Infinitely Mine (Incapable Part Three)

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Infinitely Mine (Incapable Part Three) Page 24

by Skye,Marie

  I shut my eyes, hating that I had been abandoned at such a young age, and everything that had happened after that. It made me shut down. “I dreamed that I talked to a divorce lawyer,” I whispered.

  Grayson froze. He turned me around so quickly, I didn’t have time to react. “You what? Divorce is not an option Emmalin! It’s never an option!” His hands tightened around my shoulders, eyes probing mine. “What questions could you possibly have that made you want to seek out a divorce lawyer?!”

  I placed my hands gently on his. “It was a dream, Grayson. Just a dream.” He shut his eyes and took in a deep breath as he muttered a curse. “I went in there to ask about signing over parental rights, and you know what I realized?” His eyes searched mine. “How asinine the whole thing sounded. That I was only doing the same thing that was done to me. I don’t want to abandon my child the same way I was.”

  He pulled me to him. “You won’t abandon our child. You’re better than that. You just need some time.”

  It wasn’t until a late night when Grayson was trying to bribe me to come home but I was adamant about finishing up a project that that time finally came for me. As usual, I was being stubborn because I was hoping he would punish me for it later. I had just run across the street to get a coffee from the café before they closed for the night.

  “One sugar-free vanilla decaf iced coffee in a bottle to-go. Anything else for you ma’am?”

  I smiled as I handed her my cash and placed a twenty into the tip jar. After all, I was the last customer. “No. Have a great night. Be safe out there!”

  “You too!”

  I nodded as I headed out the door. I had promised Grayson I would come straight home after my coffee run.

  “You’re even prettier in person.”

  I froze before slowly turning around. A stout man a few inches taller than me stood not too far from me. I gave him a small smile. "Thanks."

  "It's no problem. I’ve seen all your pictures online. That man of yours sure is one lucky fellow."

  I pulled my coat tighter around me. "Yeah, well I’m the lucky one." I started to walk again, and he suddenly moved in front of me, blocking my path. I cringed.

  "Do you wanna see a movie or something?"

  I suddenly felt myself getting nervous, and I could feel my heart starting to race. He slowly moved closer to me. I was trying not to let it show that I was panicking. I looked in the direction of my car—it wasn't too far. "No. No thank you. I should get going, but thank you for the offer." I went to move around him, and he stepped closer to me.

  "What's the rush? A few hours in a movie theater won't be so bad. I'm sure he'll understand, right?" His hand reached up toward my belly and I stepped back, my arms instantly flying over my stomach.


  He smiled. "What? I just want to know you, is that so wrong? I won’t hurt you."

  My arms were clutched around my belly. I was going to protect my baby at all cost.

  "If you would be so kind as to step back from the lady, I would greatly appreciate it." My head shot up at the deep voice that came near me, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Luke and another man, who looked just as intimidating, crowded before me.

  "I wasn't doing anything! She wants to go out with me!" The man tried reaching for me again, but before he could, the other guy with Luke got to him first and pinned him to the ground.

  Luke stood by my side, gently pulling me away. “Emmalin, look at me. Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Did he touch you?”

  I was still watching the scene on the ground as the man was being placed in handcuffs when Luke gently guided my face to his. I shook my head. “He didn’t hurt me.”

  Luke’s eyes penetrated mine before he finally nodded then gave my shoulders a gentle squeeze. I watched as the man was put in the back seat of a car and then driven away. “What’s going to happen to him?”

  “That’s not your concern. I’ll take you home.”

  He guided me to another car that pulled up just as quickly. I sighed. “I suppose there’s no way to keep any of this from Grayson, is there?”

  Luke smirked. “He already knows.”

  And know he did. Luke’s job was to hand deliver me. He rode up with me in the elevator, but he didn’t get off with me. To say Grayson was pissed was putting it lightly. The doors to the elevator opened, and he was the first thing I saw. He gave Luke a slight nod while reaching out his arm to pull me to him. After a few seconds, he looked me over and placed a hand over my belly.

