Infinitely Mine (Incapable Part Three)

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Infinitely Mine (Incapable Part Three) Page 23

by Skye,Marie

  By the time we got home, before we even shut the door, there was nothing Grayson’s PR team could do. The pictures had gone viral. My Twitter social media account was filled with:

  #BabyMandrake, #BabyMandrakeWatch, #GraLinBaby, #EmmalinBump

  And then, the dreaded phone call came. Grayson’s mother called. I slid his phone across the table to him. “You talk to her. She’s your mother.” He scowled at me as he answered the phone, and I immediately left, not even wanting to listen to his half of it.

  I started work I could do from home, arranging some meetings for the upcoming months. There were families that couldn’t pay for their children’s medical expenses, even after insurance, and we wanted to do everything we could to help make sure we could assist as much as possible. Families shouldn’t be burdened with hospital bills; they should be spending as much time as they can with their children. Sometimes it’s the only few hours they’ll ever have.

  Grayson walked in the room.

  “How’d she take it?”

  He rolled his eyes. “Not well, but she’ll get over it. They want to throw us a party.”

  “Well, I’m pretty busy right now, Grayson. I can’t just stop everything because they want to throw a little party.”

  “It’s not a little party, Emmalin. It’s a celebration of life.”

  “Well I don’t feel like celebrating!” I yelled out, and he stepped back. I took a deep breath and shut my eyes. “I have a lot of stuff to catch up on, especially since you’re having me cut back. I feel like I’m out of the loop on everything. If they want to do a party, fine, they can do it here. It’ll be easier for me that way.”

  He stared at me, eyes narrowing a bit. “Okay. Party here.”

  Chapter Seventy


  It was Saturday, three weeks after our pregnancy had been revealed. At my parent’s insistence, we were doing a celebration gathering. Emmalin also wanted to work that day, at her insistence.

  “They need me Grayson. The families need me. This donation could be huge.”

  I sighed. “I understand that, Emmalin, I do, but I need you too. Our family is here today, to celebrate our family.”

  “I know, and I’ll be there.”

  “Well, you better. You have the main attraction.” I placed my hand on her belly, and she placed her hand over mine as she got in her car. I hated her driving. I leaned in her window. “The party starts at 3 p.m. Please don’t be late.” I gave her a kiss before she drove away.

  I placed the last of the dishes in the dishwasher and started it. The buzzard signaled someone was in the elevator. Emmalin. I checked my watch. Just after 10 p.m.

  She slowly walked into the room. She looked tired and pale, like she hadn’t taken the time to eat more than a few bites all damn day. Her eyes were swollen and puffy like she’d been crying. She looked up, startled to see me.

  “I’m sorry, it’s been a day,” she whispered.

  “You could’ve called.”

  “I know.” She brushed away a tear. “But anything I said to you about being on my way would’ve been a lie, so I didn’t.”

  I studied her. “Why do you say that?”

  She looked away from me. “I don’t know. Never mind. I’ll apologize to your family for not being available.”

  I watched her walk away. Something was wrong. Very wrong.

  Chapter Seventy-One


  I was approaching my fifth month of pregnancy, moving right along, I guessed. I even had a little pooch going on. I was minding my own business, when out of nowhere, I jumped. Something strange happened. Then it happened again. I placed my hand over the spot on my belly, then jerked it away when it happened again.

  I immediately picked up the phone and dialed Edith’s number. She answered on the first ring.

  “Hey! Something weird is happening.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know. I was sitting here, and my belly…jerked.”

  She was silent, then started laughing. “That’s supposed to happen. It’s kicking.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Oh.”

  “Are you reading those baby books I sent you?”

  Yeah, cause who has time for that? “No, it’s on my list though. I’ll get to it. I have to go, talk to you later.” I hung up before she could say any more. I looked down at my belly. “Well, you’re just determined, aren’t you? Stubborn, just like your father.”

  My belly growled, and I ignored it. I still had one more stop to make before I could call it a day.

