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Infinitely Mine (Incapable Part Three)

Page 7

by Skye,Marie


  I looked up at the sound of my name. Mitch was leaning against a railing, waving me over. I momentarily paused. He had said there would be a group of us. I hesitantly walked over with a smile plastered on my face.

  “Hey. Where is everyone?”

  “I didn’t tell them. I kind of wanted to hang out with you, without them.”

  I nodded. “Oh.”

  He quirked his eyebrow. “Like a date.”

  My eyes widened. “Oh.”

  He leaned in for a hug. Oh God, this is awkward.

  “You look great.”

  Before I could say anything, someone else spoke for me.

  “Thank you. She’s mine.”

  I slowly turned to the voice I hadn’t heard in months. The air left my body as he came closer. I watched as he strolled over with his cool, calm demeanor and stood closer than one normally would, prompting Mitch to take a step back.

  I cleared my throat, which had suddenly gone dry, and whispered, “What are you doing here?”

  He stepped farther into my space, so close we were practically touching. “Let’s get something straight: you don’t get to walk away from me unless I allow it.”

  I nervously swallowed. “I left.”

  “No. You ran. I gave you space, time to clear your head. Clearly, it was too much time.”

  I repeated my question. “What are you doing here?”

  His mouth quirked up in a slight grin. “I had business here.” I highly doubted that. I looked between him and Mitch, suddenly remembering he was there, and took a small step back.

  “We were about to go to the festival.”

  Grayson smiled. “That’s great, I would love to go.”

  “So, I take it you two know each other?”

  Grayson half turned and glared at Mitch, obviously annoyed that he was there, let alone speaking. I took a step closer to Mitch, suddenly needing to protect him from the wrath that was Grayson. Some more kids ran by us, laughing. I cleared my throat and turned to Mitch. “Would you mind giving us a moment?”

  Mitch hesitated. “Sure. I’ll grab us some funnel cakes.” I nodded as he turned and walked away. When I glanced back at Grayson, he was scowling.

  “He knows you’re diabetic right? Not saying you can’t eat it, but that’s what? Ninety-nine percent sugar and carbs?” He stepped closer and reached out to touch my hair, and instinctively I took a step back. I suddenly felt cold, and I wrapped my arms around myself. Grayson standing in front of me was intimidating. I didn’t want him there, yet, for some reason, I didn’t want him to leave.

  He sighed and looked at me with a pained expression. “I’ve been trying to figure out what to say to you when I saw you. I had this whole speech in my head, and now…” He looked past me toward the water as he took a deep breath. He stood still, wearing long khaki shorts and a pale blue polo that made his cerulean colored eyes stand out even more. “Now I have no idea what I’m supposed to say to you.”

  I looked out over the water, watching the boats move up and down. “I can’t talk to you here,” I whispered. “I can’t talk to you at all.” I felt myself starting to tear up as I swallowed the lump in my throat. “I don’t know what you’re doing here, or why, but you shouldn’t be here. You should go. It’s for the best.”

  I started to move away but he grasped my arm, and I gasped as he turned me to face him. The gasp wasn’t from him touching me, but from the electricity that was still there between us. It never went away. It never would go away. We both stared at his hand on my arm. His thumb slowly started to move back and forth, and I slowly closed my eyes, reveling in the warmth of his touch. He pulled me closer to him, or maybe I walked closer.

  "That will never go away, Emmalin. I won't let it."

  I felt myself trembling beneath his gaze. Just as he started to lean in, Mitch approached.

  "I got one for us to share. They're huge. It has apple pie filling on top, and ice cream."

  Grayson's expression darkened upon seeing Mitch return. Mitch’s eyes landed on Grayson’s hand on my arm, and Grayson made no move to let go any time soon. If anything, his grip tightened and he moved me closer to him.

  I cleared my throat and gently eased myself from Grayson’s grip.

  “Thanks. That looks…rich.”

  “It’s really good, too.” Mitch held out a spoon, and Grayson took it.

  “You know she’s diabetic, right?”

