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What to Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection (WTRAFSOG Book 9)

Page 74

by Kristine Cayne

  “Blaine…” He stopped her right there on the front porch. “You can always come to me. What I feel doesn’t change that I want to be here for you.” He cupped her face, gently easing her to look at him. “Got it?”

  Her eyes glistened with tears. “Got it. You know it’s weird. Ever since I’ve been back home, I feel like I can let out my emotions. I didn’t cry once when I felt lonely, angry, or hurt back in California. It’s like I was numb. Now, sometimes I want to cry and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to stop. Especially lately. I can’t seem to stop messing up.”

  “I wanna show you something.” Randy patted his shoulder. “Right here. This is a shoulder you can cry on. Now tell me why you think you messed up.”

  Worked like a charm. Blaine giggled, then threw her arms around him. He returned the hug, pulling her close, taking in the scent of her hair. He gently rubbed her back.

  “Everyone thinks I stayed away because I’m selfish, don’t they?” She finally broke the silence.

  “What makes you think that?” He hated to admit it, but most people did think it. Now that he knew the reasons, he wished she would tell everyone else.

  “I can tell. Jameson reminded me in a moment of anger that I wasn’t here and that I didn’t see how bad off Mom was and that I should let her have some happiness.” She sniffed. “I know I have the worst stubborn pride ever.”

  “It’s not going to be easy until you finally tell everyone what happened. Come on. Want to go inside, or take a drive?” Truth be told, he needed to let her go before he kissed her senseless and hauled her off to bed. Not that he didn’t want to do it, but Blaine was already conflicted. Right now he needed to be a friend, not the man so in love with this woman it made him crazy inside not having her. “I won you something from the fair, by the way.” He grinned. Maybe it would make her feel better.

  “Really? What did you win?” Blaine’s curiosity filled her voice.

  He gestured at the house. “Come inside and I’ll show you.”

  So she did. As Blaine settled on the couch, Randy headed into his room to grab the oversized teddy bear. He’d been playing game after game with Marty and Angie, and was surprised when he won. He saw something in Blaine’s favorite color, green, so he picked it with her in mind.

  As he walked back out with the bear against his chest, Blaine’s eyes went round as saucers and she laughed. “Are you serious?” She shot to her feet. They met midway.

  Randy held out the bear to her. “Turns out, I’ve got decent aim. You know those dart throwing games where we have to hit the moving balloons?” At her nod, Randy continued. “Ten times. Ten damn times, and that green bear was mine.”

  “So it turns out you don’t have that good of aim, but practice makes perfect.” Blaine tossed back, hugging the bear, still wearing a silly grin on her face.

  “Will you stop mocking my lack of good aim, missy?” he growled.

  “Or what?” Blaine taunted.

  He stopped, tapped his hands against his chin and pretended to think about it. “Not telling. I’ll leave it to your imagination.”

  “You’re asking for trouble.”

  “Maybe I like your kind of trouble.” Randy’s eyes met hers over the bear. Hot waves enveloped him. He licked his lips. This feeling, the need to have Blaine, was only getting stronger. He thought he saw the same heated expression in her eyes, but that might have been his imagination.

  “Thank you, Randy.” Blaine stroked the top of the bear’s head. It was soft. He could understand her need to touch it, but her soft smooth movements over that bear made him want her hands on him. He wanted to know what it would feel like to have Blaine touch him everywhere. He’d touch her even more and make her feel like the amazing woman she was.

  He finally had to move. Where he stood now Blaine would easily see his hard on and he already didn’t know what to do about this. “Want a drink?” he called, making it seem like that was where he wanted to go in the first place.

  “Love one. But I’m up for that going for a drive idea if you are.”

  Oh, he was ready all right, in more ways than one. He grabbed a couple cans of soda from the fridge. Driving was a good idea. A very good one. The more he thought about Blaine naked and touching him, the harder he got. “Where do you want to-?” He turned around and ran smack dab into Blaine. “Go? Wow, I didn’t know you were behind me.” He lowered his voice, drinking in the sight of her. She looked almost relaxed. The smoldering look in her eyes matched the way he felt.

