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Infinitely Mine (Incapable Part Three)

Page 20

by Skye,Marie

  “Is that what you think is best?” I watched as she hesitated and played with lint on her skirt that wasn’t actually there. She finally looked up and gave me the biggest, fakest smile I’d ever seen from her.

  “Yeah, it’s best. It’ll be great.”

  “Then I’ll see that the changes are made, baby.” She gave me a chaste kiss before getting up off my lap, and leaving the room. I shook my head at how beautifully red her ass was going to be for lying when this wedding was over.

  “I can’t believe you arranged all of this. And she doesn’t know?” Chace was peering over my shoulder at my monitor at work.

  “No, and not a word—especially not to that mouthy girlfriend of yours. One word to her, it’ll flow to Emmalin, and this whole thing will go to shit.”

  Chace stood back. “Man, your balls must be really twisted up there man. I had no idea you were this romantic. It’s kind of gross.” He sighed. “But, I guess if anyone deserves this kind of shit, it’s Emmalin, even if it is with your dumb ass.”

  “You are such a dick.”

  “Yep, but as your best man, it’s my responsibility to tell you these things. So…two days. Nervous yet?”

  I leaned back in my chair and started thinking about how far we’d come just to get here. Hell, it had taken an act of God just to get her to go out with me. “Nervous? No. I wish we were able to do it sooner. If I had my way, she would’ve had my name months ago. I hate that we spent too much time apart. It’s time we’ll never get back. We ended up hurting each other, and we have to live with that.” I stared at my desk. A few minutes went by before Chace spoke.

  “Damn. You really do love her.”

  “Yeah. I do. I’d do anything for her.”

  He stood up, hands on his hips. “Then as your best friend, it’s my duty to tell you, if you fuck it up with her, I’ll kill you.” He turned and headed toward the door.

  “Chace? If I fuck it up with her, I’ll pull the trigger myself.” He chuckled as he left. Two more days…not soon enough. My plans were in motion; everything was set. That night, we would leave for our wedding. An urgent knock sounded on my office door. Emmalin peeked her head around the corner with fresh tears in her eyes and I immediately stood up and went to her.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She held up her phone. “They all know. I’m sorry, Grayson, I can’t do this. It’s too many. I can’t do this, I just can’t. I don’t know half of them like you do, and now there are photographers camping out at both locations. We don’t have any privacy. It’s too much.” She was having a full on panic attack, and who could blame her. The whole thing was new to her, and she was suddenly being thrust into the spotlight during an already stressful time.

  I pulled her to me tightly to try to calm her down. “Shhh, baby, I know, I know. I’m sorry. I had the locations leaked.”

  She pulled back from me. “Why would you do that?”

  I wiped the tears from her eyes. “For a distraction. Do you trust me?” She nodded. My girl. “Good. I also leaked a third location, and everything is being set up as if we’re actually getting married there.”

  She sniffed. “But we’re not?”

  I smiled. “No baby, we’re not. You’re having the wedding you wanted, not the wedding that was forced upon you. I just need you to trust me, and bring your dress.”

  Chapter Fifty-Seven



  I leaned back in my seat and yawned—it was a little after three in the morning. “I guess. You still haven’t told me where we’re going, and why we’re on a plane at three in the morning.” I rested my head on his shoulder. “Are we forgoing all of this and eloping? Cause I’m okay with that, too. Elvis walking me down the aisle—that’s the dream.”

  Grayson silently laughed. “That’s never happening. I went over your checklist. I believe we have everything, so we’re good to go. Try to get some rest.”

  No sooner had I gone to sleep than I was being awoken again. “What time is it?”

  “Just after five. We’re here.” I rubbed my eyes and looked out the windows of the place. It was still dark.

  “We only flew two hours?”

  “Technically four, but the time difference set us back two.” We walked out to a waiting car and I yawned again. “You haven’t been getting enough sleep these past few days.”

  I laughed, snuggling closer. “Gee, I wonder why. You’re the one that has this need to see how many orgasms you can get out of me.”

