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Her Northern Warlord: Norman Lords: Book Three

Page 5

by Hannah West

  Now frustrated he said, “You are a woman and I am a man Evelyn,” through gritted teeth. “I desire you in sinful ways.”

  He watched as she turned pink and tried to speak but could not get the words out.

  Cesare knew that his next words would damn him. “There is nothing more dead then your trust and friendship, but I crave more. More than I am not allowed to have.”

  Cesare looked away from her and fell back in a chair, covering his face with his large hands. After a long silence he said, “Forgive me, Evelyn.”


  “Forgive me, Evelyn,” he had asked of her. But there was nothing to forgive, as she did not believe they had done anything wrong. As for how he felt she could no fault with it. One simply felt the way they did, it could not be controlled.

  For his desires it sounded most wicked but not something she feared she wanted to know more of. She wanted to know this desire and this passion of his.

  “I cannot forgive you,” she said softly, silently pleading for him to look up at her.

  When he did look up at her, his expression was stricken.

  She shook her head. “I cannot forgive when no offence was given. But,” she reached out and placed a hand on his knee. “I would like to learn more of this desire. About the passion you feel. If it was created by God then how could it be wrong? I know little about being a lady, but less about being a woman.” She grinned at his shocked look.

  “It does sound wondrous.”

  She could see he wanted to say yes, it burned in his eyes but then his expression darkened and what had burned in his eyes was doused.

  “I want that more then you know, but we cannot. The king has decreed that I marry and he will wed you off as well. Your husband shall be the one to teach you.”

  “Your king will be hard pressed to marry off a scarred woman with no coin to her name. All I have is a bloodline that no one shall want because of Saxon blood.” She smiled sadly. “Your king will see so and once again I shall have no place to return too. I shall be displaced yet again.”

  “If so then you shall always be welcomed here,” he vowed to her.

  “Stay and be under the nose of your wife to be? It would not be fair to her of me.”

  “You shall stay and that is the end of this.”

  “Then we are at an impasse. Why not let me learn of this passion and desire you speak of and we shall cross that bridge when we come to it.” She pleaded with him.

  He took her within his arms then, encircling her in his embrace, giving into the need that clawed at his gut. With a low growl he fisted her hair in his fist and drew her closer, tilting her head back so he could mould his mouth to hers. He was harsh in the taking of her lips, he knew, but he couldn’t stop himself, couldn’t hold back. He in truth had never been a gentle man.

  He pressed her closer as her fingers wound around his neck and tightened as if to hold her up.


  Cesare lost himself in the liquid fire of her soft lips, pulling her body flesh against his. She gasped and he dabbed his tongue against her lips, asking for permission. With no hesitation she parted her lips for him and his tongue sought out hers. Hesitant at first she copied what he was doing until she fell into the age old rhythm. She gave a thrust for every one of his and even gently bit his bottom lip as he pulled away from her.

  In return he reclaimed her mouth with brute force and backed her into the stone wall behind them. His fingers slipped from her hair, down her shoulders skimming over the swells of her breasts to rest finally on her hips. He slowly lifted her as he kissed a fine trail down her delicate neck. Her skin was damp and she let out a content sigh as he licked his way up to the shell of her ear.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist, dove. Let me show you some of the passion you asked for,” he rasped huskily into her ear.


  Unable to think Evelyn mindlessly wrapped first one leg around his waist and then the other using her good arm around his neck to support her while her other hair was still touching his hair. She sought out his mouth once more and kissed him hard to get his attention back.

  While he demanded to be let back within her mouth, she felt him shift her position and then pressed her back into the stone wall of the chamber.

  She was so swept up in her dazed lust that she literally jarred out of it when he thrust himself up against her. She was shocked to feel a hard part of him move against the sensitive part of her. This time she could not hold in her gasp and expelled it against his lips.

  Stunned at the delightful feeling that spread through her she let her head fall back as she made a sound that couldn’t have truly come from her.

  “Do you feel that,” he asked through clenched teeth.

  “Uh, huh,” she moaned with a shudder as he thrust again.

  “That is desire, that is our lust,” he said as he thrust to her again.

  She nodded weakly in agreement. He claimed her mouth, slipping his hot tongue inside to meet hers as his movement grew faster, more frantic.

  She felt the muscles in her stomach tighten and a tingle start in her lower back, building with each movement of their bodies together.

  The pressure that had been building within her suddenly released within her body and she let out a keening cry before he smothered it with his own mouth.

  With a few more thrusts he tossed he head back and bellowed to the rafters. With shuddering breaths he dropped his forehead to hers and marvelled at how earth shattering that had just been.

  It had been sometime for him since he had, had a woman in his arms, but none had ever been like this. She had set him aflame and he had burned for her.

  He opened his eyes to stare into her wide passion dazed ones.

  She gave him a dreamy smile. “Was that desire,” she asked breathlessly.

  “That,” he said in a quiet husky tone, “was passion and pleasure.”