  Blaine took the can he held out to her. “I didn’t think that far ahead.” Their hands connected for a brief second, but the chill down his spine lasted a lot longer.

  “I have an idea. Trust me?”

  With a perfectly arched brow raised, Blaine nodded. “Sure,” she said, drawing out the word.

  “Okay. Hold on.” Setting his drink down on the counter, Randy darted off, grabbed a couple thin blankets, two pillows, and a light. There was a creek fifteen minutes outside of Harmony’s Echo. Summertime memories swarmed him, the days when they were younger and would have plenty of swim parties down at the creek with friends. There used to be a rope swing kids would use to swing out and jump into the deeper part of the creek.

  “Planning a camp out?” Blaine asked as he walked back out, arms full of stuff.

  “Nah. But I was thinking about the creek.”

  Blaine’s eyes lit up. “Oh man, I loved that little creek and the fun times we had there.”

  “It’s still just as beautiful.” Randy nodded at the door. “Can you get that for me?”

  Blaine pulled the door open, then followed to the truck. He tossed the stuff in the back.

  Ten minutes later, they were ready to go. Randy slid a glance Blaine’s way as she hoisted herself up in the truck next to him. “On the road we go.”

  Blaine touched his shoulder gently. “I loved today. So many good, fond memories of the small town life I’ve missed. Hollywood might be glitz and glamour, but it lacks the feeling of home. You’ve helped me so much the past few months, Randy. I don’t know how to ever thank you.” Her voice choked up a little.

  Even the smallest touch had a big effect on him. “I just want you to know you belong. You’re surrounded by people who love you.”

  Including him.

  Randy’s words about belonging echoed in Blaine’s mind the entire ride.

  Belonging. For years, she wanted to find that place. She left Harmony’s Echo, thinking it was somewhere else. Boy had she been wrong. She’d belonged here all along. Even without an idea of what to do next in life, for the first time in forever, she did feel like she belonged.

  Randy helped with that. He had a way of showing her things she’d missed and never realized how much. When it came down to it, she was a simple woman, longing for the comforts of the life she never found in Hollywood. She never went to seek fame or even major recognition, and ended up finding it anyway when she began to work with Frederic. That life seemed like ages ago, a distant memory. For the most part, at least the first few years, she had enjoyed it. She’d experienced some neat things, and then it all went downhill after she married Frederic.

  A trail of mistakes. Heartache. Numb to emotions, and a lot of pain. A lot of making up to do with her family and friends.

  But the old life was over with.

  Frederic might be making a mockery of her in Hollywood, splattering a bunch of bullshit over the pages, but this was her life now. She was ready to embrace it.

  The one thing that concerned her was her changing feelings for Randy. He had big dreams. Did she have a place in that new life?

  Did she want one? Randy was finally living his dreams despite his family’s lack of support, and she wasn’t going to be the one to change things for him.

  Randy came to a stop and shut off the engine. “We’re here,” he announced, pulling the keys from the ignition.

  As Blaine stepped out into the March night, a gentle breeze greeted her. The night had chilled slightly
. The full moon was their spotlight, casting a silver glow on the water. Crickets sang. Leaves rustled back and forth in the wind.

  It was beautiful. Peaceful. Serene.

  Randy had backed the truck about five yards away from the creek. The sound of trickling water instantly calmed her. She watched the ripples glimmer in the moonlight and sighed in content. She snapped out of her trance and noticed Randy had dropped the tailgate, set up the blankets and pillows, and sat at the edge of the truck bed watching her.

  Blaine hopped up next to him. “I’d almost forgotten what real peace and quiet was.”

  “Told you I’d help you relax,” he replied softly.

  “Mmm. You did.” She leaned back, raising her knees. “Stars. Now these are real stars.” She let out a squeal.

  Randy laid beside her. “This beats Dancing with the Stars any day.”

  “Yeah. It does.”



  “Do you have any good memories in Hollywood at all?” His tone was full of curiosity.

  She thought about it. “Sure I do.” As she tried to pull up some great memories, Randy slid his hand over to hers. “I got to meet people that were just starting their careers. They were so full of hope. It was beautiful.”