  “I’m greedy, what can I say? And I have a quota to make.” I laughed as he laid me on the bench of the seat. “We’re getting married tomorrow.”

  “I know. You gonna be there?” I yelped as he pinched me. “So what are the plans from now until tomorrow? What’s my role since you whisked me off to some undisclosed location? Am I allowed to know now?”

  “We are in Napa Valley, California, famous for its wine. That’s all you need to know about that. Your role is to rest for a few hours. There’s a team already in place here to help with your hair and makeup. The rest of the wedding party is en route. You’re restricted from going to certain areas once we reach our destination.”

  I frowned. “But what about—”

  He silenced me with a kiss. “Don’t worry about it. It’s handled. And don’t even try sneaking off to those areas. You’ve been tagged with a security detail.”

  I feigned surprised. “You don’t trust me?”

  He smirked. “This coming from the girl who snuck out of a hospital room.”


  Chapter Fifty-Eight


  Most of the wedding party had already arrived by the time we got to the venue. Of course, Emmalin tried to be her usual defiant self when she so casually said, “I’m going to take a look around.” It took about three seconds for me to haul her ass back into the building. Then she had the nerve to recruit my own mother against me.

  “We think there’s a spa just down the road, we’re going to check it out.” She said it so nonchalantly, I almost missed it—almost.

  “Get your ass back in this room, Emmalin.” She huffed as she stood at the door. “I’m disappointed in you, Mom.” After all, this was all mostly her fault anyway. We wouldn’t have been here if she hadn’t tried to take over everything, which she later apologized for after she and Emmalin went to lunch and had a heart to heart. I didn’t know what had been said, but there was definitely a lot of crying and hugging. “Mom, I need to talk to Emmalin, do you mind?”

  She stood up. “Be kind to her. She’s just curious.” She gave us both hugs before shutting the door behind her. Oh, I was going to be kind all right. Emmalin stood by the window, arms crossed, trying to look pissed, but it failing miserably. My eyes narrowed. “So, you keep trying to go against my wishes.” She answered by biting her bottom lip. “Strip.” I knew exactly what she needed. The sense fucked right into her. Her eyes instantly widened as I undid my belt. “Right now. Don’t make me wait. These are your last few sexual trysts as Emmalin Ross. You better fucking enjoy it—I’m going to make sure you do. Now strip.”

  She stood firm. “Make me.”

  I circled her slowly. She didn’t move. “Are you challenging me? You know I love a challenge.” I jerked her against me, her back to my front, and she gasped.

  “That’s why I do it,” she whispered. “Keeps you focused.”

  I silently laughed. “No, I think you do it because you know fighting with me turns me on and”—I dipped my hand in the waistband of her jeans, past her panties—“It turns you on, too. Isn’t that right?”

  “Maybe.” She sighed.

  “Maybe? So, I’m only imagining that you’re soaking my hand right now? That I bet if I keep moving my hand, I can get you wetter than you already are? Are these still maybes, Emmalin?” She moaned in response. “I didn’t think so.” I removed my hand and she protested. “I believe I told you to strip.” She quickly obliged, and I slowly took my shirt off.
I smirked. “See something you like?”

  “I see something I want,” she answered swiftly.

  I took a step back, widened my stance, and opened my arms. “Take what you want.” Before I even blinked, she ran the short distance and jumped on me, locking her legs behind me. Her hands fisted in my hair. She moaned as she ground her pussy against the hairs on my stomach. My cock was so fucking hard for her. “That’s it baby. Get yourself off for me.” I leaned her back slightly as I pulled a nipple in my mouth. “I’m not fucking you until you make yourself come for me. I want you dripping all over me.” She started moving faster, and I walked us over to the wall. I wanted to bite her neck so bad, but I knew we had a lot of pictures to take tomorrow. So, I settled for marking her just under her breast.

  I looked down at her pussy juices coating my stomach. It was a fucking sight to see. “Damn baby, it looks so fucking good. Keep going.”

