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Infinitely Mine (Incapable Part Three)

Page 16

by Skye,Marie

  “Yes. I’m ready.”

  Chapter Forty-Three




  I slowly opened my eyes. Emmalin was standing over me, taking pictures with her phone. I started to say something and she shushed me. I smiled. “Welcome home.” She snapped another picture.

  “I couldn’t resist. You two looked so cute together.” It took me a minute to realize what she was referring to, and I looked down at my chest. Chloe was snuggled up on me, and I sighed.

  “Yeah, apparently you’re not supposed to move if a cat is on you, or something.” I held my arm out. “Come here.”

  She picked up Chloe, nuzzling her neck before placing her on the floor. I watched how she did it so easily. Chloe usually gave me attitude when I tried to move her. I pulled her on top of me and regretted that I had fallen asleep before she’d gotten there, but she was home now. Our home.

  “I missed you,” I whispered.

  “I missed you, too.”

  “How do you feel?”

  She slowly sat up, and I followed her. “Good. It was my first time in a helicopter, and I mean really, Grayson? Was that necessary?” She rolled her eyes but kept smiling. “But it was pretty damn cool.”

  “It was necessary; I wanted you here sooner. I mean, how do you feel? Being here? Back? Us? Where’s your head?” I studied her closely as she took a moment. She finally peered up at me and smiled.

  “It feels like it’s where I should be.”

  I squeezed her hand before standing her up and leading her to the kitchen. “Good. I was hoping you would say that. We have the weekend all to ourselves. No interruptions. Everyone is under strict orders to not call us unless they’re on fire, and even then, to not call us.” I checked the food in the warmers and started dishing food into plates.

  “Do you mind if I go wash up really quick?”

  I paused with a ladle in my hand, but kept my back to her. “Emmalin, this is your house, too.”

  I heard the padding of her feet as she walked out of the room. She needed to adjust to living here again.

  “You and Chloe seem to be getting along well.” She slid in next to me.

  “She’s a hellion. In the day and a half that she’s been here, she’s managed to turn half my office into her personal playroom. All she does is climb over everything and knock shit over. I even made her her own room.”

  Emmalin laughed. “You didn’t.”

  “Oh, I did. Spoiled cat.” I slid a plate toward Emmalin. “But we have an agreement.”

  Emmalin took a sip of her drink. “Oh yeah, what’s that?”

  “That she’s going to be good, and not bother us.”

  “Well good luck with that.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Yeah.”

  “Mr. Mandrake, Meredith is on line one…again. Would you like me to take another message?”

  I sighed. I had ignored her on my cell phone for a reason. I picked up the phone.


  “Stop ignoring me, bro.”

  “Well, I was hoping you would get the hint.”

  “Hardly. You know I’m persistent.”

  I rolled my eyes. “How could anyone ever forget?”

  Her voice suddenly turned sweet. “Sooooo, it’s been what? Two weeks since Emmalin moved back right?”

  Fifteen days, but who’s counting. “Right.”


  “And what?”

  “Don’t make me spell it out…how’s it going?”

  I couldn’t stop the smile that forced its way upon my lips. “Good. Better than good. Perfect. It only took a few days of adjustment to settle back into a routine.”

  I heard Meredith sigh. “Good. And you guys are getting back to normal?”

  I leaned back in my chair. “That’s our goal.”

  “Hmm, and how much longer before you slap a ring on it and get her down the aisle? Because technically you’re just picking back up from where you left off right? If you two make us wait all over again…”

  I laughed. “Bye Meredith. Give everyone my love.” I hung up before she could continue. She did have a point; although we were starting fresh, we were picking right up where we had left off.

  Chapter Forty-Four


  “No offense Ems, but you don’t seem to have the best track record for girls’ night. Are you sure you’re down for this?”

  I watched Gwen in the mirror as she applied a second coating of mascara. Isabella smiled. Gwen, after all, was right, but things were different now. Even so, that didn’t mean Grayson wasn’t still having a security detail assigned as a precaution. When I’d first told Grayson I wanted a girls’ night, he immediately went on high alert and shot the idea down. You would’ve thought I had told him I was moving to Dubai.

