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Radclyffe - Honor 06 - Honor Under Siege

Page 18

by Honor Under Siege (lit)

  Cam brushed her thumb along the crest of Blairs cheek. “We havent stopped moving for the last two months. I want a few days with you when all that matters is being with you.

  “You do? Blair glanced down the path to the guesthouse where the current office of the Deputy Director of Homeland Security was located, knowing that Cams agents waited for her inside and that the work her lover was doing was critical to the nations well-being. She also knew that the work was essential to Cams well-being. The last thing she expected was for Cam to be thinking of anything except work.

  “ Im sorry, Cam murmured as if reading her mind. “Im sorry that I havent made it clear to you how much I need you.

  “ Cameron. Blair skimmed her fingers through Cams hair. “You made that perfectly clear not more than an hour ago.

  Cam grinned briefly. “That too, but more than anything I need you Her eyes darkened and she touched her palm to her chest. “in here.

  Blair caught her breath. “Oh my God. You have to go right this minute or Im going to have to drag you back to bed. You cant say things like that to me when were standing out here and I cant have you.

  “ Is that a yes about Colorado?

  “ Ill call Doris today. I know Tanner and Adrienne will love to see her again.

  “ Good. Cam kissed her. “I might be a while.

  “ I know. Do what you have to do. I love you.

  “ Be careful today.

  “ I will be. Blair asked the question lurking in the back of her mind. “Have you learned anything?

  “ On the surface it looks like the shooter was targeting Emory.

  “ On the surface?

  “ Hes on her watch list, but some of these groups have multiple agendas. Its not a stretch for an anti-fetal research zealot to also be anti-gay.

  “ So it mightve been us he was after.

  “ Possibly.

  “ But?

  Cam sighed. “We cant discount the remote possibility that this might be related to the previous assault on you.

  “ And you.

  “ So our safest course of action, Cam said, “is to assume all three are probable and investigate accordingly. The local FBI is putting together a file on the anti-stem cell research groups, and well continue to focus on connections to Matheson.

  Blair caressed Cams ribs lightly, wishing fervently that she could heal them. “What about Valerie?

  “ If she doesnt contact either Diane or myself, our chances of finding her are remote. Given enough time, we might, but time is something we dont have much of. Cam ran her fingers through Blairs hair. “Im working on something that might draw her in.

  “ Is it classified?

  “ No, but it does involve Lucinda.

  “ Uh-oh. Do I even want to know?

  “ Youll find out later. Cam kissed Blairs forehead. After a second she said, “No questions?

  “ Ill wait for you to tell me about the briefing. Perhaps Ill go down to the marina in a while to see Tanner.

  “ Take three people Cam grimaced. “Im sure Stark will take care of that.

  Blair smiled. “I never mind you looking out for me. Stark doesnt have to know.

  “ Thanks, baby. Cam kissed her again, then turned and strode briskly away.

  Blair waited until Cam disappeared inside, then continued down the winding path to the beach. As she turned north, tucking her hands in the pockets of her windbreaker and walking quickly to keep warm in the brisk wind, she was peripherally aware of the two figures shadowing her. They had been there, of course, the entire time that she and Cam had stood on the path sharing something so intimate she still felt like crying. Those who had watched would of course never acknowledge in any way what they had witnessed, and during those moments, she hadnt been aware of anyone except Cam. She stopped and pulled out her cell phone and speed-dialed.

  A moment later, Cam answered. “Are you all right?

  “ Im sorry, I know youre briefing. I just want you to know that Id love to go to Colorado to get married.

  “ All right, Cam said probingly. “And?

  “And this morning in bed was wonderful, but the only thing I really need is for you to look at me like you just did for the rest of my life.

  “You can count on that.

  “I love you, Blair said quietly. “Ill see you later.

  Blair closed the phone, slid it into her pocket, and turned her face up to the rain. It was cold and sharp against her skin and she felt unbelievably alive.