  She moaned. “I need you.”

  Fuck, I couldn’t take it anymore. I grabbed my cock, the pre-cum glistening at the tip, and slowly inched in. Each time felt like the first time, like fucking heaven. I didn’t even give her time to stretch around me. I couldn’t wait, not when her pussy started squeezing me as if it was taking my entire soul. My balls tightened with the sole purpose of filling her with everything I had. I was giving her my name, and I would give her my life. I covered her mouth with mine when she started to scream as her pussy pulsated around me, milking me through and through. “I fucking love you, and I can’t wait to call you my wife.”

  After showering, we had dinner with a few of the wedding party. Everyone enjoyed themselves and were under strict orders not to say a word, no matter how much Emmalin tried to get out of them. I had just walked back into our room when Emmalin stopped me.

  “There’s something I have to tell you, and it’s serious. You should sit down.” I could see the worry lines etched on her face. I didn’t like it. I didn’t like it one bit. I hesitantly sat.

  “Okay. What is it?”

  She cleared her throat and took a deep breath. I noticed she had something behind her back. “I can’t marry you—”

  Before she could even finish, I immediately got up. “What? What do you mean? Whatever it is, we’ll fix it. I swear to you, we’ll fix it Emmalin.”

  Her eyes grew wide and she looked away.

  She cleared her throat again, and I thought I saw a hint of a smile. “I can’t, in good conscience, marry you…until you teach me how to play poker.” She tentatively held out a deck of cards. I looked down at the deck of cards as if they were completely foreign to me. “It was supposed to be a joke,” she whispered.

  I stared at her, and finally exhaled. “Don’t fucking do that again, do you hear me?”

  She nervously swallowed before nodding. I narrowed my eyes before cracking a smile. “Texas hold ’em?”

  Chapter Fifty-Nine


  “I can’t believe you want to do that!”

  “Why not?”

  “Because it’s stupid,” Grayson said as he threw down his bag and crossed his arms. He looked so damn adorable in his attempt to throw a tantrum. I tried to hide my smile, but I just couldn’t, and he didn’t find it amusing whatsoever as he glared at me. “I’m not leaving Emmalin, and neither are you, so you might as well get that thought out of your head now.” He crossed over to the door, as if blocking it was going to stop either one of us from leaving.

  “They say it’s tradition,” I offered, hoping that would ease him into it.

  “Who’s they? The old ladies at the coffee shop? I don’t think so.”

  “Grayson, you’re being unreasonable, don’t you think?” I crossed my arms, readying myself to challenge him. I could be just as petulant as him, but better. I glanced at the bedside clock. It was almost midnight. “You have to go now, before it’s too late.”

  “Then let it be too late. I don’t give a shit.” He wasn’t budging. My idea of spending the night apart the day before the wedding and not seeing each other until the actual wedding wasn’t working out so well. He stepped closer to me, and I stepped back. I knew what he was trying to do. “Come here Emmalin.” A knock on the door interrupted us. Thank God.

  “Open up! I have a key, and I’m not afraid to use it!”

  Grayson scowled toward the door. “You called Chace? Really?” He shrugged. “Fine, he can watch us, I don’t care.” He reached for me and I squealed, darting out of the way. The door to our room opened, and in walked Chace, followed by Isabella. We had to be some sight with me standing on the bed with a pillow as my source of defense and Grayson halfway on the bed.

  “Wow, if this is your idea of kink, you have to do better.” Chace tsked at the both of us. “I can probably teach you a few things, Emmalin.” He winked at me, but it ended way too quickly as Isabella twisted his nipple and he doubled over. “I’m sorry, I forgot I can’t say those things anymore.” He took a moment before standing straight. “Grayson, you’re with me tonight.”

  “The hell I am.”

  “She can stay with me!” Isabella offered cheerily.

  “No she’s not. We’re staying together!”

