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The Sheik and the Slave

Page 27

by Italia, Nicola

  She saw Sarah still engaged at card playing and went into the other room to take some refreshments. The candles burned low in this smaller room and there were no people about. The floors were waxed to a shine and the table held food, with several chairs lining the walls. She took a plate and placed a piece of chicken, some cheese and several raspberries on it. She bit into the cheese and set her plate down on the edge of the table.

  “Katharine,” Mohammed said. He spoke her name intimately and softly.

  When she turned to face him, he spoke suddenly.

  “Why do you grow more beautiful each time I see you?” He took a step toward her. “Why do you smell of jasmine?”

  He saw her small plate of food and took a small raspberry in his fingers, rubbing his fingers along the bumpy texture.

  “Allow me,” he said.

  He placed the small raspberry in her mouth, and as she swallowed the tiny fruit, his thumb traced along her plump lower lip. She closed her eyes not daring to meet those dark, sensuous ones.

  He knew he shouldn’t have done that but he was irritated by everything that was happening. He wanted her as she had been in Arabia, warm and passionate.

  Katharine swallowed the tiny fruit delicately and pulled her eyes away from his gaze as she did.

  “Katharine,” he spoke softly. He pulled her flush against him, his hands spanning her lower back and feeling the whalebone corset. Her hands came up against to rest against his chest.

  “Katharine, my love,” he spoke in Arabic, and it caused goose pimples to break along her arms.

  She wanted him to take her right there. She was a trollop, a fool. How could she so easily forget what he had become? He was a husband, and not hers.

  “Let me take you away from here,” he whispered into her ear. “I want to be with you. I want to feel you naked in my arms.”

  She heard his honeyed words and shivered. She wanted him too, so badly. His mouth touched hers in a passionate kiss that was possessive and bold. He knew what he wanted and knew she wanted him too. She could never deny him for long and didn’t want to. She could feel her body come alive as she felt his arms around her.

  No. This isn’t right, she thought, and broke the kiss.

  “Please don’t, Mohammed,” she said as she wiped her lips with her three fingers. “Never do that again.”

  “You seemed more than willing a moment ago,” he mocked her. She was playing the tease now, taunting him and then pulling away. Then let her play her game. He knew how to win.

  “Willing was never a problem. You always found a way to make me willing,” she said.

  “Make you? Of course, princess. I forgot. I found a way to make you willing and then when it didn’t work, I raped you?”

  “You never raped me,” she said as she blushed in the dark.

  “No. But instead of allowing us to become what was natural, a man and a woman together, you hid behind your words and said you would cry rape if it happened again. Did you not?”

  She lowered her eyes.

  “I did. But it was because in your land and realm, I was your property. I did not want it like that. I didn’t want to come to you as your harem girl.”

  “How did you want it?” he asked. His words were so intimate as he stood so dark and handsome before her.

  None of this matters, Katharine thought wearily.

  “I wanted to come willingly. I wanted to come because I wanted you.”

  Mohammed touched her cheek with the back of his hand.

  “Katharine, what has changed, what has happened here?” he asked.

  She shook her head, ignoring his question.

  “Why did you lie to those women?” she asked.

  “The women earlier? What lie did I tell?” he asked. His eyes were searching hers.

  Katharine closed her eyes. That painful letter. It hurt still to think of it and its contents. Safiya. Pregnant. Son. Married. The pain was still there just beneath the surface, like a wound that had just recently healed.

  “Please, I need to leave,” she said, but he blocked her route.

  “Katharine, I’m not going anywhere,” he said.

  “Mohammed,” she said as she stared at him incredulously, “I don’t understand why you are here. What can you possibly want from me?”

  “The same as before you were kidnapped. I want us to marry,” he said. He was confused by her reaction. She wanted the marriage just as much as he did. At least she had before.

  Katharine felt sick. It was as she thought. He wanted her to be a second wife. She was expected to share her husband with another woman. It was unthinkable. Disgusting!

  “Never. I won’t do it.”

  Mohammed felt like he had been kicked. After all this time and planning and fearing she was dead, hurt, or worse, here she was denying what was between them to marry another man.

  Suddenly he pulled her into him, but there was nothing soft about him or his touch. He held her arms and she could do nothing but be pulled into his hard frame.

  “I would maybe be able to let you go, and walk away from the woman I love, if not for one small detail.”

  Katharine felt his hands around her arms and dreaded his next words.

  “What detail?” she whispered as she looked into his dark eyes.

  His lips grazed her neck and she shuddered as he spoke quietly into her ear.

  “Where is our child, Katharine?” he asked.

  Chapter 27

  Sarah had stumbled upon Katharine in Mohammed’s arms and was shocked. She had asked that they leave the party and was taken aback at her sister-in-law’s behavior.

  Sarah shook her head.

  “I don’t understand you, Katharine. Do you want to be known as a flirt?” she asked.

  Katharine looked away from her sister-in-law. Her heart was in turmoil and she was struggling to clear her thoughts. What was going on here? Why was Mohammed chasing her and touching her? He must surely know that she would never become a second wife. Shouldn’t he be with his wife and child? It made no sense.