  I was inquiring about a new wing at one of the hospitals when a little girl’s voice caught my attention. I’d heard it before. I walked closer to the voice and listened. She was talking to a little boy.

  “Yeah, I broke my arm once when I was younger and got a cast for it, but that’s about it.”

  “You’re lucky,” the boy said. “I never get to leave the hospital. My parents are scared I’ll get sick or something.”

  “Maureen! I told you not to go in there. Get out here now!” The little girl jumped at the woman’s voice. I knew that voice, too. I knew that voice well.

  Now I remembered where I knew them both from. They were both in the video Carson had shown me, the video he was going to try to use to threaten Grayson with.

  I rounded the corner, going straight for the woman, and grabbed her arm. “She’s not even sick is she?” She struggled against me.

  “Let go of me!”

  “She’s not even sick! You’re trying to extort money from these charities, aren’t you? I know who you are. You were working with Carson. That’s what you do, isn’t it? Just like you were trying to extort money from my husband! You’re a damn con!”

  She shoved me back, and I barely caught my balance.

  “Mrs. Mandrake!” someone called out to me and came running over. The woman’s eyes widened upon hearing my last name.

  “Well, you bet your ass you’ll be hearing from my lawyer!” She grabbed the little girl’s hand and turned the corner, running.

  “Mrs. Mandrake, are you okay?”

  I nodded, bracing myself against the wall and taking a deep breath. “I’m fine.”

  “Are you sure? Should I call Mr. Mandrake, or get a doctor?”

  I shook my head. “No, I’m fine. Let’s just finish where we left off. I’m sorry, where were we?” She didn’t look convinced as she led me back down the hall.

  I finished up my last review. It didn’t take long for word to get to Grayson, however. I was just coming out of a room as he stepped off of the elevator, and he was seething. I opened my mouth to say something, but the look he gave me stopped me dead in my tracks. He took my arm gently and guided me, looking for an empty conference room.

  He nodded politely at those that acknowledged him. Oh, sure, he was nice to them. As soon as he found one, he ushered me in, locked the door, and shut the blinds. He widened his stance and crossed his arms in that domineering way, and I’d have been lying if I’d said it didn’t turn me on. Fucking hormones.

  “You were pushed?”

  “I’m fine. She’s the one—”

  He held up his hand, cutting me off. “I don’t give a fuck who she is, Emmalin. You’re pregnant. It’s not just you anymore.”

  “I said I was fine,” I said through gritted teeth.

  He shook his head. “I want you checked out—immediately. Then you’re going home to rest.” He took out his phone.

  I threw my hands up. “You’re overreacting. I didn’t even fall. Your baby is fine!” I grabbed my bag. “But, I am going home, and when you’re ready to listen to me, that’s where I’ll be.” I stormed past him and slammed the door.

  I was home maybe two minutes before Grayson walked in behind me. I sighed. “Don’t you have work to do?”

  He took off his suit jacket. “Stop it.”

  I looked away and he walked up to me, cupping my nape, bringing me closer to him. I hated that he was touching me, but even worse, I loved i
t. He placed his hand over my belly, and he sighed. “Are you sure you’re okay? I saw the video, and I know you didn’t fall, but I’m still worried. She pushed you pretty hard. Are you sure?”

  I took a deep breath. “I’m sure.” As if confirming that fact, the baby chose that moment to move. It fucking moved against his hand. Show off.

  Grayson rubbed over that spot and smiled. “It’s moving!” He laughed. “Okay, I believe you, Flick.” Typical—he believed the thing growing inside me, but not me. Ass face. Before I could turn away from him, he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me to him.

  “Explain to me what happened.” He led me over to the couch.

  “She’s the woman from the video, the one Carson threatened to release to blackmail you. That’s her!”

  Grayson’s nostrils flared. “And you’re sure? You’re absolutely positive?”