  “Tell me you’re okay.”

  I nodded. “I’m okay.”

  He sighed as he shut his eyes. “You are my life Emmalin.” He gently rubbed my belly. “You both are.”

  I was then given the ‘no more going anywhere by yourself’ lecture, and the ‘no more driving’ lecture, followed by the ‘possessive fuck’ then the ‘thank God you’re okay fuck’ then the ‘I love you fuck’.

  It was glorious.

  Chapter Seventy-Four


  “Are you wanting to find out the sex today?” I looked down at Emmalin as our technician, Cora, smiled at us. We hadn’t actually discussed wanting to find out the sex of the baby.

  “You can tell what Flick is?” Emmalin peered at the screen.

  Cora smiled. “I sure can, but if you don’t want to know, I won’t reveal anything. It’s completely up to you.” Neither of us said anything as we just stared at the screen. Cora giggled. “I tell you what. I’ll write down what it is and place it in an envelope, and if you choose to open it later, you can. Okay?”

  We both nodded. Emmalin looked up at me and smiled. “What do you think it is?”

  I laughed. “I don’t know, but there’s a 50/50 chance.” I helped her up off the table, and Cora gave her the envelope, which was sealed and had a ribbon on it.

  Emmalin was doing better. Change didn’t happen overnight, but she was getting a hell of a lot better. I guided us out toward the waiting car. As soon as Hawkins saw us approaching, he quickly blocked the approaching cameramen and kept them back as Emmalin and I got in the back seat of the car.

  I placed a hand over Emmalin’s belly. “You okay? I hope that dies down soon.”

  “I think it will. They’ll get bored soon.” Emmalin leaned against me. “So, if you had to pick, boy or girl?”

  I chuckled. “I’m good with either.”

  “Liar. You couldn’t handle a girl.”

  I feigned shock. “I could handle a girl. I handle you just fine.”

  “Barely! She would drive you mad. You would worry too much. And when she starts to date—”

  “She will never start to date.”

  Emmalin laughed. “If it was a boy, he would be just like you. I can see him growing up, taking over the company, with that stern face just like you, and taking no bullshit. Of course, she could take over the company too.”

  I kissed the top of her head. “She could do anything she wanted.”

  Winter loomed upon us. That, of course, scared the hell out of me with Emmalin being pregnant. I didn’t want her going anywhere. She was finally doing better. I caught her rubbing her belly a few times and talking to Flick when she didn’t think I was looking. The light that had dulled in her eyes was finally sparkling again. She looked happy, content.

  The best part of this pregnancy? Her insatiable desire for sex. She’d always had an insane body, but now? Now, she had curves I hadn’t known about. I could barely keep my hands off of her. I was in the middle of a conference call in my home office when Emmalin came in, wearing just a robe. She had that look again. I held up three fingers, and she rolled her eyes. Inpatient minx. At some point she left, and I heard the shower turn on.

  My three-minute call ended up going for ten minutes. The shower was still running, so I stripped down to join her. What I hadn’t expected was Emmalin to be having her own party in the shower with the removable showerhead. There was no fucking way in hell I was going to let that showerhead have her orgasm. She
gasped in shock when my hand wrapped around her wrist, removing the showerhead.

  My eyes steeled into hers. “Did you come?”

  Her skin was flushed from the heat, her eyes wild and wanton. “I was about to,” she answered shakily.

  I leaned forward until our noses were touching. “You only come for me.”

  “You were taking too long.” She panted.

  “What did I just say? What are the rules Emmalin? Always give me your pleasure.”

  I scooted her to the edge of the shower seat and put both of her legs over my shoulders. “Now, keep your eyes on me, and watch me make you come.”

  Two Months Later

  “How often are we going to stare at that envelope before we open it?” Emmalin took a bite out of her buffalo jerky. I still wasn’t quite sure if it was safe for her to eat that, but she told me to ‘fuck off and mind your own business.’ It was three in the morning, and I was up watching Emmalin make breakfast. She was having trouble finding a comfortable position to sleep in, and got the grand idea to make breakfast at three in the morning.

