastel blue and silver and was elegant, yet understated.

  "Sir, this is a most regrettable time.” Edward replied. “Can we speak of the matter at another time?"

  Edward seemed pale and shaken; he had not even made eye contact.

  In all of Mohammed’s dealings with Edward, he had been cordial and agreeable. There had been a mutual understanding of business and friendship when they met, which was when Mohammed delivered the Arabian stallion. Although Mohammed knew it would be an uphill battle to ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage, because she was with child, the time for arguments was over.

  "Lord Fairfax. It is I who should beg your forgiveness. I should have approached you man to man and asked for Katharine’s hand in marriage. I have loved her for too long and had I done the right thing, it would have saved us all some heartache."


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