  “That’s her, Grayson. She’s a damn con, I’m sure of it.” He nodded, taking out his phone and typing a quick text before putting it away again.

  “Did you eat lunch?”

  I practically gaped at his question. “What?”

  “Did you eat lunch?” He stared at me, waiting for my answer.

  I opened and shut my mouth. “I…no, not yet.” He immediately stood up.

  “I’ll get us something. Anything in particular you want?” I stared at him, dumbfounded. I was completely taken aback by how easily he turned the conversation, like it was just another casual day.

  “No, I wasn’t that hungry, but shouldn’t—”

  “I’ll get us something. I’ll be back shortly.” He leaned down, giving me a chaste kiss before leaving. All I could do was stare after him.

  Chapter Seventy-Two


  “I want her gone, especially if she’s going to become a threat to my wife and my unborn child.”

  “Take it easy Mandrake. We need to know what we’re dealing with first.”

  I slammed my fist down. “I will not fucking take it easy Ruska! The last time I was told to take it easy, my wife was taken from me, and raped and tortured within an inch of her life. I was too busy playing it safe. I’m fucking done playing it safe, especially now that I have two lives to worry about. I want it handled, and I want it handled now!” I leaned in closer. “She’s a threat to my wife. Get rid of her. Now.” I turned and headed for the door.

  “And the kid?”

  I stopped. The kid would be an orphan, and would most likely be put in foster care. Could I do that to a child that was innocent in all of this? Take away a daughter’s mother? I thought of my own unborn child, the one that had been brutally taken from us. That unborn child had suffered at the hands of a monster, never even getting a chance to know us, and we’d never get the chance to know him or her, because it had died. This little girl would at least have a life. Yeah, I was a cruel heartless bastard, but I wasn’t that fucking cruel. Without facing Ruska, I placed my hand on the door. “See if the child has family she can be placed with. A good family. Otherwise, I’ll make sure she’s adopted into a good family.” I turned the knob and left.

  I strummed my fingers against the steering wheel. I wasn’t even sure what I was waiting on. My phone buzzed with another text from Emmalin. She was pissed at me.

  Emmalin: And don’t forget the brown gravy

  I smiled, but at least she wanted food. I grabbed the bag of chicken and sides, and headed up to our condo. I really wanted to move into a house before the baby arrived. Emmalin was in the living room, watching a movie. I held up the bag. “I got fried—”

  She sat up eagerly. “Where were you? What happened?”

  I sat down next to her and pulled the food out. “I told you, I went to grab lunch. Sorry it took so long.” I turned to caress her belly, then her face. “You feeling okay?” She slapped my hand away.

  “Don’t you lie to me, Grayson.”

  “I need you to calm down, Emmalin.” I spoke to her as calmly as possible. I couldn’t have her getting upset and risk hurting herself, or the baby.

  “I’m very calm, Grayson. Stop talking to me like that,” she said through gritted teeth. I also had to remind myself that her hormones played a big part in her moodiness—or maybe she was just being herself. It was hard to tell lately. So, I decided to bargain instead.

  “After you eat your lunch, we’ll talk. Eat first.”

  Emmalin continued to act as if being pregnant was bothersome to her. I couldn’t figure out why. She wasn’t getting enough sleep. She was barely eating, and twice I caught her up at two in the morning, working. She said, if she wanted it done right, she had to do it herself. Dr. Blythe had said three times now that not only was Emmalin underweight, but the baby itself was underweight.

  I asked Emmalin if she wanted to know the sex of the baby. She shrugged it off and said she couldn’t care less. Isabella asked about planning a baby shower. Emmalin said she was busy. I was two seconds from tying her down and force feeding her. I finally made an after-hours appointment with Dr. Blythe myself.

  “I don’t know what’s going on with her. She doesn’t talk to me, and it’s almost like she doesn’t know she’s pregnant. I practically have to force her to take her prenatal vitamins.”