  She was still marvelling over the new experience but soon the passion faded and her arm began to throb painfully.

  She started to squirm to try and get comfortable but he seemed to realize she was hurting and almost dropped her with a curse while trying to put her down.

  His expression was panicked as he looked her over. “Are you hurt,” he demanded.

  She was sore but not hurt, not really. She shook her head and smiled at him. “Nay, my lord Clay. I am fine, I assure you.”

  His dark expression lightened at her jest. “That is not my name, my lady.”

  She reached out and twirled a long lock of his hair around her fingers. She stared at it as questions and thought swirled in her mind.

  He had said things like what they had just done where sins, but she didn’t feel as if they were. She was grateful he had taught her such things. Evelyn felt content, truly so, for the first time in her life. Hopefully he felt the same way.

  Surely he would share his name with her now that she had shared more with him. Doing such intimate things together must mean they knew each other well enough.

  A finger tilted Evelyn’s head back to meet his dark searching gaze. “Why such a forlorn look? Do you regret what you have done?” His tone held a note of hurt.

  She shook her head. “I simply wonder if I have gained enough of your trust to know your name.”

  He stilled, apparently shocked at her words. He cursed suddenly and Evelyn flinched, about to move away.

  “Nay, do not fear me,” he said gruffly, reaching for her again.

  Evelyn went back into his arms.

  “I curse my foolishness, not you. Forgive me for being a complete arse. I have dishonoured you and you know not even my name.” He rubbed a callused palm over his face. Standing straight he made her a formal bow. “I am your servant, Lady Evelyn. I am known as Cesare.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Cesare’s thoughts toward himself after his last meeting with Lady Evelyn were less then chartable. He would find his mind drifting back to her soft cries and her lush little bod
y and he would have to take a moment to calm his raging blood.

  Now with a lust-clear mind he realized how foolish it had been touch her, to do what he had done. She had been innocent to everything and he had soiled her.

  Cesare was certain he was going to burn in hell for it. He came to the decision that he would place a distance between them and he would not touch her again.

  He flexed his fingers almost remembering the soft curves of her body.

  With another curse he took himself to the lists. He held the hope that he would work her from his mind, until he was too exhausted to think anymore.


  Two days later as Evelyn took her bath in a private chamber off the side of the kitchens, she heard the servants talking while preparing the evening meal.

  “Have you heard? That stable lad got Emmi in some trouble!” said a younger maid.

  “I would say I told you so, but I knew it was bound to happen.”

  “I was expectin’ it, I was,” said an old woman who was stirring a pot. “Caught them once meself,” she huffed.

  “This time it was one of the lord’s knights that caught them. Apparently the knight had her before! He came upon them moaning and groaning like and he was furious!”

  “That is how you get with babe,” whispered a new voice.

  “She is with child. She said so herself when she got sick serving the morning meal. She’s been along for a while now,” murmured the first one again.

  “Poor girl,” the old woman tutted. “She has no family and will lose her position.”

  Evelyn who had been listening intently paled at what they said next. “Poor thing will be tossed to the wayside to starve. She will die, paying for what she has done.”

  Evelyn felt as if she had been slapped by the women. Had what she and Lord Cesare done been the same thing they had been talking about? Would she have a babe only to be tossed out by him to the roadside to die, even after telling her that she would always have a place here if she wished it?

  She would have to ask him. There was no other way to know, herself, she still had much to learn. But she knew somehow she must help the poor girl the serving woman had talked about.

  Determined she dried and dressed as quickly as she could and made her way to the court yard. To find Lord Cesare. She spotted his formidable form in the distance as he gave orders to some of his men.

  His long black hair was tied back with a leather cord, his broad backs were to her and she noted the tight fit of his woollen pants, however everything he had on was richly made and of the finest quality.

  She looked down to the plain grey wool gown she wore. There were still so many differences between them. Why did he truly give her his time?

  Evelyn slowed her pace toward him.

  Would he be angered with her questions? She had considered what they had done together; mayhap he thought she knew enough to understand the implications of her choices. She could not, would not fault him in any way. She had consented and even forced his hand.

  Even knowing that why did her hands shake with nervousness and her stomach knot?

  Evelyn shook her head, she wasn’t a coward, and she was not her mother. She took up her pace once more toward him. She needed to know.

  His men noticed her first and pointed her out. She swallowed pass the lump in her throat, no turning back.

  Lord Cesare shoulders tightened and he dismissed his men before turning to her. His face was expressionless, but there was a burning in his eyes that she could see. She noticed that he clenched his hands as well.

  Without preamble she stopped a few paces short of him and looked him in the eyes. “May I speak with you, my lord?”

  He inclined his head once, waiting for her to speak.

  Evelyn glanced around noticing people slowing down to listen, to watch. She looked back to him.

  “May we seek a private place to speak?” she asked quietly.