  Then the arguing ensued, which of course led to him trying to change my mind in his way, or as he called it: ‘fucking your mind until it’s right.’ I enjoyed every single bit of it, but, sadly for him, it didn’t work.

  “True as that may be Gwen, things are good now. I promise.”

  I adjusted my boobs for the thousandth time in my outfit. I didn’t know how she managed to do it, but Isabella always seemed to put me in something even more revealing then the last. This time was an extra deep plunge dress, with the dress itself stopping just above mid-thigh. The back also dipped low, and the outfit wouldn’t have been complete without Jimmy Choos. I couldn’t even imagine what Grayson would say or do if he saw me in this outfit.

  “Stop fidgeting, babe. You’re smoking hot.”

  I was trying to pull the dress down as I shot Isabella a look. “He’s going to flip, you know that, right?”

  She shrugged. “He won’t even know. It’s girls’ night. He’s not invited.”

  I raised my brow.

  “Okay, so he’ll know, but you have to admit—jealousy fucking is hot.”

  That I could agree with.

  Gwen peered out the window. “The car just pulled up! Everyone ready?”

  “Wait! Shots first!”

  I groaned as Isabella ran to the kitchen and came back with three shot glasses and a bottle of Patrón. “Come on bitches. Three shots each. We have a lot of catching up to do!”

  Fifteen minutes later, we pulled up in front of ELM. I was a bit hesitant at first, after what had happened the last time, but I decided I wasn’t going to let that hinder anything. After all, the club was named after me. Our door opened, interrupting the second verse of our enthusiastic, albeit bad rendition of “Wannabe” by the Spice Girls. The liquor was doing us nicely, especially since we had kept it going in the car.

  “Onward ladies!”

  My goal was to maneuver myself out of the vehicle without flashing myself for the world to see.

  “Emmalin, I’m your head security tonight.” I turned at the sound of Hawkins coming toward me. “Everyone has already been briefed, and they’re to follow my lead.”

  “Thank you, Hawkins. You’ve met Isabella. This is Gwen.” I motioned to the girls next to me. I also didn’t miss Hawkins pausing and looking Gwen up and down before straightening himself and glancing at me as if he’d been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Of course I was beaming inside and wanted to say Screw it, ask her out! Ask her out! Gwen, as usual, was oblivious to the entire exchange that had just happened right in front of her.

  As we entered ELM, I felt it the moment we walked in—Grayson. I looked around. I didn’t see him, but he was there; I knew he was. Even though I couldn’t physically see him, my body was hyper aware that he was present somewhere.

  Our drinks were placed in front of us immediately without any of us ordering. “I want to propose a toast!” Isabella held her glass up, and we all followed suit. “To Emmalin, for finally coming to her senses and returning home.”

  “Hear, hear!” Gwen cheered.

  “Wait! I want to contribute to the toast,” I added. “I want to toast to you guys, and Edith, even thou
gh she’s not here, because she rudely went and got knocked up. I love you guys, and thank you for sticking with me and my crazy life.” Gwen placed her arm around me as we all clinked our glasses.

  After an hour of us being loud and dancing and drinking drinks that didn’t stop coming, I finally sidled up to Hawkins. He stayed close while still blending in.

  “Having a good time Hawk? Do people call you Hawk?” I couldn’t tell if I was slurring yet. He kept his eyes forward.


  I sighed. “I can give it to you.”

  His eyes quickly darted to mine, and I then realized how that sounded. I also realized how close I was standing, and I took a small step back. When I did, I started to sway, and he reached out to steady me. “Thanks. Gwen—I can give you her number.” His eyes turned to Gwen, and he straightened.

  “What makes you think I want her number?”