  * * * * *

  When Blair let herself into the kitchen forty-five minutes later, Diane was waiting for her. She was without makeup, in loose cotton slacks and a pale blue cotton blouse, and she didnt look like shed slept at all the night before. Her freshly washed hair was loose and unstyled. She looked vulnerable and young, and Blairs heart ached. Diane had finally fallen in love and instead of being able to immerse herself in the joy of it, she might lose Valerie and never know why.

  “Morning, sweetheart. Blair skimmed her fingers over Dianes back as she passed behind her. She stopped abruptly when she felt Diane stiffen. “What is it?

  “This. Dianes normally sultry voice was scratchy from fatigue. She pointed to the newspaper spread out in front of her. “I dont understand this.

  Blair peered over her shoulder and frowned at an article on the second page. Noted Gallery Owner Assaulted After Gala. She scanned the completely fictitious account of an assault, presumed to be a robbery, that occurred just outside the Boston Ritz Carlton the previous evening following a fundraiser for a noted research institute. The only thing in the article that resembled reality in the slightest was the fact that the victim, Diane Bleeker, was actually the owner of a trendy Manhattan gallery.

  “Is this how things are done in your world? Diane lifted her pain-filled and accusing eyes. “Are these kinds of lies necessary? I have friends, colleagues, family who will be concerned and what ifyou know that Valerie will probably see this. Someone should have told me.

  “I dont have any idea how Blair remembered a snippet of her conversation with Cam less than an hour ago. Cam had said she might have an idea about reaching Valerie. She had also said that Lucinda was involved, and this press manipulation had Lucindas fingerprints all over it. Blair straightened, her mouth tightening. “Im not sure what this is about, but Im going to find out.

  Grabbing the newspaper, she marched toward the dining room, now the security operations center, where she had last seen Paula and Mac. Mac was at the computer, studying what looked to be a floor plan. He swiveled on his chair to face her, his brows knitting.

  “Wheres Paula?

  “She went back upstairs to bed. Macs expression was polite but guarded. “Is there something I can help you with?

  “ How about this? Do you know anything about this? She extended the newspaper. From Macs quick glance, she knew that he was aware of the article.

  “ Ah, that might be something you want to ask the commander, he replied, obviously framing his reply carefully.

  “ Shes in a briefing. Why dont you explain it to me?

  Mac regarded her with mute appeal. “Im afraid I cant. Im sorry.

  “ All right. Of course not. Blair turned and walked away. When she heard Mac rise she looked back over her shoulder. “Stay here, Mac. Im not going any further than Cams office. God, its not like theres anywhere to go .

  He grinned cautiously. “Ive never known that to stop you. Respectfully, Ms. Powell.

  She narrowed her eyes, then laughed. “Maybe its time to rotate out my security team if you know me that well.

  “ It does take a long time to train the new ones, he said with a straight face.

  “ I suppose you have a point. Blair felt some of her anger ease. “Ill see you later Mac.

  “ Maam.

  By the time she reached the guesthouse, her fury had abated enough that when Cam walked into the living room in response to her arrival, she managed to ask calmly, “Can I talk to you for a minute?

  Cams gaze droppe
d to the newspaper she held tightly clenched in hand. “Ah. She slid her hands into the pockets of her black chinos. “I see that Lucinda is even more efficient than I anticipated. The article is in there?

  “ Your doing?

  “ Mostly. Lucinda made the necessary phone calls to the papers. Cam shook her head. “Even with the White House behind it, I didnt expect to see anything until this evening.

  “ Lucinda doesnt waste time or words.

  “ Apparently.

  “ Damn it, Cam. Diane doesnt understand this kind of thing. You should have told her, or let me tell her.

  Cam gestured to the sofa. “Lets sit down for a minute.

  “ I dont want to sit, I want an explanation. I told Luce I wouldnt use my friendship with Diane like this. I didnt think I needed to tell you!

  “ Just give me a minute and Ill explain. Cam sat down.

  “ Fine. Blair followed, but sat far enough away that they werent touching. “Youre using this to lure Valerie, arent you?