  I scowled, looking at Grayson. “Grayson.”

  Mitch glanced between us and furrowed his brows. “Diabetic? Emmalin, you never mentioned that.” He glanced back down at the funnel cake. “I probably shouldn’t have had them put the ice cream on it then, huh? I wouldn’t want to get it.” I watched as he took some of the ice cream off. He picked up his finger, wagging it toward us. “You know, I think my grandma’s cat had the diabetes, too. I think I also saw an article somewhere that if you ate cinnamon, it would cure that right up.”

  I could feel the anger rolling off of Grayson. I stepped farther in between them, but was immediately pulled back. Grayson got in between us as he loomed over Mitch and whispered close to his ear. His body was completely stiff as he spoke, and his hands were clenched at his side.

  I couldn’t get close enough to hear as Grayson purposely kept me at a distance. After a few minutes, Mitch turned around and walked away without so much as a second glance. I looked after him in shock.

  I peered around Grayson as Mitch disappeared into the crowd rather quickly. “What the hell did you say to him?!”

  “That’s not your concern. I’m taking you home.”

  “No, you’re not. You can’t barge in here and ruin my date, Grayson. We’re not together any more, remember?” Wow, I was sitting there calling it a date when I barely wanted it to be a date.

  His jaw ticked as he stepped farther into my space. “I said I’m taking you home. I’m also ignoring the fact that you just called coming here with that piece of shit a date.”

  I crossed my arms, looking out over to the water. The sun was beginning to set. “Let’s go, Emmalin.” I jumped at that voice—that domineering voice—and I sighed, but I wanted the last word as I stalked toward the parking lot.

  “Fuck you, Grayson.”

  He caught up with me in two quick strides and placed his hand on the small of my back, instantly sending heat coursing through me. “I would love nothing more than to do that.” Even though he spoke low, I heard every word, and each syllable vibrated throughout my body.

  I tried steering myself toward the sidewalk but his grip tightened around my waist. “My car is this way.” All of this was too familiar, so similar to the first time we met.

  I gawked when we stopped in front of his car. Apparently he had added a Tesla to his collection of cars. He stood with the door open, waiting for me to get in, and I took a step back. I finally met his eyes, and I made sure the next words out of my mouth were as hard as I could make them.

  “You don’t own me.”

  I didn’t miss the cocky eyebrow that rose at the defiance I gave him. He took the half step toward me and leaned in. I almost gasped as his hardness dug into me. “That was good, but we both know I do. Now get in the damn car before I put you in myself. We both know I’d enjoy it, as you can feel.” His hand around my waist pulled me closer to him. “Now unless you want to put on a show for this so-called town, you’ll do as I’ve asked.”

  I smirked. “You didn’t ask me anything.”

  “Emmalin.” He growled.

  “You didn’t,” I said a little stubbornly.

  His eyes narrowed. Grayson didn’t ask anything. He never asked. He demanded, and he took. “Will. You. Get. In. The. Car?” he said through gritted teeth.

  We stood staring at each other. I was actually enjoying this.


  “Get in the damn car.” Grayson practically manhandled me into the passenger side and buckled me in. I decided I wasn’t even going to bother telling him my
address, because if I knew Grayson, not only did he already know, he probably also knew what time I went to bed at night.

  I decided to glare out the window to prolong my anger. The truth of the matter was, I wasn’t actually angry; I was more relieved he was there, grateful even, and wanted nothing more than to launch over the console of the car onto his lap. When he had first spoken, I had sworn I’d flooded my panties. I clenched my thighs together, trying to be subtle about the fact that I was turned on the moment Grayson fucking Mandrake walked into my view. A faint smirk had me whipping my head to the left to Grayson’s profile, where he had a slight grin on his face. Cocky bastard.

  I pulled my dress down farther over my knee.

  “That’s not going to help, love.”

  I glared at him as we slowly pulled up outside my apartment. The car had barely turned off before I was out the door, and of course he made his way to my side. I found myself instantly melting against him.