  “Katharine, I know you have been through much, but you must remember your station. I know you have spent time with Thomas. How will this look to him?”

  Dear Thomas, Katharine thought. This was unfair to him. But she had never lied. She had been forthright and told him about her impending marriage to Mohammed. But then, the letter had arrived.

  She closed her eyes. This was all wrong. And now Mohammed had finally asked the question she knew he would, about her precious son. He had abandoned them and now he wanted to know about him.

  She swore silently and felt frustrated tears behind her eyes. Damn him!


  Mohammed left the card party shortly after Katharine did. There had been a buzz in the room about Katharine being discovered in his arms. Several of the women had been jealous.

  He was tired of London and its rules on every matter. He wanted to discover what had happened to change Katharine’s mind so decisively about the marriage. He returned to his room at The George and wrote to Lord Edward. He asked to be received the next afternoon; he would send the letter first thing in the morning. He had to uncover once and for all where he stood with Katharine. He knew Lord Edward to be an honorable man as well as a loving father to Katharine. But this was to be concluded tomorrow.


  Abdullah prayed, touching his head to the mat. His illness had dissipated and he was well mended. The English food heavy with meats and bread had helped him gain strength.

  He had remained at the inn where the captain had left him and recovered well.

  He thought it fitting that an English Infidel had helped him improve so that he could now kill the witch. He knew that she was staying in London with her family because he had followed her.

  He would make his move soon, and prayed about it.

  His large hands itched to encircle her throat and choke the life from her body. He also kept his slender knife close by that had been used to end the half-breed�
�s life. It might be a more fitting end for the woman. He had come far and forsaken everyone at home and in the palace so that he might end the life of the one woman who would be the downfall of them all.


  Lord Edward read the short letter with nothing short of astonishment. He sent a reply in agreement to Mohammed and waited impatiently to see what this man would have to say. He was truly baffled and contemplated their past conversations.

  He had sat in this very room when the younger man had asked to settle a matter of the upmost importance. Mohammed had been firm yet cordial as he had asked for Edward’s forgiveness and agreed that he should have approached him long ago. He had wanted to marry his daughter.

  Edward had always known that it would take a unique man to appreciate and accept Katharine’s strength and intelligence. Her beauty had been admired by many, but she was a special woman. He had been shocked when Mohammed approached him at first, but he had accepted it all until the note came from Arabia. He had been stunned at its contents and Katharine’s betrayal had been fiercely felt.

  Edward honestly had no idea why the man wanted to meet with him, unless it was to apologize. He knew men of his faith had several wives, but he would never consent to Katharine being a second wife. He knew his daughter would be against such a match as well. He watched the clock and waited.


  Katharine had been invited to tea with Lady Dunvale. She had invited her personally, and Katharine was pleased to join her.

  Her dress was made from a light grey silk and covered in orange roses and vines over the skirt, stomacher and sleeves. The bodice was square cut, and she wore her favorite pearl colored square heels. Her hair was piled up and she only wore her pearl earrings and no necklace.

  “Father, I’m going to tea at Lady Dunvale’s,” Katharine told him as she entered his sitting room.

  “Enjoy yourself,” he replied.

  “I shall,” she said. She kissed him lightly on the cheek and left with her small bag.


  An hour later, Edward heard the knock and knew his guest had arrived. He was anxious for the meeting and did not want to offend the young man, even though he had numerous questions to put to him.

  Mohammed was admitted into the room wearing a light green frock coat, a light brown waistcoat and breeches, with his hair clubbed. He bowed slightly to Lord Edward.

  “Lord Edward,” Mohammed said.

  Lord Edward greeted Mohammed with a firm nod. They had been in this same room when they had discussed finding Katharine and when they had met to toast her return to them as Mohammed had set out for Arabia.

  Mohammed found it strange that they were now in this room contemplating a marriage to his beloved that may never occur. He was completely baffled, but he would have his questions answered.

  Lord Edward sized up the man before him and decided to jump to the heart of his concerns.

  “I am rather surprised to see you here, sir,” Lord Edward said as he warmed his hands at the fire and eyed the younger man.

  “I don’t know why that is, Lord Edward. We stood in this very room and I vowed to bring Katharine home to you, safe.”

  Edward nodded.

  “You did. However, she was delivered to us safely by the Mother Superior of the Abbey where she was dumped by the brute who kidnapped her.”

  Mohammed’s eyes were wide.

  “I knew nothing of the Abbey. Tell me.”

  “After the mercenary kidnapped her, he tried to force himself upon her and a fight ensued. She began to bleed and he dumped her at the Abbey gates to rid himself of her quickly.”

  Mohammed closed his eyes and thought, my darling Katharine. You have endured much. She should have been safe but for him; her association with his people had continually sought to harm her.

  Mohammed stiffened as he asked, “She was bleeding?”

  Edward nodded once.

  He almost hesitated to ask the following question, fearful of the answer.

  “Was the babe saved?”

  “Yes,” Edward replied.

  “The babe was saved?” Mohammed heard his voice crack as he asked again.