  My mouth dropped. “Um, let’s see. You can’t stop staring at her. I mean unless she has something hanging from her teeth, which she doesn’t, she’s obviously fucking gorgeous. She’s single. You’re single...wait, you’re single right?” He nodded. “Okay, you’re single.” I stopped talking, having lost my train of thought. I sighed. “She’s really nice.”

  He ghosted a smile. “And you’ve had enough to drink.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You sound like Grayson.” I paused before looking back at Hawkins. “He’s here isn’t he?”

  Hawkins didn’t answer. “Fine, don’t answer. If he’s here, tell him to come dance with me, otherwise he can watch me dance with someone else.” I walked away, not waiting for his reaction as I headed back out on the dance floor where the girls were. After about ten minutes, Isabella decided she couldn’t dance in her shoes any more, and she and Gwen headed back up to VIP. Hawkins, who was standing nearby, suddenly left his post, which was odd, since I was still on the floor.

  Deciding to follow them, I finally made my way to the edge of the dance floor to head back up. My skin startled to prickle with awareness. The music sounded louder as “Wicked Games” by The Weeknd began to fill the speakers. All of a sudden, an arm wrapped around my waist and I was pulled into what appeared to be a hidden wall. I immediately started to panic, and my heart started pounding.

  “It’s just me. You’re safe.”

  I started to calm at Grayson’s voice as he sat me down. I turned around. “I don’t like that.”

  He brushed a strand of hair off my face. “I’m sorry. You okay?”

  I nodded, taking a breath, and finally looked around. “Are you kidnapping me?”

  He smiled. “Maybe? Are you threatening that you’ll be dancing with other men?” He backed me against the wall.”

  I wasn’t even going to lie. “Yes.”

  “Why? So I can kill any man that touches you? And let’s not even get me started on what it is you’re wearing.” He stood back as he looked me up and down. “As soon as you walked in the damn club, I had to stop myself from coming down here.”

  I pretended to pout. “You don’t like my dress?” I slowly turned around, making sure to brush my ass up against him in doing so. His hand dipped into the deep V that barely contained my breasts. He lightly tweaked my nipple and I moaned.

  “This isn’t a fucking dress, but apparently you like taunting me, don’t you?” His hand trailed up my thigh, and then he stopped upon realizing I wasn’t wearing any panties. A smile graced my face. “You dirty, dirty girl.” I bit my bottom lip in response. He pulled me away from the wall, dragging me over to a nearby couch. “Hands on the arms of the couch. Someone needs to be punished.” I hurriedly placed my hands where he’d told me to. I was buzzing, but was still able to follow along.

  “Not only did you wear a dress that barely covered your ass, you didn’t wear any panties.” He lifted my dress up to expose my ass. “What do you have to say for yourself, love?”

  I was breathing heavily. “I forgot?” I answered meekly.

  I heard him smirk. “You forgot? Hmm, should I forget to let you come?” His hand trailed over my clit, and I groaned. “Because you know how mad I would be if anyone else saw this beautiful pussy. This pussy is all mine, and only mine, isn’t that right?” I couldn’t focus since he had thrust two fingers in me and was moving in and out.

  “What should your punishment be?”

  I didn’t miss a beat; the alcohol made me bold. “You fucking me.”

  He laughed. “Well aren’t you brazen?”

  I peered at him over my shoulder. “More than you know. So, fuck me already.”

  His eyes darkened, and he raised an eyebrow. “Face forward.” I scowled and huffed as I turned around, but stuck my ass out farther. The ache between my legs was not diminishing any time soon, and I pressed my legs together to try to alleviate it. I jumped as a slap landed against my ass.

  “That’s for goading me just now.” Another slap landed against the same cheek. “That’s for taunting me with this damn dress.” I gripped the edge of the couch harder. He wasn’t holding back, and I bit my bottom lip to prevent myself from screaming out.


  “That’s for not giving me a proper punishment.” This hit was harder than the last, and my grip on the couch slipped. He caught me before I fell forward.


  “That’s for flirting with Hawkins earlier.”

  “I wasn’t—”


  “That’s for interrupting me just now.”