  I cupped his face gently. “Guys, can you give me a minute?” I requested sweetly. I sat Grayson down on the bed and gently kissed his lips. “What is it, Grayson? What aren’t you telling me?”

  “I don’t want to be away from you.”

  I smiled. “What else? Do you think I’m not coming down that aisle?” He shut his eyes. “Hey, look at me.” I held up my left hand. “I’m coming baby. I’ll run if I have to. You can put a guard by the door, and every window, and a personal escort if you have to. Nothing will keep me from walking down that aisle to get to you. I promise. You have my word.”

  He kissed me hard, and I opened up to him. “I’ll see you in eighteen hours, not a minute later.”

  I smiled. “Not a minute later.”

  He opened the door. Before it shut, I heard Chace say, “Jesus man, you look like your puppy died. Get it together. Grow some.”

  Isabella came in with a bottle of wine. “That went well.” I laughed, taking a glass from her. “You’re only permitted one, then straight to bed.”

  “Glad you and Chace are hitting it off well.”

  She smiled, taking a sip. “Eh, he’s aight.” She smiled big.

  “Whatever, we’ll be back here in a year with you two walking down the aisle!” Suddenly her smile faded and she looked at me teary eyed.

  “I’m really happy for you babe. I want you to know that. I’ve been waiting for this day—we all have been waiting for this day. You deserve this happiness. I know we’re missing people you wish were here, but I’m glad those that love you are here.”

  I pulled her into a hug. “I love you.”

  Chapter Sixty


  “Happy wedding day!” Isabella whispered in my ear.

  I moaned. “What time is it?”

  “Just after eight. Time for breakfast!” I buried myself deeper in the blanket. Ten hours. “I just got back from looking at the wedding setup.” That perked me up, and I swung the blanket off of me.

  “How does it look? Can you get me over there?”

  Isabella chuckled as she took the warmer off my food and brought it over to me. “Not a chance. I have been sworn to secrecy.” She handed me a plate. I decided to try another tactic.

  “You know, I haven’t seen much of Noah and Abby lately…I should see what they’re up to.” I knew they would spill, and Abby would tell me every last detail down to a T.

  “Ha! Nice try, but they haven’t seen it for a reason, especially that Abby.” I frowned as I stabbed a blueberry. “Now eat up. We have mani-pedis in twenty minutes. My phone dinged.

  Grayson: 10 hours until you’re Mrs. Mandrake

  Me: Not soon enough

  Grayson: I can make it sooner

  Me: But it makes the anticipation for the cake that much sweeter

  Grayson: Brat />
  Me: But you love me

  Grayson: You know I do

  One hour until the wedding

  I spent an hour deciding which undergarments to wear under my dress—correction: I spent an hour deciding which lingerie was going to blow Grayson’s mind when he took my wedding dress off. I didn’t normally spend a fortune on lingerie, but when I did, I make sure to go for the best. I looked at the spread in front of me as I tried not to think of the price of the Agent Provocateur lingerie I had in front of me. I wasn’t even sure why I bothered since Grayson was notorious for ripping everything I owned right off of me. He was the reason I couldn’t keep anything nice. I finally made my selection and put it on. A knock came at my door, and I smiled seeing it was Edith and Gwen. “You have a visitor!”

  I peered over their shoulder and tried not to cry as Molly peeked in. My hands flew to my mouth. “I’m so glad to see you.”

  She rushed over, engulfing me in a warm embrace.

  “Thank you for inviting me!” She wiped her eyes.

  “Are you kidding me? Of course! You’re family!” I gave her another hug.

  “Tyler would’ve been so proud of you. I almost feel like he’s here with you.”

  I smiled, looking around me. “I’m sure that butthead is.” We both giggled.

  “Of course naked man is here.”

  We both turned our heads to Magda standing at the door smiling. Now, I really couldn’t keep my tears at bay. She came over cupping my face and smiled. “Welcome to the family.”

  I nodded, beyond happy she was here. That both her and Molly were here. “Thank you,” I whispered.

  Gwen came to stand by us. “It’s almost time!”


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