  “What was your dream?”

  “To-” Hell, what was her dream? To dance? To teach dance? Things just fell into place without much thought back then, but was it really a dream, or was it her accepting life the way it was? “There you go again with those questions!”

  Randy squeezed her hand before he turned on his side to face her. “At least you’re not trapped way up high on a carnival ride.”

  “No, but I’m out in the middle of nowhere in the back of your truck. That’s just as scary.”

  “Scary, huh?” He leaned closer, his grin widening. “Like boogeyman scary?”

  Blaine rolled her eyes. “First off, there is no boogeyman. Second, I wouldn’t be afraid of him if there was.”

  “You mean you haven’t heard the story of the boogeyman living out here by the creek?”

  “Nice try, Randy. I’m not one of those wimpy teenage girls you try to scare so badly that they cling to you and end up doing things.”

  He leaned up over her. “Didn’t think you were, but now that you mention it…”

  She socked him playfully. “You don’t have to try to scare me to get a kiss, you know.”

  “Really? So, you’d kiss me without the boogeyman scare tactic?”

  Pretending to think about it, Blaine closed her eyes. “Hmm.”

  “You’re a brat, Hollywood.”

  “Ugh, don’t call me that!”

  Randy wiggled his eyebrows at her. “Shut me up then.”

  “I’ll shut you up by tossing your annoying ass in the water!”

  “Ooh, idle threats.” That didn’t stop him from bolting up and off the truck bed. Blaine ran after him.

  “What’s got into you all of a sudden? You’ve never been this bold!”

  “Maybe I’m infected by Blaine-Grant-word-vomit-itis.”

  “I’m not that bad, am I?” Oh hell, she didn’t want to know the answer. She caught up to Randy, who’d run behind a tree.

  “You have your moments, but they crack me up.” Randy peeked his head out from behind the tree.

  “Chicken. I’ll show you something Hollywood doesn’t have. Then maybe you’ll take that name out of your vocabulary.” She unbuttoned her jeans and shimmied out of them, knowing full well this was crazy, but his Hollywood comment riled her a little more than she’d have liked. Randy was only playing, teasing back and forth like their banter had been for a while, but that one just didn’t settle with her. Instead of flipping out, she decided to get a little racy.

  “What are you doing?” Randy’s voice sounded a little strangled.

  Oh, she was getting to him. Good. Served him right.

  “Going for a swim,” she said easily, sliding her arms out of her shirt. She was exposed to her undergarments now. “Can’t do this in Hollywood, and I bet you most Hollywood girls wouldn’t be caught dead messing around in creek water. Try that on for size.” She moved closer to the water, leaving a trail of clothes behind her. “I’m still a Texas girl. See?”

  “Blaine…” By the tone in his voice, she knew she got him.

  “Come on! Join me! You know you want to.” Blaine sat at the edge of the creek bed and dipped a toe in. Oh, chilly! Still wearing her bra and panties, she tilted her head back. Randy had come out from behind the tree sans his shirt. She gestured ecstatically. “Come on. Show me your bad boy side.”

  “Bad boy side? Me?” Randy pointed at himself, edging closer.

  “I promise, I’ll make it worth your while.” She blew a kiss at him. Oh God, she throbbed between the thighs. Randy had awakened more than just passion, and for some reason tonight, she was ready to give in to all the random, sexy thoughts she carried of him the past few weeks. If he’d have her. She fingered her bra strap, lowering it.

  Randy hissed. “You’re going to kill me, woman.”

  “Not if you get over here quickly.”

  He slid out of his shoes, dropped his pants and was down to his boxers. He sat behind her, sliding his arms around her and then kissed her neck. Blaine shivered. He fumbled with the bra clasps, but finally unhooked it. She gave him little warning and slid down into the water. “Oh damn!” She had to try and keep her voice low. So not easy.


  “Just a bit!” She reached down, pulled her panties off and tossed them at Randy’s feet.