  “ Not entirely. Its a good cover story to explain all the official activity around the hotel last night. It keeps your name and Emorys out of the paper. And, yes, Cam said with a sigh, “it might draw Valerie out into the open. You can be sure shes scanning news sources for any available intel.

  “ Why didnt you tell me about this earlier?

  “ Other than the obvious reason being that I was preoccupied?

  Blair smiled faintly. “Other than that.

  Cam rubbed her eyes. “I didnt think wed see any activity around this until later in the day. Diane was still asleep, and she met Blairs intent gaze. “I didnt want her trying to contact Valerie and telling her it was fabricated.

  “ Jesus, Cam. Shes my best friend and shes hurting so much over this. How do you think shes going to feel if Valerie isI dont know, trapped, because of her?

  “ Blair, Cam said gently, “Valerie is in real trouble out there. The best thing for her is for us to be able to protect her. If she surfaces because shes worried that something might happen to Diane, or that something has happened to her, shell be better off.

  “ Can I tell Diane?

  “ Its going to put you in the middle. I hate to do that.

  “ Im already in it. Theres no middle ground left, Cam.

  Cam moved along the sofa so she was closer to Blair, but did not touch her. “Can you tell her part of it, and leave out anything about Valerie for now?

  “ Shes not nave, Camshe might ask me about Valerie. What shall I tell her to do if Valerie calls?

  “ Tell her to talk to her as long as she can.

  “ Youre tapping Dianes phone? Blair asked incredulously.

  “ Were tracing it back through her cellular provider. Its not perfect, but it gives us a starting place. Cam placed her hand flat on the sofa between them. “Im sorry, Blair. It has to be done.

  Blair was silent for a moment, then took Cams hand and cradled it in her lap between both of hers. “This must be hard for you.

  “ Inot as hard as it is for you. I wish I could change that.

  Blair shook her head. “No. One of the things I love about you is how clear you are about the right and wrong of things. About what should be done, no matter the cost. But theres nothing clear about any of this, is there?

  “ Nothing has been clear to me since the moment I saw one of my own agents standing outside your door pointing a gun at your heart, Cam said bitterly. “I dont even know how to begin to think about that.

  It was so very rare for Cam to voice her pain and disillusionment that Blair had to struggle not to pull her into her arms. Instead, she leaned close and kissed Cams cheek. “Ill talk to Diane. It will be okay.

  “ Im sorry.

  “ No. You shouldnt be. Not for doing what must be done. Blair rose. “You will be careful with Valerie, wont you?

  Cam stood. “Shes a victim in this too. Im sure of it.

  “ I trust your judgment. I do. Blair skimmed her fingers along Cams jaw. “But youre the one thing in my life I cant do without.

  “ Ill remember that.

  Blair smiled gently. “See that you do.

  Chapter Twenty

  C am tilted her chair back and scrubbed her face. A glance at her watch confirmed what she already knew. It was late, almost 9 p.m. Felicia and Savard looked just as exhausted as she felt, but neither had complained despite twelve hours of nonstop work at the computers. The rest of the guest house was dark, the only light coming from the computer monitors and a few muted lamps. She appreciated why so many government buildings had so few windowsthe less intrusion from the outside world, the easier it was to become lost in the work to the exclusion of everything else. Even the important people in your life.

  “ Where are we?

  Savard deferred to Felicia, who had the most expertise in terms of computer investigation. Felicia shrugged.

  “ Between the files at Quantico Ive been able to access and our own scans of Mathesons academy records, we have solid IDs on all four of the gunmen at the Aerie. We have names for the faces now and were digging deeper.

  “ What does that give us in terms of Mathesons connection to the Company and Valeries handler?

  Felicia shook her head. “Nothing yet. These men were all too young to be contemporaries of anyone who might have recruited Valerie.

  Savard said, “If Valerie was recruited as a teenager, then were probably looking at someone Mathesons age as her handler. She spread her hands in frustration. “He could be anyone.