  He stopped and turned me to face him. “I want you to get some rest tonight. I’ll be back in the morning with breakfast.”

  I shook my head. “None of that is necessary. I don’t think we have anything to talk about.”

  He backed me up against the door, his erection digging into me. “I’ll be back in the morning with breakfast. Now get inside and lock the damn door, Emmalin. I’m not asking you.” My breathing hitched at his close proximity. I nervously swallowed as I began to fumble through my bag, looking for my keys. When I finally found them, I suddenly couldn’t remember which key it was, even though I only had three on the key ring. Him standing so close made me nervous, and God I missed his scent.

  Suddenly his fingers enclosed over my shaking hands as he took the keys from me and reached around me to unlock the door. To anyone passing by, we would’ve looked like we were in a very intimate embrace. I heard the click of the lock, but he didn’t move back just yet.

  “We’re just cracked,” he whispered. A tear began to well up in my eyes, because I wished that were true. We were well beyond cracked. He leaned back slightly and wiped away the tear that had started to fall, because he knew I was barely holding it together. “Tomorrow, Emmalin. Okay?”

  His eyes penetrated mine and held my gaze with the question he was asking me. Before, he had been demanding; now, he was actually asking. I took a deep breath and slowly nodded. He didn’t move, and I knew what he was waiting for.

  “Okay,” I said, breathing out. I hurriedly turned, went into my apartment, and locked the door, not knowing what tomorrow would bring me.

  Chapter Twenty


  Grayson was in town. My town. Why? I spent all night trying to figure out why. I tossed and turned, and now here it was morning. He had said he was coming for breakfast, and I was a nervous wreck. Of course he hadn’t told me what time because that would’ve given me a chance to back out of it. I smoothed the hem of my dress down for the hundredth time, and my head snapped up at the knock at the door. I checked the time. Nine on the dot. I exhaled. Was I ready for this? Of course not.

  I walked over and looked out the peephole, and there stood Grayson, all calm, cool, and collected with a huge bag in his arms. I took another gander around my apartment before opening the door.

  We stood there, staring at each other awkwardly—well, it was more like I was staring at him awkwardly. He was smiling.

  “May I come in?”

  I reluctantly opened the door, and he stepped in.

  “Have a seat. I don’t have a dining room table, but I have a coffee table, so that will have to do.” He nodded, heading for the couch as he took out two food warmers of plates, setting them down on the table.

  I cleared my throat as I still stood near the door. “Can I get you anything?” Before he could say yes or no, I turned and headed for the kitchen. I had no idea what I went in there for. I stood in the middle of the kitchen, looking around. My hands had started to become sweaty. I finally grabbed something out the fridge and returned with two bottles of water.

  He was already sitting, and motioned for me to sit next to him. I made sure to sit a little farther away—any closer was dangerous.

  “This chef makes the best omelets.” Grayson smiled as he took a bite. He was acting so casual, almost too casual.


  “I don’t want to argue,” I hurriedly blurted out.

  His brow furrowed. “We’re having breakfast. Were you expecting to argue?”

  I didn’t say anything as I stared at my still untouched food.

  “We can. We both know how much it turns me on.” I scowled. “Eat before your food gets cold.”

  I glanced over at him as he dived into his omelet. I slowly picked up my fork, unsure of anything and everything. He ate with gusto, like it was just another day. Yeah, sure, it was just another day, but what the hell kind of day was it? Were we just acting like everything was normal? Being friends? What kind of friends? Best friends, perhaps? Okay, I could deal with that. Friends having breakfast. Totally normal. He started chuckling, and I slowly turned my head his way as he took the final bite of his toast and wiped his mouth.


  “I swear, I can hear every thought turning in your head right now.” He leaned back casually against the couch, crossing his ankles. I tried shifting farther away again, but I realized I was already at the edge. He cocked his head at my attempt to get away.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking, Emmalin. Even if it makes no sense. I want to hear all of it.”