  “And that’s for wearing no damn panties!”

  He momentarily stood back. My ass was on fire. “My, my, my, Emmalin. I do believe your pussy is dripping down your leg.” I didn’t even have a rebuttal, because I was that turned on. I tensed as he teased my opening. “Drenched—just how I love you. Isn’t that right?”

  I thought I nodded, but couldn’t be sure. His fingertip traced my mouth with my essence before he leaned over and claimed my mouth with his. “You taste that? That’s how fucking delectable you are.” Before I could say anything, he pushed into me from behind, and I gasped.

  “You. Are. Fucking. Mine!”

  He made sure each punishing thrust was known with each word he said, and all I could do was stand there and take it. Oh how I loved to be on the receiving end of it.

  His hand slid around to my slippery folds, and his other hand went around my neck. “Are you going to think twice before trying to make me jealous?” I moaned as his hand circled my clit, taking me higher and higher. I was torn. I wanted to say yes, and I wanted to say no.

  “Maybe,” I said as I breathed out.

  He nipped my ear and I yelped. “Let’s try that again, or maybe that pending orgasm is too much for you. Maybe I should just stop what I’m doing.”

  My eyes shot open. “Don’t stop!”

  He softly laughed. “Are you sure? I think I’m being too much of a distraction for you. You’re not giving me the answers I want.” His hand movement started to slow.

  “Ask the question again.” I hurriedly panted, not wanting my orgasm that was just out of reach to completely fade away.

  He bit my neck. “Are you going to think twice before trying to make me jealous?”

  I moaned as his hand on my clit sped up. “Yes, sir.” I breathed out.


  I nodded. My orgasm was just right there.

  He thrust hard and whispered in my ear. “Come baby.” Everything became white noise as I shattered. His grip around my neck tightened as he chased his own rush behind me. I finally fell forward, utterly exhausted. I could barely move, and I heard Grayson chuckling behind me. “You okay baby?”

  I muttered something unintelligible.

  “Don’t move.”

  He didn’t have to worry about that. He came back a few seconds later with a warm towel and started cleaning me up before pulling my dress down and finally turning me around to kiss me softly. “You ready for me to take you home, or are you adamant about joining your girls?”

  I sighed, looking at his watch. “Can you join us? Maybe have Hawkins join us, too.” Grayson’s expression immediately changed. “He has a thing for Gwen.” Grayson looked thoughtful for a moment before shaking his head and smiling.


  He laughed. “That’s why he was so eager to do security tonight.”

  I rolled my eyes. “And you said I was hitting on him.”

  He pulled me to him. “Well you were practically standing on him. Then with your ‘I can give it to you’ crap, what did you expect I was thinking?”

  I smacked him in the chest. “You heard all that?!”

  He didn’t even look guilty as he led me back to the VIP area. “Of course I did. I hear everything.” I shook my head as we entered our lounge. From the looks of things, Hawkins didn’t need any introduction to Gwen. He was doing just fine on his own.

  Chapter Forty-Five


  I sighed at the knocking that sounded on my office door. I didn't know why she still continued to knock. I didn't know what she thought I was doing in there that required her to knock. She had no problem bursting into my board meeting that had me halting it and dismissing everyone for an impromptu sexcapade, but at home, she knocked. I smiled thinking of what an amazing time that had been.

  "Come in."

  She peered in. "You busy?"

  "Not for you. And again, you don't have to knock, Emmalin. This is your home. You live here." She sauntered over and plopped down in the chair in front of me. I leaned back in my chair, placing my hands behind my head. I knew that look all too well. She was bored. She hadn't taken my offer to come back to work for me yet. She had knitted at least twenty outfits for Dr. Klein's new granddaughter, and had even made a sweater for the damn cat, but Chloe never sat still long enough for her to put it on her.

  "Is that new?"

  I froze. I knew what she was looking at without even having to turn around to see it. I'd been looking for the right time to bring up the London situation. I clenched my jaw. "It is."


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