  Dr. Blythe nodded. “You know how some women develop postpartum depression after pregnancy? Emmalin most likely has antenatal depression. Given Emmalin’s history, frankly I’m not surprised this has come on. Actually, I was expecting it, to be honest. Every pregnancy Emmalin has ever had has turned into a death for her. So, naturally, she’s expecting this one to end that way as well.”

  I shut my eyes, thinking back to all the signs: her wanting to wait for certain things, not showing up for the party, not really being worried when she got shoved, always saying ‘your baby’. “She’s expecting this to not end well.”

  “Exactly. She’s already prepared herself for it, so in her mind, her body has already depressed itself. Emmalin has no reason to attach herself to something she feels isn’t going to live.”

  “So, what do I do? How do I fix her?”

  “Medication isn’t an option because of the pregnancy. Support, therapy—those are the options to try to bring her around for now. Exercise, friends, and family. She may fight and push you away, but if you have a good support system, they need to know that they need to fight harder. She’ll take them down, and they need to be prepared for it.”

  Let the battle begin.

  Chapter Seventy-Three


  My phone buzzed again. Another text, this time from Meredith wanting to know about plans for a baby shower. I deleted it. I wished everyone would just leave me alone about a damn baby shower. I sighed, having to pee again. This kid apparently thought my bladder was a damn trampoline.

  After I came out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, I was surprised to see Grayson standing there.

  “Hey. Late day at the office?”

  “Something like that.” He looked me up and down, like he was trying to look for something. I already felt huge, and now he was making me feel self-conscious. “How are you feeling?”

  He asked me that at least ten times a day, if not more. I held out my arms. “I’m huge. Your baby kicks nonstop, and I think I would consider the name Flick.” I looked up at him and smiled, only, he wasn’t smiling.

  “Why do you always say that?” He took a step closer to me.

  “Say what?”

  He pulled out a chair, guiding me to it to sit as he stood in front of me. “Your baby? It’s our baby. You always say your baby as if this baby isn’t yours, too, as if you want no part of this baby.”

  I felt my palms getting sweaty, and I stared down at my lap. “Look at me, Emmalin.” But I couldn’t. I couldn’t look at him, because I was losing it. This was my breaking point. I heard him softly sigh as he gently wiped a tear off my cheek. “I want to help you, but you have to let me in.”

  I finally opened my eyes. “I didn’t want to love it, because they always leave,” I w
hispered. “I didn’t want to love it and have it taken away. They always get taken away, but this one won’t leave, and I don’t know how to love it. I don’t know what to do.”

  He gave me a sad smile. “I know they left, baby, and I’m sorry about that, but this one won’t leave you. You know why? Because baby Flick is fighting for you. It needs you.”

  My tears were flowing harder. “I don’t know how to need it. I’m going to be a mother that doesn’t love her own baby.”

  “You do love your baby Emmalin. You’re just a little unsure. You’re nervous. Hell, I’m unsure and nervous. We can do this, but I can’t do it without you. I need you.” He placed his hand on my belly, and, as if sensing it was being talked about, it moved again. “We need you.”

  I placed my hand on top of his.

  My family. I can try this. I can do this.

  And, I did. It wasn’t easy. In fact it was hell. Pure hell. Agony really. I smiled, but inside I was screaming, and behind closed doors, I was crying. I didn’t know how to handle it. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know how to handle the connection with my unborn child. I had been given this gift, and I didn’t know what to do with it. I felt myself crumbling. I even started to have dark thoughts again. I thought I was doing a good job of hiding it, until Grayson found me one night in the library, huddled in a corner.


  I jumped at the voice behind me, looked over my shoulder, and quickly wiped the tears away. “Did, I wake you? Go back to bed Grayson, I’ll be there in a minute.”

  He slowly shook his head as he stepped into the room. I started to get up, but he moved in behind me and pulled me into his lap. “This is harder on you than you thought it would be, isn’t it?” He wiped an errant tear from my face. “You’re struggling, baby. I see it. We all see it.”


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