  “We might be able to find a few ways to keep warm.” His voice was husky. Hot. Smoky. Hot damn, she wanted Randy inside her now! Wherever this impulsive feeling came from, she couldn’t quite say, but she liked it.

  With one quick motion, he shimmied out of his boxers and joined her in the water. “Think the boogeyman is watching?” he teased, coming closer until he had her wrapped up in his arms.

  “He might be. Betcha he’s seen plenty of this before.” Blaine leaned into Randy’s embrace, shivering. This water was a lot colder than she’d anticipated as it slammed against her bare, goose bump-clad skin.

  Randy’s lips were warm as they came down to claim hers. He slid his hands down her back and cupped her butt. She felt his penis press against her pelvis as it sprung to life. Keeping one hand around her, he raised the other one and cupped a breast, squeezing in between their molded bodies. His thumb gently eased over the nipple, causing a sigh and a moan to escape from her lips. She widened her stance, wanting him more. Damn, she felt like a teenager all in lust, ready for the first time. Randy surprised her when he let go of her breast and hoisted her up. She wrapped her legs around him, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Mmm.”

  “You’re making me hot, Blaine. I want to do so many things with you, but I don’t have anything on me,” Randy whispered hoarsely against her mouth.

  “I know you don’t, because you’re naked.”

  “You started it,” he accused, kissing her neck, sucking in a little skin.

  “I- shit that feels good. I’m on the- pill.” She could barely get a word out as Randy found her sweet spots and took advantage of them. Blaine held him close as they kissed. She didn’t want to let go. Something slimy slithered against her feet. “The truck,” she pleaded. “Something just touched me that feels … gross!”

  Randy laughed. “Guess the boogeyman wanted more of a show up close.”

  She smacked him before he took off, darting toward the truck as fast as he could. Blaine followed, smiling at their trail of clothes on the ground. This was definitely better than Hollywood.

  She climbed up on the truck bed, droplets of water dripping everywhere. Randy pulled a thin sheet over them, laid her on her back and lowered his head for another kiss.

  She was pure liquid when it came to his kisses. Breathless, she pulled away for a second, then kissed him again, this time gently teasing his tongue with her own. With his han
d, Randy explored her body, gently rubbing, throbbing and teasing. His fingers, they were lethal. Good lethal. Wait, wasn’t that an oxymoron? Lethal wasn’t meant to be good. He pulled away, and they both gasped for breath as he worked on her neck. Nipping, kissing, licking.

  A-freaking-mazing. She’d be halfway gone and back before he ever got inside her. He moved lower, slipping all the way under the blanket as his tongue flicked her belly button. She arched her hips and hissed.

  “I think the water kind of ruined your sweet taste,” Randy grumbled from under the blanket.

  Blaine laughed until he slid two of his fingers in between her very wet thighs. It didn’t take long for her to shudder as he rubbed her clit. Then he kissed her belly, her thighs, and right in the middle of her folds.

  “Randy. I want-”

  His head popped out from under the blanket. “Shh. I just want to give to you, Blaine. Please let me?”

  She wanted to argue. She wanted her hands around his cock to give him just as much pleasure as she was getting. This didn’t seem fair. But she knew better than to say anything else right now, or she might wind up with another blunt comment that would ruin the moment. So this time, Blaine nodded in agreement.

  “Good girl.”

  Did he seriously just say that? If she wasn’t melting at his touch, she’d so get him for that comment. Right now, Randy could get away with almost anything as long as he stayed where he was, making her feel like-.

  Like she was loved. He made her feel alive.

  The wind all of a sudden picked up. Blaine shivered. Maybe the boogeyman was letting them know he approved. She bit back a laugh. Randy and his stupid boogeyman jokes, and now she was thinking of it.

  Still rubbing within her folds, he slid out from the blanket to claim her lips again.

  “Inside me, please?” she croaked after the kiss ended.

  He kissed her again before giving her just what she wanted. Her legs spasmed. Randy retracted his hand and she craved more. Luckily, he didn’t make her wait. He spread her legs wider, settled between her thighs and the tip of his cock entered her, sending another wave of fiery heat all along her body. She had to bite her lip to keep from screaming.


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