  I had no idea what she was even making. I had woken up to pull her closer to me, only to find her side of the bed was cold. I strolled into the kitchen to the smell of food wafting in and her standing at the stove throwing random things into a skillet. “We can open it at any time. Wanna open it now?”

  She frowned. “No. I have an idea. I mean, I know we got a bunch of gender neutral stuff at the shower, but I have an idea. It’s nothing special, but I can have it ready for us tonight.”

  I smiled as she placed a plate of stuff in front of me. “That sounds nice. What exactly are we eating?” I watched as she took a mouthful.

  “I have no idea, but it’s delicious.”

  I was about to head to another meeting when my phone rang with a call from Emmalin. “Hey what’s up?”

  “Hey, do you think you can come home?”

  “Are you okay?”

  She paused. “Yeah, I’m sure it’s nothing.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  “No! I mean, if you’re busy…it’s probably nothing.”

  “Emmalin, I’m on my way.”

  I raced home, thinking the worst. She’s fine. They’re both fine. They have to be. The fucking elevator couldn’t move fast enough. As soon as the door opened, I stopped. I was confused as fuck. Meredith skipped toward me, smiling. “Don’t be mad at her, we made her do it.” I looked around the room. It was filled with decorations, and music was playing in the background. Abby and Noah were there, along with their dog.

  “What’s going on?”

  Emmalin came over and mouthed “I’m sorry.” I pulled her to me, looking her up and down, making sure she was fine. “Are you okay?” I placed my hand on her belly.

  “I’m fine. This was the only way to get you home.”

  “Home for what?”

  “Our party. I’m making up for the one I screwed up.” She leaned up to whisper in my ear. “And to find out the gender of baby Flick.”

  I pulled her tighter to me. “You could’ve just told me. I was thinking the worst.”

  Her smile faltered. “I’m sorry.”

  Before she could say any more, I kissed her hard. “Okay, take off your shoes and get out of that suit. We’re about to get dirty.” I quirked my eyebrow. She swatted my chest. “Not that kind of dirty.” I laughed.

  “Okay! Emmalin clapped. I would like to thank you all for coming here on short notice. I know you’re all dying to find out what we’re having, as are we. So, we are going to find out what we’re having right here, right now!” Everyone started clapping as Emmalin moved herself and me into the center of the room. “You all have cans of silly string in your hands, and I want to point out that no one in this room, including myself, bought them, so I do not know what color they are. You’ll each shoot them at me and Grayson on the count of three.

  I held her tight as everyone aimed their cans toward us. Noah and Abby started jumping up and down.

  “Okay, on your mark!” She looked up at me, smiling, and we both counted together.




  Everyone clapped at the color.

  “I hope she doesn’t like pink,” was the only response from Abby as a piece of string flew into her hair.

  The party had started to dwindle down as mostly everyone left. Emmalin and Edith were playing with baby Madeline while Kevin went and got the car. I was enjoying my second piece of pink cake when my phone vibrated with a text.

  Ruska: Primrose

  My eyes widened at the message. It was serious. I gazed up at Emmalin. She and Edith were ogling over something Madeline did. I sent a text to Hawkins.

  Me: I have a situation. I need Emmalin secured. Discreetly. Now.

  Hawkins: Backup?

  Me: Probably

  Hawkins: Be there in 10

  I pocketed my phone and glanced up at Emmalin. “I need to run out for a bit. Will you be okay while I’m out?” She waved me off.

  “We’ll be fine. Be safe out there, I think it’s supposed to snow again.”

  “Yeah. Don’t go anywhere.”

  Chapter Seventy-Five


  “Kevin just texted. He’s ready. This was so much fun, and I’m so happy you’re having a girl!” Edith said as she hugged me. “And it was great having some adult time. I almost forgot what that was like.” I laughed, handing Madeline back to her.