  I exhaled sharply as I wrung my hands in my lap. “I don’t know, Grayson.” I threw my hands up and stood up, suddenly having the urge to move around. I pointed to him. “You here is scary. I don’t know why you’re here. You’re in my space. This is my zone, my comfort zone, and now you’re invading it, and I don’t know why. I want you gone but…” I took another deep breath as I walked over to the side table that still held the plane ticket Meredith had left. “But, I want you here,” I said quietly. “I missed you. I miss you,” I reiterated.

  I shut my eyes tightly before turning around and gasping at Grayson standing right in front of me.

  “This is your domain, I get it. You’re uncomfortable, right?”

  I nodded.

  He stared down at my lips before looking into my eyes and sighing. “Let’s take a break for a few hours. Have dinner with me tonight?”

  I scoffed. “A break? We haven’t done anything. We ate breakfast.”

  His mouth turned up into a small grin. “I know. That’s what I wanted. A nice breakfast with you. Dinner tonight, at my place. I’ll pick you up.”

  I quickly shook my head. “I’ll meet you there.” He raised an eyebrow as if to challenge me. “I have a car. I haven’t used it much, but it gets me from point A to point B.”

  He narrowed his eyes at me as he looked me up and down then took a small step back. “Fine. You’ll meet me there. Eight o’clock.” He stared at me, arms crossed. “What kind of car?”

  I rolled my eyes and shoved him back as I walked around him. “I need to get ready for work Grayson.”

  “Is the car safe? It must not be if you don’t drive it often.”

  I picked up the bag of plates and handed it to him as I pushed him toward the door. “Thank you for breakfast. I’ll see you later.”

  “Eight o’clock. I’ll text you the address. If you’re late, I’m coming after you!” he hollered as I shut the door.

  I had no doubt he would.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  What the hell was I doing? Fucking stalling, that’s what. Preventing myself from ripping her clothes off and sinking myself balls deep into her tight pussy, that’s what. I physically couldn’t be in the same room as her for more than thirty minutes because I was going out of my goddamn mind. My dick was about to burst out of my pants, and I swore, if she licked her lips one more time… Fuck. That was the problem with Emmalin. She was being innocently sexy and didn’t even know it, and
it tortured me, every aching second of it.

  I shivered as the cold water ran over me, trying to get my mind to focus on other things. I shut off the jets to the shower, grabbed a towel, and wrapped it around my waist. What the hell was I supposed to do the rest of the day? I sighed, glancing over at my laptop. I still had an empire to run. I quickly got dressed before powering it on, then called Chace on video.

  “I figured you two would be fucking like rabbits. You come up for air?”

  I ran my hand through my hair. “We haven’t talked yet, but I asked her to come over for dinner tonight.”

  “Damn man, you’ve been there a week. What the hell have you been doing this whole time?”

  I exhaled sharply. “Scoping out the place, scoping her out.”

  He chuckled. “You mean stalking. Most people would call that stalking, Grayson.”

  I needed to change the subject, mostly because the fucker was right. “Get me up to speed on everything back at headquarters.”

  I checked my watch: 7:45. Food was done, wine was chilled, and bread was cut in a basket. Music—did I need music? Damn, why was I trying so hard? I checked my watch again: 7:46. Okay, I needed a drink. I didn’t do nervousness, but now, all of a sudden, I was, very much—mostly because I wasn’t asking her to be with me again. I was pretty much telling her. I thought back to what Lydia had said: He made her leave. Dale made her leave. He always said he would make her leave you. He doesn't want you happy. She made you happy.

  Now I knew why she had left, but I needed to hear it from her mouth. I needed to put things into perspective for her. She needed to understand that she was my one. She was always my one, and she was my first.

  My gaze focused on the room around me. I hadn’t wanted to rent a hotel, so I’d rented a historical estate. I didn’t know how long I had planned to be there, but if it took forever to prove my point, then that’s what it had to be. I was ready to do anything for her. I walked over and rearranged the white roses in the vase for the millionth time. I’d ordered five arrangements, and they made the place smell flowery crisp. She’d love it.


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