  “Your son is alive and well.”

  Mohammed almost felt the breath rush from his body as he heard the words. He had a son. His darling girl had given him a son. He felt his eyes water.

  “My son,” he said.

  “She has not named him, as she thought that right was yours as her husband and the father.”

  Mohammed smiled.

  “Katharine,” he said softly.

  “Katharine endured a very serious surgery that was performed in Ireland by a man of the cloth but also a renowned medical man.”

  Mohammed closed his eyes and said a quick prayer.

  “But the fact remains that you are not her husband,” Edward said sharply.

  “I am the father.”

  “Honestly, sir, I don’t know with what gall you have to come here and present yourself before me. When I received your note, I was intrigued, but what exactly is it that we have to discuss? I can think of nothing.” Edward was short and to the point.

  Mohammed shook his head. He was stunned by the man’s sudden turn of emotion.

  “Apparently, we have much to discuss. I am the father of your daughter’s son and your grandson.”


  “And my wishes remain exactly the same as they were the last time we met here in this very room.”

  “Which is what, exactly?”

  Mohammed shook his head. Was this educated man playing the fool?

  “Lord Edward. You know very well that I wished to marry Katharine then and I wish to marry her now.”

  “Then your wishes will never be granted. I refuse to give my daughter to such a man,” Lord Edward spoke coldly.

  “Such a man? I have scoured the earth looking for Katharine. I was told she had been taken to Arabia, so I pursued her there. I checked all the ports and talked to all the captains and she was a ghost, a figment! No one knew of her existence. I put pressure every place I could and still nothing. So I came back her to find her. And find her I did - in the arms of another man and you, her father, accuse me of what, exactly?”

  Edward sighed.

  “Must I spell it out for you?” he asked.

  “I think you had better,” Mohammed replied.

  “You are a foreigner. That is not a crime and I don’t hold that against you,” Edward began. He put his hands out to assure him it was so.

  Mohammed waited for him to continue.

  “But you have foreign ways and I will not allow my daughter to be corrupted by them.”

  “And just how, by my offering her the state of marriage, would I corrupt her?”

  Edward rolled his eyes.

  “Come, come, sir. You do not precisely offer her marriage. In fact, if I may be so bold as to inform you, you offer the position of concubine!”

  Mohammed was shocked. First he was told that Katharine was well and that they had a son, and now he was being insulted.

  “I don’t understand you. Our marriage in Arabia is just as valid as any in England. I offer her a legally recognized marriage. I will marry her in London if that is your wish.”

  Edward watched as Mohammed spoke and it slowly dawned on him. He wanted to marry Katharine and he would do so legally. Unless he wanted to add bigamy to his list of crimes, he was doing it correctly.

  “Son, tell me truthfully. Have you divorced the other?”

  “Yasmeen is the mother of my daughters, but she has made many mistakes. We are divorced by the laws of my land. She has returned to her people.”

  “Let’s speak plainly,” Edward said.

  “Please,” Mohammed agreed as he watched as Edward poured them two brandies.

  “I love my daughter, and she was happy with you,” he said. He handed Mohammed one glass and he kept the other and took a sip. “I saw that you were the man to match her intelligence and strength, so I welcomed you. But n
ow everything is changed. I’m sorry, but it is.”

  Mohammed had understood everything Edward said until the end.

  “What has changed? What has happened? I love Katharine now more than ever. And knowing that we have a son means everything to me. She will be my wife,” he told Edward forcefully.

  Edward sighed.

  “And what of your other wife and son? We must stop this. I will never allow Katharine to become a second wife, which is little more than a prostitute, and if you know anything at all about my daughter, you know that she will never accept that!” He slammed his glass down upon the mahogany table.

  “What did you say?” Mohammed set his glass down softly.

  “Son. Go back home. I promise you I will take the greatest of care with my grandson. He will have everything I can give him. But my daughter you cannot have.”

  Mohammed placed a hand out to Edward to stop him.

  “No. What did you say about a son and wife?”

  Edward tried to keep his patience.

  “You must return to Arabia and take care of your son and wife. They are all that is important right now. Katharine will be looked after.”

  “What wife? What son?” Mohammed asked. It seemed the older man was losing his mind.

  Edward stalked over to his large mahogany desk.

  “This game is very tiresome, Mohammed. Katharine knows. We all know. She has been heartbroken. But if you persist in this charade, here.”

  Edward found the letter that had been mailed from Abdullah to the Mother Superior and in turn had been given to Katharine.

  Mohammed scanned the small letter quickly and felt a cold seep into him. He read it several times over before it began to sink in.

  Dear Madame –

  We received your letter regarding the Lady Katharine and are pleased to hear that she is well. However, Princess Safiya has recently announced her pregnancy and the Sheik is making arrangements for the birth of his legitimate first born son to his wife. Inshallah.

  The wedding is being planned and is a great event as it joins two great families. The bloodlines will be ensured once the child is born to the Sheik.

  Peace and blessings be upon you.

  Your servant,

  “This is a lie,” Mohammed told Edward quietly.


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