  “Here, let me walk you out.”

  “Oh, no need. I got it. You develop strong arms, you’ll find that out real quick.”

  I smiled. “I’m looking forward to it.” I watched Edith and Madeline step into the elevator. I sighed, turning around. The apartment suddenly seeming too big. I rubbed my belly. “I hope your father brings us something back.”

  Something pink on the sofa caught my eye. Dammit. Madeline’s pink elephant. She loved that thing. I grabbed it and headed for the elevator, figuring I could probably still catch them. The elevator was still on the bottom floor, so I headed for the stairwell. I was about halfway down and must’ve missed the black puddle of ice water on the stair. I slid right through it and tumbled down at least two flights of stairs. I laughed once I hit the bottom; it was all I could do. Just my damn luck.

  I leaned up against the wall as I tried to get up, and a sharp pain struck my abdomen. I clutched my stomach. “Okay Flick, I know you didn’t like that fall. I didn’t either. Let’s work through this, okay? Let’s take it easy. It’ll be okay.” I took several deep breaths, trying to breathe through it while I rubbed my belly.

  Chapter Seventy-Six


  “Impeccable timing as usual, Ruska.”

  “My apologies, but I thought you would want to know what we’ve discovered.” He laid a file down on the desk. “This so called con-artist we’ve been tailing, her name is Angela Stewart. And the child? Maureen. Maureen isn’t her real name. Her name is Stephanie. In fact, Stephanie isn’t her daughter. Stephanie is the daughter of a Giles and Sabrina Kent.”

  I stared at Ruska. I had no idea what he was talking about. He smiled and pointed to the picture of Angela. “Angela kidnapped Stephanie when she was three months old. She’s been missing ever since. Angela was the babysitter for the Kents. They moved a lot, change appearances.”

  “So, I’m guessing the Kent’s think their daughter is dead, and also no one’s ever bothered to test blood to realize that Stephanie has never been sick?”

  He shrugged. “Angela’s a nurse. She’s most likely swapping samples. Shaves the girl’s head, puts her in casts, the list goes on and on. The point is, you have a decision to make. Put her behind bars for good and return the girl to her parents where she rightfully belongs, or we can continue with our original plan and get rid of her like you wanted.

  I leaned back in my chair, studying the files. She’d extorted millions from charities. She was a fucking head case. My phone beeped.r />
  Hawkins: Did you take Emmalin with you?

  Me: No, she’s at the house

  Emmalin better be at the house. I was about to text again when Ruska spoke up. “I think it’s best we turn her over to the police. We’re still watching them. They can do a bust. That kid deserves to be with her real parents.

  I sighed. That little girl didn’t deserve to be treated like she was sick or raised by a woman that had kidnapped her. My phone buzzed again.

  Hawkins: She’s coming up the elevator

  “You’re right; that little girl should be home with her real parents.”

  “Okay. I’ll make it happen. Now get home to that beautiful wife of yours.”

  Chapter Seventy-Seven


  I didn’t know how long I stayed in the stairwell, but I finally managed to get up. It couldn’t have been more than twenty minutes, but I no longer felt the sharp pain, which was good. I finally got to the elevator and figured I just needed to lay down, then I’d be fine. I braced myself against the wall as the room started to spin. I finally stepped into our condo, and I was surprised to see Hawkins and another guy rounding the corner. They both stopped dead in their tracks when they saw me, and I swore their faces turned ashen.

  Hawkins stepped forward. “Mrs. Mandrake…”

  “I’m sorry, I tried to stop Edith. Her daughter left her pink elephant but I slipped in the stairwell and fell a few flights.”

  He held his hand up. “You’re bleeding.”

  I looked at my arm. “I know. I have a few scratches.”

  He stepped closer to me. “Emmalin, no…you’re bleeding.” I looked down at the bottom of my dress and saw that it was now a beautiful crimson shade of red.

  My mind started spinning all at once,


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