  He slowly shook his head. “That would not be wise, my lady.” He crossed his arms over his chest, studying her face. He must have seen panic or nervousness for he was suddenly concerned. “What is wrong?”

  Taking a deep shaky breath to steady herself she said, “I heard servants talking and…and I heard them taking about a girl who had done w-what we have done,” she stammered.

  “What, Lady Evelyn,” he demanded.

  She flinched at his tone blurting out, “And I fear being left by the wayside as well with a babe, to die.”

  His face paled of color, going white, before flushing red. He took hold of her arm and escorted her inside the keep; she followed him down a few dark passageways until they came to a small private alcove with a stone bench in front of a window.

  He gently placed her on the bench and asked her, “Explain.”

  Feeling a touch less panicked she nodded. “They said women who did what I did with you would create a babe and that those who did are left for dead on the roadway.” Tears filled her eyes and she reached for his hands. “If so please allow the babe to stay, to live even if I must go,” Evelyn begged of him.

  Lord Cesare took his hands from hers and sat next to her before pulling her onto his lap and into his arms.

  “There is so much you do not know,” he said quietly next to her ear.

  His breath was warm, comforting. She curled up within his arms enjoying a feeling she had not had since her mother’s death.

  “There is no need to weep. All is well. You shall not be with child or tossed to the wayside.”

  “How could you be so sure,” she whispered shakily.

  “What we did was not how to create a child,” he explained shortly, flushing with embarrassment.

  Evelyn lifted her head from his shoulder. “Are you truly sure?”

  He gave a rough laugh that jostled her. “I am sure, dove.” Suddenly tone gone serious he said, “If there ever were a babe they and you would be taken care of.”

  She hugged him about his neck as best she could. “I thank you. My whole world has been turned upside down. It is heartening to know I have a constant in you. I am truly glad we are friends,” she whispered before she leaned in and placed her mouth upon his.

  It only lasted a moment but it seemed that one moment could last forever.

  When she pulled away, she gave him a small smile. However as she looked over his handsome face, his brows drew together and the emotion reflected in his eyes was guilt.

  “Now this has been addressed we need not speak of it anymore, aye?” he asked her in a somber tone.

  The tone he had used didn’t set well with her. It made her stomach tighten with nerves.

  “Aye, I suppose so. However I think you have more to say on the matter,” she guessed with wariness.

  Lord Cesare sighed and removed her from his lap and stood. “We cannot do this again, what we have done thus far was wrong. I will not hurt you or shame you again. It is best for both of us to remain away from each other. This was unwise of me.”

  Evelyn stood as well, emotions welling. “How is this wrong? I feel no shame for what I have done with you. I expect nothing more than you are willing to give me. This happened for a reason,” Evelyn told him.

  A humourless laugh left his lips. “A reason, my lady? What reason?”

  She pursed her lips as a slow burning anger filled her gut. So she replied tartly, “You needed someone to be your friend and I needed to learn things only you could teach me. With you I am not afraid.”

  “Regardless, Lady Evelyn, I must put this to an end before someone gets hurt.”

  “You may try to, but I shall not. A deal is a deal, Lord Cesare. My fate is still my own until the king arrives. I bid you a good day.” With that she left him looking after her.

  Chapter Nineteen

  King William finished sorting through the papers left by his steward, when a thought about the young noble woman now at Norfolk crossed his mind. He was quite stunned that she had been found alive at an abbey after he had heard tale of the previous Duke of
Norfolk and his lady wife.

  There was a knock at his door that pulled him away from his musings.

  “Come in,” William called to the person on the other side of the door.

  His wife, Matilda, came in with a broad smiling upon her beautiful face.

  “Lady Wife,” he greeted her then bent to give her a kiss.

  She playfully batted his hands away. “Have you given any thoughts to the matter I put to you?” she asked as she sat down in a plush chair.

  William tried to recall what she had said to him but could not. “I am sorry, my dear, but for the life of me I cannot remember.”

  She sighed. “The matter I put before you was the marriages of your god-daughters. They all are of an age to marry, passed that in fact, and their fathers’ bid them marry before the end of the year.”

  “Three of them marry?” he mused to himself before it came to him. The best Idea he had yet. “That is it!” he shouted. He gave his wife another kiss. “You are brilliant, my love.”

  Laughing at his enthused response she asked, “How so, dear?”

  “In a few months’ time Cesare, the new Duke of Norfolk, is to be wed. An event is to be held for him to choose a wife. We could have a tournament instead which could allow all of my god-daughters to marry. One may just end up wed to him. We shall hold four events and the champion of each one will be given the hand of one of the girls to wed.” He grinned as it unfolded in his mind.

  His wife frowned, “What of Lord Cesare finding a bride?”

  “He will simply have to win one of the girls in one of the events. He could do very well, I dare say.”

  “Well if this is what you want to do you must make haste for there is not much time. More invitations must be sent to the noble families so they may come. There is much to do as well.” She was up and swiftly making her way to the door when William snatched her around the waist and pulled her to him.


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