  “We have to work from the assumption that Valeries handler and Matheson are tied together. It may turn out that theyre not, but thats a more probable scenario than postulating that Valeries contact within the Company reported the plans for the raid on Mathesons compound to someone else who then relayed the message to Matheson. Cam stood up and walked to the window, rolling her shoulders and trying to work out some of the stiffness from the previous weeks injuries and the tension of poring through files all day. The first floor of the main house was alight, and she wondered what Blair was doing. “I dont believe in coincidences. The only person outside of our team who knew about the raid was Valerie. She reported to her handler and Matheson was tipped off. A plus B equals C.

  “Matheson has had a lifetime to build up a network inside the system, Felicia said. “Were looking for a needle in a haystack.

  “Maybe. But men like Matheson know that the most secure network is one thats small and built on personal loyalty. She turned away from the window and the reminder of the rest of her life to face her agents. “What creates the greatest loyalty?

  “Chain of command, Savard said immediately.

  “Family, Felicia replied.

  “Start with Foster and the other four men from the assault on Blair, and find their brothers, cousins, uncles, fathers, grandfathers every male relative who might have been associated with Matheson or Mathesons brothers, uncles, father, whatever.

  Savard frowned. “What about the women?

  Cam shook her head. “Not likely. Matheson runs a military academy for boys. All of the assailants were men. All of the paramilitary personnel at his compound were men. He doesnt entrust women with authority.

  Felicias eyes flashed. “One of his many mistakes.

  “Agreed, Cam said with quiet satisfaction. “Hes going to regret underestimating us.

  * * * * *

  “I was wondering when you were going to surface, Blair said when Cam walked into the kitchen a little after 10 p.m. She pulled the red sweatband from her forehead and let her hair fall free on her shoulders. Shed just come from a run on the beach and still wore sweatpants and a cutoff T-shirt. “Theres chicken in the oven.

  “Thanks, but Im good. Tanner had sandwiches sent in for us. Cam opened the refrigerator and extracted a beer. “Want one?

  “Ive got wine. Blair waited until Cam sat down at the table and took several swallows of beer before moving behind her to massage her shoulders. “Long day.

  Cam leaned her head back against Blai
rs body, briefly closed her eyes, and sighed. “Yeah. How was yours?

  “About the same. I painted a little this afternoon.

  “Anything I can see yet?

  Blair smiled. “Soon. Maybe tomorrow.

  “ I wont forget. What else is new?

  “ Tanners people took Emory back to the city. Steph is going to stay with her for a day or so just to be sure shes okay.

  “ Good. Hows Diane?

  Blairs hand stilled. “Upset.

  “ Ill talk to her as soon as I check in with Mac and Stark. Hopefully they had better luck sorting out what happened at the hotel last night than we had today.

  “ No progress?

  Cam sighed. “Some. I have no doubt that given enough time we could track the various threads back to the hub, but I dont think we have that much time. Not when Matheson can put together assault squads like he did at the Aerie, people who dont care if they die.

  Blair went back to working on the muscles in Cams neck. “You think it was a suicide mission?

  “ I doubt they framed it that way, but the probability was overwhelming that none of the assailants would survive.

  “ You think hell try again.

  Cam fell silent, wondering if spelling out her concerns to Blair was fair.

  “ Dont try to decide whats good for me or not, just tell me what you think, Blair said.

  Cam looked up into Blairs face. “Yes, I do.

  “Well. Hes not so smart, then, is he? I just hope he does it soon so we can get this over with. Blair kissed the top of Cams head. “Why dont you take a shower and change into something more comfortable. Your back is one big knot.

  “Are you going to come with me?

  Blair laughed. “No, not unless you intend on spending the rest of the night in the bedroom.

  “Sounds good to me. Cam grinned, tilting her head further back against Blairs stomach. “I missed you today.

  Blair traced Cams eyebrows with a fingertip, then leaned over and kissed her mouth upside down. “Ive been thinking of this morning all day. I love that position, but next time I want it to be your mouth under me.

  Cam groaned and nosed Blairs T-shirt aside so she could kiss her bare middle. “Let me finish up a few more things, and Ill take care of that wish. I can shower later.


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